V. o f O A J v t r l i i i n i u»t» n»u> customer# a n d hold» Ih » o ld on»». Uh r t t l y THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS BPRINflHBLD, I*ANC COUNTY, OR EG Off, SLOT M IN E S MIE pa ocie. • HEALTH NEEDS ARE CITED BY POLLARD Budget fo r W o rk Too Sm all, Is Opin­ ion of C ity Physician; Disposal Problem. LEGION TO PRESENT VAUDEVILLE TUESDAY Council Reduce# Truck Licence Fee and Change# Time for For the benefit of the Springfield Collaring Dog# to January 1 , post of the American Legion, a first- Instead of May 1. Dog Catch- i lass program of vaudeville and pic- I lures Is («ring arutiged for ehon'lng ar to be Employed. ¡at the Ib ll theatre Tuesday night, L iv e n iw m »* p M IN A U V I T O W N Sewage s w CAMPAIGN TODAY Calling attention to the relatively Membership Drive I# To Be Con­ small amount budgeted for city health ducted by Four Team#; List work In view of the probable needa ’ of 78 Prospects Made Up At of the near future. Dr. W. H. Poliard. j Committee Meeting; Reports city physician, In his annual report) To Be In By Friday Night. declares that Springfield must face | ___ I • an early necessity of extending Its Witb«four UamH of men eacfc «ewers to eep pace with city growto ,n actlon the cbamber (>HUXerc, Hint tsacltlnes war« ordered reoiov- I January 19 If the show proves a aur­ 5w# and a probable necessity of bringing v*l front pool bulla anti restaurant* u ic#*, It Is the plan of legion officials to an end the disposal of sewage •“ ¡ ¿ J ' way In Springfield today. Seven* >o make It a monthly event and offer Hprlnaf »Id at a in>«tlua o f lb« city J ■% * the Willamette river. i-ouiirlt Monday ••»••ulna Actio« •••«*» i to Rprlngfleld people attractive vnude- ty-eight prospective members have The city health officer says In the I by lit” council after a petition h.id ; ville alts along with good pictures at .. ... been Hated by the team«, and all will re-port, fl ed with the city council th s „ __ bo. n pr«M>ntcd to It #lgn< d by OKU (thnl Hme. 1 , . . , , .. . be visited today or tomorrow. Report« week, that he is of the opinion that at .. . , . . . The Nadvorntk trio, consisting of ion» and rulllua attention that tho . 1 of the drive will be made at a m edi­ an early date cities will be forced state law was being violated The pe­ tCharles Nailvornlk, violinist; Oliver Ing to be held tomorrow n igh t to find other places than the waters tition bail been circulated Huuday at Wilder, trombonist; and Winifred Ty­ Final plans tor the drive were mad« of the river In which to dispose of son. pianist, will give two selrvGon* the ohurchoa. at a meeting held at the city hall sewage. Springfield, he says, must In a discussion of the slot machin­ ,ae their part of Tuesday nlrhta pro­ last night, at which President Herbert face this problem as a matter of sani­ es it was said that when they were gram The Charleston Vnudettes will Cox appointed the following commit* tation. first' Installed they were placed In the he seen In a snappy act of singing tees to carry out the short but vig­ Inspections Authorized. pool room where only ndults played . and dancing. orous campaign: The health officer recommends also The feature picture Io be shown 1« them but that now they had been Team No. 1—O. F. Anderson, O. O. that he, with the chief of police, be brought out front and were being •'North of 38“ a spectacular picture Bushman. H. J. Cox. authorized to make Inspection of, manipulated by boys State law It waa with Its scenes laid In the old rattle Team No. 2—J. Fulop. John Ketefa, ■ barns, alleys, and other places where •aid prohibited any gambling devloa •lays of Texas. Jack Holt and I-ols Jr., Dallas Murphy. ! refuse Is likely-to gather, with a view being used even though something of Wilson are starred In the production. Team no. 3—H. F .Clarke, H. E. to elim inating breeding place« for merchandise »»< given with each Maxey, 8. C. Wright. . fllee. This recommendation, with an- chance LADIES' OF C. A. R. WILL Team No. 4.—C. F. Eggtmann, Har­ , other that aF atores, restaurants and The petition to vacate that purl of ry Stewart. W. A. Taylor. CELEBRATE LINCOLN DAY I other places handling fruit likely to north Th'rd street inside the city lim­ The committee m sf-sslon last night its was cal nd to the attention of the J Iuka circle. Ladles' of the G._nd . . ,. , , outlined a new plan for fee collection, bags cans for disposal of refuse, was “ city council and will be acted Upon at I Army of the Republic, has extended adopted by the council , « the a c c e s s of th . the n*»« meeting Meanwhile the fire an Invitation to Rich Mountain cir­ Dr. Pollard sugg-sted that the city d^ . 7 1” J * heard ‘ and water committee will make plans cle, at Kugen«, to join the local unit hold two clean-up day, annually The meeting which sUrt# a 7.8« for removing the fire hydrant out of In the c»le|;ratlon of Llncotn'a birth­ first, he said, should be held In the ! at a straight price, and after the work operate trucks Io clean up hh” city. I The Woodmen of the World hall will The danger of the spread of con-, ... . . . . Change Dog License Law. - , «» i«$ don** a draw ing w ill b** npl4 ano be used for the occasion Old soldiers taglons disease a , a result of laxitv The lliwatslng of dogs |n the city .. one business house ont of each 10 win <>f k^igene ami Springfield will be spn In reporting illness to the health s e n ­ w gl begin each year on the fleet ot be given the pa’-nt Job free. ctal gm-eta at the occasion, and It Is te» was cited by the physician. He January tnetsod of May I according He stated that not only would tha hoped to have a I of them who are said that there were contag'ous dis­ to a change made In th e license law. plan improve the appearance of th . i able to be out present at the tnoet- I tianrs iu Ruum cut lauiuK» ___ eases In about 40 unici different fam ilies • i Dog owner# will bare all the □> Closely Identified with the* steady Springfield's pioneer Jeweler. ■ . i c ~ i -*iois oily, but the Acme Paint company last year In Springfield. The '• " - of January to secure license and af­ I Ing. The lower floor, occupied by the i during growth of Springfield and local busi­ will give Springfield publicity ,, . , , . .. „ .... I will give Springfield publicity as a Mrs. Pearl Metcalf, newly named disease table for the year follows: ter that the counclhtw-n aald they ness has been the advancement ’f bank, la spacious and attractive. It •» ’ result of the work. Chicken pox, 12; mumps. 23; scarlet ( would employ a dog catcher to take musician of th« local circle, has the First National bank of this city Is entered by a metropolitan doorway charge of plans for an attractive mu­ fever. 8; smallpox 8; specific d i s - ___ " . . . . . . up all dogs without a collar, ft was The removal of the banking house to of glass The lobby ts large, fitted eases, 4. One death resulted from the LOCAL BASKETEERS WIN pointed out that (his law had never sical program. Mrs Alice Doane is Its handsome new building at Fifth with comfortable furniture, writing chairman of the refreshments commlt- above c a se s FROM COBURG QUINTET been enforced and w o ree o<