J ' poti a r f t i N n p u ' M ) ' < ™ s THVKBOAY, JAN. H . 1920. ----'T K ■»» ? PAGE FIVB ' iff.« ao.oa who ta il* I i pare lltyi b<>< My liv • Certain. It »axlM le WS -an d e If Ult l , rul.iukw» w th her unti, »be could find U the realization of having pleased, »he la It. ever a r A V« ry WhllflNll'Ul l-«H In lb«* »uitu de pince. after all." son» or people, or Her po nt of view Is such th at sh' ionie person or perno fa ir tttuj i « « - i . f r a s c a ► li««'loariuic "I Ulve to '.i of room ." iho added . day and age, the iunriiole. Ku« de 1.111»," 1 gtivo the red frequently. Intel,vi-fually sh. the world. In this di In pu ( briIl mie unti III-X . *b« POH4 N ' «Irlvt er Up. uddreM. amt a fte r a long In an ¡ w. r to my protest, exldev . a radical. Politically »he U progre. best Intelligence Is being directed to- >*•/♦ 4 Vilirirly yf Im ite. wbh b ! m ml circuitous route, we nrrtv Sh« ln»X»ted alf over again and th e r- Hussion l tira tu re . She |a cruelly tact­ variety a ’ l In Itself in orderly aquar«» be m aking a call, unannounced " w ar nothing to do -but say how we ic»», because, »ho says, she b ates hy­ — lookliiat fur all the world, like little "Rltfht-o," he replied c h e rftilly , uppr.-elati d her kinin««» and th at I'd pocrisy. and tn her opinion tact la a handkerchief«, laid out In the «un "anil I wa» happy in the knowledge call O urtlss front th e car. com prom ise betw een the blunt tru th to dry "Yes. do.” »h« exclaim ed, “aad and a graceful He th at little untow ard M p er'en cea did­ Each villane we pu»«>-t wan etrlk n't seem to Irritate him In th e least wi II b a re a b 'te of brenkfaM I kwow And she* Is friendless, because no­ tnglY plrluri-aiiu*. The anialleat s t a - |o r d istu rb tils poise. you're most starved after d in n er last body can stand her sharp, biting tost-1 thin yitnl hounllng a profusion of I rung Um huge bronxe bell on Ihs j n,tt*>t on a French train I'll swwd dahlia», giant t-llmblng nasturtium » cen ter of rile door It « iu answ ered E tienne for the bag». Come rig h t back gne. T hey are atrlad of her, and her and hollyhock», flam boyant agalli»! by a verbose French hou sek eep er who w th your husband am, I'll hava the superior x 'fs. so they stay away. She m akes acquaintances, bewanse th ere Is | walfw of antiquo atone talk « ! with such Increasing ra p id i,v ¡ * " f f '* piping ho,.' Then Pari» at lam Though It win th at I had to as h er to repeut It all I carried th e p icture she had made som ething rath e r Ikeable about her yet early the b u n of a g reat m etro ­ over again on my m ind's eye as J retu rn ed to th e despite h er beligerence But inevlta- ly r % z ïït e not to one's •» If alone—b u t to all about him In o rder »0 be of Mr- u s m ust alw ays ca re w hat o th ers t-h i.Ct so L.uch of one s p**rsonal do g». ttitu d e ow aid 1 the keynote t flat- k. . note of ba ■ s ok, ha —■K’W in g r tiu® Cow f i s s i o n i ©f a w ilte -» and se< jap.dn I lluatraled by T*a,..l Rubi i won poli» perm eated the a ir A ccording to t'o n t'tien tal cn»l<>,n. tlie luggage wav hamleil through the window to ■the blue bloused porter» below and off w. started through th e hustling a n i famou» Oure <|e Nord ''H ave you mail« re s.rv n tlo n r, d e a re s t? '' I naked fu rti» » when the chauffeur aekial In F rench w here w« should like to go "No. I d id n 't think It was nw e»4arjt th is tim e of the )i«tr »0 w. 'll go t.> the tiram i It's central you know T ill him. will you d e a r '' I gave the direction In my none too perfect French but the taxi s t a r t­ ed and n f t.r an Inter»«, Ing drive through street» with fam iliar name», we arrived In front of an Imposing hullding which wa» the (¡mud ■'I'll be right back." C urtis- flung ov»r hl» should r at me as he disap. penred through the door of the hotel Hut It wn» more than fifteen minute* b»forn he returned. ‘■Nothing doing th ere," he declear- «1 shaking h is head. "And w het a w orse luck th ere's n o t a reran In a decent hotel In P aris to be had Its my fault for not wiring ahead but I figured hy August the crowd would bd going home." " H a re they tried every p la c e t" I broke In, "th e Clnrldge, th e Fktward the Seventh, the M eurlce," I enuuler- atis, places with well known mimes. "No uae" C urtiss declared, “th e concierge phoned n 1 of them an I th ey 're crowded to th e ir doors." I though for a m om ent. W hat should we dot, It certain ly was a for­ lorn reception Io receive In th e "gay­ e s t city In the world." C u rtiss rem ain ­ ed standing on the sidew alk looking a t th e num erous pieces of liigKnge which crow ded the space on top mi l overflowed Into the d riv er's seat be­ low The ehnffeiir began to grow re s t­ less nnd dem nnded his next d irections from me. "W ell, th e re ’s only one thin g I can think of to do," I finally snld, "I h a re a card with Ellen .Daniels' ad d ress on II, given to me by B arrington Pierce. Right nt the moment, ahe la th e only person I can think of who might hnve enough Influence to get us In some hotel. Suppose we go there." "I have aovernl good friends over here, but Its too early to hunt then, up as I'll have to get Ihelr addresses from the American E xpress, so, ns much ns I dislike th»- Idea, T guess your Ellen D aniels hunch Is the b est on si k..ow r i a l ba ppine the v e rn a o p out of IL ship h a t •u you f .n l ,'n tll you you can never W altervllle Man Here— J. J. Cabo- of W altervllle pal d3prlngfield a visit -. esterday. icaauBB: GOOD ANO REFRESHING Is a glass of our p arfait or ice cream . You will never o rd er any o th er It you once taste the deii- ciouenese of our ice cream . It is pure, rich, cream y, and whole- T ry it and you will find no cream can com pare with i t EGGIMANN’S "M adam olaelle eat a dejeuner she c a r. F irs, of a I sh« wa« an unspotlert A m erican rlrl She wasn't beautiful repeated, begtnlng to be cross XJien I r. allied tb a , whe was trying a« the world counts beauty but tber» to tell lie th at Mtaa P an el» was nt was a »parking quality a t ;Ut h er th*, brenkfaat. Is m ore than m ere beauty of face 'J . compti-nd." , as»ur.«l h er and Sh< exhaled charm and her dark lum­ began serlhhllng a n ote on my card. inous eyes flashed with frank enthu- "B arrington P ierce w ants u» to I i sla«m of am h tloua work. know each o th er," | wrote. "W e u r e , F 11« had said th at she was In to re strand« d and the prospect of deep in g with B arring,on Pierce. If she Were on a bench in th e park seem s no-ic how could h help from being In love too bright. Ho you know it aym path I w ill h e r ' P erhaps Ellie hail ex ag g er­ lc hotel p ro p rieto r wd>' m ight be ated a fte r all. as was usually th e care • per-maded to take us | n ’ frO] ., and maybe It un» B arrington Pierce j who was hi,nee. f cnaronured w llb Uhls' W rig h t" in a few mom* nts the tutu.eke per ' . harm ing girl >At flrsl C urtiss flu,ly refused and 1 nrrlv.-d m ore Jovial In spirit and n«ao» m« utyb-rstand th at I was to follow th en h - com prom ised hy saying he h e r in. would go In and thank her and then We passed hurriedly through at cull uti 'h e r c ar E ll.'n n e h av 'n g a, I square hall and on through a spacious I ready carried In the first of th e hag» draw ing room furnished, n cco rd 'n s to Iw li.g uiialde to un d erstan d CurUss j the stvle of Louis th. Six', e sth an I protest to wait. T h at our It, -less w as no ordinary M arie A ntoinette. I caught a g tmpsi* 1» r m was dciuoDBtrated by th e wit- ii- am, graceful m anner In which ahe gr. led CurUsa at tile door. • So you d.-f'ed Cite and cam e on ,he P L. M ," sh e »nld, "thoyve had aq 'tmny net-id nts lately tjial some- on« has given th eir line a new name • W< now call II ‘Pour I.a M ori' which “And w hat's w o r s e luck, , m eans, you see, 'T o th e D eath'.'' there's not a We both ap p reclted the Joke as room in a de­ ive had heard th e u n fo rtu n ate num ber cent hotel in j of casu alties of thia p articu lar In» Parle to be d iscu ss-,| all over F rance. We also had," fel, sure ihnl »):<- was th e o riginator I of the clever story, which a fte r th ? , ; habit of giftod people, she had ac- cr-d lte d to som eone else. "Jov»;-, she's a p each,” w hispered j 1 C urtiss as she preceded us out to the j I'ttie haleony which gave on th e pork. • j 1 was d tllg h ted with his approval for now th ere was a possibility of him ( being persuaded to be Miss D aniels' m in t and I couldn't Im g'ne anything ; •wore en ch an tin g than living In a celebrated sin g er's own home. (To be continued.) of rare old tppestrled chairs In soft pastel shades and one felt Instinctive­ ly th a t each piece of bric-a-brac In the room hud a tale to te ll of h isto ri­ cal rom ance. O ccupying one sunshluy co rn er was a large grand-piano and m usic was everyw here. On piano, table« and chairs. Then we cam e to a b rig h t little bal- oony which Knve on tftie park. A girl, who was seated a t th e end of a d a in t­ ily appointed b reak fast table, alm ost hidden hy yellow roses, cam e forw ard to greet mo. "I'm so 'vary, very happy th a t you can,« to m e," she said. "You must sit down and Join me a, petit dejun- er." »he sm* ad, "p stlt, very petit on- K W ? I w Confidence By Flo 'Dear Mias Flo: 1 am a young girl of tw enty—no t bad ooklng—coaakl- ereil quite clever, am w ell-educated, hut extrem ely unpopular, which, v b « i I consider my good points, was alw ays quite a m ystery to me, nnd I was quite curious as to th e reason. I learned why th e o th er day. and be­ lieve tne. 1 never received such a I su rp rise In my life, It's because Put honest, because I tell the tru th , be­ cause 1 don', pretend to be o th er than I am. You see. I really don 't c a re a rap for any of the silly conventions Ä v ,. .............. iW itk Understanding To serve with an understanding o f detail to ba accompli:',he,1. To plan each circimt- PHONE 62 -J FÜNERAL SERVICE SPR.INGFIELD.ORE- 2 20 The Price of Dressed Pork is going tip every day. Of course lard will raise in price too. Our lard is pure and fresh. Buy a pail “NOW,” while we can still sell it a t the sam e price. Special Price W/N on “Round R oasts,” Saturday. Tender, juioy and a fine flavor. Take one home for your Sunday dinner. Sure wa will deliver it for you. CALL 63 FOR YOUR MEATS Independerd Meat Co. n andakdob Springfield, Oregon. company c WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE PILCH ER’S SHOPPING N E W S YARD GOODS CHAMPION GINGHAMS, Assorted P atterns— 27 inches wide, yard .....................10c RIxACK SATEEN—SO inch width, yard ......................................................................... 23p BLEACHED HOPE M USLIN- 36 inch width, yard ......................... .......................15c PILLOW TUBING— 42 inch width, yard ................ ....................................................33c BLEACHED SHEETING, Good Quality—81 inch width, yard .............................. 49c BUNGALOW CRETONNES, Assorted Colors and Patterns, yard .......................... 19c CREPE DE CHINE, All Colors— 40 inch width, yard .........................................-....$1.89 5-l-INCH BALBR1GGAN in Lavender, Green, Blue ami Rose, yard ...................$1.69 PERCALES in Assorted Colors— 36 inch width, yard .....................— ................. 19c MERCERIZED LINGERIE ClfECK, Maize, White, Orchid and Honeydew—36 inch width, yard .................................................................. 49c COTTON CHARMEUSE in Assorted Colors— 36 inch width, yard ................. 39c FANCY OUTING FLANNEL, Heavy Weight—36 inch width, yard ........................23c 36-INCH CAMBRICS, Good quality, all colors and patterns, yard .................... 19c JAPANESE i’ON'GEE. over 14 momntie weight, extra heavy, yard .......................79c 36-INCH WHITE INDIAN HEAD—2U2 to 6 yard lengths, yard ............................ 23c R. A. PILCHER CO. stance of the cere­ mony so th at its beauty, dignity and sincerity shall be apparent. W.FWALKER WILD TO CO i 966 W illam ette ij Inqorporated ^Department Stores Across From Rex T heater. Eugene, Oregon WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE Seth Laraway Building