P age e T I It ' I t s I » A V , JA N THE ayW N U M M O ~ ' it 1 >. league at 5.W> Midweek servies Thuru SCHEPP FOUNDATION OPEN The J.»A. Ebbert Memorial MethodiM day at 7:3«. F L. Moor«. MlnbWer. THURSTON NOTES trud« Dilley. Mary May Lindley, tor- Church. UPPER WILLAMETTE ward I; Velma Williams. Cora Olsen, TO SPRINGFIELD YOUTHS Morning worship. 11 o'clock, the me. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Adrlau fnun Minister Oees E a st-R e v II H. The Christian Endeavor eoclety of guards An opportunity to enter the felloe*! "Christianising «mr l hrlatlaalty Springfield spent Sunday with Mr Haiuiner, pnstor of the Free Metho­ Subs on the girls team: Edith W > P h asan t Hill are planning to give a ship of the Leopold Schepp founda 1 Kveolng t-hemo. "A Treaeure O ft n dist church in erest Springfield, left and Mrs Charles Taylor play, "Daddy" sometime In February land, N'na Dilley, Vena Awbrey. lion la now o p e n to all Springfield Missed of Youth, er lawt lb Ago. by ttoutheru I'uolfle yesterday for Anda Calvert from Wendllng spent John Laird, who died at Spokane, The Union h'gh school basketball boy. of the ages of 13. 14 and 15. It Spechtl ««ek) •» * ’” > uervlcua At Newton. Kuunasi. Saturday nigh* at John Bdmtuton'a. January 3. was burled at the Pleas­ team will play the Elmira team Friday I twwu 9 A large number of relatives and latura Dodge. Ida May Woodward the Santa Clara team« and the Thurs­ thousands of deservltug boys sign and termedlatc league ng 3 P. M Epworth I. D. 1-a rimer friends attended the funeral. and Alvin were absent from pub la Besldee Ws widow, Mrs Sadie ton teams Both boys and girls w ill keep a p eslge to abetaln from gamb­ school Monday because of sickness ling and drinking, the founder. L e * Laird, there were present their four Play. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A Phelps en­ sons. Mr, Laird's brothers, Samuel ' Several from here stton*wl the pold Scvhepp, of New York City, hoe tertained at a New Year's Eve dinner Laird of Seattle, accompanied by his play, "All a Mistake," at elutburg ast offered 32iW at the expiration o f t h r » ' i December SI. Covers were laid for yeare to any boy of the prescribed j wife, and William la ird of Pullman. Saturday evening. eight. Those present were: Mr. an-1 The W altervllle dkrtrlot Sunday ages who w 1 sign and keep the pledge , Wash am, sisters. Mrs Dora Lewis Mrs C. F Hyde of Eugene, Mr and of Lewiston. Idaho; Mrs. Jessie Brls- school conference will be h a d at the Later in life, If the youth prospers, he ; Mrs E B Tinker M *s Evelyn Phelps. th«» Hittff of life for the big Uk» of Bellfouralin and Miss Addle church hthelr son. Areh Shough superintendent of his Sunday school, Building, Fifth Street. Schepp foundation has put Mr. M E county pioneer, was her father j The la d ie s' aid met last Thursday scoutmaster, or V M C A secretary. Harp in charge of the work at Pleas­ Floyd John, who has been a popular «-(th Mrs. John Price. Below Is the pledge which must be ant H il. Several boys are considering member of the younger «et at P lea s-1 Mrs. Beulah Harblt has received kept: sending tn their applications. ant Hill for the last two years, has wor«*» Shough. the Infant daugh­ ments and dally seek Ills favor. high school No. 1 defeated the Thurs­ ter of Mr. and Mrs Arch Shough. has Second— To be loyal to my country, ton girls by a score of 34 to 11 been ill for several days with a heavy to obey the taws of 'he land which I Leaves for Short Time— Vera Sen Those who played for Union high cold on her chest live In. or In which I may sojourn senev is visiting a few days at Junc­ 7th di O«k St».. Eugene Matinee. 3:30; Night 8:15 school No. 1 were: Third—To honor my parents and tion City Boys: Russel Woodward, rente-; all to whom honor Is due ROYAL NEIGHBORS HOLD Guy Mathews. Russel Harrison. De- Fourth—To be honest In alt my -Mrs. Harold PUBLIC INSTALLATION Here from W a lterv llle oss Davis, forwards: Willard Elliott dealings and endeavor to observe the Hartley of Waltervllle vus in town Harold Bedell.- guards. rule: "Whatsoever ye would that men Open installation ceremonies were yesterday. Girls: Minnie Olson, center; Ocr held by Pine Circle, Neighbors of should do «0 you. do ye even so to Woodcraft, at Woodman hall last them ' Fifth—To abstain from ali Intoxlca ntght. The following officers were t-cg drinks and harmful drugs installed by Mrs Lily Riser. Sixth»—T o avoid the practice of Guardian neighbor, Mrs Elsie Lam­ bert; pant guardian neighbor. Mra. gam. bling In any form. evil companions magician, Flora , Seventh—To shun Fred Hinson. iu m „ ,»i,. Mrs ------- . . . . , . Huntly attendant. Mrs Walter Lax- »ml avail m y -.lt of such moral and ton; banker. Mrs. Ida Stafford; clerk. religious Influence, as are within my Mrs Nina McPherson: outer sentinel, reach Mrs Mabie Pedlcord; captain of E lg h .h -T o cultivate t h e e manly gaurds. Mrs. Rhoda Lloyd; qualities which will fit me for good nurriB. »nrs. nuuu« «* , . flag o bear- ---- er. Mrs Wayne Richmond; m anagers.(citizenship and for an honorable life Eat Plenty of Good Wholesome Bread THE SPRINGFIELD BAKERY ARMORY janr zut THE WORLD’S GREATEST MUSICAL ORGANIZATION AMERICAN LEGION NIGHT BELL THEATRE Tuesday, January 19 VAUDEVILLE and MOVING PIC URES. 2 Shows THE NADVORNIK TRIO inj two musical;soiec