1 D iic r it l Advartìting it Good M anagem tnt TWENTY-SECOND YEAH THE SPRINGFIELD 8 P R IN O F IE L D . LA N E C O U N T Y . O R E G O N , NEWTEACHEfi IS \\/ô c ïç ty \ REV. J. W. PERKINS DIES AT HIS HOME AT SALEM 5 T H U R S D A Y , JA N . 7. 1926. PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR SPRINGFIELD IN 1926 "Th« Psopis'a 1 LIVC NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 1 T ÏI NEEDED SAYS TYSON optim ism Is the watchword of Springfield business w n a* they sur­ vey prospecte for 1926. Certainty that I i the ensuing year’s business will out- ! --------- la - tin ' of 1925 was expreseed by Applications So Numerous That half a dozen ocal men early th is' Single Troop Cannot Accom- weefc, an : prospects for building d e -! modate Demands: Patrol Is velopirent are considered good. Organized With Edgar Louk While 1926 business was not report­ ed as excellent, the year was not a ! as Leader. bad one ff r Springfield, It was stated. , If i»l Springfield boys who wish tv In the ca e of building, last year was' unusually good. I Uke up Boy Scou‘- work “re 10 *lT’ Provide«! local business weathers ‘‘n an opportunity to do so. another the usual February lull, ne n familiar troop must be organized In the city, with Ebe situation believe that the This Is the stab w nt of W. P. Tysoa, season ahead wil be one of substan­ master of the troop crgar.lzed under tial gain. Even the after-Christmas the auspices of m e Lions club, who drop, usually well-marked, has failed d-clared today that already there have to make much Impression so far «in the been more appilcatfrcs for member^ ( books, it was said, j Jack Fogerty, of San Francis«», ship ln the Boy Scout troop than It i will accommodate . holds Interests In real estate In Sprlng- ’nterest Ip Scout activities has j field. On a visit to this city last Sat- | urday, he expressed his faith in the grne far beyond expectations since the uture of Springfield, declaring that organization of the l oop recently. It I there Is every Indiction that local Is hoped by the Lions chib that some Springfield lodge o’ church organisa­ business Is on the upward trend. He tion will sponsor another troop The said that It was hie opinion that to ' dispose of realty interests here at the Ciub's original plan was to spongir one troop and get t ie work started in | preent time would be folly. In view Springfield. I of the Indications of future progress. Patrol Organized. * I Announcement of the expansion of “The Bob Whr j Patrol,” the first 1 two local lumber plants gives Indi­ Springfield Scout patrol, has been or­ cation of the faith of their owners ganized, with leaders chosen, and all In the possibilities for building de­ members successfully past the Ten­ velopment here this year. Retail lum­ derfoot test. Edgar Louk has been ber sales In Springfield are expected ohoeen patrol leader, with Evan Hugh­ to go to record heights. es assistant. Scouts who have passed the test OARAGE BUYS EQUIPMENT are Edgar Louk, Evan Hughes. Ralph FOR NEW REPAIR SHOP Hughes, Gerald Morrison, Thayer McMurray, Arthur Potter, and Vera New equipment to the value of Griffith. Other patrols w ill be or- F ' ' k ’ ’ T m’ h " “ I" S° ° D' T>'B° n Punerul services for llev J. W Perkin», formerly a well-known Springfield resklent Who died al 8a* ! LIONS CLUB TO FETE I le rn late Bunday night, were held INTERNATIONAL HEAD Mrs. George Puckett to Re­ I Tue Jay afternoon at the Walker pine« Mina Hiwol Stevens ns Springfield I.lona club members chapel lo-ro. Rev P. L, Moore of the Teacher in Primary Grades; and their wivos will Join In the rocep- Springfield Methodist church con­ Insurance on Brattain School tlon to be given Ken F. Jones, presl- ducted the services at the chapel, and i Is Incruased to $20,000 at lent of Lion» International, at the Liberty IxMlge, A. P. and A. M , bad Eugene bolts In Eugene on the eve- Meeting. charge of the gervcles at the grave. nlng of February 0, It wa» announce I A large number of the friends of Rev. KIei-tton of Mr» G eorge Pin k '4 t of today Hpri! iif • M i" take the i>iu"> *n Nsw York »tale. Mr. Perk age of 28, he has made a great contractors on December II, was doub­ uty, represented the Springfield club *n* enlisted In the New 1 ork tenth success of his administration, han­ led by the board at this w«~-k'« me«*. at the Corvallis meeting Sunday artillery and served during the civil dling the city’s affairs with raze » lug The total Insurance on the ne* _____ ( war. He -was a member of the Eugene Judgment for one of «0 limited «»- perianoe. budding Is now *20,000. MRS. DUMPHREV HOSTESS TTMasonlc lodge, t h e I . O . O F., and the Sons of the American Revolution. Regulation of the so-called public i FOR KILL KARE KLUB school dance» wu» dt»cu««»d by the WhPp at Salem, Rev. Perkins was HOLIDAY POSTOFFICE J b ' itril m em bers, but no official action custodian of the capitol building. The Kill Karo Klub was entertained RECEIPTS IN RECORD ■ s m taken F u rth e r consideration of by Mrs. James Humphrey at her home J^glila question 1» expected at future DISTRIBUTION WORK IS In Eugene last Wednesday afternoon. December of 1925 set ln di time meet Ins», It was slated. Christmas Jollification furnish«»! the TAKING OVER BY PLANT record in postal receipts at the School opened Monday after tbo m otif of th» occasion Each ludy look Springfield postofftce. ac Guy Whltely, shop {oreman Five MISSIONARY TO SPEAK GAME FROM LOCAL TEAM ter. Mrs W Beck. Mrs. Dumpbi-ry and The «Ustrlbutlon for these districts be an Indication of a prosperous fu- men are employed In the shop, which Mrs Bert Vincent, of Eugene. Honor has been tied In with lines to the AT CHRISTIAN SERVICE ture for the office, which retains its |s n© increase in the number employed The Springfield high school basket­ gum ts were. Mrs J Ketel» of Spring north during the r«,building of the second class standing despite the ( in (be old building on Main street ball team lost a hard fought game to f eld, »ml Mrs W McCormack. Mrs. I line. The Sunday evening program at th* slight slump for the year According to Mr. Wtoitely, the new Taking advantage of the lull In de- the Eugene high school quintet on the Devine and Mrs. Knight of Eugene The following tables shows compar- equipment makes the capable of Christian church wi 1 be in charge of local floor last night The score was llefreshtnents were served during th“ mands on the local plant during their stl.'j . figures for the four quarters Mrs. W. A. Reed and Miss H atti* afternoon construction of the large transmis­ of the past two years: Mitchell, well-known churci worker«, 27 to 19 The most expensive new tool was a sion line to A bany, considerable re­ By virtue of superior passing abil­ it was announced today. 1925 1924 “burning in’” machine whUsh cost in pair work has been started under the Ht ........................ ity. the Eugene outfit establ'shed a ODD FELLOWS INSTALL Mrs.' Read Is state superintendent of $1684.84 $1985 52 62 neighborhood of $1000. Battery *«• »«E'E’-r direction of Engineer W C MeLagan 2nd _____________ lead early In the game that the Spring- miasions for ner denomination. Her 1862 81 1847 99 1847.99 equipment for the complete overhaul­ NEW O F F IC E R S AT M E E T|Thp moit important feature of this field players could not supersede. The 1794.77 ! ing rebuilding of batteries is also topic will be home m ssions. Mis« 3rd .......................... 1912 91 work Is tho overhauling of the big Mitchel of Springfield has Just r*» arore at the end of the first half was 2633.611 2660.48 New officers of the Springfield 2000 kilowatt turbine, a Job now 4th _____________ available. ; turned from the heart of Africa, a n i 16 to 9 for Eugene. The ocal line-up Baptists Plan Parsonage. bodge. No 70. 1. O. O, D. F., F.. were In . t hn, f comp,(te 1 was: T ota’ ______ .....8271.79 $8121 04' At the quarterly business meeting she will bring a m essage of the work stalled last night by F. A. tauipbell, Kngtneer MeLagan expects tttmt the Cowart. Beeson, forwards; Whit m ark As will be seen from the table, It : of the Baptist church held at the in foreign fields. This is SpnngfteM of Eugene, district deputy grand mas ,oca, p,an( w„, ln nor. center; Lewis. McPherson. Cox guards ter. The officer» Inducted follow: ! m#, op,,rHt| on „ Dt|| about April 1. fell down in postal receipts. In all day. 11 departments reported success-j Mitchell speak in public Bince her C hristian Church. Pau Scalefo. N. O .; John 8. I«arah, w hin ,t expected that the recon- others quarters the last year showed ful work for the past three months. return. Sunday. 9:46; Opening Exercises, V O.; Oswald (»Ison, secretary; W. G- gtructlon stork on the transmission Special music is planned for th* a gain over the preceding period. Sunday school. R. K Moshler, super­ Eight new members became affi iated Hughes, treasurer; E. G. Black, w nr.t-: nnPH wm b„ complete, It is also noteworthy. Postmaster with the churcti during the period, ac­ meeting, wnich begins at 7:30 o'clock intend eat. - - Earl en; S. S. Potter, clnductor; R W. Hamlin pointed out, that the inaugu­ cording to one department. 11:00 Morning services, 8 Smith, chaplain; R. E Mushier. R. E » 1926 JURY LIST NAMED 'Christ's ration of the delivery system in Childers, pastor. Theme, The church was reported entirely CHRISTIAN CHURCH HOLDS N O ; Harry Woolley. R 8. V. O.; BY SPECIAL COMMITTEE Springfield reduced the box rents by free from debt. J. A. Garber was elect­ First D iscip le” ELECTION AT MEETING Howard Cotton. L S. V. O .; Hugh almost $109 a quarter. As the box ed treasurer of the parsonage build­ 6:30: Senior Endeavor. --------- 4 Jolllff. Inside guard. Names of 60 ctttxens were drawn up rent receipts go Into the post receipts, ing fund. Construction of a new par­ 7:30: Evening services. Mrs. W A. H’ectton of officers was one of th* as a Jury list for the Springfield Jus- It Is likely that had the free delivery ’ g©nage Reed amt Miss Hattie Mitchell In ts contemplated sometime important actions taken at the annual Offlcera a re InH slled. tlce district for 1926. at a meeting of not been established, the year would within the next year. Some funds are business meeting of the C hristi*! charge. •'* 'TKJi The Rebekah lodge held Its annual ' ,h'* »P«’«’*“1 committee In charge of have outclassed 1924. already on hand for the new project, church held in the church parlors Ja*- Installation officers In the Odd F«l- thto work held on Monday, but building will not cotmemnce until uary 1. A supper and general g o o i LOUIS ALBERT BANKS lo w . hall Monday night Mrs Mary C. The committee Is com p os^ of Re- ADDITIONAL POSTAL | sufficient funds are on hand to make time were other features of the oco*» TO CONDUCT MEETING I Magill had charge of the Intall.tlon corder R. W. Smith, L. R Thompson SERVICE AUTHORIZED ,Jle improvement on a urely cash has-j slon. 1 Officer, who were Inducted Into o f-' and Dr W H. Pollard, ^rom the pre- — ,----- i is. ' After discussing plans for the year"« Dr. Ixmls Albert Banks, well-known 1 flees were; | pared panel the names of 12 men will Additional service In the Spring- A basket lunch at 6:30 preceded activities, the members chose the fol- divine, prohibition worker and author, Noble grand, Wanda Barne.; vice i be drawn at the time of 1“nr ‘rta’s field free postal delivery Is assuerd i 'he business meeting. lowing official list: Is to conduct evangelistic services at grand. B en ch Daniels; secretary, I In the local court, and eadh side In --------------------— New elder, W. A. Hemenway. the Methodist Bpkwopal tihurch In Pearl' ci'«?ke“ r e c e d in g « -c n .U r r > the case will be allowed the right to as a result of the action of the fed- era- postal department In allowing HOBART WILSON INJURED New deacons, Edward Cole, Fr*< Springfield for two weeks, during the Cora Hlnsoo; treasurer, Bdna Swarts; reject three names. The remaining auxiliary assistants In village dellv- |N AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Kaufman, J. E. Rodgers. latter part of February and early dozen men will sense as Jurymen for ward«, Bessie Bcn«jh; conductor, Cor- erles to the extent ot one hour per --------- \ I Financial secretary, Mrs. E. E. Mop March. etie Putnam; chaplain, Mrs. Anna the 'trial. Hobart Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. rison. day. Plnns for the service« were made Knox; Inside guard, Mrs. Oeneva Postmaster F. B. Hamlin stated to- C. O. Wilson, Emerald Heights, suffer-! Treasurer, Mrs. L, J. Lepley. at n meeting of the church quarterly Louk; outside guard. Mrs. El«le Lam­ CHEVROLET AGENCY WILL !day that It has not yet been decided ed painful injuries, and three others 1 Church clerk, Fred Kaufman. conference with Dr. S L. Chaney, bert; right supporter to noble grand. OPEN IN CITY SATURDAY , as to ¡whether another carrier will be had minor cuts and bruises January ( Pianist, Wlnnlfred Tyson. district superintendent. Monday even­ Mrs Minnie Gerard; left supporter to employed for the local delivery,*or the 1. when the car ln which they were J A ssistant pianist, Marjory MoshI*«. ing It wds decided to obtain the serv­ The Gannet Motor company, Chev­ noble grand, Mrs. Alice Doane; right 1 extra hour w ill be added to the time returning from a day of sport at the . Chorister, E. E, Morrison. ices of a singer for the m eeting Dr. supporter to vice grand. Mrs. Elva rolet agency will be opened In Spring- spent by the present carrier. A ssistant chorister, Glen Riddle. snowline o the McKenzie highway was Bauiks will preach for three Sunday.’. Adame; left supporter to vice grand, field Saturday ln the Stevens building. Sunday school officers named: are: wrecked at a point about 4 miles be­ He was to he In the west for a few Remodeling 1« going on this week for Superintendent, R. E. Moshler; a> low the McKenzie bridge. weeks <1urlng the latter part of the Mrs. Clara Walker. ADDITIONAL SPACE IS the new place. A full showing of Ohev Hobart Wilson, Char es Thompson, si »tant, Glen Riddle. winter and early spring, and had two rolet cars nnd trucks will be carried LEASED BY C. R. DANNER and Gordon Bennett of Salme were Secretary, Emma Travis. G. A. R. Women to Install. ■weeks open. The locit church officials Needy e.ected officer, of Iuka clr- »« Springfield^ F. L. Moor will be the Librarian, Audrey Daniels. In the car, which was owned ad driv­ feel fortunate In obtaining his serv­ Lease of the large room facing cle. Ladles’ of the O. A. R.. will be manager of the ‘ ie " 7 a Financiri secretary and treasurer, en by Kenneth Wilson, also of Salem. ices for that period. Fifth street in the new Perkins and in staled at a meeting to be held F rl-! -hop Is being .n.tnl ed and service and 1 The car was rounding a sharp curve Mrs. Moshler. , Financial reports made at the con­ day afternoon ln Egglmann hall. T h o ; accessories will be handled by the Lnxton building was consumated this when It began to skid in the loose Pianist,, Agatha Beals; assistanf week by the Danner Motor company. ference showed the church to bo In a installing officers are from 'h«' "’' * |t" o p « > nlng here there has nl- gravel. In an effort to avoid going • Hazel Parmenter. «1 According to announcement by C. R Ohorlster, Frank Lombard. healthy condition. gone post. Thuy are Mrs. George For- w l,n tno over the embankment, It was turned Danner. * • . . . . .. 1 so been a reduction In price announce- Primary superintendent, Mrs. Moslw In toward the bank on the other side eat. past president, and Mrs. Orton 8 n The roam will be used by the mot­ . . m ent rri from * $20 to $46. URCH GYM WORK NOW nnd Mrs. E spnss, conductors. ment. . The , , new 192b of the road, where It crashed Into a 1er. ’ . , , , , 1» out and ready for Inspection or company as a show room for ail A vote of thanks was extended 8. On Saturday afternoon Iuka circle s , cnr ,R stump with such force that the left ON WEEKLY SCHEDULE past new stock. Sp.nking of the b a se ot president, Mrs. C. F. Egglmnn. | wRh the opening also. G. Moshler for his efficient service t* side of the car was crushed, the ndltlonal space In the building In­ Hobart Wilson received a blow on the school. ___ . . a i r\ to ymnnslum classes sponsored by nnd Mrs. Bert Donne nnd Mrs. Sam i which the company recently moved, Richmond, conductors, will Install of- WOODMEN OF WORLD HOLD the head which rendered him uncoun- Christian church are now working Mr. Danner stated that the optimistic Mrs. Emma Poase. INITIATION AT MEETING outlook for*1926 led him to arrange sclous for two hours, a hruished hip, a regular schedule, church officials fleer, for tho Eugene circle. and a broken bone of the spinal str ic ­ ounced today. The week’s program for probable expsuskm. An attractive Sprlngffeld friends of the A. (J. Twelve were Initiated Into the ture. His Injuries will not prove ser­ Friends Visit Swarts. is follows: showroom Is to r suit front the lease. Springfield lodge, Woodmen of the ious, although It will be some time be­ Peaso family were saddened to learn Mr. nnd Mrs. Emery Douglas and [onday and Thursday, « to 7:30 fore he w ll be permitted to walk, it of the death of Mrs. Pease at Porb ock, Ixiyol ' Scouts; 7:30 to 9 daughter, Lucille, stopped In Spring- World, nt a meeting he1 d Tuesday Church Social Planned. land last Sundy. The funeral was held is believed. ock, young men and Live Wire field Saturday enroute from Los night. In the northern city Monday after­ The Initiation waB In charge of the Members and friends of the First Angeles to their home In Seattle, to «. The A. A. Anderson barber shop noon. Mr. and Mrs. Pease for several Wednesday, 6 to 7:30 o’clock, girls; visit C. E. »warts family. Mr. Swarts officer, of the Eugene lodge W W heel­ Christian church will gather ln the and Mr. Dougins became acquainted ed of Eugene Installed the Springfield church tomorrow evening at 7:30 will henceforth be known as the An­ years lived at Third and D street« 0 to 0 o’clock, women. o'clock for the second monthly churcn derson A Clover shop, according to here, but Mr. Pease recently took hi« 11 young men are Invited to the ln Knnsrf. several year, ago when officers. Following the bualne«s session, re­ six'll night. The Live Wire class, Mr. Anderson who announced Satur­ wife to Portland where she has bee« ndny nnd Thursday evening classes they maintained adjoining store.. freshm ents were served. About 40 taught by Mrs. Dallas Murphy, has day that he has taken His former em­ living with her raughter, Mrs. C. 8. tho Wednesday evening classes Goes East—Lloyd Mnrtln hns left present from Eugene and several from charge of the program and entertain­ ploye, Wayne Clover, Into partner­ Wagner. The deceased was 70 yea» oponed to any women Interested of age at the time of her death. W altervllle, m en t A full attendance Is expected. ship with him. for a trip through the East. :ho work. i