T 175969 THE g P lU N O K lL Ü NEWB TliUllH ÜAY, JAN. 7. 1W2». 1 1 1 *. . . ------ ------------ PAGE THREW ' IN TUB fclKCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. Blanche M Hurley, Plaintiff, va. j John D Brown, K. D. Brown. Francis Brown, William Brown, Barilla Jack | «on, Mary M. Bucknell, Muud Whit i tock, Mr». C. A. Berkley, Mr». C. J. 1 Bennett. It. C. Beale, Herbert L. Van [ Duyn, B> lie Stafford, Rachael Coch­ ran, and the unknown heirs of John F. Childs, deceased, Defendants. SUMMONS. To Mary M Bucknell, Mrw. C. A. Berk ey. It. C. Beale. Rachael Coch- FOR SALE. I ran, and the unknown heirs of John DATE 1824 Chevrolet touring car. F Child», deceased, defendants. First class condition throughout; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE very reasonable price. Phone 627, OF OREGON: You and each of you tf are hereby required to appear and an- usk for Mr Moor. i swer tJie complaint tiled against you In the atiove entitled suit on or be­ NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Notice Is hereby given that the un fore the date of the laat day of puh- derslgned, ,M D Bissell, Admlnlstra- ll,,“l_,on. ° L t? 7 * i ? “ ™ a' On or before the 14th day of Jan- tor. has field bis final report and ac­ count m the estate of Ic-uh E. Bissell Ul‘ry. 1326, and If you fall to app.rr - 6 the .» ’p lead to »aid complaint within deceaaed, i and County ,.^..«.« (x>urt ex* of w , i-i.. ,, fa««. ha*d time, for , want Lane County, Oregon. ha« aet Hatur * a 4. tboreor r, « co«* . plain* . u . , .............. «HI, io®« in w,!l «PPO the Court for the lay. January 30th, 1026 at 10 o clock . A M. at the County Court room In "J pf i’lp m 't r i w ’t i com plaiut Court House, Eugene, Oregon, for fin 1 n dAds S. P. ACTIVITIES REVIEWED BY PRESIDENT SPROULE Too Busy. Father; "Say. young man, d id n 't I see you kissing my daughter?" Romeo: ‘Maybe you did, sir, I wag too busy to notice." It's geetin' so nowadays that Just gettln’ married is sufficient ground* 1 fos divorce. Southern Pacific’s capacity for eerv- Ice to the public will be still greater In 1926, according to a New Year's message to the company's employes appearing In Gbe "Southern Pacific Bulletin." the «mvployes' magazine, Is­ Absent Minded. sued tiMiay The message. In part, 1« as Slim Stollard fell otfn a scaffoM follow»: 1 yesterday and they took him to tbg "In 1926 our new line connecting F-aaP County, Oregon be corrected are giving better service than ever. entered and the plaintiff will mak* In accordance with the provision of Clerk of said Court on or before said tie J Inman. Deceased. “These are merely outstanding application to the court for the re­ *> “ ,o ,ra“ k* «‘^ ’’Iptlon In said Ordlnunce No 433 of the Town of day and time. Notice is hereby given that the un- 2?*? rPad J*??. No; Bh5ck i item» in the growth, by extension and lief prayed within the complaint, f** W J. LEPLEY, Springfield, lame County, Oregon, the derslgned has filed with the County Three In Mulligan« Addition on the improvements, of these properties wit: That the title to that 310 acree, Administrator of Said Estate. City Recorder will receive sealed Clerk of Lune County. O/egon. ms Wert to hhe Town of Eugene City. In D 24 31 J 7 14-21 whWh, combined with rolling stock more or less, of and described with!* bids fiw the purchase of 13,431 00 of final account In the above estate and Lane County, Oregon." one certain deed dated September 23, Improvement Bonds, sajd bonds to be by order of the Court Saturday the And that the title of plaintiff as and m otive power of the first class, 1920, executed to plaintiff, and record» In denominations of $100 00 each eg Goes to Albany—W C McLagan. 9th day of January, 1926. at Pen agalnet all of the defendant« and as make oure one of the great transpor­ ed on page 430 in volume 130 of th * cept the last one which shat be for chief engineer for the M outnam! o clo<.k A M at County Court to each thereof be forever quieted In tation system of the world, placed Lane County, Oregon, Deed Record* 61 Dollars Said bonds to bear Inter­ States Power company here, spent room In Lane County, Oregon, Is fixed the platnGff and as to each and all at the service of the public In full ex­ be quieted in plaintiff as against *11 est at the rate of Six (6 per cent) per ns the time and place for bearing any of said defendant« plaintiff be de- of you; that the mortgage dated S e > cent per annum, subject to redemp­ Tuesday In Albany cm lirrln g with of objectlona that may be filed to »aid creed to be the absolute owner of the pectation of profitable operation. The tember 22, 1920, executed by plaintiff tion at any semi-annual Interest pay- flclats of hla company. company Is organised to gather In the and his wife, and recorded, on pad* final account and to final settlem ent prwnlses described In fee simple snd Inbg pcr’od after being In force tor of raid estate. for such other relief as to the Court business and obtain from It fair re­ 191 of volume 49 of the Lane County, one year, by paying the face of bond Returns from Portland— Mrs. N. W. All persons having objections to may seem equitable and Just turns for transportation of persons Oregon, Mortagage Records, and th* with accrued Interest. Each bid must This summons is »erred upon you and property on the one band, and, lease dated September 22. 1920. el*> be accompanied with a certlfleij check Emery returned Monday from Port­ said final account are notified to file cuted by plaintiff and his wife, and In favor of the City Recorder, for at land, where she spent the holidays the same on or before Ten o'clock A. by publication in the The Springfie d on the other hand, to see that the recoi-dief on page 344 in book 146 (id M on the 9to day of January. 1926. I N hwb for six successive and consecu- least three (3 per cent) of the pur­ W. W. INMAN, ’ tlve weeks, pursuant to an order duly carriage of them Is done -with econ­ the Lane County. Oregon, Deed Re*- chase price as a guarantee of good Returns to Notl— Miss Lillie Sch- • Executor, j made and entered by the Honorable omy and ability in order to produce ords both be cancelled, and that all faith on the part of I he bidder. No L. E BEAN, Attorney for the Estate G. F. Sklpworth. Judge of the above the net earnings required for the suc­ interest of any oi tne defendants I* bid will be considered for less than |. wi returned to her work as a tea her Par snd accrued Interest. Date of In the Notl school Sundav She visit.d 860 W illamette St., Eugene. Oregon entitled Court, on the 27t>b day of No­ cessful conduct of the business. For said 310 acres of land or any part thereof be cancelled, and that each o f ll 10-17 24 31 J 7 vember. 1925. (fusing of bids January 22, 1326. Dale over the holidays with nor sisl -r. Mrs ---- --------- ------ - ----- . . — i Da, e o i fjrgt publication December success, we must handle traffic in you be forever enjoined from maktBff of opening of bids Jnnuury 26th, 1926. u,.,«„-»-.i,i greater and increasing volume, and any claim In or to said land or any part IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3 1905 R W SMITH. Recorder ’•»*« ° r S p rln gf-ld STATE OF OivEGON, FOR LANE Pate of last publication January to that end your efforts are enlisted thereof as against the plaintiff. H ob . Date of First l*ubllrat on, Decern-! ■ ■■ - 14, 1926. in every part of the service, for all C. P. Barnard, County Judge of Lan* her 24th, 1826. In from Oakridge— Harley Cain and COUNTY. Zola Bowers, Plaintiff, vs. Wlll'am L. E. Bean, attorney for plaintiff. can help to this purpose in the- In- County, Oregon, made and dated a* Date of Last Publication, January W|jo ,,f oakrldge were among Spring- Woodard Bowers, D efendant order. January 5. 1926. directing that 660 Willamette Street. Eugene, Ore 21»t, 1926 field visitors Monday SUMMON». this summons be pub ished once ea<* gon. D 310-17-24-31 J 7-14 ’e r is t of all. 14 21 I) 24. 31. J "New money is put Into any tusi- To William Woodard Bower», th> week in the Springfield News for a ZxZ above named defendant. ness for the purpose of earning m en period of six successive weeks, and IN THE NAME OF THE STATE money, which can be done in ours ' that you appear and answer the said OF OREGOi.: lo u are hereby Te- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE complaint within 6 weeks from th* qulred to appear and answer the com­ SPATE OF OREGON FOR THE by united efforts of all in capturing 1 date of the first publication of thl* the business, handling it capably with summons. plaint filed against you in the above COUNTY OF LANE. H. E SLATTERY. Attorney for profit to the company, and with pub­ entitled court and cause, on or before HOUSE PAIN TIN G Telephones; Office 613 Res. 2075 Plaintiff, and my postoffice addre** j the expiration of the time prescribed HAYMOND MARLA!T and L- M. lic goodwill." Kaltomlnlng In all Ite Branch»». is Eugene, Oregon. In the or«|er of Publication, to-wil; WATSON. Co-partmra, P aintlffs, vs. City or Country Work. Lowest J 7-14-21 28 F 4-11.1B 1On or before the expiration of elz Isaac. Gray. Jr., and Elisabeth Gray. MANY STUDENTS FAIL AT Prices. Every Job Guaranteed. fr<>‘" lhe ,artlPS unknown reason tor the greater number of Springftield, Oregon flunkers *s that requirements for stay­ non thereof Is on the 21st d Y y 'o f! cUlmlnK any rlkIlt' ,ltle ' < 'sU te llen Phone 57 Plans and Estimates Furnished or Interest In tne real estate des­ ing th« u n lvu slty are strict)? »Lan Will be at January, 1926. cribed In the complaint herein. De­ Free. Will Help Vou Finance I Osborn Hotel, Tuesday, January BRO A NELLA BROOKE. ever before fendants: Your Building. Attorneys for Ha Intlff. Only £6 of those who fa tle l were Office Hours: 10 a. in. to 4 p. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Residence: Eugene. Oregon. 1 OF OREGON. You and each of you freshmen In the first year cli« s >aly D 10-17-24-31 J 7-14-21 (4re hereby required to appear and ONE DAY ONLY QEO,. N, M oLK A N 2 7-9 per cent failed, whereas :< *«-C per DR. N. W. EMERY answer the complaint flleu against Automobile, F ire and Life cent of the ether three classes fail'd. Estate of Roh*,»« r> v « , ! 7°” ln above entitled Court and No Charge for Consultation, IN 8 U R A I4 C I D C N T IB T notice of final K settlemfnt cau "* 00 or before 8 lx weeks from This indicates, the registrar ailnour.- Surety BOnde,. Phons 6J7 bETTLEMENT. i y,® date of the first publication of this ced, that the university Is not unduly Button Bldg. Phons 20-J Dr. Mellenthin is a regular grad u al* My buelnesa ‘ le'gto proteot y«dr Residence Phone 153 M Notice Is hereby given that William > Summons' and lf you fatI 80 ap- strict with freshmen. Requirements buelneas in medicine and surgery and Is IF- F. Kelsay, Administrator of the ea pear an<1 an8’rer ior w>nt thereof, are not quite so high for them, and 8*0 W lllamette 8 t E u g e n » ^ r r 0oQ Springfield, Oregon late of Robert B Kelsay, deceased, the plaintiff will apply to the Court also they are serious and not so of­ censed by the state of Oregon. B * does not operate for chronic appendi­ has filed in the County Court of the for the relief demanded ln the corn- sta te of Oregon, ln and for Lanu j plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the ten over-confident. Freshmen must citis, gall stones, ulcers of stom nn^ VASBY BROS. County, his final report as such ad-J Court adjudging and decreeing that pass approximately one-third of hhe tonsils or adenoids. minlstrator; and that ten o'clock In, the plaintiffs are the owners in fee average number of hours, while mem­ II Pulnting & Decorating - 1 . , e”oon of Saturday, the 16th j simple of the premises described In bers of the other classes must pass He has to 'his credit wonderful rart of the clty probation. Last year 110 were put weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, lsff WILLIAM P KPI « A V Eugene which was originally do- WILLIAM P. KELSAY. nate(1 t0 , ^ ne County by Charno, on probation. Of the probationers 91 ulcers and rectal ailments. are men and 34 women. A majority ot DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL A. E. WHEELER Attorney Mulligan; running thence South 100 Below are the names of a few od A uorney - feet; thence W est 80 feet; thence those on probation, however, are JEWELER his many satisfied patients ln Or** DENTIST ----- ----- ------ j Nortn 100 feet to the South Un«' ot fr, ahmen. Repairing a Specialty DWI’ARTMENi’ OF THE IN T E R -T lth Avenue East; thence East Twenty-two per cent of students gon: Phone 43 IGR. UNITED STATES LAND OF- along said South line 80 feet to the from other states flunked or were Springfield, Oregon J. L. Chambers, Roseberg, head­ First Nat’l Bank Bldg., Sprlngflsld FICK, Roseburg, Oregon, November Place of beginning, being sltuati’d in 28, 1*25. 1 the City of Eugene, County of Lane, put on probation, the registrar stated, aches. while only 61-3 per cent of the Ore­ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION [ State of Oregon. John Wodtli, Waterloo, bladder and FOREST EXCHANGES. As against the said defendants and gonians flunked or were among the R. W. SMITH Notice Is hereby given that on Sep- eacn ot them, and that the said de- probationers. prostrate trouble. teinber 2, 1925, W. H. Malone, of Cor- fendants have not, nor have either Justice of the peace and The total mortality during the fall WM. G. HUGHES vallls, Oregon, filed application No. of them, any right, tile or Interest Mrs. E. E. Holman, Richland, kid­ notary public, Insurance F IR E A N D A U T O fN 8 U R A N C E 016197 under the Act of March 20, whatsoever in and to the said prem- term waa 194. as 98 students with­ ney trouble. N O T A R Y P U B L IC 1922, (42 »tat., 465) io exchange the isos or any part’ thereof, and that drew. Difficulty with scholarship is Ntk SE>4, * NH SW 1», Section 28,¡the plaintiff’s title ln and to the said the most common cause of withdraw­ W. S. Bennett, Oreg n City, ulcer Of City Hall Springfield, Oregon 1 Office at ¿-i'hi'«rh !h 1Sui8 "iRftngM M' premises he forever quieted anu set at the stomach. al. FIRST NATIONAL BANK for h e ^ r m u ^ .a n I’ I S v v ’ rp 8 t 1,8 «' raln 8 t , hp pl ! umi ' of , hp 8 ald 8prlngfleld, Oregon Unnfi ’n -ii n,p ° ” . th® defendants and eitner or any of them, R. W. Meyer, Shaniko, heart trou­ Fooled. Section 33, _ Toven ah Ip 20 S., Range 3 nnd nnrt for , nr general rp„ p. FRANK A. DE PUE relief. ble. East, W. M., within the Cascade Na­ his summons is published once A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Sam Doolittle breezed Into town tional Forest. _______ , , each week for six successive weeks Chas. H. Hoak, La Grande, gad ,,ii Purpose of this notice Is to ,n th0 Springfield News, a newspa- yesterday sm elling o' gasoline—ev­ NOTARY PUBLIC nllow nil persons claiming the lands Rpnpral cIrr„ pr,nted snd erybody thought Sam had bought a stones. Button SprlngRel* All kinds of gravel for con­ h ,7. ‘i ’ h ”n -« obJrc i published ln Lano County. Oregon. car, but come to find out he only had Mrs. M. I. Olsen, Portland, appeto tlons to such application*an oppor-1 ’ J ,, _ _ ___ Buldllng ’ Oregdn. crete or road work. We tunlty to file their protests wltd the by ordpp ot thp Hon F- Sklpworth. his suit cleaned. dtcitis. make a specialty of crushed Register and Receiver of the Unred Judge of the above entitled Court Remember above date, that c o n s * Butter wrappers printed according rock and rock sand. Bunk­ States Land Office nt Roseburg. Ore- which om er bears date the 23 day of Safety First. tatlon of this trip will be free and the$ to regufhtlnns with nramio, weight g o n . Any such protests or objet lions | November, 1925, and the date of the ers at foot of Mftln on Mill must he filed In this office within _ A . . . ,, , , fcl. and address, $1.25 a hundred at th“ street. Seared Passenger: "Hey, there, his treatment is different. thirty days from the nate of first | pr8t P«*” '™ "«“ °f »>l8 Summons is N ews Office. driver, don't go so fast—you’ 1 upset Married women must be accompaa HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. publication of this notice, which first i November 26th, 1925. us In the ditch.’’ led by their husbands. publication Is December to. 1925, | POTTER A FOSTER. KOR SALE—Carbon paper ln large ( ROBERT K. CRAWFORD, Driver: “Yes, sir, thia Is a danger­ Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence Address: 211 Bradbury Bldg., Lo» Acting Register. •heetis, 26x39 Inches, suitable fork Beo our llna of vl sit tog sards, and Postoffice Address, Eugene. Ore- ous bit o’ road here and I always Angeles, California. D 19-17-24-31 J 7 N28 D 8 10 17 24 31 J 7 gon. making tracings. The News Office, fwvuolod. or plalu, at the N«ws offloa. drive fast to get over It.' * GET RESULTS; fB U S I Ñ E S S D IR E C T O R Y Dr.John Simons Coming to Eugene Dr. Mellenthin “The Loop D, W. Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. non-coal. J 7-14-»