I THURSDAY, DBC. 24. IM5. _TtlK BPHlNQf IBI J) N t Wrt PAGE SIX Lane County Farmers Union News O F F IC IA L HOLIDAY SHUTDOWN OF CAMPS. MILLS NEARS Merry Christm as T h e S ea so n ’s Greetings Ebbert Memorial Methodiet. Springf ieltj, "Je su s’ Leave T taklng M essage," will be the them e a t the 11 o'clock service. Special music. At 7:30 tne them e will be, "A M essage in Story." Music by th e young people. The church school convenes a t 9:45. In term ed iate league a t 5 p. m. Ep­ worth league a t 6:30. S tran g ers are welcome a t "T he C hurch of a W arm H eart." F. L Moore, m inister. . ■■■ — — - ■ Wanted Eggs and Poultry Farming Condition of Oregon. The lb p ertin en t of Com m erce of W ashington, D. C.. has Issued a five- y ear farm census report for Oregon, from 1920 to 1925. While th e head lines in the big dally p ap ers m ake it ap p ear th a t ag ricu ltu re is in a prosperous condition, an aly sis of th r figures fall far sh o rt of sustaining th is The gains are based on th e fol­ lowing: New construction on farm s In­ creased $22.043,117: num ber of farm s increased 5702; dairy ra ttle Increase:) 24.42S But a g ain st th ese asse ts are ic e following declines. F arm values, lands and buildings, have fallen $59.037,009 In value or SI 3 p er cent. The report says th is Is "re­ latively sm all In com parison w ith sta te s fu rth er ca st.'' and perhaps O re­ gon farm ers may find consolation in the fact th at Other sta te s a re in w orse condition. The f-u I of land values alone In »Ire gou IS $SO.OS2.t96. or 131-2 p er cent. If o th er sta te s a re In worse condition, n atio n al ag ricu ltu re must Indeed be in a bad way. T e decrease of th e av erag ■ of land and buildings to each far-n In the sta te 1» $2410. which m eans t*»t e v u y farm er, on th e av erage hns lo st this much of his farm , b e s ld t« w hatever o th er losses he ntav have sustained. The rep o rt eta te s the d ecrease In the vslu* of land and buildings 1« it. 15; th a t rangec a ttle have decreased i 4. 2'<7 r r d th a t all crops except fruits have decreased. In one c ja n ty , 1’nia til'a . the figures show a I'ecreure of $20573.920 In land values and build lugs If this Is "relatively sm all In «t-rtf prison w ith losses fu rth er cast," th-*re Is little use In fu rth e r search for the cause of farm er» going to the >r whole heiausc of disease or abnor- I mal condition». T h e hog is the predom inant m eat F A R M P O IN T E R S anim al from the standpoint of num ­ foundation and build up. Men u f abll- b e r s Of the total kill, bogs accounted ly m ust d ire c t them . O regon hns hat. for over IS million, ca ttle and calve» G row ers in O regon who plan to many c o o p erativ e failures because num bered close I o 16 tnd Ion, and they have not been run the way the plant stra w b e rrie s the coming sen- sheep over 13 million The gvuoral 1 so a re w arned by the d ep artm en t of sam e men would have run th eir prlv- health of the livestock wan good, as ate business. Co-operation will win * entom ology of the experim ent station is evident from th e know ledge th a t when It Is handled rig h t and when against purchasing plants Infested about 99 3 per cent of all (he anim al» producers behind It re a llie th a t Its with the atrnw berry root weevil I.un I subm itted for inspection passed both success depends on every m em ber already infested With the weevil Is the a n t e m ortem amt the post mor- giving all th a t is in him to m ake It best planted to grain Iho first year te r n In s p e c tio n s 1 t i l 1* r c u to s is was re- a fte r plow ing under, then vetch or such." ■ Is itis lb le f o r i , u I of the condem na­ e lo v e r one year, then n cultivated crop Dead Land Of the EssL tion! of carcasas* uuil p ails, and wna one or two years, and then «traw ler- by far (he m e t rlous disease of H oard’s D airym an says th at 41 per rles again for three year« New plant cattle und wine cent of the farm ing land of the Now lugs should be set with Wei vll free England sta te s (hat was under c u lti­ plants and on weevil free g r o u n d vation 50 year* ago is dead land to ­ W here the w -evl already o»-< lira In Mao W IS Toe» O ff Recovering. day, uncu ltiv ated ; th at there a re only t'a l (' Burns. who l o - t t w o to e s on the distrlc the new ptantlugs a re as * the old plant ngs as I ' u g h t foul in an accident a t tha far away fro Ines in the whole sta te of Mas ai liu Booth Kelly h ill on (he afternoon of possible. s e tts and th at th e re Is not a single Friday, In-eem tnr II. In ('(p o rtin g to real Ibn-shlng o u tfit to be found b e ­ Fall cleanup of the farm , home g a r­ retu rn Io bln home al 529 Main tw een Boston. .Mass, and Albany, N den. and orchard will m aterially re ­ I street, at b ast for C hristm as day. Y. Big business concerns of the east duce the Insect pests of the following Burns, who has bn destroy h ib ern at­ shoulder, a broken arm . seven broken R obert A. Johnston, W alton, and Es­ ing lin c e e of such insects as the <-u riba, and a broken leg th e r Mabe L enharL E ugene; R obert cum ber beetle ad aspnrngus beetle H. Pierce, and Mona Pearl H ender­ son, both of M ohawk; P reston M W< evil» In beans and pens are con Gross and A lthea Redman, both of E u­ trolled by fum igating the seed with gene. carbon disulphide, says the O A. (' experim ent station. M aterials not Population Increases. held over for seed a re put In shallow- Mr. and Mrs. K enneth G ossler are pans In the oven and held there for the p aren ts of a son horn to them an hour a t n tem perature below that T uesday th e young man weighed of hotline w ater. If the w eevils lire not killed In the fall or early spring eight and one half pounds at birth. by fum igation or heat they fly to the An eig h t pound son was born Io beans or pens In the field and lav Mr and Mrs. O. H Howard o f Motor th eir eggs on the green pods the fol­ Route 2. Springfield, S aturday, De­ lowing day. T he Mt. V irnon local nuft at the hall W ednesday, D ecem ber III. for business and social m eeting A fter the business session I! K F letcher gave us a talk ou th e year's work, and Mr Morrison gave a talk on the w arehouse and Its benefits. T hese talks a re Interesting and we welcome these o r any v 'sltln g m em bers at any meeting. A fter the m eeting refreshm ents w ere »«rved to all present. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce l’osey and two chlM ren. Maxine and Verlln. were dinner guests at the Reynolds home last Sunday. TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS Pine Grove School House. Sher Khan C O U N T Y U N IT NO. “ It is believed my many of the ii -t u t - ’llg en t pro d u i re th a t next to a c - ( p fu tu re the g re a te st mis­ fortu n e Is a bum per crop."— L. A. Rhodes, com m issioner of the Florida s ta te m ark etin g bureau. In this con­ nection C. E. Spence. S tate M arket Agent, says th a t if ag ricu ltu re was as solidly organized a s o th er industries a bum per crop would not be a mis­ fo rtu n e; th a t distrib u tio n could be regulated to avoid gluts and low prices, and th a t consum ption cotfd be largely Increased by cu tting out many useless mlddel expenses and profits and lowering prices to con­ cem ber 19. sum ers. "B ut Just sign ng contracts and organizing selling agencies to da C A IA - A N I) H S » D». N. W Emees business through the sam e old trad e en ne»-,se vwt alata and oetvac work • channels won't rem edy p resen t con­ ditions very m uch." says th e m ark et agent, "nor win electing five direc­ to rs to fight th e o th er four get us very far. O rganizations have got to have loyalty behind them and the one purpose of m utual In terests to work for. They m ust s ta rt on a cem ent Spence» 462 Oak Street LANE • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • • FRO M S T A T E M A R K E T A G E N T • By C. E. Spenes • • FARMER'S UNIO N • • P ortland, Dec. SI.— (S pecial.!—The • R a lp h L a i r d , C r e s w e ll, P r e s id e n t . * holiday suspension of th e fir lum ber • Will W heeler. T r e n t Vlce-Preal- • industry sta rte d in earn est S aturday • n ig h t when several large saw m ills • denL • B etty Kappauf, C ottage Grove. * w ere closed, according to the 4L em ­ • ploym ent b : t r issued h ere today. • sec.-Treaa. • N. A. Horn, C ottage Grove, Door • A large num ber of com panies have an • Keeper • Bounced th at they wtll resum e c u t­ • H. C. Jack so n . W altervlile, Con- • tin g January 4 P ractically all mills • duetor. • and camps will be down from Decern • O. L. C lem en t C haplain. • her 24 to 28. Many mills which a t this tim e will be closed only for the week-end will THUkSTON NOTES • 'a te r be shut down for rep air and Ennis Remain*, who recently under- overhauling, and the shutdow n for th e lum ber Industry as a whole will ' went an operation for app, ndicitis at am ount to a suspension of two weeks, ! the Pacific hopsital iu Eugene, was according to the letter. Concerning removed to his fa th e r's hom e here present em pioyem nt conditions the last Sunday. le tte r said: The presen t condition Mr. and Mrs. Felix S p ark 's, of Me- of ap p aren t unem ploym ent is season­ Kenxie B ridge. motored down last al and norm al. It is w orthy of special ■"tiursday and spent th e rem ain d er of note th at in spite of the large num ber the week with th eir son and family, of recen t arriv als in the Pacific i Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough. N o rth w e st th e percentage of unem ­ i • The ntem gbers of th e B aptist ployed as com pared w th the to tal ; church of Springfield put on a c a n ta ­ num ber of men at work is less th an ta a t the T h u rsto n church last T h u rs­ fo r the sam e periods of th e past five day evening consisting of th irty vote- years. E fforts to overcom e w eath er <8. and ground conditions, in o rd er to John Rom m e visited his brother. provide m ore continuous em ploym ent, W tlia n i R r.mie. last T hursday. have gradual ly reduced th e p ercen t­ T h ere was a large crown at th e age of unemployed during the w inter m onths. Good ro ad s have been a dance at th e hall h er last S aturday large factor in bringing about th e im­ evening ' Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Jackson and proved conditions. In the Inland E m pire d is tric ts tb e rs fam ily from Eugene sp en t Sunday at a re no g reater num bers of unem ploy­ J o h r E dm iston's. Mrs. Rosa Baughman and son. Her- ed th an in y ears past, th e le tte r said. 'o ld from Eugene, visited relativ es Fcod Sale Held. ' h ere last Sunday. Miss U ndine D anner from Shedd T he young m arried people's Sun­ day school class of th e M ethodist arrived Sunday evening to spend a Episcopal church held a cooked food few days vis!(4ng friends here. Miss Hazel Edm iston. who is teach­ ss'.e down tow n T uesday afternoon. F ru it cakes, hom e m ade candy, and in g a t N orton's, cam e hom e last S a t­ e th e r C hristm as goodies which w ere urday to pend the holidays. Ja c k H arb lt, who has been w ork­ sold brought a sum of betw een $1» and $20. w hich will b e used to pay ing a t St. H elens, arrived home last th e freig h t charges on a new elec tri­ Sunday even'ng. B elm ont Russel, who has been cally lighted bulletin board for the w orking at Silverton, cam o home church. last S atu rd ay to spend holidays with B u tter w rappers printed according hom e folks. Mrs. M argaret Campbel! from le a - Io regulations w ith cam e. w eight and address. $1 25 a hundred a t the burg is spending the holidays with h e r son, F ran k and family. Mrs. A lb erta W eaver and dau g h ters from beabuvg a re spending th e holi­ day s with Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Math- ews. T he Sunday school and grade schools a re giving a C h ristm as tree at t i n church T hursday evening Fred G ray held a tu rk ey shoot T uesday a t h is home here. T hu rsto n b asketball team of boys m otored to S an ta C lara last Friday evening and played th e team there. The S an ta C lara team won. Mrs. Flora Price and Mrs. W alter P la tt and children atten d ed the To our Customers we C hristian church In Springfield last Sunday evening. extend Mr and Mrs. Ro' E dm iston and d au g h ter sp en t last Sunday a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J McKlin in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. A lexandria Edm iston Your faith in us — in our and son. Ralph, also E arn est McKin­ integrity—in the quality of ney from Eugene, spent Sunday at everything we sell and in John Edm iston. our reasonable prices, has contributed much to the success of our business. We thank you one and all for your confidence. May your Christmas be a Merry one and the New Year bring you a generous measure of all that makes life worth while. P U B L IC A T IO N at $ 1 4 .7 5 and G uaranteed (< - : How is Your Battery? Perhaps your Battery groans when it ha« to turn over these snappy inoroingH. ..We are now equipjied to take care of your Electrical trouble». » Savage Tires These are the low down on tire price carrying a full G u aran tee and W arran tee 30x3’/a Cord Reg >12.80 30x3’/i Overaize Cord >15.80. Jolliff- Scaiefe Motor COM PANY GAS— OIL—! 1RES—ACCESSORIES— BATTERIES CÄÄJ) RUXÏ c/l Thvmatic Cofmdy Written and Directed CHARLIE CHAPLIN “Tills la Ik« pichir« tk«l I want to bo romamb«r«