PAGE KIVI I H E S PR IN O E l'XD NEWS TIIU R 8D AY. DEC. 31. 1Ö2&. i IN THE UIRCIJIT COURT OK TH E STATE OK OREGON FOR U kN r, I COUNTY. Blanche M. H urley. Ila in tlff. On. John O Brown, It. L>. llrow Jfrun': « t Brown, Wilburn Brown, Bat 111» Jack j son. Mary M llm knell, Maud Whit lock, lira . C. A. B erkley, Mrs ( J. ¡B ennett, H. Beale, H erb ert L. Van j Duyu, Belle S tafford, Rachael Coch- i ran, and the unknow n heir» of John ' K. Chitda, deceased, D efendants. SUMMONS. To Mary M. Bucl-.nell, Mrs. C. A. B erk ey , R, C. B'-ale, Rachael Coch i ran, and the unknown helra of Jo h r tin rtf *' l )R SALE. t u tuhi* FOR SALE' REAL F6TATE. WANTI in hl >WII «In »f» 'him, tilth 1 sat co rn er E .mil W ater I LATE 1024 eh* »m int touring ear J F. Child», deceuged, defendants. " t K¡> IN T H E NAME OK T H E STATE Kir it i l ii condition th roughout; OF OREGON: You and each of you **i l. 100(120 fur nut« cheap, innks for api . l i l l u ii ry reasonable price. Phone 627, ire h ereby required to appear and an- I« own ti l in I. Cull hu» curly nt Il 31 J ____ l J ...I - v' OopsrlgWl IMS W P w b tu U - . imk for Mr. Moor, tf. j awer the com plaint filed against you III** n t 21 h l II A v i- . W " « l , I In the above e n t tle ented on or before m atter of record and th e title of s i 'J tellin g "o f my good fortune a t home ■ property described as Lots One and walklr.g by m y side, "you know h e’» by o rd er of aald Court S aturday the or at »aid lime and place ttfch ami Olive 8t*. Dated and fir», published December jr,)Ur of Block T hree of M ulligan's I I If 1 lost It would be m ore or less Just th irty and is already 23rd duy of Jan u ary . 1926 a t the hour headed to- to E u g en e,! aw kw ard am lttin g to C urtiss th a t I i Addition on the W est ~ of I' n o'clock A. M . of aald day at the 31, 1925 Eugene, Oregon w ards International fam e." M D BISSELL. A dm inistrator county, Oregon, except th e had throw n away three tim es the County Court Room I n , the County W HITTEN SWAFFORD, A ttorney South 6n feet of »aid Ix>t Four be I am ount th at I had declared would be "A m erican?" I asked. Court llouae In Ihe City of Eugene, Eug> ue, Oregon. made perfect and com plete as against i my ]in, t a[ w h, ej "Yea. a t one tim e, but he's lived Oregon, baa been fixed and appoint­ K. W. Smith Goan Aw«/. D 31 J 28 the heirs of said John B row n: th a t, , ed an the day. time and plaale for the on the continent so long—th at Is. for a deed from John F. Chllda and Mar;-1 Thp croupier was announcing the It W. iGullh -punt Ihn holiday hearing of objections to »aid final ten years—th a t he has absorbed a IN T H E COUNT« COURT OF TH E F Childs of July 2, 1858. recorded i n ! resu lt of the play, I looked quickly w in k in d in P e-tlai d vl»lt)'i.f rn n account and the settlem en t thereof lot of foreign poise. Speaks five lan­ All objection« to aald final account k t a TE OK OREGON FOR LANE Volume B page 447 of Deed Records gt the ball. tlvi'B He left Wi»1in"i toy evening and m ust be In w riting and f\e 11 Ctt I IO I in the The Sprlngfle-d , d er why she had encouraged me to ‘‘One couldt tell you w ere not re­ Lane County, appointed adm inietra- jU n r , 4 Wpgt W illam ette Meridian the sam e on or before Ten o'clock A for glx gaccesslve and con»ecu- „take trty en tire pile. “Oh. well, e 'est lor of th e esta te of F rederick Wm. ' (m|| f(lPd DOt ce of intention to make M on the 9tn day of Jan u ary . 192«< i u t | v T„ e wee»», w,-,-k». p p ursuant to an o rd er doly n9 fa ,t r |en," I added, p reparing to cently from the sta te s.” I said, “we Snubert, doceuaed. • th ree y ear proof, to establish claim ' W. W. INMAN, 'm a d e and entered by the H onorable ■ (don't often have a chance to refuse All persons having claim» against to the land above deacrlbed. before) Executor. 1G. F __ Skipw orth. Judge of the above In stan tly new bets w ere m ade and 1 cham pagne. aald esta te a re hereby notified to E. O. feimiel, U. 8- C om m issioner, at D. E. BEAN. A ttorney for th e E state gntt"tie4 c o u rt, on th e 27th d ay of No- preseut the sam e, du y stated and Eugene, Oregon, on the 9th day o f ¡860 W illam ette St.. Eugene, Oregon. TPniber, 1925.' nry loss was u tterly forgotten by the “I Prpfpr Etrtan." he replied, raising verified, a t the law office of A E. Jan u ary . 1928 ! D fl) 17-24-31 J 7j o a te of first publication D ecember o th er players whose atten tio n w a s 1 h«» '’'a ,e r F °blet >nd Quaffing half the YVheelar, In Eugene, Oregon, w ithin C laim ant name» a s wUneo«es: i cn' ! . , given to th e next turn of the wheel glass. six m onths from th is 3rd day of De­ i T . hG iKnr r ita « ° .’ T « . f » T ^ B Ho r " u E j L N ? n 7 R o rj N r ' p ^ - “W hat are you tw o finding in com- I had never in all my l'fe been cem ber. 1925. L. S utherland, Enrl Burg»*»H, ail or c«0fT^ T Y 1926. OBO. H SAC BERT. t r ^ t e d with such absolute inlifTer- mon?” dem anded Ellie who was hav­ Motor Route • U " p,1 ""?,0 " ) Zola Bowers, P laintiff, vs. W lll’am L E. Bean, attorney for pla:-it,.f. A dm inistrator. her afcond glass of w ire. ROBERT R C R A U FORD. , Wl>od, rd Uower< l w „ ndaIlt. I 860 W illam ette E u f* ? % , en er and indignantly. I pushed back A. E W H EELER. j "T h ere's only tw o things Ameri- Acting Keguiicr. H i’M ifo v ig con D ' ” 3-10-t7-24-31 J *-14 | my A ttorney. D 3-10-17-24 29 RVAM. — -- * chair ------ * n oncoal. D 3-10-17 24 2 9 j T<> (V i B o w Bowers, p rg , the hp , “S -San ie !" 1 I heard nam « « c ca’Jed a 'k d lr. allie!" heard my my nam ir cans discuss over here. Prohibition ........ . " " I declared. a fam iliar voice. 1 looked up. an(t |m ore prohibition, above nam ed defendant. IN T H E NAME OK T H E ST A T E : "E lite dari n g '" I excla'm ed A n ' They all laughed. O # O RBO O..: io u are hereby re- IN T H E U IK C V n" J «V R T O F T H E ' ' ' unb r ken quiet of "Some friends of m ine were sew jutred to appear and answ er fhe com- b i ATE O r OKLGON FUR IH fc * , , i n c t h » n t b e r d»v in P aris that if I plaint f led against you in the above COUNTY OF LANE. the room we contlneud our exclam a «M he other day In P ari i th a t If I Classified Ads BUYING OX SELLU® —•''K elim t h e C o n f e s s i o n i o f a n a iv w i f e — À ---- — Illustrated by Taut Robins Gannett Motor Co. ! B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y HOUSE PAINTING K alsom lnlng In all Its Branches. City or Country Work. Lowest P rie st. Every Job G uaranteed. Give me a trial. ROY KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. Phone 125 J BUY FURNITURE HERE Rockera. Beds. M attresses, Stoves, Tube. Stove Boards, Clothe« B ask et«. Wm. DONALDSO a NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Contracting and Building GEO. W. PERKINS Corner 5th and D Streets Springflield, Oregon Plana and E stim ates Furnished Free. Will Help You Finance Your Building. We cure all tliseaBcs of the scalp. A. A. ANDERSON BARBER SHOP DR. N. W. EMERY OBNTIST lutton Bldg. . Phons «W Residence Phene IBS M Springfield, Oragan “The Loop II Your Home When In Springfield D. W . Roof JEWELER Repnlring a Specialty Springfield, Oregon R. W. SMITH Justice of the peace and notary public, Insurance City H all Springfield, Oregon FRANK A. DEPUE ATTORNEY 8utton Buldllng AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Springfield Oregon. T elephones: Office 613 Res. 2075 Dr.John Simons Osteopathy stands io r the tru th wherever It is scienti­ fically proven. 'e n title d co u rt an,I cause, on or before I « A R L A 1 T and L. M. tteng of the expiration of the t me prescribed WATSON, C o-partn-w . P aintiffs, vs <>ther in . the O rder of Publication, to-w it; Isaac, Gray. Jr., and K llrabeth, Gray, “W here On o r before rife expiration of six wlf,‘ of Gray. J r . Harab C. Hoi- i ^ f . ^ Z ? ’ X dPlight „ we greeted each a food en.,bra ce. on earth did you come going to e Z i to f t .y ? should « u r n t o t h e s t a t e , th a t it would be Impossible for me to go out and ro t tak e a lot to dr nk. T hat s absurb." Mr P ierce affirm ed, “I <■' n , h ere w here cme can have Hue answ er for want thereof, plaintiff will lace a r , r : R ,chard A O r“ y: J ?h,n 8 r® arP vou a‘°PP<"«- And w here's ¡c'-gnac and w ine -th e n why should I appiv to the court for the relief prayei ' ' ray and Havm e Ory ' ,rtfp ° f Jobn C urtiss?" All in, ->n b reath Ellie " h e « I am told the favorite cocktail ¡for in th- Complaint, to-wit: 1 ^ ' “ o l 'u a a c ’ o ra y ’ ! Z » “ ed. Only the last quest on brought H made of orange Juice and alcdhol.^ O steopathic Physician and Sur­ 1 For a decree of the court dissolving ,,d otn,.r pPrg„ n)l or parties me back to my every-day mind. * But you would, B arry, mon chpr' geon the m arriage co n tract now ex sting uni;noWn ci i l m!ng a ry r ig h t title, es- “Over th e re !" 1 answ ered, "and se Ellie laughingly replied "because ,f Office 404 M ft W. Bldg., betw een plaintiff and defendant, for ta | P |j PY1 or |ntero*t in the real es- c n ,t iv i think he’s frieh tfu lv b o ^ d . F°u w ent on p arties over th ere and Eugene. Oregon i the right to resum e h er m aiden name ta , P qPgcrlbeq in the com plaint here- , r,/ „n t h i s " nod ordered w ater they'd say you w ere O steopathy stan d s for th e tru th of Zola SmlM and for such oth er re- tn Defendant« , Hp dopRn' «PP™™ a " ,b !s- nod- e rm re u wa t r iu y u , , w herevdt It is Scientifically lief as to the co u rt may seem Ju SI MMONS ............................ .......... d ,n ' tow ards the players and the a sad b rd and never ask you agai F t’K PUBLICATION proven rn d proper To Dr. William W allace Gray and roulette wheels, "Come along, you li ' , t Mina Gray, w ife-of Dr. William Wal- peo h'm up. Oh. h ere he Is." aTr- com ing to America next year I This sum mons I s p u b l i s h ) C urtis« had m ade his way across won't drink though because 1 cout n 't p u rsu an t to an O r d e r of the lace G ray; John S G ray and Mayme 'l2 ' th» room to me ' us and we stood ¡crid w o :k .' H onorable C. P. Ilarnurd, County County ?.r beth T a y o r, widow; tfto unknow n W ork!" T h ere's a w ealth of mean- J u d g e , tnnde a n d i-ntered D»- nelrs of Isaac G ra j. d eceasea; also »till for a mom ent to chat. Call "T hls Is lu ck !" E llie d e c la re d ,, ¡ng In th e word.—the way he said it “ lntlff* are th e ow ners in fee ¡ appointm ent tn his eyes, VASBY BROS. C u rtiss and I had a so rt of unw rit­ rain lstrato r; and that ten o'clock In i ,,m p le ,bP prem ises described In "N aturally, except 1 had ra th e r the forenoon of Saturday, th e 16th ^ ’‘fX w a ‘ »owB*rr tn ’ ÖeSCr“ *’<1 )hoped we'd have a little party all by ten agreem ent th a t we should alw ays Painting & Decorating f day l u v of n f Jan Tontin«*«» (Q d fl C ou rt 1OIIOW 8, t O - W lt . • 1 u ary , 1926 dance the f rst tim e to g eth er when room thereof, have been, by said Beginning at th e N ortheast corner ourselves, out th ere.” he pointed to out at a supper or dance. in all its branches Court fixed and appointed a s the of Lot Two (2), fractional Block the Cafe de P aris w ith its many tit­ But th ere was a strange,» u n fath tim e and place for h earing objections Tw enty (20), In that p ert of the city tle tables gleam ing w hite under the 312 Main Street to said report and for the fliml settle­ of Eugene which wns originally do­ stars. " It's too lovely a night to stay omable command in th e dark, ' um l- m ent of the e state of deceased. nated to Lane County by Charnel nous eye» of the man' a t my side WILLIAM F KEL8AY, M ulligan; running thence Sontti lot) Indoors." W hy shouldn't I tease C urtiss a “But, honey, you don’t seem to A dm inistrator. feel; thence W («t 80 fe e t; thence DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL A. E. W H EELER, A ttorney. Nortn 100 feet to the South line ol 1 realize th a t I’m seeing Ellie, my very little? He had been m ost negligent about com plim enting my gown and I D 1-24-31 J 7-14 l l t h Avenue E ast; thence East best friend In all the world." DENTIST DMPAKTMEN1’ OK T H E INTER along said South line 80 feet to the "I'm sorry. 1 d o n 't m ean to crab rem em bered ,m y little th re a t th at 1 Phone 43 IOR, UNITED STATES LAND OK- place of beginning, being situated tn the p arty .” he apolog zed, “m y w ant­ would moke him Jealous before the H U E, Roseburg. Oregon. N ovem ber Lh.P/ ,,y. p^ ene’ 1 ounty of I‘" ne’ P lret Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield ing you to m yself is the penalty you night a t Monte Carlo had gone. Be­ S tate of Oregon 28, 1926. As against the said defendants and pay for m aking me love you so," he sides, I recalled the reasoning of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION j eacn ot them , and that, th e said de­ some of my friends th a t It was nec­ FOREST EXCHANGES. explained. essary for one's husband to know th a t Notice is hereby given th a t on Sep­ fendant» have not. nor have eith er And then E llie arrived with a party .................... tem ber 2. 1925, W. 11. Malone, v of i Cor _ of them, any right, tile or Interest bis wife was still desirable In the valiis'. Oregon! filed’ app'lU at'on No. w hatsoever In and to the said prem- i of friends WM. G. HUGHES eyes of other men. 016197 under the Act of March 26,11«®» ° r nny r a r t thereof, and t h a t 1 “ Mr. and Mrs. Lowell DeW ight. FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE C urtiss was looking across the ta ­ '1922, (42 that.. 465) to exchange the the plaintiff's title In and to the said ghP Introduced a stunning c o u p e NOTARY PUBLIC N H BBH. ft N H SW '». Section 28, prem ises be forever quieted »nu set at wj,pm she explained, w ere nriginallv ble from w here he sat, signaling to , Office at j Township 16, S., R ang) 9 W est, W. M. re s t as against th e claim s of the said from Boston but hud resided long me to rise. I did. B ut it was to ac­ within the Sluslaw N ational F o re s t,1 defendants and eith er or any ot them , cept the invitation of B arrington FIRST NATIONAL BANK enough tn P aris to "live It down.” for the Tim ber on th e NEI» N E ’i , ' and for general relief. Springfield, Oregon "M rs. D eW ight w as prem aturely Pierce. Section 33, T ow nship 20 8., Range 3 .h is sum mons Is published once N ext W eek: R#ead w hat C urt'ss East, W. M . w ithin th e Cascade Na- PaCh WPPk for six successive weeks gray, the sort of snowy gravness tlonal Forest. tn the Springfield New«, a n e tfsp a -, pa" , ed hv a terrific and sudden shock. did! Ih e purpose of this notice Is to pPr of general clrcu ntlon, printed and „ ' ;, „ vnnne allow all persons claim ing the lands published In Lane County. Oregon, H er faultless coiffure fram e . g B acterial gumsnosta of cherry in o r having bona fide ohjec „y nrdpr „ f „ „ „ (, F H klpw orth, and Interestingly p retty face. All kinds o f gravel fo r con­ ) 1 «elected, w estern Oregon Is capable of w reck­ (Ions to such application, an oppof-1 • j ,, . She was gowned in tone« of ame- crete or road work. We jlu n tly to f ie th eir p ro tests with the Judge of th e above entitled C onn ing a fine healthy young cherry or­ b ears date the 2» day of ,b >st wlth «a rrln «’ oth,'r prpc’ n fed whlch order make a specialty of crushed itegl«ter ai d R eceiver of the » U ....... ... —----------- —- — — . u «.i chard In th e first few years of its ions stones to m atch h e r costume. S tates I,and Office at Roseburg. O re­ November, 1925, and the date of the rock and rock sand. Bunk­ life. O rch ard ists who use m azzar 1 gon. Any. such protest; or olijeriions f publication of this Summ ons I Mr. DeW ight, a typical cosmopolite, cherry seedling tru n k and. fram e work ers at foot of Main on Mill inilst be filed In this office within • • * r wns bending low over my hand. stroet. for all varieties of sw eet cherries find th irty days from tliq u ate of f r s t November 26th, 1925. "And th is—this Is B arrington PO TTER ft FOSTER, publication of this notice, which first) HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. that the .bodies of such trees nearly Pierce." i I publication Is D ecember 10, 1925. A ttorney for Plaintiffs. Residence In th e flickering light of the open alw ays escape this destructive d i* ROBERT E. ('ItA W H Ilif, and Postoffice Address, Eugene. Ore- ! (!oorway, j lfH)kP(1 ,,p to g reet th. ease, says H P. B B rass, plant path ­ Acting Register. Reo our line of visiting eards, 1) 10-17-24 31 J 7 Kn" ' N26 " 3 10 17 “4 31 J 7 new com er and as his gaze m et mine ologist of the experim ent station. paneled, or plain, ut the News office non-coal SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO.