ì PAOJŒ FTV» m U jy iW M b P MOBB THURSDAY. JAN: 7, 1926. —-------------- Mleotonary Meeting. Reporta Good Road— T h at th e road SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE • The M issionary society of the up the M cKeiiile la Io good shapt, waa READ MUCH OF FICTION C hristian church m et t the home of "T he Charm of a G reat ♦¡uine," will the report of W Hinan» of C ascade Mrs M J McKlln W ednesday after, i re so rt, a visitor hero Tuesday. ba, Ute them e for the m ontine hour T h at Springfield people ure g reat noon. An In terestin g and hejpful of 11 o'leck H pedal music The read ers Is Indicated In th» fact th at R stu rn s to Horna—Mrs. Hoy Whit« m eeting took place. Church school p ro c e d a at the hour the circulation of the public llbrit'v lias rotu moil to b er honte at P o rtia n i' of « I The new home of Perfection Bread and P astry in the for ID£5 was ,12,802.a Increase of 400 ufter sp, iidlnK th e holiday season K ensington Meeting. PerkitiK-I^axton building Is one of the most modern and o', r fa ut Here from California— Mr and Mrs. Eat More Bread for Health week visiting th e ir d aughter. culation. 719. T he llheery hud 353 n, w 8:80. Marvin Fountain, and »on, arrived re ­ borrow ers for the year. All nt Iho o h urih of the warm cently from R iverside, California t erty sis tu »- books w ere udde-l bv Sslla W heat—Curl Kirk of Junction b<*art, F I. Moore, M inister The Fountains are kirmi-r residents j (.Thy wits a business visitor In Hpring- purchase, and 79 hy gift. EBBI? FRESE, Prop. of this d istrict and sp en t several days '•'ci on Is of g re a te st In terest to , Ih-ld T uesday W hile h< r«- ho d •posml RETAIL Perkins-Laxton Bldg. visiting fri, nils and relative« h ere be­ WHOLES AI JS TOWN AND VICINITY 1 of it carload of w heat to the Spring- Hprlngfleld readers. Klghty-five p.-r fore leaving for Vancouver, W ashing 5th Street. e e t i t of th e read in g m aterial loaned j Hold Mill a, U raln i oiuputiy. ton, w here they are now staying for Bach from rc r tla n d —K W eber and duy lig the y ear was o f fiction. a short time. fam ily have retu n tisl from u trip to B rother Oles. Portland Man Visits— R obert W. l*ortlund where they visited relatives ELIZABETH MACDOWELL Skelton, of the Federal U raln super­ and friends during the holidays They J T Donaldson has received word PASSES AT HOSPITAL vision a t Portland, visited w ith Spring report uttich colder w eather In I’ort of the death of his brother, W W friends on New Year'« day land during th eir stay. I »»iiildsiiu. |n Moody, T exas, Decent Mr» II I l a b e l It MacDowell of O akridge 9 R stu rn s to Monmouth— Mis« Mary BullaUn C h a n g .. N ame—Tlie "Four her 2? T bo b ro th er of the locuj man died a t th e Pacific C hristian hospi­ W aechter returned to M onmouth Sun Ask moat any lady in this comm unity w hat Candies she la News" Is the new nam e of the of­ was horn 3# yours ago I nth« York tal In Eugene yesterday m orning. The day wrht re altç is a tten d in g the stale ficial Grugnii Ixiyal Ixgtm i of Log d istrict of N orth C arolina. Ito win funeral will be held tom orrow m orn­ norm al school. She visited here w l’h likes best and the answ er will be ( Cara and Ixiimburmnii publication, the m arriisl In A rkansas In 1864, an d was ing st 10 o'clock at th e W alker chapel h er parents. Mr. and Mrs. F W aechter January copies of whloh arrivisi at tbo left tb'X* by J. T, Donaldson, who here of E tneral4 H eights. I)