PAGE FIVB f HE » F IU N U E r x n NEW S T l I VIISU A Y. DEI'. 24, lî»26 Oregon, for ■ - - * • n jia t ••• . a » , i . ,n ì i . agree» and Ule «uin of the United e [»reeentft- I eb tg u tlo n , in the « H underd e, with In* hereof until 'h » * » (uUiiNoORSIlUNG- rcYCETRCS IN T H E CIRCUIT COURT OF T H E STATE O F OREGON FOR LANE COUNTY. Blanche M. H urley. P laintiff, vs. John D. Brown. R. D. Byown. F ra n c 's Brown, W illiam Brown, Ba Ilia Jack roti, Mary M. Ducimeli, M mil W hit A. ï (critic ck, Mr» Ir». C- J. Bea le H< ford, Il nown 1 ted. D« E state of R obert B K elsay, deceased. NOTICE O F FINAL SETTLEM ENT. N otice I» hereby given th at W illiam F. K elsay, A d ru in straio r of the es- take of He B Kelsay, ceased, baa filed I] i C< oi tha ..a t ni ! ih nlng of b ld Ji th. I92Í B o Wood» era. the the To W tratar at u M th e ci u rt dissolving each of which shall be in substantially of, to establish claim aon. dec. an o n tract now ex sttn s the folbrw’ng form : o y e d w w r l b . l . before All perno if and (efeudant, for S. Copi m issioni r. at Town of Springfield. S ta te of O re­ •aid estate it maiden nam e i, on the nth day of of Zulu HinltMt and for Will pay the aunt the as uch o th er rt- gon. Coupon No. . hearer Thre»- Dol a rs in Gold Co n i; w i fled, at I i.. l i e f u< to ta e cu u rt may eem Jur of ie U nited S ta te s of America, at er. In E ti« : . Guy B Kling, Claude and proper. Fr>.| (I Ki tbqr, Ui. iffice of the Town T reastu-er In 2 0 th nm ntha I T his sum m ons I s p u b l i s h » ' ’ the Town of Springfield. OrerAn, on Earl Burgess, all of Hutherlar 1925. being HON. C." Eus ne. Oregon. p u rsu an t to au O r d e r of the th .- f l r - t d a y o f .............. 19 LEONARD A ligi.r Rout* Adin slrutor. ROBERT E CRAW FOlll). H onorable C. P Itarnar*!, County i x m o n its in te re st on Im provem ent Bond N ’. unless sa'd bond is Acting R egister. J u d g e , m ade a n d A E WI entered D o sooner redeem ed, as therein provided, N 3« I» 3 1« 17 24 m m coat. I, 3-10-17-24-29 tim b e r 5. 1925, and the f rst publica­ which rede mptlon will re n d e r this 1 tion h, r-o f - mude the 10th day of] coupon void. ___ _ »3 00 f Hi c .•tnlier, 1925. and the last pub).ca­ tion th ereo f |s on the Z lsl day of R ecorder Miiyor. Jan u ary , 19211. Said coupons shall be numbered from one to tw enty respectively. B RO W N ELL« BROOKE, Said bonds shall be dated ..... — .... A ttorney« for lla ln tiff. HOUSE PA IN TIN G T elephones; Office 013 Res. 2075 1920, and th e in ter at shall be pay­ R esidence; E ugene, Oregon. K alsom tnlng In all Its Branch»». ............. day of ............. — D 10-17-24-31 J 7-14-21 able on the City or Country Work. Lowest and ........... of each year. Section 4 The M ayor of Springfield Price». Every Job G uaranteed. ORDINANCE NO. 493. is hereby authorlxed and directed to Osteopathy ntniids Jbr the Give me a trial. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING •igti said bonds, and th e R ecorder to truth wherever it Is n o io n ti- ROY KOCH. Springfield, Oregon. THE ADVERTISEMENT. SALE AND C ountersign the sam e and attach flcally proven. Phone 12S J ISSUANCE OF »13,481.00. THIR th ereto the seal of th e Town of O rtcopatm o Phyefelsn and Bar- TEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUN­ Springfield, all on behalf of said HMM DRED EIGHTY-ONE DOLLARS OF Town. IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF THE BUY FURNITURE HERE S ect’on 5. The R ecorder of s a id Office) 404 M &. W BhU.. TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON. Town Is hereby directed to reg ister Phigern, OrmSosi Rockers, Beds, M attresses. Stoves, UNDER T H E PROVISIONS OF said bonds and num ber th e sam e on (Meopnttiy eennds far the tmtb Tube. Stove Boards, C lothes CHAPTER 5 OF T IT LE XXVI OF the blanks provided th erfo re In the wtierrvflf It Ik LORDS OREGON LAWS OF THE forgoing form in accordance w ith Sec­ B askets. STATE OF OREGON AS AMENDED tion 3428 of said code and law s or proven. Wm. OONALDSO.s NEW ANO AND DECLARING AN EMERGEN­ the S tate of Oregon. SECOND HAND STORE CY. Section 6. The R ecorder of the T H E TOWN O F SPRINGFIELD Town of S prtngf'eld Is hereby di­ DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOW S: rected to advertise said bonds tor Section 1. W hereas th e Town of sale In a new spaper of general c ircu ­ Contracting and Building M I Springfield has heretofore caused GEO. W. PERKINS lation In L ane County. O recbon. once the following s tre e ts to be Improved eaoh week for four consecutive weeks Corner fftti and D Streets SUTTON TRANSFER to w it: Kelly B oulevard, from D stre e t (five Issue«) which notice shall 8taJ e SprtngfW4d, Oregon to K stre e t, and 10th s tre e t from Muin that said bonds will be sold for the Plans end Bsttrnntes Fur« Phene 57 stre e t ,o G « tree,, and C stre e t from Free. WIR WeSp You Finente 9,h stre e t to 10th stre e t, and D stre e t highest price obtainable therefor, but from 9th stre e t to 10th s t r e e t and not less than par anu accrued in terest, Your BMflcftng. ,7 th street from Main stre e t to the and th a t sealed bids for th e purchase B riittain property line n o rth Krona thereof or any portion thereof w i l l Main street, and South 3rd stre e t be received by the said R ecorder at Q BO - N, M oLBAN freni South D s tre e t to South E his office In the City H all in Spring- Wo cure all diseases of the field, Igino County, Oregon, a t any ‘ " r r r s . r r m ’" street. tim e before the tim e fixed ,n sa d scalp. And w hereas stdewn k s have been notice for opening said bids, a certi­ B°r Phone ^«^7 constructed along th e following fied check payable to the order of My bust streets, ,o-w lt: Mill s t r e e t 2nd s tre e t the said R ecorder, of a t leas,. ,‘h r^ A. A. ANDERSON South, South D stm e t, 1st stre e t (3 per cent) per cent of said bid. as ano w ith BARBER SHOP North. Hftd stre e t N„ 3rd stre e t N orth. an evidence of good faith, and said 4th stre e t North, 5th stre e t N orth, City Council shall reserv e th e right fith stre e t N orth. 7th stre e t N orth, Rth street N orth. 9th street N orth. to re je c t any and all hlds VA8BY BROS. Section 7. W h ereas: T he public ,0 th s tre e t N orth, and on N orth A DR. N. W. EMERY peace and safety of the T o * n street. N orth B s t r e e t . North D street. Painting & Decorating OCNTIBT N orth C street. N orth E street, N or’h Springfield requires th a t this act in all Its branche« F street. N orth O street, w thln the should go into effect im m ediately u p Button Bldg. , Phone 2OJ on Its passage and approval by the Town of Sprlngfielu. uregoD. R seid eneo Phone 153 M 312 Main Street And w hereas th e Common Council Mayor, an em ergency ts declared and of the Town of Springfield has hern th s O rdinance shall lake effect upon Springfield, Oregon tofore assessed th e cost thereof to the its passnR*' by the Council and ap- property ab u ttin g upon the said im ­ proval by the Mayor. Passed hv the Common Council this provem ent and b en efit,ed thereby, In DR. & RALPH DIPPEL accordance with th e term s of the 21st dav of D ecember. ,925. II R. W. SMITH, City Recorder. c h a rte r of th e Town of Springfield. D EN TIST I And w hereas the ow ners of sundry Approved by the Mayor this 21st I pieces of property, each assessed for dav of D ectm bor. 1925. Phono 43 Your Homo When In ' such m provem ent In a sum exceeding G| G'. BUSHMAN, Mayor. F irst Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield Tw enty five (»25.01,) Dollars, have 1, R W. Sm ith, City R ecorder, h ere­ Springfield duly m ade and filed applications to in- ' certify th at the foregoing is a pn.v snld assessm en ts In Instnllm enls j full t>ue anh day òf No­ and .ny st» ■ led Court» on th e 2714 e Town of Springfield th e Council < * on D ecember by toe Town of D ate of first pu violation of this or- Springfield 3. ,925 Jan u ary dinance by th = applicant. P a te of la s t p ublicatt 14. 1928. Section 5. T h e term ’’Dance H al," L. E. Bean, atto rn ey for p U 'n fc’f, tfhall m ean any halt. room , pavilion, S80 W illam ette S treet. Eugene. On- or place excepting a private residence . in th at part of the city during the progress of the dance. of Eugene which was originally do­ Section 11. Sm oking shall not be nated to Lane C ounty by C harnel perm itted In the dance hall proper, M ulligan; running thence South 100 nor In any ante-room reserved for fe e t; thence W est 80 fe e t; thence ladies, nor in an y hallw ay or passage N orth 100 feet to the South line ot wav leading io such dance hall. 11th A venue E a st; thence E ast Section 12. Any person o r persons along said South tine 80 feet to the w ho shall violate any of to e provi­ place of h egtnn’ng. being situated In sions of this O rdinance, shall, upon the City of Eugene, County of Lane,- conviction th ero f In th e R e c o rd e rs S tate of Oregon. C ourt of said Town, be punished by As against toe said defendants and a fine e f not less than tw o dollars eacn of them , and thni to e said de nor m ore th a n tw entytfive dollar;» fendnnt» have not, nor have eith er and costs of prosecution, and in case of them , any right, tile or In terest of d efau lt of th e paym ent of such w hatsoever in and to th e said prem ­ fine may be com m itted to toe ises or any p art thereof, and th a t Jail of the Tow n of Springfield for (he plaintiff’s title In and to th e said one dav for each »2.00 of suoh fine. Approved th is 14th day of Decem­ prem ises be forever quieted anu set at Q Q BUSHMAN. re s t ns ag ain st th e claim s of the said ber, 1925. defendants and eitn er or any ot them , Mayor. and for general relief. »his sum m ons la published once Springfield, Ore. D ecem ber 14, 1925. each week for six successive w eeks W herena It is n ecessary to (the tn th e Springfield News, a new spa­ peace, h ealth and safety of said town per of general circtl ation, printed and of Springfield th a t this O rdinance go published In L ane County, Oregon, Into Im m ediate effect, an em ergency by o rd er ot th e Hon. O. F. Skipw orth, is declared to exist, and th is Ordi­ Ju d g e of th e above en titled Court nance becom es of full force and ef­ w hich o rd er b ears d a te th e 23 day of fect upon Its adoption by the Council Novem ber, 1925, and tho d a te of the and approval by th e Mayor. Passed by the Common Council th is firs t publication of th is Sum m ons is 14th day ot D ecem ber, 1925 by th e N ovem ber 26th. 1926. W o w in g vote: May, yes, y ’’ P O TT E R A rO S T E R , M osier, yes, Cox, yes. N ays, none. Approved by th e m ayor th is 14th A ttorney for P laintiffs, R esidence and Postoffice A ddress, Eugene, O re­ daItte feVP