THURSDAY, JAN. 7. l»2fl. -rr—I THM AWUNUMRLJ) NHW« PAGB FOUR vaso. much can tm dono by proper Gns Mnk us People BLOOD PRESSURE DISCUS­ CHRISTIAN FAITH (JAINS GROUND. treatment. If. however, the high blood Nervoua mid R eatina The public announcem ent of that great Jewish SED BY STATE PHYSICIANS presxure la only a temporary phenom Published E very Thursday at theologian. Rabbi Wise, that the hour has come «■non, one of the many »ysaplonis of (las praasiire In the alelomen caua- Blood pressure Is an lud> x not a Springfield. I^ane County. Orwgou. by when the Jew must accept Christ as a fact, and a natural change whblh will pass in m ake His teething the basis of Jewish life ami disease. Everyone baa a blood pres- a short time, there le no need to ho ■« a re«(|.«s. iivrroua fee lug «lid T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS conduct, buret like a bombshell in the city of New Mire Just as every olle has a pulae. uuduly alarmed about It. A bbssl proa prvvsuta sleep Adlerlka remove, H. E. M A X E Y . Editor gii. In TNN mluufi"» ““d brings out keep It normal Is largely wiihln York where the Jewish population is so tremend- auro well below nomali limila Indi­ •urprlatng amounts of old was'« ■nrsred as **> “n< * Six M mths ______________ $1.0$ Sin«)« Copy _____ fie D ont waste lima- with pill« or lab- encouragem ent where faith wus faltering, for it your health. ih< pio«i«:ta„ who ig H t Can H i m . Him . lots bui gel REAL Adlerlka actlonl dem onstrates how powerful indeed how irrlstible• m«ei likely m h aw ih < knowledge T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 7. 192«. Tho Jon««' h«w> another baby They Flanery's Drug Rtore is the influence of the Prince of Peace. The tor-;'* >’"«• *" « has been your t>hy«l- rent sweeping down the m ountain side has force ‘‘»a (°r «'«>- >•” » himd pres- oan't Hhink of any name, so I sue Editorial Program .¡ th a t is but puny when m easured by the force of .»are usually indicates a lack of gen- why not write to the man who thinks CALL AND HKW Dr N W. Kmory * I Christian T ruth |* m i tone High blood prvsattr», on th«* up thoau trick natnoa for Cullman on prie», on plat.« and other work tf L Make Springfield tha Industrial Center #f W e e I “Jesus w as."’ Rabbi Wise admits, sweeping «Hr-«« »»en tlo» to o r - cars. tern Oregon. . aside for all time the age long teaching that Jens '*“> lh” ’* • “**• ',u*' * “» ef Contented Homes. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS II I . Improve Living Condittens on the Farm . Prt>- mote tha Raising of Purebred Livestock and the Growing of F ru it; W o rk for Better M arkets IV. T ell the W orld About Oregon's Scenic W o n iw - land. . th a t the teachings of the N a /a ren e have form ed »«’“ . ’the very foundation of the Jew ish onw ard m i n i , rh” *‘ .1 to God that the tru th no longer can be Ignored. «”“•» . but m ust and should frankly be adm itted l i e , '1" ’ . states that the basis of Christian life Is the foun-C .'d a t i o n of m oral life, and th at if C hristianity h as d «hirt«..- of middle age •b’’“l«> "k. .l i other, are m ,- ,,, * h’ ° dfecover d ‘,rw' “ rt " -¡seem ed to fail it is not because of its weakness, cm », (nation I but because so m any of those professing Chris-! '»•»«• ‘h^ bb n< »<“ DON’T BREAK T in s RESOLUTION. tianitv have practiced it so loosely and ludiffer-, h,«h *"r * * • Y ou all i,t at all. all.' The T he| «*• of , ’ v , tv broken . . . all . . or . nearly . > . your New „ Year u . s entlv- m anv indeed not practicing ' it '« e m a r iiy lower It. -solutions already. Well set have we. we But tb• • popular saying High blood pres- Chamber of Commerce The next best way. if you, , worship at their respective shrines if their "*»’ <*‘~ lh“‘ are and , J . be . linked . firmly MrIlllv into lntn a a giant human h u m a n c h a ln wtui.- pei-h-re knowing th,- „id .«yin«. ... not * a member . . have had no part in things . * hands chain tne cham ber may have undertaken, is not to un|tnflume« ’s Bul ln (hiitornia motor car nJ0at concerned in determining wheth - w .._ _ ' w# «hould j MORE R.ULROADS MORE ORE. in Lane coutyn. The Blue river mines and those iown^ 8 lale» th,‘,r <=•" bere la You cannot buy a lower blood pres [ in the Bohemia district are rich in several kinds | Oregon our license fee » our only tax f i t metals but the cost of extracting it and bring­ Complaint is directed against the feature of the lic e n se ! sur«. The most skillful physician give- I ing it to a railroad leaves nothing fo r the miner. law weilch requires the same license for an old car as vice which you and only you can i Anyone who has been through the Cascade a new oue cf the sam e manufacture Yet we have never carry out Regret and remorse may I range in Oregon and W ashington will find sec­ been able to » e the Justice of It because our whole license save your sou but It will loirer your | tions here and there where mining operations system Is based on the theory that the Income front It-j blood pressure but very II,tie If w«r« have been carried On with good prospects. Mil- censes w ll pay for our,highway sy stem, inasmuch as th 'xjof had living or neglect have raised ; lions of dollars have been expended, most of it a ! •» of tihe mam objects of the license law, tb amount It to a high point. On the other hand I score or more years ago. But nearly everyone of damage a car does to the highways is u much fairer If hlgib blood pressure Is found and ! has given up because of the cost of producing the standard on Which to base the license fee than the age of leads to the discovery of kidney dis- i ore. Mining is another industry that depends on th.-j car. An old> car will cause as much wear as a new one further railroad development in Oregon. and probably more. • Th«< sword swallower gotn* arounj with a clrcua died yeatorday—he - w u II k w im I a pin by mistake WILD TO C O / ese chilly lom ings WHY IS IT NEW WINTER- ’RED CROWN” STANDARD On OOMPANY ic m ^ m ilittt nine people out of ten wear down their heels on one side? We don't know ourselves--but we do know how to straighten those worn down heels so that they will give better satisfaction for a longer time than when you first bought the shoes. (Jive us a trial. Our charges are rea­ sonable. ELaECTRIC SHOE SHOP. John II. Will. Prop. Main Rt Between 3rd A 4Ri Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­ keeping Course Eugene Business College Enroll Today It’s A Good School A. E. Roberts, President M2 Will,im ette St. Phone Eugene. Ornanti 1 However, when flhe slate highway system will have O. A. C. broadcasts lectures Of specialist and been pain for. (be stale will lw in a position to Charge a professors regularly. It is becoming sort of an ex- nominal license fee. Then state and county will be at i n ­ tension course for the state. We wonder howierty to tax automobiles, they do in Cal fornia. anti then long it will t e until the students can all stay home the value of the car wii be the dotecaiining factor.—Al­ and receive the class room lectures over the radio.! bany Democrat-Herald Maybe this will solve the problem of the coat of • • • . higher education. ' BIO C rop worth less • • • ... . ! A corn crop of 3.013.390.00« bushels, one-fifth larger RFM EMBER . he public m arket on Tuesdays than toat Q( ,a#t year and ,ge sllt(, largrgt to history. and Saturdays. , , . is causing some distress in the middle-west Iowa, wltii .YOU. TOO. CAN RECEIVE CASH DIVIDENDS ■HBflaBBBMMBBBEaBBMnBWBfiBBMBMnOBBBMMHBMaBBMMB . the largest crop la tter history, some 477.39«.000 busnels. Is It is pointed out that while statistics show our I particularly hit. people are not m arrying as early as they used to. I they are m aking up for this by m arrying oftener. Iowa farmers are wondering anety why a large corn crop should be worth less than a small one. Losses o k • • • N'apolean said the British do not m ake history; flflla year’s crop are variously estim at'd up to $400.000,0#0.- The corn was planted on a 76-cent basis, only to be m et, they take advantage of it. with a market price of 50 to 6o cents. That Is ca u sin g ' • • • the rub. Friendship does not call for recompense. Only For the last 3,000,000.000-baahe. crop, in 1923. the farm-1 its counterfeit keeps balance sheets. • • • ers received some $2,217.229.000; for the 1924 corn crop of 1 That man can be termed a philosopher who 600.000.000 bushels leas, farmers received. $200.000,-, 000 more than they did for the 1923 crop.—Oregon Farmer I finds his joy in being dispossessed. The Nation's The Nation’s Favorite lnves*n,ent Favorite Investment — Public Utilities — Public Utilitiei For Your January Funds An Investment You May Depend On The preferred stock dividends of Mountain S tates Power Company have always paid regularly, without Interruption, ever since the organi­ zation of the Company. Here is a record sufficient in Itself to inspire investm ent confidence. It m eans much to everyone Interested in placing their funds where they will be safe and at the same time yield a good rate of return. You know this Company and the quality of its m anagem ent - you ara in position to obtain complete Information about It and to form your own Judgment. You have seen the num ber of home shareholders Increase steadily year after year. We Would Like Every Customer To Be A Shareholder Vou are welcome at our office whether you come to Invest $5 or larger sums; w hether you dome to Inquire for information regarding in­ vestm ents, or to m ake a suggestion. Some of your friends are pretty sure to be among our shareholders. Ask them what they think about the investment. Mountain States Power Securities Company Office Mountain States Power Company Albany Cottage Grove I,a 'as Eugene Independence Junction City Lebanon Stayton ?prlngfleld