THE BPRINOFI’ILD NEWS THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1926. PAGE SEVEN ' -. ■ ■ N ever T hought of T hat. 1 J OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST Recomm endation that th» Oregon delegation In congress be urged to In­ troduce a bill providing for an appro­ priation of »4,000/100 for construction of a new federal building In Portland waa adopted by the board of directors Brief Resume of Hapoenings of of the P ortland C ham ber of Commerce. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE the Week Collected for STATE OF OREGON FOR DANE J. J. Aldred, eastern rep resentative CUV NT*Y. s, of Salem 's proposed new »840.000 linen Our Readers. B lantne M. H urley, Plaintiff, vs. mill, has advised directors of the con- x _____ ccrn ((jat jle ja jn j ew y nrk preparing John D. Ilrowu, R. D. Brown, F ranc'« Brown, W illiam Brown, B arilla Jack F ire losses In Dallas for 1925 were a contract, for the purchase of the re­ 'R e tili« o f AbrahUUt Miller, Deceased. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. »on, Mary M. llucknell, Maud Whit FOR HADE. small, not a single building being de- quired spinning m achinery. The ma» NOTICK TO CREDITORI» | K outloasi co rn er K find W aler lock, Mrs. ( i A. Berkley. Mrs. C. J. DATE J924 C hevrolet touring car 'Notice Is l i e n by given Ihiit Aman- . ... , chinery will cost approxim ately »100r Bennett, R. C. Beale, H erb ert D. Van stroyed. dll U. MIM< r h a s h e. n hy 11.« C ounty! for solo cheap, make F irst class condition th ro u g h o u t. Duyn, Belle S tafford, Rachael Coch- E stablishm ent of a rock pile for the 000- your wn term s. Call Mr Earley a 1 C ourt of the Kiille of Oregon. In and very reasonable price Phono S27, ran, and the unknow n heirs of John employm ent of county prisoners w a s' Renat« investigation of the m anner for I,alie County, appo tiled Admin* 695, or no 21 hth Weal, ll F. Childs, deceased, Defendants. null f«r Mr Moor advocated at Salem by B razier Small, In which affairs of the K lam ath lrtd- InlstrairlM of the estate of Ahruhani Rug. ne SUMMONS ' Miller, ill «UM «, gallon district have been handled hy To Mary M. Bucknell. Mr». C. A.; justice of the peace. D 11 J 7-I4-.1 All p< r una having ein h r s against A ppropriations aggregating »312.500 the H alted S tates reclam ation service NOTICE 4>F SALE G F SPRIN GFIELD B erk ey , R. C. Beale. R achael Coch _________ .... _____ . salii e state • a t« hereby n n tlrlo l to P> iR HADE < iiroon paper In large IMPROVEMENT BONDS. T?n' ? " d tb<' u n *‘n" * n h e l,s of John i for , be phem aw a Indian school have *» asked hy the directors of the Klam- pr. »« o' UM e «alie*, duty staled atol shgels, 36x3» Inohes, suitable foi 1 F. Childs, deceased, d -f-u d a n ts. . |nciu,i,.d in the Interior deM rt- “ th Irrigation district In a letter mail- aerified at 111. law o f f r e o f A. K NOTILE IS IIRREUV GIVEN, th a t IN THE NAME OF T H E STATE b' B rl In the Interlpr d ep art ___,............... m aking tracings The New» Office I 1 ed to Oregon represen tativ es in con­ W heeler 111 Kur* ii<*. Oregon, wllhln In accordance with th e provision of OF OREGON: You and each of you 1 fr.ent appropriation hill. six mouth» from this H th day of gress. Safest Bst. O rdinance No. 493 of th« Town of are hereby required to appear and an- Oregon and Idaho would be author- Jan u ary , Ibgit I wan' a very good dinned tonight, ! Springfield, l.ane County, Oregon, th e gwer the com plaint filed again*» you Ized to build a bridge across tbe Snake j Mrs Em m a B ryant, county school AMANDA E. MILLER. a tle r ty h at would you suggest?” ! i'. V IKcofdi-r will r««etve Booled („ the above e o ttle d su it on o r b- riv er at B allard's landing site under superintendent of W ashington county, you sugg* A dm inistratrix l liltli» t »14? UFC?I)ftR4} OI 1 3 ,4 a 1 .00 4 j I I hi4 ifzifs« f»F flic I mmt ? ftnv i i f fiiith» l was elected president of the Oregon A K WHEELER. "A nother rcstu ran t, sir." ; im provem ent Bonds *a ld h a n d 8 b‘' llcatlon of this sum m ons, to^wlt. j “ b,U paaaed by the l“’na,e A ttorney I', denom nations of »100.4)0 each ex- o „ or bef(|n, tho U lh d , J a n . | R. L. Stephens, 71, a native of Dcug- County School S uperintendents' asso ­ J 14-31-38 F f i l N E £ * £ » , 5 1S H y 5M5 N'r r,,p l Wbkh "h“ ' be for uary, 192«, and If you fail to a p p m r las county, ex sheriff and for many ciation. m eeting in Salem. O ther of­ E .. nlate of A n u t lltenenw , ay. Ih-ei a s .d I 4 , ' , s HEREBY GIVEN, T h at < 81 Dollars Held bonds to hear Inter- amt plead to said com plaint w ithin years one of Roseburg’s leading shoe ficers elected included Mrs. Jennie N O T R E Gl- I-INAL S E T T D K M K N I'i" lx-pley. udiutnU lrntor of th«« eat a t th e ra te of Six (li per cent) per tim e ' ' ' - • ' Cope of C urry county and Mrs. E dna " 2 " ? — — *-------------------*1----- ’’T 8’!*1 annl,n1' to ---•----- r e d e ip - ¿ m \ p p i y ’ “„ " 'th e ^ C o J r r f o r ''h e m ercbanU d l t ’1 a t Ro“ ’» " « Notice s hereby given th at Melln h as rondi ...... — --------- — Geer of Linn county. of tbe. pur m a,ter of r< cord and <*• t,t,e of M 1 ten o'clock In Hie forenoon, of S at­ County Court Room In the County | „ , B, , h price as a guarani«« of good Proi'e r t’r d'■’ r r ,b e '1 “ Lo’» On’> ftn'1 reM" ty of Oregon at EugeDe to BU,C Portland, offered by the V niveralty of urday, tho 13th day of F ebruary, Court Hon»« In th e City of Eugene, chase on th. part < f the b .Ider No ^ ’U(ru ( of B1<* * of, M ulligan« , ceed tbe late P. L. Campbell probably OregoQ m edica, 8choi), as a posgible Oregon, bus been fixed and appoint-1 font) On 11*2*,, at th e Court room thereof, have id a» the day. tlnu- and p lan « for the b ,,, w|„ Dp considered ror teas m an > ...........- ............ —- W est to Eugene, « — ■■ j wl!| 111 be for less than <’<>Mlon on the announced within the next few g)te {or t(je ngw veterung. hospitai. been by the aald County Court fixed hearing of objections to said final p „r Bnrt accrued Interest Date of 1 an'- County. Oregon, except t h e ' eehB and uppotuted as the tim e and place account and the setllem nt Ihereof c-e._jn»c of bills Jan u ary 22. 1928. Date South «0 feet nt said L ot Four b e ! ' I D ecem ber's lum ber exports from the fur hearing objections to said re ­ All objectloi » to said flnaf :.<-imint ' i .„ i i a r v 2 5 th 192« m ai1' l>, rfpct and c o m p e te as against Ground breaking for the paper mill W Illam ette and Columbia riv er dls- port and for the final s e i l - u e n t of Cl'crk of « i r S ^ n i w ’b U r o sLli’ « SMITH. R ecorder th ', *«'"! * ' d ¿ ob" B row n' ' hat ° f tbe St Helfena P u‘P * Ba^ t r lct to A ustralia reached 18.782.187 the estate of said dneenoed. * rK »n.I of msh t-v " * “ ’ F. C h.ld. from I* 18M’ ( bilriR iini! Nfar* : b nanv ->•» tim I e * ourl . on . or . tii’Tor** . k e ^ G h 19^” » ■» a.«» » •» D “ John JuTy 2. ^ ^ X wah t o i y p r o g r a ^ ttt a n ^L d t . Uf*lpn4 X C° m pared ’ *th 6 #16>° 71 fe6t f° r MELINDA E IIE.MENWAY. W. J. LEPDEY, [tat -f LaM , ^ bll(,atl0|li j a n ,lary Volume B page 447 of Deed R ecords * n of buBln(.9g ‘be 8ame mo“ th aC^ dinf (. t" Executrix. A dm lnlstralor of Said E ita te A E W IIEELER. U jq of Ijin e co u n ty , Oregon, be corrected figures compiled. The to tal for 1925 lis t. D 24 31 J 7-14-21 A ttorney, D '4 31 J 7-14-21 1,0 38 ,f) m ake th e description In sal For the second tim e In less than a wa» 95.510,049 feet, and In 1924 the J 14 21 28 F «11 ' ~ deed read l.ot No. Ono In Block No ; month petitions for the recall of Mayor business am ounted to 80,983,735 feet. NOTICE < F FINAL HEAftlS’fl“ “ Estât*- of R obert II Kelsay. de, ease.l I u,«- . ». ruL- T hree ,n M ulligan's Addition on th • .p ox an,i Councilmen Silvis, Schilling, A deed was filed In the office of the IN T H E l IltD l 11 t Ol RT 0 9 THE \v«at to the Town of Eugene City. In Node«* Is hec-by given th at the un- NOTICE OF F IN ID S E T T I.EMENT Carlson. Well. Xuiswonger and H enkle ___________ _ i«. c-«__ Notice Is hereby given thal William STATE OF G.cEGGN FOR DANK Ijin e County. O regon." dcrslgiii.l, M. D Blasell, A dm lnlstra I clrculati()„ Rend Clackam as county recorder by C harles And th at th e title of plaintiff aa I ’ ® clrcula,l(,n at Beo<’ G. F isher and wife to the F irst Wia- to r ba fluid h it flnul report and ac­ F Kel.-uy, A d m inistrator of the os COl NTY. Zoin Bowers, Plaintiff, vs Will am agalnst all of "the defendants and as i The public service comm ission dis- consin T ru st company for a large tra c t count In the e s ta ’n of la-fth E Bissell tine of R obert B K.-ls«y, deceased di'Ceusi d, and tho County Court of Bled In th e County Court of th e 'W o o d a rd Bower*. D efen d an t to each th ereo f be forever quieted I n ' m issed the application of the Bear of land located In Marion and Clacka- SUMMON». Initie County, Oregon, haa i-t H a'ur I Slot« of Oregon, in and (or Iain day. JanunV i' 3011.7 192«"at >o'o'clock ' <',,u n ,’f« bla Bhnl report ns auch ad- To W illiam W oodard llowera, the tbe p l.i'r'tff ind as to each and a ll ' Creek Boom company for a franchise mag counties, much of which is cover- " r Ba '.d a K ulu,1'1 , bnr ? n » 'on the waterB of Bear creek ‘,D*1 ,ta ed with valuable tim ber holdings. Ac- A M at the County Court room In m ln lelm to r, nml 'h at ten ochx-k In above named defendant. Court House. Eugene. C r-gen. for fin " i r forenoon of Hulurday. the l«lh IN THE NAME OF T H E STATE » rioi: i s d e r c i h .1 In fee simple an d : t r |l'm arles in Coos county. eordlng to the stam ps th at appear on nl hearing (hereon «nd all oop objections of - Jan 19-8, a t the ( ourt u OF O u a re her, by re ­ fur meh o th er relief as to the t-ourt , Twenty eight persons m et violent the deed th e land is valued at *>UU,- n i an cium» day ............ ...... u . ary , ........ f i i a R r EO A i O o e t.: : to «ou to said report and u* «-count should be ro«-e-et.-K* c n - i l - cs .m i A ttorney W HITTEN SWAFFORD. Eugene, Oregon. D 81. J 28 ¡B U S IN E S S HOUSE PAINTING Kalsotnlnlng Io all Its Branches. City or Country Work. Lowsst Prices. Every Job G uaranteed. Give me a trial. ROY KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. Phono 125 J BUY FURNITURE HERE Rockers, Beds. M attresses, Stoves, Tube, Stove Boards, Clothes Basket*. Wm. OONALDRQv NEW AND SECOND HAND STORF Contracting nnd Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springflield, Oyegon Plana and E stim ates Furnished Free. Will Help You Finance Your Building. DR. N. W. EMERY DENTIST 8utton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 163 M Springfield, Oregon “The Loop II Your Home When In Springfield D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield. Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City Hall Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DE PUE ATTORNEY AT LAW Button Buldllng NOTARY PUBLIC 8prlagfleld OregtWt. B n tte r w rappors printed according to regulations with tiamio, weight and address, »1 2B a hundred a t the News Office. WILLIAM F K E I.S A t, ' SUTTON TRANSFER SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. F o il S A L E - Carbon paper In h u g - «heels, 26x39 InA es, suitable for See our line of visiting ciirds, Plaintiff, nnd my postofflco nddres* Angeles, California. Is Eugene, Oiggon. m aking tracings. Tho Nows Office, paneled, or plain, a t th e News office J 714-21 28 F 4-11,18 J 7-14-t Predom inated, ten persons ending th eir lives. Mord than 50 colonies of bees in the apiary of a t , The Dalles , . John Pashek . , , ‘hat spring was here and be- came active. Some of the bees swarm- ed, which la unprecedented for Jan- uary. A pplicants desiring to renew th e ir real estate dealers' licenses for 1926 who do not rem it tbe annual fee by January 10, will be penalized. Will Moore, sta te real estate com m issioner has stated. During last year 20.635.58« feet of tim ber was cut in the Cascade na- tional forest, valued at »34.898.49, ac- cording to a report issued at the of. flee in Eugene of Nelson F. Macduff, supervisor. One hundred and three mills report- inc to the W est Coast L um berm en's assoriatiqn for tbe week encing 'Jan- uary 2. m anufactured 45.124.659 feet of lum ber sold 70.678.270 feet and shipped 69,014,991 feet. P atrpns of the Kilpatrick-Collins W ater company, which operates in Multnomah county filed a protest with the public service commission in con­ nection with th e proposal of the com­ pany to increase its rates. The state board of control has ac­ cepted the new girls' dorm itory re­ cently completed at the state home for the feeble minded a t Salm at a cost of »50.000. The stru ctu re has ac- .commodations for approxim ately 50 pa- tients. Samuel B. Jackson, under a rre st In Michigan, will be returned to Astoria, w here he Is w anted on a charge of larceny by em bezzlem ent. It w as al­ leged th at Jackson obtained approxi­ m ately »2500 belonging to George B. Carey of Clatsop county. state penitentiary will be doubled thia year, according to conclusions reach- ed a t a conference of per'sons inter­ ested . o in the , success of the Industry at balem . It was d eed ed to continue artificial drying experim ents, add a night crew to reclean seed and operate state hullers during the present year. APPr° xiniate!y 2500 acres of flax will be contracted for in 1928. Less than S5.000 out of an anticlpat- ed 240.000 m otor vehicles In Oregon bad been licensed for 1925 last week, Approxim ately 3000 licenses are now '»»ued daily, and If this rate is oiaintainod, virtually all of the appli- cations now in the hands of the secre- :ary of sta te will have been disposed **7 F ebruary 1. As soon’ as the congestion in the m otor vehicle de- Partm ent '* re!ie" d the P0» « °l th S,ate WlU be notified S tate ow nership and operation of txtUlt«« s is proponed by an am endm ent 10 the constitution sponsored hy the Housewives’ Council, Inc. Printed C° pie8 ° f ,he mpa8U™ arp D<” iist-lb u ted . it is plannea to have th e state go into the w ater and power busi­ ness on a large scale, for the propos­ ed am endm ent, if adopted by the peo­ ple, authorises issuing bonds up to 5 per cent of the assessed value of the state, a m atter, roughly, of »50,000,- 900. The population of the several state institutions increased from 4483 on JaDUar>' ». » 2 6 to 4639 on Jan u ary 1, 1926, according to a report prepar- ed for consideration of the state board of control. The population of the sev­ eral Institutions, as set out In the re­ port, follows: S tate hospital, 1851; penitentiary, 470; feeble minded home. 788; boys' training school, 1S9; tu- burculosis hospital. 153; blind school. 44; deaf school, 119; girls’ school. T here were two fatalities In Oregon » j; eastern Oregon hospital, 778; due to Industrial accidents In the week soldiers’ home, 116; blind school. P o rt­ ending January 7, according to the |and- s t state Industrial accident comm ission . D e c re e suits filed In the circuit I he victims w ere Tom Jerxyk, Rain- courts in the state of Oregon during ler, settler, and Toney Strom baugh, the years 1917 to 1924, Inclusive, were Portland, tram car operator. twice as num erous as crim inal actions More than 160 m iles of federal aJd filed during the sam e period, accord- roads were com pleted in Oregon dur Ing to a report prepared by a commlt- j Ing the fiscal year Just closed, with tee headed by A lbert Ridgway, secre- 102 more miles under construction and tary of the Oregon Judicial council. 39 approved for construction, accord­ The report shows th at during the ing to the annual report of the chief eight-year period there were a total of the bureau of public roads. of 94,069 case» filed in the circuit P lans have been launched hy the courts. Of these 34.537 were clAssl- social com m ittee of the Pendleton | riBd as law actions, 20,911 equity cases. Comm ercial association for the e n te r i 27.238 divorce suits and 11,383 crim- tainuient of she^p men of the sta te ina* actions. G overnor Pierce signed an order when the 29th annual convention of the Oregon Wool G row ers’ association authorizing a special election February is held in Pendleton Jan u ary 22 and ' 1B f°'- t»1« creation of w hat would be known as the Siskiyou Im provement 23. P ortland’s death rate for 1925 show­ district in southern Oregon. The dis­ ed a very slight Increase over th at of trict would Include the w estern half of 1924, it Is shown by provisional fig­ Jackson county and the eastern part ures Issued by the bureau of census of Josephine county. The purpose of from a compilation of weekly health the d istrict is to construct a road up reports. The total for Portland show­ W illiam s creek to the Oregon caves. ed 3,349 deaths in 1925 as com pared Such a road would cost approxim ately with 3240 in 1924, while the death »150,000 and would provide an en ­ rate increased from 11.7 to 11.9 a trance to the caves from tho Medford side. Tho election wap authorised thousand in th e sam e period. under ap act of the 1921 legislature.