THURSDAY, JAN. 11. 1M«. T im SI'RINGFIKU) NEWS FAGB FOUR ---------------— ( T - M ne Countv Farmers Union Nows r g lC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANfc C O U N T Y U t- IT N t) 14 ¡CROSS MoKENZIE PASS BETTER O R cóO N BUT; I R G E T S G O O D R u P Í A ' nor L i IN AUTOS IN MIDWINTER • • iin.H'v Ray Bower 1 Ini A h e ltir in pr. Mr I. J Oetehell erk te r has v o ttlh ti Mrs Geo K the N orth I'acifl- Mrs M A. Horn •ry asspciatiiti. Mrs Ada Jennings Dual it u tln t I <>' a t the agricultural Mrs 11. R aker He eta . ~iul «ho» d. It « College las! « Its Mrs M Gillespie el > f th assi'ciatlon f th e ' -ole perp«s>‘ Mrs G race J o n » Jasp er of the b u tter a: >l b e tte r th e qual Mrs C M. F o ster la'ra n e . .. m arket for the »w- open a ik’P« n ¡ah lla rry C Jackson McKenzie plus Mt Vernon. Mrs V A Reynolds T he m ethod is education under the Rulah Smith Silk Cr< ek BUapues o; iTtris J e h :-e n f'« . i rep­ E. B T inker T rent resen tativ e Mr Johnson visits each Mrs W E Post Vela of th e seven ereatneriisi m aking up th e association and spends from th ree to tire days with It every m onth He also visits the dairy pa • MT. VERNON LOCAL tro n s and explains th e advantages and met S o ls of grading creanu a n l The Mt Vernon local m et In regu keeping It sw eet till delivered to the Creamery. He then w orks w ith the lar session W ednesday evening. Jan- -______- ________- cream ery in e producing th e best — but uarv 8 T he president, Alex L ew s. t e r , obtainable from the Improved was reported 111 and th e vtoh-precl- dent. D M Davis acted In his place Quality of cream. The county m eeting was announce«! * A check is k ept on the qnajity of for Jan u ary - >3 *o be In Spring b D u U tte tter r tu turned m e n out o u i by o« each «-«»«.»• cream ery - — — held — - — fn a monthly scoring contest. W hen field. I-et's show otrr loyalty to tho th e contests w ere started with the union by being p resen t a t the county C. Y. H opper of Randolph, MasSs, beginning of th o association a year meeting. •ex f » u a : a (tootses sod a turkoy ago, the average te s t was 89 points— Resolution of Condolence. • sad m hihatad th e specie» called »5 is about th e lim it of perfection W hereas God in H is wisdom has "Turkon“ a t the Me» England T he scores announced for December seen fit to call John L aird from this poultry show last week. P oultry men any it is a very t.xXhsomo averaged 92, with th e O. A. G. Corn earth ly realm , be it resto red thnt t! fbwl for th e dinner table. tn e r c a l cream ery leading a t 94 The m em bers of Mt. Vernon local of the Low er Columbia River C ooperative F arm ers' union do extend th eir most cream ery w as second with 933-4. ami sincere sym pathy to our brothers. P LAST HOP SHIPMENTS OF c C iU D N A RE S E N T E A S T Mt Angel third w i t 93. Many 50 lost by «he com pnny through acceptance of one of W akefield’s cheeks T he o ral dealer, who hnndted a tran sactio n by which W akefield “bought" the A M M cPherson farm n ear here with a >500 w orthless check ns a first paym ent, gave the "«ranger hl- car-1 It I* b-l ey, d thaf W skeflsM . if th at Is his right name. ,|(tjnK th e card as his own and the . . 1 1 . I.. kl.. • W i ll • H. w ho attended tho Oregon S tate Teach- Zrs N a t i o n c n v -n C o n in P ort ) MARY MePHERSON, RHWARD I REYNOLDS. tlon, was fined >500 in Ju stice H arry W ells' E ugene court K -zakoff was a r­ rested at his home Fri-lay night, and c h a rg 'd with possessing a »till. ’’ mh . a t th - Rodakown-ki home n*ar th«' C arp en ter assisted Mrs Arm- S eav .y ferry. The maeh. th e officers, Itage in serving a most delicious d in -, • • • . , . • 1 l- w - r d n le SotM M Jl » M M Simple buckthorn hark, glycerine, etc., as mixed In A dlerlka, often helps stom ach trouble In TEN m inutes by rem oving GAS. Brings out a su rp ris­ ing am ount of old w aste m atter you n ever thought was In your system Stops th a t full, bloated feeling and m ak e, you happy and cheerful. Excel lent for chronic constipation A dler­ lk a w orks QUICK and delightfully easy. F lan ery ’s Drug Store, W a l t e r v ll l t , . l-'h H I u. - l. iy . I t a u - 'l - o Eggs and Poultry • • • • • * Co3«t Fork Hold« Meeting *«*• <1 point«»»» will h«» dlA4*ti»»«* A C. w'l ani«M b l» o w n it I h ** M a rria g e L icen ses leeued. During th-- past week m arr'ag e It- cens«'* have been issued to the foil-w ­ in«- Howard K UHI. I'rngr». and W in­ nie Hunt, Junction C ity; Ooorge M -r- rls »ml F iorone- Blakely, ( 'o tta a - G rove, .lark Sto- k'i «n an«! Ellaabe«h All- n. Juu, tlon C ity; Otto K arl W eb­ er and E lisabeth McNeil. Bug- n". Jam es J N trhols «ml Ednu P earl W H rm k . E ugene; Pred M«Corn»rk, W-' — lliiig i“i C' B B •'•' ' '*• (tt-rlngfleld Irl Nolen T o t « alla, ami Dorothy T horuqulst Alpine, a n i t» M artin H arold A nd«- - il H llw ri-u . Isla H opper C o lla r Oro»«- Maybe Too Much. "Th re'» only on-' mna In the worl 1 Il C Futon, local grower. Is sh l> I'd m arry." "W ell. wh»t are you crabbing ping U « arload of potato«« for a C ali­ ab cu l" Isn't one enough?" fornia point t-slny ’ C. J. BREIER CO. CORNER 6TH AND WILLAMETTE STREET Eugene, Oregon • Men’s Over­ coats $13.95 to $18.50 Women's Wool 3 love«» at 75c to $1.25 • Women's and Gauntlet Men1! Felt Hat«, gixxl qual- “ y. M 1 h b e s’ Coat» greatly reduced. You $2.9 5 to $3.95 Men’» Underwear $1.2 5 $ 3 .5 0 heavy at ate their value. Buy now it theae low prices. Mlnfle«’ Wool Drewte«, now $2.79 to $4.95 going nt only Women'« Silk and Wool drefiBe», reduced to $ 4 .5 0 of all kind», light, medium and muHt see these to appreci­ Men'» Rubber to Footwear, Shoe», Boots, and Rubber». You will always find the best quality at lowest price at the C. J. Breler Co. $ 13.95 Women’s Pumps and Ox­ Men’s Work Shoes, good fords of all kinds. Now la heavy the time to buy a t these $6.00 kind for low 9-4 $2.8 5 to $4.9 5 sole and upper, the $4.95 prices, Bleached Sher Khan Eugene, Oregon I|- Il b • Sheeting, good grade, only per yd. 662 Oak Street ’1» (h o i n* i>U: • a r add «W«*rp »/ (’tue »unU Puni" low lu i’ n t h Hto Con- • A m eeting of fa n n e rs of the June tlon Pity comm unity with the chaus- her of cony-in reo of that city wns helii Inst night E It Jackm an, of O A. C . »poke on giH«l production an I 11 A Llngren. extension livestock »periul at. spoke on factors affi ctlnk the production of mutton. » * School iloUHO. Dor—u«—S«cond and Fouth Tuoa- " days, IXireoa ul and Fourth W cl • newlays. W O. W. Hall. Jasper. I«orwn«>—•e o o n d and Fourth W—lneedage I. O. O. F. Hall. Mr g.-nets local. secrwwl and fourth W e lM ils y , g p. ui I. O. O. F haH. W altew«lle Mt Vernon W rst and T hird • WednoiMay Itrosfletd gtov*. 811k Creek Meets First and T< • Thursday at fy-dar H-hool Ho»»« " Bpescar Oreo«»—Third Friday. • Pl»» Drove School House Tventr—•sootwl sad F ourth Wod- • nsednpvt P teaaaat IUM MMh * School BMg. * Vida-—Rvoond a»d Fourth gator- • Bays at Mlnney Hull Reeratartee will please tend In • and pluce ef meeting and " W anted Simple Mixture Makes Stomach Feel Fine sJaok»on, tight !|t C h a m b e r and F a rm e rs M ast. d. was In b arrels under a pig pen. • Rodakowftkl was arr»*rted. an< p le a d , • ner. T he next m eeting will be with Mrs not guilty before Ju stice Harold • i Well» yesterday. ! • Edna C arpenter, F eb ru ary 4 |s Mr and Mrs John 8. Cooley and To Improve Road. Mr. Cooley’? m other, Mrs. K. A. Im provem ent of the road west ol Cooley retu rn ed from a three weeks visit in Los A ngeles, with Mrs. Springfield, on the north wide of the C ooler’s «Ister. Mrs. L aum Sties». D a-i river, ha» been started T ru-zloads cem ber 24. i °f broken pavem ent are being thrown A Grateful Customer. On th- 27. they w ere shocked by i over th e bank next to the river to M r, *»»••»— Sille» —— had prevent fu rth e r erosion which has W hat •* this w aiter? I bad on- a m essage « saying « /« » b .»«»». . . . th at day Bh narrow ing the road to th e dan- |y a half chicken, and I'm. hilled tor pa, , Pq aw ay suddenly th e whole thing.” ■ was sixty-one years of ' ago and * a g -r po-tit. ' church m em ber and w orker m ost of “T h a t’s tJie custom h ere sir.” Economy. “ Well, thank heav ns I d id n 't or- |,f e Mr and Mrs. I^awrrenee May called d er a beefsteak." T eacher: "W hat Is iho definition in Mr and Mrs. Ed. Reynolds Sunduv nngee of d a le a * King * > * r o®- * for econom y?” • - Eighth Grade Examinations. afternoon. Pupil: "M other's new fur i at— so • etw Tho reg u lar eighth grade exam ina-j she told dail." ticti e sp -d a lly for purlls In Oregon Sher Khan To Build. i history, conditioned pupil, and th o se, who have finished the regular eighth Erection of a one-story c o n crete, grade sub} --to. will he given In dto- building 1. soon to be s ta r le t by Shor tr lc ts w here th e r- are pu p il, to take!™ ««*- prodwte m erch an t and sh ip p er on T hursday an-’ Friday. Jan u ary > Oak street opposite the arm ory It V and 22. 132«. A pplitatlons to r q u e s -'In Eugene The location of th e new tions m ust he m ad- before Jan u ary building will he Just n orth and across IS or thev wH not be sent o u t I »he alley from his present local on. F I MOORE I The building wll he spacious, snnl- County School S u p erin ten d en t tary . and up-to-date In everjt partlcn- tf lar Mr. Khan has been In business in Eugene te r 13 y ears NOTICE TO CREDITORS N otice to hereby given th at th e un­ dersigned has been appointed Admin­ istra trix of the estate of E. A. T ay­ lor, deceas< d, by the County Court. ,f Lane County, Oregon. All persons h av ­ ing c aim s ag ain st said estate are hereby notified to p resen t the sam e, duly verified, to the A dm inistratrix a t the office of W ells & W ells, Bank of Commerce Bldg . In Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, within six m onths from the d ate of the first publication of th is notice. Date of first publica­ tion Jan u ary 14. 192« . LOTTRENE TAYLOR, Adm’n lstratrlx . W ELLS & W ELLS, A ttorneys. J 14-21-28 F 4-11 C Ormnaatt •*!■« »t»1 T ,llr‘1 T " " ”' ’ day». CreawolJ. M W of A. Hall " Coast Fork rtoeon-1 «ml F ourth • T hursday*. Farm Union Hall | V ic e P f o t i (E E N fV a CHICKENS WIN MANY PRIZES AT SHOW • TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS F r t d is y e *| urrM l «w ai llv rr cup * ¡ ir o r h r Mr K i i i k y ahnwed b-yth In th e l u r k u t i l t - |( light type of Plym nutn PROPOSES COW TESTING Korku I« U « dark < i.< io won first ASSOCIATION ON COAST fur I ht» b*»»t cock, first auil secou-l fur th*» l»e*( cockrell, -find and th-r-1 A revival of cow testing work In fur lb* 1**1 hen, second and thl I w- stern 1 on«' county la the plans of for th«- heat pullet, first on th» young coast dairym en who will hold three p« n ihow lng and two »hat— ep-cliil m eetings this week N C Jam ison. prises on bt» young cockretl I' n daiev »peelallst, and <>. C. In th- light -4sss he w-,n first for Fletch« r county ag> nt. will addre«« best r t v l shown, ««y-n-l for hen, tile m eeting« and discuss the work third for corkrelL second for young Form erly th ere was a cow testing a s ­ p- n and the bswt display Mr K eeney sociation In w estrrn l« U s aun many pris«* b- fore but h’.s las connly carrying off the great num ber nt the A m eeting will be held s ' Canarv S eattle show rreoli-d quite a sen sa­ on Friday, another ai the N orth Fork tion among poultry fanciers. gratig« ha I Saturday and an open Ills bird» are being shown In C hica­ m eeting of the Ada Grans«' will b«' go and D -nver at show s this week held Bun lay C anary 4-Trwt Sun-lay »ml T hird " • Bwturday. Farim -rs Union Hall * • CJover-lalo--Becon*! ami F ourth G rant Divorces. Six divorce decr-»-s w ere grant**-! • to the circu it court Tuesday Th- v • fr, low George Gillespie from M argar­ • e t O lll-sple; Clara A. Perin» from • Lqu » T P e rk in » ;'L ilia Itonar fro u • A lbert Itonar; M -llssa Broom from « John Broom; John Dahlin from I • lilan -h e D ahlin; Norma Cullen fre-m i k>rl Cullen • Committee. lami December wrij he heard. T he Mt. Vernon Thim ble rlu b met T hursday. Jan u ary 7 a t the home of S h ip m e n t, In and O u t. Mrs Alvah A rm itage Q u iltt-g was The Spring? eld Mill and Grain com the work provid' d for th - ladle« and pany yesterday receiv-d a carload cf th e following w are p resen t: Sarai; corn, from th e middle west. At the F rancis. Edna C arpenter. Mary Mc­ Mssh u n d e r P open. Baine tlm - the company was loading Pben.vou. Lena Davis. Grandm a Car- ...» . T w enty-five gallons of bootleg m a-h o u t a ta r of flour and feed for Map- ¡e n te r. M argaret Gorrle. Ida G orrl- .................ley of B a se s . V irgl- R -v -; w er- al «W-dly found by -h. r . f o f -, Jetón. W hat N ationality? T he man walked in ’o a drug store to buy a bottle. Seeing the size he w anted he inquired as to th e cost. “ Well sir, If you Just w ant the bottle I’ll have to charge yon five cen ts for It. but If you get som ething In it. I won't chrage you anything ' "All right. Put a cork In it. will you?” « • • s fr« n t, • ductor. • O. L. Clement. Chaplain. • • • • • • • , B»' it fu rth er resolved th at a copv of th ese revolution» be sent to Mrs. E tta Cor-ey. one copy sen t to th • Farm rs' Union News, and a third copy be spread on the m in u tes of the Mt V-rn-m local, S ign’ «1 to VIRGIE REYNOLDS, W h ’ » lo r, dent, • (Xrtty KjippAuf, C ottage Grove, • arevT reae, • N A . Horn, Cottage Grove, Doo« • K eeper r - ’tds. m..e,her the F arm ers' Pnton News, and a third Steven» crops w.-ro sli pped out hv , h(> ,.Hy » h |ch he dental c m A premium Is 5.» I by the m n her m |n u l«q, of th- th e S outhern Pacific. The last ship- r „ n . reporUl thl„ „fib ers found th a t g ro a m e rt« te r sw eet cream to en- one J s X ' t o e r t ™e„,« w ent to Chicago I W akefield hod used th e local m an's V - • I courage dairym en to keep th eir arti- M« v ern o n local. _______ . . nano S igurd d e e in the best condition, and repay S u sp scti A rrested. VIRGIE REYNOLDS. them for th eir ex tra labor W ater­ Budding H aute— Excavation* 'n F ran k C urtiss. 22. and Elmi-r Scrim EDWARD J RHYNOLD3. cooling and crwiplete disinfection of e n » ,» « ,« ,. Com - ,a-r av. .v being — . . . . held ___ — In th e Lan. preparation for a new house a t t her. 2b. a » re MARY McPHERBON. all dairy eq u ip t "t re essential, h e v -, W _ rrcu _ ______ s God __ in His wisdom has county pall charg 'd with larceny In and Ninth street» nre b-lu g m ud- hv en in w inter u tter »— n h fit it-r The The sweet-cream m b arket -o call Laura Stilus from th :- conn-ction with th«- alleged theft of Howard CotteM brings a be e r p «» n . _ ' earth lv reulm. h«‘ it resolved th a t th e large quant ty of copper w tr- Th" and efforts are under way ____ r „ i „ f t h e _____ _ « . a m « d .. a t C o tta r - G rove C ottage Grove , Time Paym ents. , . ,k« to . open »o-ad a m em bers of Mt V -rnon t„ toral of th e a rr - s t was mad d ^ e n d a b le m arket fo r this grod , , ________ T ram p "D at’s s u re a swell over- T he association in te rd s eventually to t __ _c».,« P le a d s G u ilty . " coat, what dl-i It c o s t’" sin cere sym pathy to our sister. E tla expand into every dairy d istric t of Corley and family, in the loss of th eir A fter pleading guilty to liq u o r1 B - " T h l. - n - cost me »lx month«. Oregon. Charge«. Alex Kexakoff. of Bo«« XU I don't swlp- up «heap « l- t" - sister. T each ers to Meet. Springfield teochers will attend a me« ting of th e I< n e County T each er's association, to be held at the F ra n c e , W illard school in Eugene S aturday of this week The m eeting sta rts at ? ! o d o c k R eports of th - d e b a t e s I AN It C O U N T Y FARMER'S UNION • -------- • Hjltp’i Lji>Pd. Cr* .**11, P*' s deni •< I ’ Re nd Bun au I ol I by su Vie • at !1 coach, a Studeliulied ■ p bug. anil a Chevrolet louring lu i «at The fact th a t the now was crtl* ■• I made tin going easier than usual. Thos ' In the three curs, which jw»» «•r through Springfield Sunday after noon, were Mr m il Mrs Alonso W right. Ml.«« Alta Nolan, and Mrs K athryn Gideon of I’r nvllle,; Il Davis of lleml. H urry S'Xith of S isters, mi I W It Moore mid K enneth Easton of Eugene. OF A good assortm ent of men'» Work Shoe» a t $ 3 .5 0 t0 $ 4 .5 0 49c Yard wide Outing Flannel, Men’» Leather Vest» Blan­ white and dark colors, per ket lined, best value», yd. 2 2 - 23c $ 1 1 .5 0 to $ 16.50