T IH 'ItS D A Y , IH«*. 31. 1926. THE » » ULNtyiFJ.U NhWri PAGE SIX Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT NO. 14 DOEÎ IS T W«4 FIXED M 615,835 i OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • FARMER S UNION • Ralph Laird, Creswell, P resident. Will W heeler, T rent. Ylce-Prral- dent Betty K appauf. C ottage Grove, eec.T reas. > N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove, Door K eeper H. C. Jackson, W altervllle. Con- ductor. * • • • • • • • • Community News T H U kS T O N NOTES Local R eportera J. L Northup Cilnury C entral Giovarti ale Coast Eork UPPER W IL L A M E T T E C ra I well .tian End« - . vor i »««• • tv ,«f Dorona The C .rb ■■ tian HeceUt ' ! casan ' i w';1 . e a r» Hadley villel watch i«arly ut the honte of Mr and Ja sp e r ........ M r» . M E. l l u y » T hursday. D ecem ber I« Inorane 31 w McKoaato . Mr and Mr* yS as C urts and f.vnll . Mi, Vernon and Mr ai d Mr». John Lawson and i . Silk Cr»ck fam If of P leasant Hill attended tb« , T rout C hristm as party gfveu at the lio’uc • V :.« FARM ERS GIVE LAND FOR NEW ROAD R IG H T OF WAY H ay Ilo w er Dec >1» for rigtil-of way for a new Mga I. J «n Jasp er an I 111«« l* lr i« » a c l Mrs Goo K idellns’k Hill »chi o I h wore filed for re« or«l In Mr». M A. Ilo n i ¡ t h e o f f l i « ' of County Clerk tlryson Mrs Ada J 1 lining» i D ecem ber 34. In EugnlW* Mrs II. Dakar I'ti - new roail 1» Intended to lessen Mrs M Gillespie ih<> diet.-in««« between th<’ two points« .... Mr» G raie Jen« » to aceeciioiiai« man) of the atudenta Mrs C M Fouler ef 4ie I n le i l h ig h s c h o o l al t'leii».« >t H urry C. Jacknon I I 1| w h o a r e n o w c o m p e l|« d to g o Mr». V. A Reynold ■ nun i> farth er than will be necessary ...... Bulat» Smith w hin the new roail Is completed. 11 B T B B ' Guile a num ber o f f a r m e r » w i l l a l t o Mr» W K Post Mr and Mr». T hom aa W illiam an ’ >ou. Jo'.tu th e n C ottage G rove; *1.» Mr nd Mrs George W illiam a u i d au g h ter, L aura Editdi, took dinner w.th Jeh u K.tmlston last We^ln—dsv. Gcerg» W illiam bought a few Ford O . L . C le m e n t , C h a p la in . • ear last we«*k Mr. and Mrs. John Ednilstou and taut iv spent Christ.:» as at tlud Me EPIDEM IC M E N IN G IT IS Is .» i i>n:*d I«)' H ie c h a n g e c f M t . a n d M r s ( ' ! .«• U r l ì i« e n T h u r » , oti’s n ear S p rln rtv 11 DISCUSSED BY BOARD According In I1. M Mora«, county I*- Mr. and Mrs Hay linught and fam ­ dny, I'« , -ember 25. ' Eug«'tie had C hristm as dinner together i-ngineer, about a mi o and a half ily -cok • Christum» d in n er with Mr Mr und Mrs J A I’lt-'p- tn J tw • As a cu m b er e f cases of eii 'n ii gitis of re a l will be luilll F anner» are do­ ih'h'.ren, Evelyn .tod 11- >■-: t. - p u t t at the Bwlfl home. have b e n rep o rted in O regon it Is and Mrs. William C ulver in. Eugene Mr and Mr» R J English nn«l n a t in g tb«« laiel ami lb county will Mrs M argaret Campbell. Mr and l Itti itua» at the h"tne of Mr. .«ml M'«. im portant th at e v try should be in­ «lanchier. M argaret of 1.« ban«’n. for­ spay for ib«- fencing formed in reg ard to m easures for It» Mrs. Fred Gray and fhni ly, also Mr. H ela i 'l l 1 1 ' at Sam ulit. ' revon ami V -s L< iu Drury anti f -'u^y front Prln« ral and Mia M E li: ya »p< a t merly o f PledM nt Hill, »pent Chris:- p rer- ation and control inn - with relative» n t Cmw and v is­ I "G rain 1» often «>w d In Oregon Tow epidem ics have been reported, Pleasant Hill took t'h r < t« a s dinner G nrotii.hs v.'th relativ»* in Km« n . ited friend» at I* ensant lllli : during favorable w eather ib ' -ugh the hn« .it Cocbra-i >.nd the oth r at Klam ­ wit ■ Mr. a lii M - V B M a tlie .w a . Th«' la -•» of the C hristian church Mrs. .Ju an ita l.em bard pent C hrist­ en tire w inter, ray» the experiment Mr. a .d Md« M. J M. Kiln and Mr- and the C hristian End «vor »m « ly a th Pulls Epidem ic m eningitis was ina» with «lel.itivea In Springfield. 1 station T here » le»» chance ««f loss not ecognited until th e h« winning of 'Mlluh !{:■ ;• ■ and «1 tught« rs l r -u n«.tt«-d over tw enty dollar* a t their Mr» T E K ahler »ml danght« r. Mary i with w heat that ha» I m cp treated wiin g Id - p t. t «'! ri»l.'. as al R « proem iti and cafeteria given last w «-k, th- nin eteen th century. The first o u t­ S C nthirin». «n- hntnv fov th«1 Ohrlstiu»» «<*i«t>< r carbonate Ilian » u h U te o i l b reak occurred occurs in epidem ic Edrnlsien's. ¡T he proci «• Is go tow ard purchasing helulay from Elkton wit» » Mr». Kah­ 1 treatm ent« but there 1« always th» W reck on Highway. a i d in sporadic form. The epiuem ics carp ets for the church. ler I» tagr'ilng. G e n e ra l F u n d . > haiice th a t n h e grain will a ta rt and are lucallied and a re rarely wide­ Saturul evening about 7:30 I" M Á fam ily riu u lo n »a» hold a l the The puid’c »«heel nt Kwtarprl»« spread. As a rule the country dis­ Alex Mathew • and George Month from j me of Mr au i Mr». Andy Olsen gave a fine program to a packed h»u» be .enugbt before well e«labtl»hc«d A d r t r t i s l u g ____ __________ $ 3.000.0> Witsn there 1» a perlcsl of surface 2.500 00 trict» are more aff cted th an cities. W altervllle had a wreck about 1 2 C hristm as day and a sumptuum- A g r i c u l t u r i s t ___ Christum » eve. December 24 Mrs frctesM and thaw s I'tiless there Is The c o n cectrat'o n of indivlluals In 13.006.00 t i l d e . a - ef T hurston laitti ear» w. A ssessor's office . C hristm as dinner enjoyed. Those ta-wia 1» teach« r nt tbu K aterpriao I loo much lund to band e In the spring 660.69 j large shacks or b arrack s seem s to be m d ly dam aged Mr MaAiews had two pee»' ut w ere: Mr. and Mr» Andy Gl A u d itin g ________ «Cheol this year i 1» probably i*«( io wait till spring 22.500.0) ‘ a factor C hildren and young adults rjb4 brok,,n also hts kne« was badly C are of poor ------ son and children. Mr Alb n Olson nud Mr. and Mr» O. H W angelin. of 12.066.00 »re most suse« ptlble. Exhaustion, ov cut in,( o th«r bruise» Mr. Momb h a i fam ily, Mr nJ Mr» Cecil G riffin and ,x ,0^ Reach. California, who are llv- open» up and sow the standard »prlng C ircuit court ___ i varieties, 700 v) e r exertion, depressing m et:.« a n ! his hnn ! cut and a bad cut on hl« eg children. C oroner ________ lin g al tile home ef Mr. and Mrs E 6.000.00 bodily surroundings a re predisposing besides o th er bruises Dr K ester fronti ■» — C ounty c o u r t _____________ Mr and Mr«. John Palm er . and H T inker, recently purchased a Ford 3.500 0» cause» M eningitis c a rrie rs play an Springfield was called a id dressed children of Cottag«- Grove and Mr. County fair -------------------- - touring car from the Cresw ell Ford T.OOO.OJ j im portant role in tra n sm ittin g the th elr wou>. E m ergency ---------------------- 14.400 0C Ellis Pickens I» In the county Jail, 1.S00.09 dkdtis m eans Inflam m ation of th e ap- j . • m il Mr- J- hn Pnitner at E nterprise nt Eugene, following hla a m s l wl h ! O r bifospinal m v n in stt’a 200.00 jH’ndix. H ealth officer --------------- Mr and Mrs Ray Baugh and fam- They have been moving their chlcke'l ■ wo girls, »aid alao to be from Eu , SO0.0O m eans inflam m ation of the nerve tis- . Indigent s o l d ie r .................... ily motored to Jun ctio n City la -t Sun­ coops and farm ’ng tm plem enfi by gen«-, in HtlelU. soao-i sue of ihe brain and spinal cord. In In sa n e --------------------,— The girls. I’aullne H arker and ; day and spent the «lay with Mr and ihe pu t week. T h eir tw o chll-lr« n. 3.000 03 its comon usage inflam m ation anv- Ju stice c o u r t ------ — ---------- Jessie and Ralph, will . in r t.ip Ell W;iUn>-ta Austlng. s-ild to be minor« Mra. Jam es Calvert, î.îoo.oe w hsre T '- a r i th» effect« of ‘nfec,l or», Juvenile court ..................... ss E thel H arris from Brook* len rtoe public schools the first of the will be held as Win«-»»-*, according 14.000.0V C er-brosplnal m eningitis m eans that R iis tr a t on & election year. lo anti,iU!ic<-:iii-ni ut ihe sh eriff« of 8-'3ve icfectin e organism 1« a ttack in g spent th e w-c-ek-end visiting friends R etirin g w arrants 25.000.0) Mr and Mrs Elovd Lord an I family lice. The party was arrvslw l wh. n I: ! L200.0’ tb« b»aln and spinal pord. It has been A**! relativ es here. . S alp bounty ................. . w«.te «ilnn«T guests a t th e horn « ’ o f M r Is alie g e l they caused a dtatiirbance 6.750.06 found out th at th ere a re m any dlf- John Etlmlsion und daughters. i,n | Mr» Jessie I’helps. Mtodnjr, l«e- School su p erintendent — In a Salsgn r-‘*iaurniit They wgre re S heriff's o f f i c e .................. . 31.4OO.iM feren t ni'ero b « ’ w hlcH do this, but a Maude and Haael, rp«-nt Sunday In C « Y flW " ' 2 « • turned to Kuger« , wh«-r» ITck« li» w? « I 800.00 special one. th e m eningococcus, is ac- Eugene S laughtered anim al Ml»« Halil« Deaver. Instructor 11 ; ,| |n J.«:J S o definite c h a h a iliam s and S urveyor's office ............. — 6,715.06 cused of cau slrg epidem ics of con- Mr. and Mrs. George W lue Monroe high school. I« »p«*nding been mede against th e man b 500.00 tagious m eningitis. (lau g h t.rs, Ear dis and L aura Edith, Tax r e b a t e ______________ h er C hrlstu us at ihe home of h* r county a u tb o ritb s 2,000.09: Epidem ic m eningitis Is tra n sm itte d sp en t Chrlstrif»» a l W altervllle with T histle A- plant insect ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Gier, Mr». Ros« R eaver ut E ntor 3.395.00 directly by th e tra n sfe r of secretions relatives. T reasu rer's office ------- — : I rise. » Ons Day Farm Schools P l«rnsd. Mr and Mrs. Cllflord H errington W idows' pension ..... ....... 12.500.09 from the nose and th ro a t by m eans POLA L'FGDl I • At the annual C hristian church «•lec­ t PiCTURS Roads and b ghw ays .......... . , 111.025.09 of coughing or sneezing, an d Indirect- and d au g h ter from n ear P ortland are tion, held Sunday. Decemlmr 27. ih e | A »erica of one day farm school» lo --------------- ly by coming in co n tact with articles spending holidays with relatives here. following were elected : Elders. W I- lx- conducted by »pe«iall»t In b«rue $329.355.90 which have been contam inated by Mr John Hetwlekemp. Mr. and Mrs. Bristow. H C Whe / . r L. E. P arks . T o t a l ___________ i-onomlc» from O. A C- Is new be­ a t t h e nEi-i- — 1 such secretion««. T h e time betw een ex- H enry H endekenip from Eugene spent E. P. IditGn. D. 0. L inton; deacon* ing planned by County Agent O. S SUNDAY ONLY posure and th e first ap p earan ce o f , C hristm as day w .th Mss« H tersm a. FI- tcher. W allervi le W llaken»'- and H O R T IC U LT U R A L W EEK TO sym ptom s Is from tw o to ten days, 'C harlie P o rter f« in Globe »pent J A. Phe|ps, E. Y. Sw ift. F rank Smith |C . F Hyde. Bruce W heeler; deacon C ottage Grove will be the »cene of T o D s m o n t r a t s U s s o f S e w in g BE H ELD JANUARY 21-23 but persons have been known to car- Monday In Thurston. i . ss, Dora H arden. Clyde Swift Mrs. | these srh-iol» H ubjerls of «fecial lr M a c h in e » . rv th«se germ» In th e nose and th ro at Mr and Mr< j ohn HOn p er. (> ( a ,rd ¡D re st In the com nnlty will be lectured Pians for a «crie» of m eeting» In I.ane county ho rticu ltu ral week for month? before sym ptom s develop an(j daughter. Mildred, and Mr. y r an ,| j , r? p x . lailrd -o f Eden in und dem onstrations held Eugcne and C ottage Orove lo dem- will be held th is y ear Jan u ary 21. 22 Persons recovering from th is disease , an<1 Mrg Arch sbough an j d aughter j Tuh< Hn„ .rta in e d a! C hristm as dlnn r. u n atrate the use of se w ln j m achines and 23, according to O. S Fletcher, also have been known to retain live ni{>tored to Blue River C h rls ta a s day. Mr and Mr, Knlph L alnl and fam ily, ■ are belng inade by the county agent. county a(2^nt. Two field day» w ith a germ s in the sy stem for m onths a f t e r , sp€nt FARM P O IN T E R S day with .Mr. and Mrs. Fel- Mr an(1 j j rg l , Bristow. Miss Irm a | • I The m eeting» wl$ be Jau u ary 20. 31 general m eeting in Eugen» on the they were ap p aren tly well. j lx Sparks, retu rn ed home Saturday. | |,R|rd, who Is teaching in W ashington. - * ¡and 22. Expert» front sewing m achine last day Is being planed. P ra tin g and Every case of m eningitis and every j Mr and Dttk H arb it from Cot- hnme for lh r holidays G rsgon lactorles will be on hand to asslst m o:h»r orchard problems will be taken suspicious case should be Im m ediately | lagy Grove sp en t ChTlstma* with rel- Mrs. John M arkum and fam ily of L ate planting of grain in up and th ere will be denaovyLT'.litt» isolated and reported to th e local i a t:ves here F rank R em m le is spend Springfield. Mr. and Mrs Morto.i are a t a fairly benvy ra te of sowing. the work. in small fru it culture as wGl. epe- health officer Meningeal Irritatio n Is , ing holidays here with hom e folks Bristow of D exter were C hristm as i »ays the experim ent station. Orowlh ciallrts from im O. A. C. w i l l a s s is t fOtttt- m mA n - fe « te d hv h eadache. Vomiting. ««_ Rosa Baughman and «cm anifested by headache, vomiting. ( Mrg son». dlnner Kue»ts a t th e home of Mr. and Is slow In D ecem ber and January. ” T ren ch pear and C alifornia black ty Agi nt F letcher, and C osnty Fruit rlgl(j (ty o{ the neck re tractio n of Herold and H oward, sp en t Sunday In Mrs. F rank BmDh. “ '»»y of the plant« die. and none of w alnut roots a re re s ista n t to the Inspector S tew art In the wo?*. . be head a n l rise of tem p eratu re. In , Thurston. Ml*» Parm nlee M arkum of Spring- them have the opportunity for stool- m ushroom root rot fungus in Oregon ' young children convulsions a re com j Mr> Jen n te from E ufen# field Is »pending the holidays a t th< j |r.g ont as is th«i case with Septem ber while Jap an ese sand pear and English S hcrt Course In MarkeCng. mon. Early diagnosis Is of the u t m o s t ^ 8pelrilng the h. re, home of her slslsr. Mr and Mrs Mor and O ctober p lanted grains, w alnut root» a re h lg lty susceptible, im portance In th e control of meningl ton B ristow at D exter Potato seed balls are of little use ex rep o rts the experim ent station Loyd Ryan from Eugene is spend- A « o p e ra tiv e m arketing short tis. ar,-d no lim e should be lost In call- F riends of Arlo B ristow will be In : cept to some one in terested In deve • days a t P rank Cam pbell’«, course will be held a t O. A. C. F ebru­ tng the doctor in any suspicious case. I . Ing a few Oen(.T,v„ Beaman daIw h. tereste d t o ’know th a t he h a s resign««! ! oping new potato varieties, says the ary I, 2 and 3. according to word re­ No child should be allowed to retu rn TIM E AND PLACE OF • from G ardiner, a re visiting h i« position a t Snohom ish. W ashing O. A. C. experim ent station. Most s ceived by the Lane county agent, ». to school a fte r having the disease ter, Zora, LOCAL MEETINGS , • ton w here he has been the last. 21-2 | w orkers along th is line do not car«- i • a t th e H arb it home. 3 i-T-.-tcber The eoutse is t j - ir.ana- w ithout a proper certificate of health CMiary—F irst Sunday and T hird • Leonard Beaman, who h as been a t­ years and accepted an u rg en t call in for seed balls unless they know the and directors of cooperative t n - 1 f ; .o m t h „ h e a t h officer o r the atten d - • R atnrdajx F arm ers Union Hall. • plant supplying the pollen also. Seed* th e C hristian church Bt Cam aa Waah- ten d in g »chool in S t e m Is spending c« r n i r h* re Is an Indicted a tte n d a n c e , physician. Colds and c a ta rrah may be washed out of th e balls like • C loverdale—Becoml and F ourth • Ington. r hotldayk with hts grandm other, Mr». of te r from I .a ne county, a -ordini, s h o u l d fVord h as been received from Win tom ato seed. These seed» planted In a 1 • Fridays. Liovardale 9«-hool llouae. • receive atten tio n b e- will be happy to to Mr F letcher The course was a r­ cause they m ay not only carry Infec­ H a r b i t Hts friends >.,B lo learn w ,,ow Arizona know he is beglnnlg to talk j »low, Arizona th th a a t t C hartes P. Mason green house In March, tran sp lan ted t o '» CroetueU—F irst and T hird T ubs - • ranged at th e instance of th e Or .«gon tion but are sometime» associated has th e m isfortune and partn er. 8am P roctor, have s o l . j «»Id fram es In April and to the fie ld '» deyr, Cro«w«U. M. W. of A. H a lt • the little fellow Cc perutve council. with the d »ease I ts e lf —S tate Board as n ever learned to the W inslow Mall, a sem i weekly | |n May often produce fa ir sized tub • Con«t F ortt--S econd and Fourth to be deaf and has of H ealth. ew sn ao er and and Mr. Mason has ac- era the first y«mr. Much variation al- • T hursdays. Farm Union Hall. talk. 1 'n new spaper B u tter w rappers printed according i - Miss H elen T ravis, who teaohes a t ' r-epted a position as city editor of th<» ways accurs and selection and te s t­ • Danirfxt— First Tu«««lay. Itami bo • • School Houee. * to regulations with nasrje. w eight! FOR SALE C arbon paper in large Camas Swale. Is spending holidays j new spaper a t Gallup, New M«x lah Corvallis. • T «m l—Boooiiri, and F ourth W«d- • gren of O. A. C. a t a m eeting in the • aesdnyw Pleasant Hill High • Danish hall In thi Junction City comn- P ark s le ft yesterday for P ortland to attend the S tate T each ers’ associa­ • Hdiool Bldg. • In com bating the fire blight of m unlty, a t 1:30 In the afternoon, Jan ­ pears In Oregon re s ista n t root and • Vida— flecond and F ourth Satur- • uary 13. This Is expected to be a very tion. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Sw ift and fam ily body slock has proven to be the most • day» a t Mlnncy Hall. im portant m eeting for those engaged • K«-ore ter lee will ple«.««e send In • in the Hhc-ep Industry in the county. L. E. Parka and fam ily of Cloverdale, satisfacto ry and la recom m ended by E. R. Jackm an, extension crop spe­ Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Cooper and (laugh the experim ent alatlon. Bulletin 214 • ttnie and pbu-« of m eeting and • Btigcne, Oregon 062 Oak Street cialist of O, A. C„ will discuss the te rter, M argaret, Miss Ann P arks of will lx> aent on request and contains • ebaftgee of dot« as l#»ey uaar oa- • • "P ro d u tlio n of G rass Seeds" a t the Arago, Mr. and Mrs. Luellan of Coos detailed inform ation regarding this • car. disease. county, Mr. ah - the Lane county budget was i.i"< «1 by the taxpayers at the annual m eet­ ing last T uesday in ’he court holts-’. The budget earnest esticrateJ expen­ d itu res iu the general fund of $329,355. It also provides »130.000 for m arten roads, half of which is to be met bv the state, $50,000 as a bond sinking and inter«». fund and $ 2 3 1 .4 9 " 90 for general sch sol fund or a to tal of $675,. 835 90 Increases in all d ep artm en ts is nt c- essary in o rd er to carry on the grow ­ ing work of th e county the d ifferent officials to»d the taxpayers. T he coun­ ty assesso r asked for $1000 more in o rd e r to m ake a survey of Eugene p ro p erty during the coot ng year Fol­ low ing are th e item s of th e geueral • fund as budgeted: * r "œ... W anted Eggs and Poultry Sher Khan