° O n V a lu » ,S » rv ic » a n ti \ A d v » rtitin n R e ttt the Succ»** o f Uusin»»*. a f O. U b n r y X THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS twknty - tiuhd year Pi® SHE CHOSEN /ò c ie ty BÏ COMMITTEEMEN JPIUNGP1KLD. LANE COUNTY. OREGON, NOVEL STUNTS FEATURE LION S LADIES NIGHT Plot at Southeast End of City Industrial Tract Will Be De­ Novel stu n ts hy well-known Lions, I veloped: Playgrounds To Be o th er Interesting program featu res, i Facilitated By Swimming and first clar-s music, a good atten d an ce, I and a chicken d in n er combined to j Boating On Mill Racer Bryan’s W iJow Write» j THURSDAY, JAN. 21. 1926- ROBERT LEE SANKEY IS KILLED AT WENDLING «tru ck In the head by a log while working In logging operations at W endllng Friday, R obert L ee S an k 'y , 19, well-konwn In Springfield, sun- tain»si inurlea which resulted In ble death a t the Eugene hospital » atu rcay afternoon. Fuñera" services were held a t the W alker chapel In Springfield Monday afternoon. Rev E V. S tivers, pastor of the Eugene f h r ls tla n church had charge of the services. T he sudden death of the young man brought sorrow to his m any friend« In Springfield. He Is survived by his widow, his father. B G. Sankey of S pringfield; two brothers. Elm er and H a rris; th ree «latere, Mrs Maude fthlnevault. M argaret. Millie and "T h « A People's Paper* L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 3 NEW QUARTERS ARE LEASED BY CHAMBER Civic Organization to Moet In Bank Building; 70 Member« Obtained in Successful Drive; Directors Hold Busy Session; Meeting to be Held Friday. m ake the Lions ladles' nlglht, held 1 , Decision to lease now room for Choice of the five acre» at the Monday evening In the Woodmen of I cham ber of com m erce h ead q u arters e u u lliiw t end of th e re c e n t X acquired the World hall, an unqualified sue- | j In the Comm ercial S tate bank build- Hprlnsflold Induairlal tr a d for the de­ cess Seventy roaring Lions and th eir I ■ Ing, steps to p et the organization on velopm ent of a city park for use a* ladles enjoyed the event , a su b stan tia' financial and business H ere are some of (be highlights on early «» next »Witmer w»» m ad' la»t ( basis, and com pletion of the annual Hulurdny by the City lndu»trlal and th e Lions program : | m em bership drive with practically D ancing pantom im e by Hi» las Mur­ P ark com m ittee 100 per cen t of the business men en- T he park »lie te «haded by tree«, phy. ably supported by a phonegruph Laura. and lie* along the mill race, forming M outh org u n solo, M ayor 0 . O. rolled— these are the w eek’s chief d> Plan Revival Meeeting. E vangelistic m eetings will s ta rt a t J velopm ents in Springfield C ham ber of a natural path T he city 1« e x a c te d Ilushm an STRAY BULLET INJURES to proceed with clearing brush from l.lon tam ing stu n t hy Lions V » I the B aptist church h ere Jan u ary 31, Commerce affairs. * the »lie. and with a little other Im­ Bain a * : J C. McMurray. MILL WORKER AT LOWELL and continue for th ree weeks. Evange-- The arrangem ents for new quartern B ead in g hy Lion F It Hamlin provem ent It will he ready for use list Laughlin of P ortland will h a v e , for the cham ber to use exclusively,« C. L. Glaspey. 30. of Lowell narrow ­ barge of the meetings. as a picnic «round» and playground«. S tu n t hy Lion John K elt!«. J r were first discussed a t a m eeting of ly escaped death Monday morning i The m'll race w l| provide boatln« M usical n u m b ers by th e Lion« qtiur- the board of directors held T uesday when a stray bullet, fired by an A- LEGION TO REPEAT ITS and »wlinmln« facllltlee. made m or" lid, com posed of Lion«. W. C. Itehhan, evening. Y esterday m orning thn u|e -titled person, struck him on th" , a t t r a c t i v e b y a go od le-iu h along the 8 It lUpi'Cl, llary S tew art anil Dal­ hoard of tru stees m et w ith P eery and VAUDEVILLE MONTHLY W inzenrled. ow ners of thij build' ng top of his head, inflicting a painful I la s M urphy etr« am wound, but falling to e n te r th e skull, j T he lease hy which lh« city acq u ir­ II E Maxey, p r e a ld n t of the L ons to be occupied hy th e civic orgnl- Arnerlcan 7-egioo night a t the Beil (fa sp e y w as working a t the Hill ed the Industrial tr a il I r o v l ' e s th at club, acted as fo.istm a-t'-r and called zatlon, and completed the arran g e­ th eatre, offering highly en tertain in g brother- mill south of Lowell The , five acre« he devoted to park p ur­ on all mem ber« for shop* talk« m ents for a lease of one year. vaudeville stu n ts and a vivid w e s te rn , mill had shult down and the workmen j pose», ami t wn« lh«’ decision of th ■ Ml«« H attie Mitchell, m issionary to The ow ners of th e building have were seated, when the bullet, f red picture, proved a success and it Is agreed to m ake certain rep airs and com m ittee that th«- developm ent Africa, sang two »elections and ex­ ihe plan of the v eteran s’ organiza­ supposedly by a huntsm an In th " n e a r­ would he h. t Centered on n part hibited C trl is brought from the dark alterations which will m ake the by forest, struck Glaspey. H e was ren tion to give vaudeville program s once ! room s m ore attractiv e and conven­ which already hus th e natu ral adv.m continent a month from now on. T h e -N advornlk trio gave several Wn Jennings Bryan, widow of th • dereil unconscious. ient to r cham ber of com m erce use. tnScs of a park Musical selections were given by great "Coma-oner" perm its herself Fellow workmen rushed Glaspey to ; ln«pect T ract. Cham ber officlifs feel fortunate In mu«lcal «election» th e N advornlk trio. T he C h ai'esto n The com m lllee, accofnpwnled bv The chicken d inner was served by to In- photographed She la working Springfield, w here he was treated by I ■ obtaining th e ch arters, because of vaudettes presented a surprise fea­ S ecretary E n g ,n - Chadwick of th.- th e Indios' of th> C hristian church of on the diary of her late husband—a s­ a local physician It was found th«’ . th eir convenient cen tral location and siste d hy h er son, Wm. J e n n n g the b u ll't had p en etrated the «oft, ture. Including snappy songs and the possibilities of arran g in g publi­ K u c n e C ham ber of Cdhemerce P reai­ Springfield dances. The V audettes include S hir­ Bryan. • tissu e of his head, but had not en ter­ city and produce displays In them . d an t H erbert Cox of the Springfield ley H emenway, D orene L arim er, S4y- ed th e skull To this fact, the physi­ cham ber, ami W elby 8 ’- vens. mail" A cham ber of comm erce sign is to be N e w ly w e d s S u r p r is e d . bll Carney. H 'lda Ditto. Isaline K es­ cian said. Glaspey probably owes hl« j put a t the «talrs lead'ng to the room». an Inspection of th e en tire tract for More than JO m em bers of the local I SMITH INSTALLED HFAD te r and Fay Driscoll. Miss D riscoll It was the decision of the directors the first tim e S aturday Im lge of th e N eighbors o f Wcodcraf* | OF LOCAL ENCAMPMENT life. presented the C harleston, the coun­ G laspey Is not known to -have any , to Invite only the W om an's Civic club, Mr Stevens, who purchased th" w ent Io T h u rsto n yesterday wlo-re try 's f e w e s t dance, and was en th u ­ which work« as a sister organization, land fo» the railroad term inal sit« they held a surprise parly »or Mr and II. W. Sm ith was Installed chief enem ies, and it is believed th a t t h e ■ siastically applauded. fired unintentionally In the > to m eet in th e rooms. »• vi-ral years ago. pointe out th e co r­ Mrs E rnest Burch. recen tly m arried p atriarch at a m eeting of the Spring- bullet w L ast night the perform ance w