■z ■ TI1VRHDAY. JAN, tub amiNtingbP xwws f >ÀQ» TWO T H E SPR IN G FIELD N E W S trouble. Stanford White was killed l o , « nrIhl. j . , , , The problems quickly solved bj a j tu u g • 1,^1,,* imluatry 1» «ruduulty <*t Pittsburg , . W k » .« w n . h ille d Uh« u».h r W«y t.»ll.,wi«K 'b e hoi «lav Now. Thaw ’s wife, for whom White was KIU im I * ( ............. , lh , «>in- H. E MAXEY. E ditor drinks eight ounces ol a ‘ . ¿j pi,.vi«,.«i i-i'.r i»»in-d her. toduy. find •• nt i \ r.«l sorond c U m m atter. F eb ru ary 14. 1*03 •» th e kill1 ¡jir herself. llcrs. u. l Clcrgyme» will •■ • • this . « >».**« •• which rvp.ertt'd open1”« of ppstown-e. »rtnstieM. Oregon_________ _ ' text for a sermon that will not put th» Congr lary « i » f In the Gray» H arbor and Published Every T hursday a t SprlnjtfieWl. Lane County. Oregon. by THE WILLAMETTE PRESS .. ** m a il s u b s c r ip t io n r a t e One y e a r in Advance gis Months off et whl e at" adveral other» night »hlft -U « W ‘* .................*l-H M om h. " THURSDAY. JA N t A H ' - '4 >9.’ . nl tim e there a re but three Mwrmllt» .p e rn lln g III E verett. Wn . tw o tar« " tdaiu« in the S eattle dtatrlet are d o s ­ ed tem porarily; night »hlft» have be«u rem oved at tw o nulls In the T a ­ coma d tatrlet; one large operation on W illapa H arbor la dow n; one Gray» H arbor plant cloned Friday for tw i !*u«> I S' Mtul (Uatricta. F ir sawmill» ar«' not *o active a* « .e h » and a n ig h t »hlft we» taken ,h $ 2 9 .7 5 M oleskin Trousers • • so u th S«a Island» t 1,. j t A mo ^ a l l abcwt T h e y D r iv ^ New slilpmeiit ft» Spring. Newest style and patterns at a real savings - DRUGSTORE Those school teacher» who went on record a . f“ »o r,n « I o. e»"' are not ex and asking for half ly poor politic an» but have th e w n ng id- a of th« pur ,h e ¡■ -’c i- ti.x It »»» not th object of th e In x to Increase tax- «. but to I R a p a:t of ' h« av» a frern property and plat »ome of tt on th e la r fc Which now go « o t t fre If thxi r c o tu tlo n 1» a to befit th«' sc h e m e of t h - »5 M en’s Suits M en’s O vercoats i Bozo Butts Emery CALI. -ets n o w h ere—O regon Jo u rn al. ,0 . V king like a horse ig better than loafing like a jackass. ly liu|>rove r Flanery’s Drug Store Another young fellow leaped before he looked, pela Hughes, age 79, married a woman 59 in Kansas City last Ju'y. Now he is out for divorce Appears she objected to his sleeping with Ms overalls on. The young man believes in self ex­ pression. lui " 'h n n Joba. thè 4L. le lle r aeld, but a lili thè » p m l'ig of m ore logli«« ainpa and thè graduai reanm ptlon Of culli«« «t miti» now d o -eil, einploy- m o lli « ornili Iosa uro w p e c isd I» «le*- evewrn _ . . win ... .......... „ the point where it Gold flow to It is Is needed lust as naturally as w ater " 111 Row. do* that one •i hill The economic law Is Inexorable. q w p should contain. Another troop now should of high Interest always has and alw ays-m ust a r­ rest attention so long as money Is the„sym bol; Em ulsion of Cod The closer nations come to financial Lions club in introducing the work in ° Of i« labor M U i r ™ « »o U W become, their securtty i ’™ S eWIth * t S i c l u W s h Liver Oil nM li.B 'c" onlhOtag operation of the la» of ». i, nresereation. America for exantple could not af- fortl to see France reach a state of financial col-■ r s |, i ,., u ji , j food tonic th n t’ lapse. We must protect our loans and our ,,, ,.nrich yoUr blood, und al- S ^ K te d ta the citv and with wider responsibility i i , h " M a r .bough it ......... a large per- m e S r i oi the sponsors there will be more in­ „ ¿ a t . a.roaa erest 1 The work ts not expensive to the organ!• this IRIS lU s» the und. ...... . fact 't » IS ’ (.entage of ,»ure Norwegian Cod ation sponsoring the troop, and it is the means in the payment of her war debts. Liver (Hl. It Is bo pleasantly! J X i n g a world of good for the boys between 12 i flavored that it Is easy to take. SAFER ind 18 years old. . . . ' E.-pe'fially good In the treatm ent “Stop and let the train go by. of general debility ami loss of It only takes a m inute; The longest paved street in the world from Your car will start again. Intact. ! flesh. > n a d a to Mexico is adequately described In H en­ And better still, you re m it. ry Ford s weekly in his writeup of the I aci.i • • • Special at 89c a large bottle lighwav for January. It is an adm irable piece o U has been discovered th a t in Altamont l«jke • pubDcity marred only by some caption writer , onie of the male fish have as fv* ^ i who placed under one picture: “ Lake W ashington i W hat is the world coming to. Our legislative boulevard. Seattle, with Mount Hood in the dis­ tance.” Sort of got his m ountains mixed up. Oh, D ators should get busy a t once. well we should worrv if they want to put Mt. Howl in the back . r d of all W ashingtqp scenes. E ORFQOiTS d i t o r i FVRNITVM a l C o S m m ent FVTURE. I We imagine nobody but Tacoma will object. OREO received order» tor • • • TAA One Oregon factory alone ..irnltur«- T h at th e re There are eleven thousand m urders annually r.OO.000 worth Of oregon-m ade lutnteer In the United States. The num ber of m unlers per ,oulrt »e r « “ X t . «f «he one hundred thousand population in the United n to flnl»hed p ro lu ldre»« before the Mem- States is 8.4. In Great Britihn it is 0.6, or one- fourteenth of our rate. In the Province of O ntar­ io, Canada, is one-fifth of ours and in Japan It Is one-eleventh. Legal processes have given Ger­ - " U ’- ' X ald Chapman another reprieve. Ma Ferguson has s r s x «- - ’ " ¿ i x - issued 1231 pardons since she became governor -on cap ital n to them . T h at plan get» Tndu»trie» and I • Of Texas. Ma Pierce has issued several also since !u.tr ie e em ploy P ^ l e L ending our m o n ey ^a d jwap becoming governor of Oregon. »irg town lot» and a»king person» from o th er »tat » to • • • o J e In and build up IndaM rte« for u» w ith th eir capital • e li lum her lllVl Guard Y ourself most» mosi:» A gain st Colds! ' ‘ hv the Lions club £ v 3 at y * enthusiasm e f S T t W on sponsored by • one o th er m l l; FIR CAMPS SLOWLY have b e n taken ott. It la expect««! piante In th« Columbia rleer dlatrtct TH E WAGES OF SIN. I th at repair shutdown» of mill» will art* down. GETTING UNDER WAY All weal eoa»! dl»trict» repnrt m ore The wages of sin Is death, or at least, m uch eonitrn" Inioo F ebruary At the pre»- ** A jeaA T IV J« TO W eOAT'VM — - In the Second Kind- V The custom er directs our attention tp his problem. Wei write the copy, d « X ta ." h e « - A ■»>»"'• •>tb w an,) do th,! W' ’rk - By We are organised for both kinds of work. The prices are right and our custom ers say th at the quality I h right also. “Rube” GoUberj If you are not listed am ong our custom ers, then you are really missing som ething. > »».UIMM IIIUIUMIIII “O C “ y'Mfc t h e oocex) leAb Pfe=»-\ XYttCABLB UJMICH I» TAçoer» - f i o 6 /kWh CO-4CASCT T h e W illa m e tte P ress SILLY » “ ¿Makers o f Good Impressions' ----------- vxivriA P o s r r n i e "TSRMirAAL. OF PIR-*T Wft* feA-TTCWY- MOUU VMM UGGT3 MC9 OU6R ¿ t o eoi An Í' ■ A Mt, — * Springfield O d r- c i • •’ Oregon