TH U R SD A Y. JAN. 14. 192« T U « NPiUNUFtH .D NEUS PAGE 6iX request to tor. Home Hour Co.. bring it to TOWN AND VICINITY In from V id o -L W L ily of Vida «F At Partían«*—A. J. Davis spent the w a, in town Tue»day. , Ho« * week-end at Portland. Co. In fro m T r e n t— J 1’ . G resh am of » * » “ <*«'»»• W **«"« l,“r'‘,‘u' 3p* ry n ° “r Mrs. Belle lletlraf. Direc­ Service Bureau. Sperry Sau Praoclaco, Calif., will you. ed a meeting of lb» graduata nurarg « f E ug ene, held at ih» home uf Miss .Mrs Wayue Yarn« II, Mr» W C Myra Calef In tba county »cat last Kelihän and Misa Clara Wyae ailnml Thursday night. At Bufane Meeting. VACATION OF STREETS IS ASKED IN PETITION ■ Generous savings distinguish the McMorran & Washburne greater Harley Caln Here— Harley Caln of Trent was a Spriugfiel visitor Tues- With a h o led icing more or leas Oakr dse was a visitor h ire Monday. Vaiati« n of portions of T hltd stre e t day. difficulty is experienced In having a Fulop at Portland— N J Fulop. Io Pr«du. t which t. not grainy and 0 street outside the « ’;>• limits In from deeper— Mrs Tom Syk « is asked In a pet t on which has been of Jaap* r was a SpHngfh’ld vU’tor cal b « ln e a . man. made a w eekend «»*» F « ».• *'* « > - <* -rip to Portland ¡ccn sta fn cy filed (u the county co H earlrg on Friday. 1 The six minute Ic. ng Is easily made the m atter has been set for F« bru H e re fro m W e s tfir -D. K Mitchell, »nd is a nwuparatlvely safe metho I «rv T. « hen Ute g o u rt »*111 ~ a k e a F ro m W a lte r v .lle — Joe Devor and W alter P latt of W. !te:ville were in of W estfir, shopped In Sprlngflcl-I to «too. All ingredients are steamed | ,|eclelon together for six minutes In the •<- M o nd ay. town on business Friday. T h e p t 'lt b n rsk a t "h r,I -ireet« of a double-boiler, aud beaten w'th he vacated north of the north Bn « T h u rs to n M ao H e re -C. F. Grant. Mohawk Man Here—Among busi­ an egg beater all the time. The re­ of F street, and that nil of 0 street ness visitors here F riday was R L*. Thurston resident, was In town Tues­ sults are controlled ami ih ’-r be vacated west of the east line of day. H ill of Mohawk. nates the danger of having a failure. Third street to th«« S .w thern Pacific C am p C re ek R esiden t H e re — Wil­ It may be used as. both au icing aud vat road Induatrial developm ent nt Here from Walterville— Miss. Belle liam Stevens of Camp Creek pa d filling. 9 that neighborhood 1» sahl Io be {he Millikan of Walterville was in town Springfield a buain •«» visit Tuesday. Total time for preprailon and r ason for th« desirability of vacat­ Saturday. preparation and spreading of the ing the stre e ts A portion of F street Visit Here— Mrs. Charles Taylor icing would be about fiftteu m nutea Instile the city limit« 1« also a*ko«1 In from Walterville— Mr and Mrs. and her mother. Mrs Sam Morgan, M «it«r Recipa. lo he vacateli In a pettt'o n to the city Trotter of W alterville were Spring- both of Thurston, were visitors in the 1 cup sugar. cosmcll by R II Pgraona. who own field visitors Saturday. city Tuesday. 3 tablespoons cold water. the adjoining property R e tu rn s to O ak rid g e— C E. Archer 1 egg. white Motors to Albany— Mr and Mrs. C. Flavoring. E. Swarts and daughter motoreJ to has returned tn Oakriifge after a short NICKELS TO SE HANDY Cut sugar, water aud unbeaten egg time spent hera. Albany for a visit Sunday. white into a double boiler Place over AT SOCIAL AT SCHOOL W a lte r» llle — M rs E F In fro m In fro m B iac h ly— M rs . R A. Rheln- boiling water and beat with egg beat­ tn hefmer of Biachly was a visitor in Ream of W altervll e shopped Nickels, Jitneys and 6-cent pieces er for s'X minutes. Regfiove from fire • Springfield early In the week. Springfield Monday. , and beat until thick enough to wil ba much In evidence at the Par­ ent-Teachers association's ‘Jitney so­ H e re fro m T h u rs to n — Frank Camp spread; add flavoring Here on B usinen S. R Scott was cial" to be held at the Lincoln school bell of Thurston transacted business C o coan ut F illin g , a shopper here Monday from the Blue in Springfield Tuesday. I Master recipe plus I cup sll.veddcd Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock The River district. j cocoanut and 1-3 cup finely choppej committee in charge promisee those Her» from Deerhorn— Mrs come with a p( jj following mix- “Won't you let roe teach you how carload of feed to Coquille last Sat­ for some time. . ' tore: Roll four macaroons until fine, to play cants, dear? I want you to urday. Meets Entertain— Dr and Mrs. S. add 1-3 cup finely chopped pecans or know all about them when wo arc Breaks Arm— Harold Foes- five-year- Ralph Dtppel and Mrs Dlppel s moth- walnuts. 4 or 5 candled oherrlea. and married." "How lovely. What game are you -«” ».•»*. Mr»- DeGraf *'!l b ««•<, Monday. Actual expenditures for additions top«« tend ÏIU her fr « liockl« I 'SO Jood ?perd Day Here— Mr and Mrs. Rus­ ' fen-rating g .unis, transmls»‘on and Delights from 8 Master Recipes A sel Meyers of Pleasant Hili spent j distribution systems" ln the country S u n d a y in Springfield, visiting ; during 1925 were 1832,350,000, as frit nds. ; against an estimated budget of 1579,- SEUP- L IG H T IN G Of «ORLESS Return from Bandon— Mrs. S Ralph S20.000 announced at the opening of Dipp« ' returned. Sunday from Bandon ; the year. ECONOMICAL IN'YTANT where she had «pent two weeks fol- to t » Na. i l The big increase In electric power low ng the death of her father. ¡production is attributed chiefly to the Visits 31gte:"—John Hostettler, of j speeding up of various Industries, j while demands for improved street G-ants Pass, Is in Springfield this week v,siting hia sister. Mrs N. A lighting and more electric appliances Rowe, While here Mr. Hostettler is in the home helped to Increase the S ^ -lJ g tU tn g lockli g aft.-r Ins business interests volume of production. U ndergoes O p era tio n — M rs. $1.26 Alarm Clock« $1.00 Hags Rugs $1 00 \\ir e Dish Drainer» $6.50 Elettri«! Irons (gun ran fowl, New yard wide Comfort Cimili» Yard wide Silkollnos New Bungalow Cretonne», yil Yartl wide Black 8at«*en East color Broadcloth Playtime rom per cloth Yard wide Ironclad Suiting» $2.25 Fep» Jnnllnierv» 59c Knitted Mop Cloth» —O n »ale In the basement »tor«« 1 teaspoon v a n illa to the hot ed or I Thurston People Here— Mr. and Visit In City— Mr. and Mrs J M Jugt spreading h e Mrs. Charles Taylor and Charles Has­ Blakely, and Mr«. Muall of W endlicg tween tings. of Thurston, were In town Sat­ were among Springfield'» visitors Waldorf Filling. urday on business. Tuesday. Mr«. Muall went on to Eu< . . . . . . . . . , ' 'g e n e , w h e re she visited her husbanl. Add 3 U b le.p o o n . of chopped w .l- Inspector Here—W T. Wendt, in­ nuts and 1-4 cup of currant jelly to spector for the Utah, Copner comranr. i who I« ill In the Eugene hospital the cooked icing; flavor with vajillla was at the Booth-Kelly mlQ Saturday. Snook» at Grssham— Bert Snooks Tuttl-Frulttl Icing or Filling. 3-4 cup sugar. Return» to Bandon— Vernon Harder has gone to Gresham where he will 3 tablespoons cold water. has returned to his work at Bandon take charge of a construction job 1 egg. white. i after v sltisg his parents here for handled by Lindsay and Hargraves, i contractors. He will be at Gresham 1-3 cup seedless raisins. two weeks. 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. : for some time. Mcves to Marshfield— A. M Stiffler 1 tablespoon chopped cherries. P urchases R oom ing House— M rs. and family have moved to M arshf/ld 1 tablespoon shredded citron or Eliza Snooks has purchased a room­ after spending several months in this ing house located on Ninth street, orange pee city. w in 1 teaspoon each of vanilla and or- near the park in Eugene. Mrs. Snooks ‘ took charge of the house (mediately ange flavoring Emp'oyed at Shop—Miss Lieila after the deal was consumated Mon-! <"*gar. water, and unbeaten egg Griffith has been employed at the . white in a double boiler, place over Eggimann candy »hop. boiling water and beat with an egg beater for fi minutes Remove from . Jasper Woman Here—Mr». M. L. HEAVY OUTLAYS MADE BY the fire and beat until thick enough Sebring of Jasper, was a visitor in T H E U T IL IT IE S IN 1925 to spread, add flavoring and fruit. 1 S p rin g fie ld M onday. « ---------------------- Spread between layers as a filling or , In from Thurston— Mr and Mrs. A. The year Just closing was a big on top of a loaf cake for an Icing. Weaver spent part of Monday in th e year for the light and power com­ Chocolate Icing. city, ooking after business matters. panies of the country, according to Maoter recipe plus two squsres utt»| estimates Just prepared. These fig­ In fro m D onna— M rs. S. A. Stevens sweetened chocolate. A l t me I ures showed that ln order to take c'a » o .tle to other Ing.-til •.*■’ .« in .!'■«-1 of Donna was in town part of Mon­ cure of the growth of business during d a/. b.e boilar and proceed a«> for Master I the past 12 months, the light anc Undergoes Operation—Mrs. Ollie power companies were compelled to recipe. in the upper Willamette valley. JANUARY SALES Successful M en A sk Questions, then- GAS HEATERS Give the Extra H eat You Need Protect ycxir home agamat dam pragi and cold by installing the Weisbach heaffiig service. H ave always at your command a Mg volume at inatantaneosia, cfieery, economkal warm th, without bother, dirt or delay. The mere asking of question» doe» not Insure »ucce»». We m ust learn, then ACT. Don't m istake uh . Pools and knave» can often make reasonable replies. However, the man who InveHtigate» thoroughly before mnklng a hiiHlne»» move a»k» neither of these. Instead«, he goes to the Insti­ tution or person qualified through experience to know— and therein I» the secret of hi» »ucce»». ( Theae heaters, e> .«nipped w ith »elf-lighters that do away w ith matches and pilot, are quiddy and easily lit; they burn without odor, giving the largewt [xawihle volume of heat from the gaa consumed. No m atter w hat your business Is; m erchant, fanner, trad esm an ,. home owner, citizen we invite you to take advantage of our banking experience. "77x? M o s t H ea t f o r the L e a s t M o n e y ” There la a complete line of heater» for both portable and fir«-place use. Came in tn*«y «»Z ■ee our line of Weisbach Heaters. / • There should he the utm ost confidence between th)» bank and you. You should feel a t liberty to a»k questions con­ cerning your hiiHineSH, stocks, bond» and loans. We w ant you to consider us a» an adviser on anything th at directly or Indirectly involves money. •« .. Mountain States Power Co {| Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon