THURSDAY. PflC. SÌ. lif t PAGE POUR The Farmers Exchange Yearly STA TEM EN T If you want to get the biggest possible value for every dollar you spend, then you will welcome this oppor­ tunity to save by buy­ ing your wants now. Thursday During this sale we offer various lines of desirable seasonable merchandise at such low prices that will be the talk of this com m unity. Attend this Sale! Stretch those Hard Earned Dollars' Make them buy more.' We Would Rather Cash In Than Carry Them Over Compare Our Prices with Others SHOES TO CLOSE OUT $25.00 Men’s Overcoat, Virgin Wool, to close out $ 1 6 .8 5 $35.00— $40.00 Men’s Overcoats, beautiful p a tte rn s ....... .................... - ......... $ 2 2 .8 5 Clothing and Gents’ and Boys’ Furnishings $25.00—$30.00 Men s all wool suits, serges in­ cluded, cut to ...................... $ 1 9 .8 5 $40.00 Men’s all-Wool suits, serges included 5 2 4 .8 5 $22.50 youth's long pants suits $ 1 3 ,8 5 $7.50 Boy's Knicker Suits ................................ $ 4 .9 3 $13 50 Knicker Suits, all wool, 2 pairs pants $ 9 .8 5 $5.50— $6.00 All wool dress pants $ 3 .9 8 $3.50 Heavy Moleskin Pants $ 2 .4 8 $1.C0 Uncle Sam heavy work shirt .................. 73C h eavy Men’s Overalls $ 1 .2 9 $1.50— $2.00 Dress Shirts ................................... 79C Children Coveralls 79c $4.00— $4.50 Men's Dress Hats $ 2 .7 9 $5 00— $6.00 Men's Dress Hats $ 3 .5 9 $1.75— $2.00 Men’s Heavy Cotton Union Suits 5 1 4.9 $3.* j O — $4 00 Men's Dress Sweater 5 1 .9 8 $6 00— $7 00 Men's Dress Sweater $ 3 .9 8 $5.00 Sweater Vest ................... $2 98 $1 50 Boys Caos .......................... 79*7 35c Men’s fine lisle Hose, black or brown 19c 50c Heavy Wool Hose. 3 pairs for .................... $ 1 ,0 0 $1000— $12.00 All-Wool Men's Mackinaw $ 6 .9 8 $7.50— $9.00 Boys All-Wool Mackinaw 5 4 .4 8 $10.00 Boss of the Road Stag Shirt, heavy $ 6 .9 8 $4 00 Boys Long Cray Corduroy Pants $ 2 ,5 9 $5 00 Mens Long. Gray Corduroy Pants ........ $3 59 29 Guaranteed Tin Pants ........................................ $6.00 Raintest Shirts ............................................ $ 3 .9 8 $10.00 Men's H unting C o a t.................................... $ 5 .9 8 $5.00— 7.00 Men's All-Wool, Heavy Union Suits ................. .... $ 3 .9 8 $ 4 .9 8 ^*4.00 Men’s and Young Men's Lace Khaki and Moleskin Pants, special to close o u t.... $ 1 .9 8 $3 50 Wool Mixed Shirts ...................................... $ 2 .2 9 $6.50 A .'|-Wo° l Shirts .......... $ 3 .9 8 $3.00 Men.'8 Leather Dress Gloves ........................ $ 1 .4 8 Mens C overà". B,“ e or Khaki ------------------------- $ 2 .2 9 Boy’s Small S tf« ßlazier Sweater, K nit Bottom ..... ........................................... 3»Z.'-4o $5.50— $7.00 Men's Special Lot Blazier Sweater, Knit Bottom $ 4 .2 9 $8.50 Men’s 12-inch high top Shoes $ 4 .9 8 $5.00— $6.00 Men's Dress Shoes $ 3 .9 8 $7.50— $8.00 Men s Dress Shoes------ $ 5 .4 8 $6.00— $7.00 Men's Oxfords, 6 and 7 size only nar­ row last $ 2 .9 8 Men's Elkhide Work Shoes $ 2 .2 9 SU.00 Men s Light Work Shoes, Paracord combination sole, guaranteed 53 69 $7.00 Ladies' Patent Cut-out, latest style $ 3 .9 8 $7.00 Ladies' Sateen $ 3 .9 8 $5.00 Ladies' Oxfords $ 3 .4 8 One lot ladies shoes sizes 3—4 '/j, narrow, $7.00 Value $1 S 9 $5.50— $7.50 Ladies' Suede Shoes, cut $ 1 .6 9 $8.50— $9.00 Ladies' High-top Shoes $ 4 .4 8 $5.50 Ladies Vici Kid slippers $ 3 .9 8 $5.00 Old Ladies' Comfort Shoes, cushion sole $ 2 .9 8 $7.’ j 0 — $8 50 O'Donnel Arch Support Shoes $ 4 .9 8 Girls and boys shoes, slippers at ridiculous low prices ........... $ 1 .4 8 $ 2 .4 8 Sandals for children ............... 89c Genuine Army Shoes $ 3 .9 8 $6.00 Ladies Sateen Oxfords, sizes 5’/ j — 7’/ 2 only $ 1 .9 8 $11.00 Men's 16-inch Hi-top Shoes, special lot $ 5 .9 8 $10.00 Buck Hecht, 12-inch Boot for men $ 5 .3 8 12-inch Farmer Logger $ 4 .9 8 12-inch Dayton Logger $ 7 .4 8 16-inch men's guaranteed Moccasin high top boot $ 7 .9 8 $7.50 Boys high top shoes $ 4 .9 8 $8.00— $9.00 Ladies high tops $ 4 .9 8 $ 5 9 8 $5.50 Girls and Boys heavy school shoes $ 2 .4 8 »<• 5 3 .4 8 BBOWBIIIIBIIIl’'.""jrM1lliZ,iUiillR ■BW »MBh Mt 1C B OMnBMHKT*,.:. « , t < I. .1 BIG REDUCTION on BLANKETS Heavy German Army Blankets. Cotton, double $4.00 Heavy Quilt3 ................................................. $10.00 Men's guaranteed Raincoat ..................... $8.50 Ladies Raincoat ....................................... $6.00 Boys Raincoat ........................................... Hi-top Boots, Rubber, Black ........................ $5.50 Ball Brand Knee Boots ....................... ...... 12-inch Rubber Shoes ................................ -......... Ladies Best Rubbers ............................................ 75c Rubber Aprons ............................................... $2.00 Men's and ladies Umbrellas ...................... $5.50 Mens and Ladies silk Umbrellas $1.25 Ladies Silk Gloves ................................... $2.00— $3.00 Ladies Perrin Gloves ........... $3.50—$7.50 Corsets, small sizes, 18— 22 only $ 1 .9 8 $ 2 .9 8 $ 5 .9 8 $ 4 .7 9 $ 3 .9 8 $ 3 .9 8 $ 4 .2 9 $ 2 .9 8 79c 48c $ 1 .2 9 $ 3 .9 8 69c $ 1 .4 8 98c $1.00 Bloomers, crepe or sateen 75c— $1.00 Ladies Union Suits (lig h t weight) Ladies $1.50 Nightgowns $5.00 Ladies Wool Scarfs, to close $1.00 Table Runners $3.00 Double Blankets $3.’ j 0 Double Blankets $7.50 Wool Mixed Blankets Dr. Denton Children Sleeping Garment 98< $ 2.9 ! 69« $1.91 $3.91 $4.91 98 DRYGOODS DRESS MATERIAL: and NOTIONS 36-mch Outing Flannels, per yd. 19 32-inch fast color Grngham, per yd. 19 75c Imported French Tissue Gingham 39 Hope Muslin, per yd. 16 75c extra large Turkish Towels 39 45c extra large Turkish Towels 23 Featherproof Ticking 39 $1.75 Ready Sheets for large bed $1.2 30c Jap Cotton Crepe in all shades H $1.00 Grade, Worsted School Dress Material 5S 90c Blossom Silks in al shades M 75c Striped Satin Finish Lingerie Cloth 45 50-60c Irish Black Satin 35 40c Cretone, latest floral creation, heavy grade .... 25 $1.00 Bathrobe material ............... 55 90c Plain Broadcloth, all shades ......... 31 $1.25 Striped Broadcloth, beautiful assortment 45 $3.00 All-wool Serges, Princess cloth $1.1 9-4 Piquot Sheeting ................ ..................................... 9- 4 Wearweal Sheeting 41 10- 4 Mohawk Sheeting ...................... S' $1.00 Striped Cotton Dress Flannels ■ - 4> $5.00— $6.00 Silk S hirt Waist $2.' $2.00 Wash Waist $1. $1.75 Heavy Cotton Union Suits, for ladk-n $1. $1.50 Heavy Cotton Union Suits, for girls 9 $3.00 Silk and Wool Union, for ladies ........ $1, $5.00 Silk and Wool Union, for ladies $2. $1.25 Silk Hose, Phoenix and other makes ......... g $2.25 Silk Hose. Phoenix In all shades ...... $1, Heavy Wool Materials for ladies' coats and suits at gn reduced prices. Sale Starts Thursday December 31 THE FARMERS EXCHANGE THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD 4