THURSDAY. JAN”. 7. I »-‘it THK BPtUNtaXBLÜ page s ix — —— ... T " ’ 1 "" Lane County Farmers Union News o f f ic ia l _ . __. —. * » p u b l ic a t io n . lane • * » I "W V / county * I «> 4 ▼ ia» /A 6 -A U N IT P.O. 14 tre a su re r, llenn Kiluvlstou, punnitut, Mrs. H ughse H srs—Mrs George Veda G ray, assistan t. Mrs Jam es Hill Hughes of Albany Is h e re for a f«w O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • »eng leader. Mrs W alter I'Uitt. aasisi days visiting her daughter. Mrs Will M c K en zie local P A R M E R 'S U N IO N • ant. Maude Kdnilstiui; Bible class Haws.m, who Is III _____ • teacher, Mrs Kay B augh, young pro-' Ralph Laird. Creswell, PrealdenL • Ida's class. Rev. Mich. Hi** m inister; The McKenzie R iver leeal m et Io W ill W heeler. T ren t. Vlce-Preal- • junior class, Mrs Arch Sliougb; as- Tegular ae»»'on las! W etlnesJa.' night. AN INVITATION. dent. • T h. new elected officers were in stall­ th e num erous wh sties and o th e r noi» . »¡ant. Mrs Mick; prim ary; (eucher, Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove. * Annual Session, To Be Held In Rena Kdmlaton. ed by S tate V iee-l'resuienl l-atnl. All persons In Eugene, . . announc th e quUuUg of th e N e * aec.-Treas, • T uesday evening th e re was a basket Springfield, Will Be Attended Year B rother C lim et th. new president, ttprlngfleld and vicinity, who { | * N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove. Door • L ester Circle, who has been spend ’•»»» *uuw' »« h“ 11 '» •'» '•'U the 1<> gav a talk a$ec< th e lines of good By Several State Officers; u ie Interested In tile estab ­ Keeper • I l l g th e holidays w ith h is parent.«. Ml ‘» I *> $• ‘" " I “ f r ” " ‘ ‘ lli‘a‘ G,' r th e e n te r: also H C Jackson, new lishm ent ot an A m erican Lu­ Election of Officers Will Be H. C. Jackson. W a lte rv llle , Con- • dens. Secretary, gave a talk on how to help th eran Cliurcb here, a re here­ and Mr» T F Circle, returncil to his Principal Business Feature of ductor. • our organisation by corlalty invited to p arllclp ata twill, «li ud near Florence Sunday. O. L. Clem ent, Chaplain. * All-Day Meeting. M arr'sgs License« Issued. Next m eeting will be held on Ja n In the perm anent organiza­ Miss B ertha M anning of Springfield nary 11 At »his m eeting the board of i --------------------------------------------------- ---- tion ••lin g .Hid be recorded a form er resident ot P leashnt Kill, During the past week m an lag« li­ P lans a re fast being com pleted for directors of th» F a rm e rs'V n tc n W ar - L adies a re asked to b ring satvi- ns c h a r ie r m em bers of the ' the ann u al m eeting of th e laine Coun spent the w eek ,’lld with Miss Ixvttle censes have been Issued by the conn house company will m eet with the wiches or pie or cake. Coffee will be I ty F arm ers' union, to be held In the B endshadler at P leasant Hill, retu rn ty clerk to Hie folf<-sing: 1 W Nolen. g u g sn s Evang. Lutheran Church local. All m em bers are urged to be served by the local. W oodmen of the World hall 9prlng- lug io Springfield TYieeday. January Yoncalla and Dorothy Thorm iulst. Al rile .,|e, tltiK will be held present. L et’s m ake th is a good m eeting. 4. I pine; M artin A nderson. Silverton, and 1 field, all day Jan u ary 22. according th e V W V A. bungalow. J a n ­ The women of P b a s a n t Hill met at In« Hopper. C ottage Grove; ttdwlti uary ilth . 7:30 P M (12th C h art, r No. SS R eserve D istrict No. jj to P resident Ralph I-a'rd the home of Mrs. J e s s e V Phelps New McLaren and Pearl Richey, both of | Several sta te officers apd m em bers and K lneald, E u g en e i Will R E P O R T OF T H E C O N D IT IO N O F T H E of the sta te executive board a re ex­ Y ear's afternoon. Chocolate cake» ari l V eneta; Hugh W alker and Fay Geiger. those who are Interested kindly ____________ were served in the dining _ room , both of K ulene; W illiam K irkpatrick. p ect« ! to a tten d the m eeting, the candy pass this invitation on to oth­ A hexagonal bul I ng ha» been com 0 re(WVl|, and Flora K Steel. Port- county p resident said. T hese Include ers who might l»e Interacted. A t Springfield. In th e S tate of Oregon at th e close of b u sin ess on H erb ert E gbert, of The Dal es, sta te pl(4«l over the pump at the Pleasant ia 0 , | ; E r n e st lle r ls c h and L lllah Come, show your In te re s t D ecem ber 31. 1925. Hill public school which Is to be used tLinales. S pringfield; E arl laiud and p resident, who will m ake an ad d ress W e would ike th have as stover, C ollage Orove; F ran rls O thers who are to com e a re Mrs. T as a wash room by the pupils. W ash m any of those Interested In „ B. . Jones, j v u r ., ..- » e — . . . ------- bowls and eoap dlepeasere w ere pur U en, C ollage Grove, and Leona Pol­ RESO URCES s ta te s e c re ta ry ; A. R Shum this undertaking a t the m eet­ way. of Milton. F R Ingles of Dufur, chased the first of the school year by t ,.r , Creswell. Loans and discounts. Including rediscounts, acceptances o r bills ing as possible. | and H. E. R.anple, of Dalis. ■ the children. j of exchange, sold with endorsem ent of th e bank, (including The O rganisation C om m utes. item s shown in 29. 30 and 32, if any) -----...------------------ ' $154,95$ 75 The principal matter of business to F loyd John, son of Mr and M, • AND « ■ nr N. W Eman 19 93 be atten d ed to at the m eeting will be Bert John, left for P ortland Monday j O verdrafts secured and u n s e c u r e d ----------------------------------- -— —g «art •» V. S governm ent securities owned, including ' Jan u ary 4 11.459.09 , 'h e election of officers for 192«. An those shown in Items 30 and 35. if any ..................... .............. Lym an Tinker, whose shpeherd col- O ther bonds, w arran ts and securities, including foreign i c u al rep o rts will be m ade by th e Pr - - 1 , — g o v ern m en t state, municipal, corporation, etc.. Including , ’ ' ent officers. P resid en t I-'iird slated lie dog was poisoned by strychlne New those shown in item s 30 and 35. if any ------------ --------------- 1 7 6 1 '0 > Betw een 209 and 309 m em bers of Y ear's eve. has putiphased a little B anking house. $14.999: fu rn itu re and fixtures. $2,712 00 I the Lane C ounty union are expected w hite and tan shepherd collie pup Heal e state owned o th er than banking house None ito a tten d th e m eeting according to Miss M fdred M oruingslar, who has ia b l Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and tru s t com panies designated and approved reserv e . . th e executive. He urged th a t e v e ry ' been spending th e holidays at the ag en ts of this hank ° | m em ber who can bo present. j home of her p arents In E n terp rise r •- 10 Exchanges for clearing house and item s on o th er ban k s In 692.27 T he m eeting will begin early in the I tu rn « ! to norm al Sunday afternoon the sam e city o r town as rep o rtin g bank .................................. m orning A b asket lunch w tl be serv- Mr and Mrs F F Cooper and daugh 11. Checks on banks outside city o r town of rep o rtin g bank and 299 *, ed at noon. It is the plan of th e coun- ter M argaret, and Miss P ark retu rn ed other cash item s Total cash and due from banks, item s 8, 9. 10 and 11. $39,645.83 j ty officers io m ake the m eeting the t 0 Arago, Coos county, Sunday. Jan- "Men may come and men may go, but I go most successful session every held by uary 3 on forever,** sang the mill stream. Our lives $269.386 41 the Miss Hilda K nutson visited friends ! organisation T otal are dedicated to a service that shall always LIABILITIES a t P leasant Hill during the holdays be a Service to Sincerity. 39.099 99 p leasan t Hill Woodmen of ihoj 1« C apital Stock Paid in 6.990.00 W orld cam p 271 will Initiate 35 new i 17. Surplus f u n d -------e---- CRESWELL LOCAL 18. (a) Undivided profits m em bers S aturday evening. J a n u a r y , 5,757.24 (bl Less cu rren t expense®, in terest and tax es paid ............. — 9 at the bull. DEMAND DEPOSITS, o th er than banks, su b ject to reserv e: phohc Cresw ell. Ore.. Ja n 7.—A good a t­ 23 Individual deposits subject to check. Including deposits due 205.939 19 the sta te of Oregon, county, cities o r o th er public funds ----- ten d an ce was presen t a t th e regular FARMERS' UNION HEARS 484.61 ............................ 24 Demand ce rtific a tta of deposit outstan d in g m eeting of th e F arm ers' union T ues­ S P R .IN G FIE LD .O R E T otal of dem and deposits, o th er th an bank deposits, subject COLLECE MAN'S ADDRESS day night. F our new m em bers were to reserve, item® 23. 24. 25. 26 $205^23.80 taken in. Mr. and Mrs. Ai Schw erlng. TIME ANO SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserv e and pay­ D evelopment of cooperative m arket : able on dem and or su b ject to n o ties: Mr R iethm lller and W W alkaba The Time certificates of d ep o s't o u t s ta n d i n g ........................ ......----- 22.105.37 W alker Local union have dlscontinu-d Ing was traced by Paul V Marts, d' Total of tim e and savings deposits payable on dem and o r recto r o t extension work of Oregon and placed th eir m em bership w ith subject to notice, item s 27 and 28 ------------------------$2—195.3. H aight of A griculture college. In the prlnclpa th e Cresw e 1 local C. H H al»». ... - in«» ,*dre® given at th e good will din _____$269.386 41 W alker also placed , his m em a bership Total .h .hl n n i« . -MBM ner of the L ane County F arm ers union with thia union. v . , S tate of Oregon. County of Lane, sa Mr and Mrs M Horn and »« '»>* Oaburn hot. I New Y e a rs day I. H erbert F Clarke, cash ier of th e above nam ed bank, do solem nly sw ear Mrs. W H oll.ston wll, rep resen t the A fter, explaining th e of 0 » « . . . „ .« n ,,» , I. — » • ? ? .» ' CORNER 6TH AND W ILLAM ETTE STREET C resw ell union S aturday a l .h e Linn ««’»ding up cooper« Ive m ark.-tlng county union m eeting A blackboard Mr M arvl. said th a t the biggest proh A lt— : M M P—ry. Welby S te v e n ,. A. J P erk tn .. D ) r .e W .. has been placed In the F arm ers' union »"« »• »“ tbe °* pr,Klu ' " Subscribed and sw orn to before m e ^ h i. 6 * ^ of Janu ary. store for the b enefit of the farm ers »»d th a t s » m m ethod of producing (9EAL) My Com m ission E xpires Nov. 20., 1928. who wish to use It for advertising, »of dem and m ust be d. vetop. quet of th e C ham ber of C x n m erce at pr-slded at th e d nner C ottage Grove T uesday n ght reported of Eugene. . FwlI, - u having had a splendid tin,.- A R Land of Salina. K ansas. B « • ' " ’' J * . C ounty Union Will Meet January 22nd Commercial State Bank of Springfield W .FW ALKER « e .62-J FUNERAL SERVICE AJ- C. J. BREIER CO. Eugene, Oregon W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon presented the union with a ballot box « K inney an - wn |- in d Mr. G ilm ore m ade two sp .end.J o th e r , who spoke T he dinner was It gave)» Which were highly appreciated charge of the L orane lo ial by the union. Bill Susbauer en tertain- ed with a sh o rt solo and Tom W right P io n ssr '• • ' i w ith a piano solo A com m ittee served J ° hn r • " 1 ' coffee and sandw iches, which w ere a resid en t of P leasan t HI . died sud g reatly enjoyed The next m eeting of denly in Spokane. W ashington Jan- H he agriculture school will be he.d 2' ", Monday night in th e union hall and , Springfield this weeK Mr L aW a splendid m eeting is an ticipated. horn In Alabama • 1 Much in te re st is taken in th e ques- vlved by his widow and several chiV m , dren and th e follow ing siste rs and tlo n box and problem s dlscused. ¡b ro th e rs; Mrs. T. H. B ristow of B ellefountaln; Miss Addle Laird of UPPER WILLAMETTE ______ ' E ugene; H enry Laird and P. N. Laird The m em bers of th e C hristian En- of p le a s a n t Hill. deavor society held a New Y ear s THURSTON NOTES w atch party a t th e home of Mr. and Mr« M. E Haya December 31. A sh o rt -• 1 program of reading and m usical num- J Louis Rixxl l"R Monday for .0» bers was followed by refresh m ents. Angeles, C alifornia He drove throug The young M k a dispersed soon a fte r Miss Hazel B ta ls to n , w ho spent th 1 holidays a t h er hom e h e re retu rn ed |t o N ortons a s t Sunday h ere she Is IT ALWAYS PAYS TO TRADE AT CRAY’S We Have Just Added to Our. FEED Maha8 Complete Line W e H a v e the P rices Too. CALI TN AND LOOK OVER OUR CHICKEN FEEDS. MILK vtrv-T Fi o u n PRICES ARE ADVANCING AND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. WE HAV EN T JUDV'AN'CED OUR PRICES YET AND CAN SAVE YOU MONEY YOU WILL ALSO SAVE ON GROCERIES AND VEGETABLES. WE WANT YOU T AND PAY niCH H ST MARKET Spblngfield. TRY OUR HOME MADE KRAUT i C A5H&CA RRX Did you get ono of the large jars of Orange Mar- 1 malade at 29c I teaching. ' P erry P rice and Jay G rant rH u rn ed • I to C orvallis last Sunday w here they I are atten d in g O. A. C. Mr. and Mrs. Day Morgan and son from W edllng spent Friday night with ' Mr. and Mrs. C harles Taylor. I M errit C enter from Slltcoos spent Sunday a t John Bdimlston'a. M iss F I osh I s H errington w ent to ; M onmouth last Sunday w here she is ( 5 en terin g norm al school. Bob H errington drove to Toledo last Sunday w here ho expected to get work. M iss E rdlne C aruthers retu rn ed to ( C anary la st Sunday a fte r spending holdays a t her home here. Miss Doro­ thy T ravis, who h as been teac h in g at C anary, also did not re tu rq as some ' of h er students have typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Ila rb lt from Cot­ tage Grove sp en t Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. F rank Campbell. | I.a rt Sunday th e Bible schorf elect- wit th e ir officers for th e coming year as follow s: superintendent., John B n-' d ico tt; assista n t superintendent, Ray, itan v h : secretary. Leone E dm lston; Men’s Over­ coats $13.95 to $18.50 Men’s Suits $12.50 to $24.50 Women’s Wool 51oves at 75c to S1.25 Women’« nnd Gauntlet M 1 s « e s’ Coats greatly reduced. You m ust Bee these to appreci­ Men’s Felt Hats, good qual­ ity. $ 2 .9 5 ,o $3.95 Men’s . Underwear $1.2 5 to $3.5 0 heavy at it these low prices. $2.79 to $ 4 .9 5 going a t only Women’s Silk and Wool dresses, reduced to all kinds, light, medium and ate their value. Buy now Misses’ Wool Dresses, now of Men’s Rubber Footwear, Shoes, Boots, and Rubbers. You will always find the best quality at lowest price at the C. .1. llreler Co. $ 4 .5 0 to $ 1 3 .9 5 W omen's Pum ps and Ox­ Men’s Work Shoes, good fords of all kinds. Now Is heavy sole and upper, the the time to buy a t these $6.00 kind for low 9-4 $ 2 .8 5 ,o $ 4 .9 5 $4.95 prices, Bleached Sheeting, good grade, only per yd. A good assortm ent of men’s Work Shoes at $ 3 .5 0 to $ 4 .5 0 49c Yard wide Outing Flannel, Men’s Leather Vests Blan­ white and dark colors, per ket lined, best values, yd. 22 23c $ 1 1 .5 0 to $ 1 6 .5 0