H APPY NE W YEAR THE SPRINGFIELD T W K N T Y -8 K C O N D Y E A R W ill) BAD CHECK S P R IN G F IE L D , L A N K C O U N T Y , O K KO O N Scouts Going Thru Tenderfoot Stage S p rin g fio ld T ro o p F ast R o u n d ­ in g O u t in P re lim in a ry W o rk ; M r «tul Mr». K W S trobln writer W o rth lo ss Paper S tre w n by Score o f A p p lic a tio n s fo r tuin i 'l a riitmb*r of Kurt tN nt dinner S tra n g e r W ho Made H im s e lf In nt KuturJuy. ■ TI iorc who « i Joy ad th»* M em bership, " B ig " M an in C o m m u n ity ; Htm bln hospitality were Mr. und Scout muLift!-r W. P. Ty«ion anno- Loaves fo r C a lifo rn ia B efore j Mr« II. P (Mark from *H« ittie . Mr. th at a v»r •tut f ' nJ»et'#< I•f the won. Ar Mrs Prod bind#« y an unti No F u n d * D iscovered. i Bov Scout ta held Moinlay «vi ning S tru b ln n E n te rta in a t D in n e r. •vs A «? < 1W T ltV K H L A Y . DEC. 31, 1925. r/Y S T R U M P A Y S >.Uû F IN E H ard W orker FOR A S S A U L T ON O F F IC E R “Th« People'« P aper" A L IV E NEW SPAPER • N A L IV E T O W N N U M B E R 50 1 BANGE HALL F ERKIT DERIEC er CCliNCIL As uh afterm ath of too much C btlatm aa “cheer" Andrew Nyatrom, ¡235 west E s tre e t was sen ten ed In the city recorder's court Monday aft­ ernoon to pay a fine of $100 on a - M rs charge of Luannlt and b attery against to 1 _i o." -<-r. Beck Refused P e rm ission O perate in Stevens H a ll; License G ran te d to Read and P o ttic o rd ; B a nk W ill Sell B u ild in g to C ity . The charge, w hich waa p referred by i th e C ity of Springf.cld, grew tu t of j 1 an alU rdatlon b etw -en the defendant ■ I 1 anti N lgnt Off cer Fred H inson. Ny-i I h«- city council !eni®d a perm it strom . through bis attorney, F rank A. ¡to Mr». H. L. Beck to o p erate a daDC6 Ge Pue, p|epd gu 'lty to the charge. In the coarse r f the trial It waa re­ ha 1 in ’h*iion 1» Y< ry min n oucouirajt< $ n i fU'ltl 2D(I L iK<*n<* Bryan u t S pring! old t»y th«» 1 n tcr*yrt the boyi1 a re show ing o rt Lien» . ln ibv work K ighticn <>r 20 ap f 4i< a- 3. 0 . M o.hler C iv . Dinner. nd tl « K i ctijy E ndito How- any more n be no b*rtaken -ntal firm, w ere draw n on tho Mr. and Mrs* R B Mt bier and ever, the new app l'can ta a re working Ft.M N «1 a t ■ loti bunk of Hprlngflt'ltl. cam e mid spent Misa Hobln I.PVee Mr, Wa flo <1 cam« to Springfield ih • evening Cut-ala rep o rted an <-n- diligently, according to th e scoutm as­ ter. »i d g etting ready for th e Tender- •a rty Inal seek. spcjit s«vi tai days loyuhle tlm- i foot test, so th at when the tim e comes w ith n real enlul« d eale r here, Opal Code, from F o rt W orth, 1 th a t they enn -be received. th«y will through whom be "bought" u farm. Mr«. Fannie C. Hoke. i not need to do any prelim inary work T exas, has plowed her Bell County then left In th e afternoon of lx -c in­ Mr». Fannie C. Ilokt passed away paHS first t,.B„ n |, th ought farm for four years, m aking a liv­ ker 34, and hen not been heard from at the Mttrcola residence cariy In Ike ing fo r six m em bers of her fam ily. The vote to deny Mrs. Beck a per­ th a t In th at wny they will progress Now th a t h er young brothers and LE G IO N IN S T A L L S N EW alliee, corning of In cem ber 27. 1925 Mr». much m ore rapidly when they fin al y lis te rs a re provided* fo r she is O F F IC E R S FOR YE AR mit was three to one, Moshier, May W akefield m ade a deal for the A. Hoke was 74 year» of ago 8h«- Is sur- (and McKlin voting ag ain st g ran tin g w orking her way thru B aylor Col­ M M cPherson farui containing 173 vivt d by h er husband. George d. H ik e do becotne recognized officially as lege, serving asr w aitress. T he Installation of officers for the j * and Cox votlng "y e< " aeree near h' re, paid a th e c k of $500 and < nt sob . J E. Iloke, both of Mer- scouts. coming year featured the m eeting of „ Bank Building R eport Made. . In discussing scoutfhg and all th at in bind lb« deal, und left for 1 .08 - o la, ,.,itl two d aughters. Mr- F u tile S pring.'eld P ost of the American L - R Clly record«r - wa» It m euna to the boy, the leqtlop, and W o rk T r a in P u t O n . A n ielm , aa he told a rep o rter, "to Duncan of I’allffirll»«, ah I Mr-... G Monday night Before th - i authorlIed to “ P 'h e proposition *,to the comm unity. Mr T y s o n stated The Southern Pacific com pany h a l Finn held a««| -0111« property be luul (hr re M o rro w o f H a c k s . O regon. i It as hi« opinion, or a t least as his an extra work train dlstr buting steel Installation could proceed, how ever.) W e d ii- ntlay liioiC lkf it-., ,tM uk re- Rev. Norm an W orkm an oonduV ed hoi»« th at the Roy Scouts of America betw een S p r la g fitid and Ja sp e r Tues- ft wa!’ necessary to elect a new ) bank building for a city hall, re p o rt­ c o v e d a telegram from th e Dtinvllle, ilo- <••• rvl<-> s at 2 30 T uesday fr m th e ¡ wtj| j,» t^ p , u tu r,, ,e a d rrs of th e work ed th at the directors of the bank w era day T here »us a!s© a gravel train vice-com m ander to fill the vacancy! llllnola bank on which Ibe check wan w iling to open up negotiations fo r 6 In th e po­ T hird and Main across th e s tre e t J- M. L arson, finance officer: and Jess the request. and bad Ibe check for program In the Eugen« arm ory Sat I sition of the G A R And if present flow aenl for collection, with inntruc- urdny afternoon at the Invitation faj. w o rld pence e s p e c ia lly th e to the Spong hotel. It will, now be M eats, sergeant a t arm s. M ajor M. B Reduced F ares On. tloua to w ire confirm ation of Ita It t b Mountain circle of Ktigeae. i pact, work out. and we have op- rated as a dining room for t h e ; H untly was the instating officer. ' A nnouncem tn w as m ade here la s t h o te l as w ell as a restau ran t. W. P Tyson, com m ander of Spring- autbentlcy. — A"“ - 1 ¡ 0o m ore veteran s of w ars of any kind,- week by John M. Scott, p a ssm g e r A b»cal rep o rter who knew th e m an fie d Post of th e A m erican Legion, Annual Meeting to be Held. '(w hich I -dneert ly hope we won’t, then announced a m eeting of the e x e c u tiv e !trafffc m anager of the S outherp P** by night aa Mr W akefield, (having F lo w e rs B loom in Yard. The annual bualnpas m «ting of the k tu-eins to me th a t It will of necessity i Although it may be- below freezing com m ittee and all officers of th e pozt j cific company, th a t low ro u n d -trlf met him In th e real esta le office wh le C hristian church w II be held Friday ih,. Boy gcout organization th a j ‘ . u » . t >1 now and then flowers still bloom wl11 m eet W ednesday evening. J a :i-1sum m er excursion fares to point* the "deal" waa atlll pending. 1 wan on evening. Jan u ary 1. At th a t'tim e of- will tak e over the work of patrto S;,rlngf pl(1 {, M eecham hag uary «, ,n John w lU g« ghop. T ilg 1 throughout the U nited S tates will b* ttitf an me cur when the man loft T lcrrs of th e 'c h u rch and Sunday inatructlon and duty throughout the Sprtngfly d last Thuraduy m orning, brought Into the New» office a bou- an im portant m eeting, as plans a n l in effect the coming season. school will be elected. A lunch will 34 above W ettdllng. have been A nother sta te _____________________rt-F m e n t. Was to th e ef th a t he contem plated buying a home, w here th e evening was spent ; d,e g(gU r The nl„ n _ Alfrv<1 skel> L. « ^ a ’ ^ “^ - H am lin. Packages contiued to come tng couples by the county c le rlti hon»« In Eugene for hta wlfA though playing cards. M em bers Who w ere | c P aget, W ayne Reed. Glenn Beason They a re now held here by the ill­ for a day% r two a fte r the holiday, and F rank St. Sure and Florence VohK . . . ---------- . . e . r . I --------- Mr. and Mrs. Wm e tte and E d T h u rsto n —clim bed w ith­ ness of th e ir baby, « h o is suffering then ceased. No deliveries of mail both of San Diego. C alifornia: Lou»» his Ideas on this subject were ra . th present - were Dawson. Mr. and Mrs. Farol Perkins. in 300 feet of the top, b u t w ere p re­ with pneumonia, according to word w ere m ade C hristm as day, except to Jensen and E sth er Jensen, both of hazy He bold th a t be had driven a from the office of a local physician. holders of lock boxes. E ugene; H obart Campbell and V3o>S c ar through from II Inols. and th at Mr. and rMs. Paul Scaiefe and Mr. vented from going h ig h er by "m ush­ F oster, both of Eugene; Virgil W. and Mrs Eubanks. room ” Ice which m ade the going too It was then In a Eugene garage he- Judge Bushman on Bench. $2 Fine Paid. Coats and D oris Howard, both of E » rep alred . T his statem en t could not Mr. and Mrs Paul Scaiefe and Mr. dangerous Io be risked further. These Eugene Hood and W. A. Coon of gene; Virgil S torer and Florence W’aF Steve P rlvasky of W est F ir paid a Mr. and Mrs. H enry A drian dined Ice form ations, they say, resem bled Be verified. W hen Interview ed by the rep o rter at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. William huge m ushroom s growing up from the Gna of $2 for leaving the engine of W endllng each paid fine« of $25 each ker. both of E ugene: Raymond CL surface of the Icy snow, and t h e y ) his car running la s t T hursday even- before Mayor O. O. Bushm an S atu r­ Stum p and Marlon Jensen, both of E » h e w as w earing a dark gray suit, Daswon Tuesday. w ere constantly b reak in g off and ! >«g. w ith no one In the car. The fine day, for being dru n k and disorderly. gene; L ester E sth er H untington an$ black overcoat, gray felt h at H e wss C hristm as G uests— Mr. and Mrs. rolling down th e m ountain was P®1*1 lnto th e office of the city M ayor Bushm an acted In the absence i K atherine Clark, both of C ottsg» ap p aren tly 55 ot «0 years of age. and The p arty left Eu M orning worship a t 11 o’clock, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Louk, Mr. and Mrs. to clim b the -mountain la st spring, ing from Portland. Mr. M eyers, who man canje h ere from a W ashlngto» firm«. H. A. Howe, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. and they claim the record of having theime, "T he T hird M essage In the ow ns tw o lots In the Midway neigh- (own at,Ou t tw o m onths ago, and ha» been th e t a s t to m ake the ascent th is , Exposition of John 14.’’ Special mu- borhood, Is planning to Im prove them bpen Two Pay $28 Each. Howe. for a iocatton tor t,t» ale. Mr. and Mrs. C hauncey R acquard year. » and m ake Springfield his perm anent business since th a t tim e. 'I wo persons named John Dot, and Evening w orship a t 7:30, song fest home, he said. Mr M eyers was for- snl.1 to be from W endllng, each paid cam e from R oseburg to visit his The new Industry will be locate» with several sh o rt « •« to ta ls on an ,n the d lstrlct north m other, Mrs. R acquard. C hristm as. B aptist Church. fines of $26 each In th e office of th" in th e building recently occupied a» . l L . . .K - « a e A n ^ k k l n l n n P h e lj l- * other word about Rabbi W ise C hrist Mr. and Mrs. Wllltaim R uth visited city reco rd er S aturday. Tha fine« BINe school m eets a t 10 o’clock. m as serm on; also the Popes late of Spokane, se ttlin g th ere some w arehouse by th e D anner M otor cotB- years ago a fter having lost a farm in pany. Mr. Bossm an leased th a bui A- wet«« uaeM O d by Mayor Q. O. Iliis ’J- relative« nnd friends here during th • M orning service a t 11. m essage to the world. E evenlng se r­ nmn In thn abeence of R. W. Smith, past week. The R uths are from- W end Ing from the ow ners, Mrs. J. W inze«» Topic: "A nchors for the New Y ear.” mon, "In W-hat M anner We May Be­ w estern Lane county. ling. fur eninkeness. reld. B. Y. P. U. and m en’s m eetin g a t 6:30. gin Again." , Mrs. Sadie P erk in s from M arshfield S. P. Men H ere— Mr. Clate Spreng- Gospql service a t 7:30, topic: “An Church school a t 9:45. Interm ediate V isits Pages—Mr. nnd Mrs. C harles visited relative« h ere d u rin g th e holi­ Inventory.” George 9anderson Passes. league a t 5 P. M. Epw orth league a t er and fam ily a re registered a t the i 8 letn of Eugene dined with Mr. and days. IT nyer service, T h u rsd ay a t 7:30. 6:30. F irst q u arterly conference, with H otel A m erican from Albany. M-'. | George Sanderson. 68 y ears rig. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. A drian were Mr». L. Kj Pago W ednesday eve­ New Y ear’s day the church w ill; g j , Chaney, d istric t superintend S prenger Is cm ptiyed on a Southern passed aw ay a ’ h is Camp Creek hont» C hristm as guests a t th o hom e of Mr. ning. hnve a b ask et d inner and q u arterly presiding Monday evening at 7:30 Pacific work train engaged betw een D ecem ber 26. So far as Is know, o ily and Mrs. R uth a t T hurston. Mr and h e re and Jasper, Thom as Blower, al- - one relative, F red W hitew ait, a nepto business m eeting I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Buying Supplies H ere— W. Lane Mrs. A drian reside In Portland. Ja sp e r Men In— W. F. W orel of Jas- so a Southern I’aciflc employee from ( ew, survive« th e deceased, who h ag w as In tow n W ednesday purchasing R eturn from Idaho— Alden Klotz p(* accom panied F. S. Jackson on A lbany is a t the American. I been a Camp Creek resident for tw o « Back from P ortland— Mr. an