«THURSDAY, DBC. 24, 1926. Mill W orker Injured. Kil E i i I o ii of I .miilu« wua «pur«led on Monday «I Ih r I'm I f ir Chrlstla't ti2 Willamette Bt I‘hone «;•«{ Eugene, GTegon PAGE THREW h u rd lu ck sourdough who ch ases rain ­ am ong its m em bers groups for th e bows of the soul and h e a rt In the study of problem« of th e p resch o o l m idst of a mob th a t chases one thing child, and th ese m others a re there- only—gold and nothing but gold. fore in an excellent position to f u r ­ In trom Mohawk— Frank Stafford A ssists Doctor— Dr. G erald Van P athos and suffering are converted th e r th is research of th e bureau. F ro m of M arcóla wau In Hprlngfluld un bus- Vulzah, from Portlund, wa» assisting Into com edy and lau g h ter—th ere to the sum m ary of the experiences of a In»»» luat Frlduy. Or. B Ralph Dipped, In bis office this a laugh in every one of the eight large num ber of m others the b u re a a or so feet of "T h e Gold hopes to work o u t suggestions th a t week. . 'j Q I thousand R ush." . will aid In preventing children from H sre from T hurston— W alter F latt Camo Creak Resident In— Andy of T hurston wus a Springfield visitor form ing food an tip ath ies and will h elp B tevena from Camp Creek was In lu st Friday. In overcom ing them once they b e­ town tran sactin g business Tuesday. Study C h ild ren ’s Food. come established. In from W altervllle—J. W. Fountulu V isits from Mohawk— Mrs. Ben of W alterv llle wau in town for a »hurt The B ureau of Home Economics of Brisco was in Springfield attending tlnio Friday. B u tte r wrappers printed according the United S ta te s D epartm ent of Agri Io business Interests T uesday Mrs. wedght . culture is m aking a study of the to regulations w ith nam e, R. W agoner Hero— Il W agoner was ¡ Brisco Is from Mohawk. causes and rem edies of (ood dial Ik ms and address. $1 25 a hundred a t the here Hulurduy on buslneaa from Camp j Company Busy—T he Carbolincum of children. F acts a re being collected t 'r t ek. Wood P reserv in g com pany Is shipping from the m others of such children TALI. AND 8.HBI Dr. N. W. Emery W altervllle Man V isite— (X x a r M il- out P-f es at the average of one c a r­ . by m eans of a questlcngglre clrcufut- «m oWfo« on plate» a ad other work, tf II»;.d, from W altervllle, wu» In town load a day. fulfilling Ila large con­ ed through th e M errill-Palm er N ur­ tra c t with the .Southern Pacific. sery school of D etrlot and the A m eri­ on business Buturday. can A ssociation of U niversity Wom­ FOR RALE—Carhon paper In large Plow m ans Visit— Mr and Mrs. D John P eriahlng Visita— John Furlab- sheets. 2flx?,9 Inches, suitable for en. T his association w as selected as lug wus In town S atu rd ay [ruin hie K H ow m an. of Portland, spent the a cooperator because It has organize J making tracia«» The News O ffice. w eekend with Mr and Mrs M B TOWN AND VICINITY I •iB iiÿ il borne up the M cK enzie. H untly T he Plowmans, who are d riv ­ Nellie Balu ing through to Los Angela«, stopped who hue been visiting h ere left S a t­ h ere enroute. urday for F ay ette, Idaho. Mrs. H unly's P aren ts Come— Mr. In from M arcóla—Mr. and Mr». and Mrs. M B H untly will have as C har ee H ager were In from M arcóla th e ir C hristm as g u ests Mrs. H untly's Saturday. parents. Mr. and Mrs Wm. C. A. Pohl, of A storia. Mr. Pohl Is an under­ Marcóla V isitor Calla— Mrs. 11. J. tak er In Astoria. Duwulug, of W eudllug, was In town (or a ab o rt lim e B uturday. Mill Forem an from W endling—Cliff A braham s has retu rn ed to his home | . G. A. Brown, from th e C. E. F ish ­ a t 423 G stre e t to spend a short tim e e r L um ber Co., was a buslneaa visi­ with his fam ily Mr. A braham s is su­ tor (rom M erredllh Baturduy. p erin ten d en t a t the Booth Kelly log- H ere trom G ran ts P ass— Misa Peg­ ging cam p a t W endling, which Is gy T u ttle from G ran ts Fa»» is visiting closed down for tw o weeks. th e W. E. E ste s fam ily (or a few days. DISABLED VETERANS TO V is ito r 6 7 6 n^P A R T M FN T SCHOOLS !»12 W illamette Kt., Eugene, Oregon. WISHING YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS Old und Hix will Klin Krlnklc »oon will Lx* with uh again, young old aliku eagerly look forw ard to hi» arrival. 1« a nilxalon of good cheer, peace and good on earth, all good luck to him. Altho commonly culled old ho 1» about the Uve- llegt young fellow of our acquaintance and al- way« him been and, may he ever rem ain ho . And now. let iih extend our hearteet Chrtatmaa greeting» to you mid to each m em ber of your home and to the member» of more than two mil­ lion home» th ruout the N State» whom we Bervo In our 676 »tore», ,, Let’s Make it General: A Merry, Merry Christmas to All J. C. PENNEY CO. 1 greeting« A Very M erry Christm as and a H appy Prosperous N ew Year Mountain Stales Power Co. N E W WINTER D CROWN ajs . - «■»— The new winter “ Red C rown” is wild to go— crowded with mileage! On sale at all “ Red C rown” pumps. STANDARD O IL OO MrAN Y ( (lat (lor «(«) WILD TOCO Leaves— M rs. BE REMEMBERED WELL Mrs. P erk in s L eaves—Mrs. Ed Per- ; kina left this week to speud th e holi­ San Francisco. D ecem ber 24.—“The days w ith h e r d au g h ter In Bun F ra n ­ disahlqd soldler, sallor and m arine cisco. ha» been rem em bered by ;he Red Club W ill Give Dance— T he new C ross thls C hristinaa as In the p ast,” dancing club organized a sh o rt tim e »aid W H Iam C arl Hunt, directing of- ago will give a dance a t the Midway, Acini of Red Cross activities In seven w estern states, |n a sta te m e n t Issued according to Oswald Olson. today. Visit a t Salem — Mr. and Mrs. Far- “ I am happy to anounce th e Red rel Perking and Mr. und Mrs. C harles ( C ross has again been tru e to Its D em arest sp en t T uesday visiting j c h a rte r obligation to C ongress w he re- tr im J s in Salem . They m otored over. In It is stated our first duty is to the ! I arm ed forces of the nution. It is grat- T ren t M erchant C a lls -G 8. W ood.! lfying , o announce lh a t morH than a m erchant from T ren t, t r a n s a c t ] j 3Mo chrlM niaa h)iri for « . rv |ce m e n '1 business with a local flour mill h ere th „ „ .r r |, ory have d | gtrlbut- B uturday. ! ed am ong disabled m in In 17 hospi­ tals, and sent Io service men In Chinn, Service Station N e a rly Ready — i Guam, th e Phllllpptnes and H awaii." George Cur non ex p ects to open a new ■ Mr. H unt stated th a t th ese bags, i serv ice sta tio n a t Seventh and Main m ade and filled by volunteer w orkers j stre e ts about Jan u u ry 4. u nless had In Red Cross ch ap te rs throughout the I a ia tie r condition» hold up costructlon. I Pacific branch territo ry , contain such Is Here for V acation—Murl McMul­ articles as decks of cards and o th e r ' len, a freshm an ut W illam ette u n lv e r-: i gam es, handkerchiefs, w atches, neck-i slty, retu rn ed Friday evening to ties, razors, and o th er articles. S tates! spend th e holidays with his p a re n ts ,1 In the pacific branch te rrito ry In- i Mr. and . Mrs. S A. McMul en. Murl Ic,u<,e: «'»Urronla. O n g o n W ashlng- was f. rm erly p resid en t of the high j ,n n ’ , ',l‘ho’ N evada, U tah. Arizona and Alaska. s( hool stu d en t body. ’N um erous boys and girls in pub­ R eturn from School— Miss Miriam lic, private and parochial schools, and Miss Lucille Mule retu rn ed F ri­ m em bers of Ju n io r Red Cross, have day night from Oregon N orm al school done t h e r bit for th e disabled men. ■ at M onmouth, to spend the holidays i They have made C hriittm as postal I with th eir m other. Mrs. (T ara Male. cards, gift. i»ace and menu cards and I The M isses Male a re Juniors at the b lotters. Hcdly w reaths, fruit, n u ts 1 1 M onmouth school. ahd ran d y have been sent to h o sp ita ls.; a In N ovember. 2500 carto n s containing! I F arm er Buys Lum ber— H a rry Mcrs- , toys for children In the Island o f « I dorf. a farm er n ear Springfield pur-1 (juanli prepared by m em bers of the I (h ased an o rd er of ced ar lum ber frp<*nd th e w in­ (by Chaplin himself. te r a t M yrtle Creek. Oregon Mrs. Mll- W ith th at genius w hich is peculiar­ les spends about half th e y ear In ly his ow n, and a g a in st the back­ S prlngfle'd, and th e o th e r half a t h er ground of old K londike gold rush days hom e In M yrtle Creek. of C hap Inesque conception, the g reat­ T h u rsto n Bay H as Needle Removed est screen-com edian has depicted —Ben R ussell, 12-year old son of F red with subtly tender and delicate m as­ R ussel of T h u rsto n , w as In to have a terstro k e s the struggle of m an's e te r­ needle rem oved from h is foot last nal h u n t for h appiness, Uts h e a rt­ Saturday. Dr. R ebhan rem oved the breaks and tears and its lau g h ter and Joy. needle. C harlie Chaplin of the derby, cane, To Spend C hrlstm aa Away— Mr. and hnggy trousers, funny m ustache a n i Mrs. J. M. L arson will «pend C h rist­ w addling w alk who h as made the m as a t th e home of Mrs. l-arson's whole world laugh m ore than ony paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. T oftdahl. o th er m ere com edian th a t ever lived, h as built In “The Gold R ush” a de­ In Ju n ctio n City. lightful stru c tu re of fun and faugh- T h u rsto n People Come—Among vis­ ter. ito rs who w ere In tow n S atu rd ay from On the tragedy and m isery suffered T h u rsto n w ere Mr. and Mrs. C harles by th e pioneers who first Journeyed T aylor and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Endi­ to th e Ice-bound A laska, and on the cott. d ram a of the soul sufferings of the Mrs. Needham H srs— Mrs. T aylor sourdough who braved m ountains. Ice, Needham of T h u rsto n was a visitor snow and starv atio n and d eath In In th e city Friday. H er sister, Mrs. R. th eir mad rush for gold, Chaplin has V. H adley, of Eugene, Is v isiting Mrs. built the fu n n iest and m ost hilarious N eedham a t hor T h u rsto n home for cotuody of his career. He has clad him self in tho role of a a few days. WISHING YOU A CHRISTMAS OF CHEER AND A NEW YEAR FILLED WITH HAPPINESS Hall’s Cash Store ran»«»»» uataMsmauBBaocsaBaa U i « Wishing You the Good Old Wish A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Wright & Son HARDWARE PAINT FURNITURE WISHING YOU TH E SEASON'S GREETINGS AND ASSURING YOU OF OUR KEEN APPRECIATION OF YOUR GOOD WILL AND PATRONAGE SPRINGFIELD GARAGE W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.