PAO j C t u r e » THE RPRINGFIELD NEWS Tl IUR8DAY, JAN. H , 192« 7 -"« — S»' -*i D. W. ROOF Offices |»re In thia New Une Modern Bunk Building. Jeweler Visit ub In our new home In the First National Bank Building. We have a m odern and up-to-date Jewelry Store WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY LONG & CROSS _____ _ * Plumbers We furnished the Plumbing for the new bank building and wish to congratulate the officers and directors on the excellent structure. LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SPRINGFIELD Fixtures and Wiring of the NEW FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Were by the Established in 1905. is now located in its fine new banking house a t the com er of Fifth and Main streets. Nothing has been spared to make this a m odern and most up-to-date bank building— Henderer Electric Supply one designed for the convenience and com forts of our pa­ trons as well as a safe place to deposit their money and other valuables. T he latest vault and safety deposit box fixtures and appliances have been installed and with the protection of heavy concrete walls m akes a fire and bur­ glar proof bank. The grow th and prosperity of Springfield has been close­ FISHER BROS Painters WE CONGRATULATE ly identified with this Institution—T he First National bank. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ON ITS NEW, The new building la a m onum ent to the faith and confi­ MAGNIFICIENT BUILDING dence the stockholders have in Springfield’s future. We palliteli the Interior of the Flint National bank building. We can give the sam e high quality workm anship in painting your home. Visit The First National Bank in its new home. You will • • find not only a new building but also uj>-to-date banking m ethods iff use. The Willamette Press “Springfield’s Up-To-Date Printing House.” THE SPRINGFIELD SAND & GRAVEL CO Furotehed the sand and gravel for the new First National bank building. This handsome building is a sample of w hat can be done in m odem con­ crete construction/ Head Construction Co Concrete Work A Specialty BRIGGS & DOTY Cement Contractors the Sidewalk Around Building. the New Bank We Did the Concrete Work on the New Bank Building. We have the finest quality sand and gravel for building. Concrete sidewalk and pavem ent m a­ terial is also furnished by us. Miner Building Eugene, Oregon do Good Work. Try them for a Walk in front of your property. II. W. CHASE, Prop. Satisfaction In m eeting the most exacting millwork require­ m ents of the building Industry is a service th at lias been built up over a period of FORTY-FIVE YEARS by the Mldgley Planing Mill Company The quality of “Mldgley-made W oodwork” is of the very highest z Midgley Planing Mill Co. Phone 1059 Eugene, Oregon The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co furnished the lumber for the form s and interior finishings in the new bank building. We wish to congratulate Springfield and the First Na­ tional Bank for the progressive spirit shown in building this fine new bank building. The Booth-Kelly Lumber Co Lumber We are Proud to State th at we furnished the following m aterial for this beautiful new building: HARDWARE FLOOR COVERING WINDOW SHADES FURNITURE Wright & Son 4th a t High GENERAL CONTRACTORS Had charge of the construction of the First National Bank building. ut the same high class workmanship into building your home or business block