PAGE TW O THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published E very Thursday at S: in i f ■ '<1. La'ie County. m u * . bv THE WILLAV "TTE PRESS H K M \i.Y u d ite ; Entered «« TUH ftPRINORlCLD NEWS W. ' F l . 1 . 1 ------------------------------------------------------ KAUM HRS TAKE NOTICE. FREE SHOW ON STREET . > n ts a n d o t h e r s I n - HLRE SATURDAY AT teresonl In the problem of ro'idi’rtng the fartn- d I t * tr ib u ta r y buildings a safer place Th» ii rv im its weaker. This is the most used bridge in 1-ane band together in eavh neighborhood and handle it < o«>t><'ra county not excepting the new Harrisburg bridge. tiv«*iy— It is dangerous to have it stand longer, besides it To install rettin g tan k s and tnrvahlag and »«rutchlug is obsolete and not in the proper location. It is up to the Chambers of Commerce of plants and p«x>l th eir product an '■ work It» together. Springfield a id Eugene to say to the state high­ Thus they wi I have a finished product to je ll; finished way commission and the county court — “We to th e point of the ueeda of th e s p in n e r They will h a re a waiit this bridge now.” product for which th ere '.s a certain tnurkel value all over • CHAMBER ON FIRM FOUNDATION. The Springfield Cham ber of Commerce is now on the firm est foundation it has ever been. With a paid up membership of more than 75 the ofti- cers itan now turn their attention to working for some of the things Springfield needs. There are some capable me«' >n the liamber of conimer« e and if they gi.« iu new president support h;s d- m inistration should accomplish things for Spring- field. What we need most is a new bridge over the W illamette river, some factories located on the city's 250 a e n s of free industrial sites and a paved highway on the east sire of the river. le t's work for these m ajor enterprises and do a lot of •m ailer ones at the same time. With one song writer installed as m ayor of tlm city of New York and another installed as hus­ band of a jxassible heiress to the Mackay millions, we may lcok for a quick revival in Tin Pan Alley. “Yes We May not Get the B ananas” might be an appropriate title for a new Berlin effort. • London has founded the Institute of the Horse to preserve the equine species. W ashington has solved the problem in the production of the iron •teed which can only rust out. Now we are to have an investigation of the Aluminum trust. More headlines in sight. Why not b* gin a- investigation of our prof .-si nal in­ vestigators? Swearing is about all gome people know about golf. A/W iT D ’Af ^ ' o c M '• Com ing to E ugene Or. ......... ^ SPECIALIST in Internal Medicine for the p ast tw elve years DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at Osborn Hotel, Tuesday, January 24 Office H ours: ,0 »■ m. to 4 p m ONE : S l f " . ¡ ,* / . J y _____ - * ~ ' ' ' ‘A e. rfi*"taMd 676 n rp A P ',rMENT STORES -w :• 1" \\ I’.u n .'H ,- F Rur»« • ■ A I ■ " It It'S«« • ; t . U i.p , , i Cur Mission Is to Serve; ' I n at’s Why W e Are Here! T his to w n is our h o m e; w e live, eat a n d i sleep here. T h is sta te m e n t sounds a hit ridiculous hut w e m ake it to en lig h ten a n y b o d y w ho m ay he th in k in g to th e co n tra ry . W e sp en d n larg e sh a re o f o u r in­ com e here. W e do not spend it all for w e try to he th rifty an d p u t som e aside for a rain y day. DAY O N L Y No C harge for C onsultation. Dr M i'llinthln is u r* gulur gradual* the world They will in fact have two fiutshod products, the in tti'sllcln* an d mirg«*ry a n t Is b fiber and the seed. T here is al*o alw ays a m arket for the «•• n ed by the state of O regon II. seed, and a well protected m arket in thia country. does not o p erate for chronic uj»p«-n«ti The adv an tag of this w ay of handling th eir flax Is that citls. gall stome«, ulcers of stom ach ihe iarm ers will have w inter «auk for them selves and their tonsils or adenoids h elp , » o rk a t home, a t which by good neighborhood Ulan- He has to hl« credit wonderful r» as* m eat they will be a b e to pay them s Ives fair to very stilts In dlea*«M of the »totna«'h, ’Ivey good wages— bowels, blood, skin, nerves, h eart And th ere will be an o th er advantage. k'dn.-ys, bladder, bed w etting, c a ta rrk w.uik lung-, rheum atism , a lallra, I«» Th:s, in such a country as the I'nli«*«, S tates, will lean ulcers and rectal ailm ents to s; inning, an d they will have a well protected m arket for B?low a re the nivnea of a few o> th eir product, th eir "yarn.' when they get to that stage. T hey'Will be protected 25 to 35 [» r cen t ad valorem, while his many satisfied patien ts In Ore th eir fiber will have a protection of only a cent a pound; gon: '.heir flax st-ed 40 cents a bu-bel. J. L Chamber», Roaeberg, head A nother advantag«' to the farm er In doing hl* own r e t­ ache». ting and sc u tih ln g ts that he will have the bolls for sto«k John W odtll, W aterloo, bladder anr feed, especially dairy feed, and the rettin g w ater Is good p ro strate trouble. fertilizer. T h ere should be profits all the way up (he lln** In flax! Mrs E E Flolman, Richland, kl<, ney trouble. grow ing and m anu factu rin g , but (he b g sp reads will .om e! In spinning and weaving and fine finishing, and doing, W. 8. B ennett. Dreg n (Tty. ulcer o th ese things «with the sm allest p o is'b le overhead and with the itnm orh. the g reatest economy and efficiency. ft W M eyer, Shaniko, h eart tro» Th«- w riter doe» not believe th*- penltentl;:. y «an be mad' bi*'. elf supporting ,n merely rettin g and s< a . j.n g (lux Chan. H Hook, L Grand«*, gal Though th ere art those who d lifer w i him. »ton«'». But with going one step fu rth er, to t . spinnlmr of Mr». M. I. Ol»< i, Portland, appn» i yarn, to g eth er with carry in g on a num ber of o th er proper ! d ir itta I nes of manufa« tarin g th. re, thin ran surely he d .n — R*-meml»-r above dati*, that comiu, And the tim e Is coming when th ere w I be a m arket r - h ; -lore for more flax y arn than I- dr«'umed of at j.res­ tatlon of th:» trip will be free and tha it; a m arket made by rp e ila l'e m anufrtiirer« hi» treatm . nt I» d iffe re n t o are bound to come ... fust us they are certain of get- M arried women muni be accompa» A t Ir ra * m aterials, which are the y arn s of the spln- led by th e ir husband». ' rs,—Oregon S tatesm an. Salem Add res»: 211 B radbury B ldg, lx* A ngile«. C alifornia. z T ru e, w e send m uch m oney a w a y h u t in this respect w e a re no d ifferen t th a n o th er stores. E v ery sto re spends b y far th e larg est p a rt of th eir incom e o u t o f to w n for goods th ey offer for sale. It c o u ld n 't he o th erw ise unless e v ery th in g you w e ar an d use in y o u r h o m e w a s m ad e here.. Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College BnroH Today IU b A Good School A. E. Roberts, President 'JB2 Willamette St. Phon« Sill Eugene, Oregon J 7-14-2 by A. B. CHAPIN RED LETTER DAY O - ia t N ew Y e a r s E v e w r e n you h a d b e e m - t u n in g - IM'Foa DX AM D f is h in g ar o J nd foia S o m e t h in g G ood a n d y ® w had been S e t t in g m o s t l y a n A ir f u u . O f S t a t ic yjnen ------- S u d d e n ly Y ou h s a RD S ome acA D C A ST erv S ay •TW lS IS STATION W I P THU LieeRTV BELL R in g - im N in e t e e n y . *>■ P H IL A D E L P H IA , WILL NOW tw enty S i x — 0 ^ & y ^•L lire « I r ■'- ». nfftr». I • in NOW tQ .T llà b l'’- Tact is th at w hhti a g.;i ".scs to make a slow man think he is a fast worker. BUILD THE BRIDGE. • » b ru th«« b ill's • Ullhtl I. • i oí ib n t F ourth « i < tiiiln« »■» >t G. W. BLACK INJUDE D Editorial Prog^nm • Black wtt« ilrlvlni I stre e i unii Ih ' «ou, on \ s tr ie F i,« «' copte« will be mu ut« have he ut ni. ooniplrtt.dy re ­ re I • llui- l M * .• MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE O ne y e a r •“ Ad va n e Î 'i. Six Months loti» Morl«'» w ill ho told by Mr t . .:i. d l v The National it is calle«! "Sa '«*- »••<• Kind c i a o THURSDAY. .IAN. 21. ll»2fl. Y* X irffeNJ^I PY» ,'f*a »♦•ANO 0» » OtfMI H «fpOuf »^«»0^ H tR t AHL IHf mEAJOMS I What Does It Hold for YOU IO* ^R*|. .' i >00'' HlMOfJ. iVCfrj« < JN’ n aunnea W P / 2^5 * r I « I nû w 'T : i Mr «,r '6f(j »i Htn.i irv»N p » au , ’ ÍJ U*M . n¿ tflNülNiU. .lilt aifl By turning the leaves of u little book m arked SAVINGS you can tell what til«* future has in store i 4 for you. Happiness, comfort and prosperity all de­ PAM/tJ» ’ dW ; ¿to i pend on th«* figure« on its pages. at r ' ' story? Make It read, W hat Is their and they lived happily ever after," by Having rigularly. Start NOW! ^ M í - ' ' . x - TWO-QUART SIZE »2.50 Flanery’s Drug Store 3% Interest on Savings Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon /