M erry Christm as THE SPRINGFIELD NEÏ, ▼ I TWENTY-SECOND YEA It CHRISTMAS 6METV FEATURE Of WEEK C a n t a t a « , Entertainment«, School Program«, Parties, are Mark of Holiday Spirit in Springfield; Booth-Kell^ Mill Closes to Make Repairs. With n numb, r nt affair«, gather- Ins*. innetlnga, parlies, and cantata» Occur lug th« past week, about nil that remains for (lie observance of Christina« 1« the Dome «inn« around tlio flr>«lde, the hanging up of stock­ ings, and the <'hrl»tu«i« dinner with turkey and all the filin'«, or some other «uablltut* for It. The llaptlst church tri' present a program Thursday evening of store- optlran «ltd« depleting the «tory of the Nativity. Thia program will bo followed by a Christmas tree for the children. A program of a sltnilur rutur* was presented at the Methodist Episcopal church Wednesday evening. Along with the pictures were presented souks and scriptures, and violin num­ bers by Charles Nuilvornlk. Harlan Duncan, and Joe Cyr. The first part of the program was furnishe d by the Primary department of the Sunday school. i tie cno-r or the llaptlst church, under the dlr-s tlon of M Norton Pen. gra. presented a cantata, "The Prince of Peace." Sunday evening for the •Sunday achool, and again Tuesday evening An offering was taken at the Tuesday service which will be uned for relief work. A cantata »«« also given at the Cbrlst'an church Sunday evening It was present**! by tho choir. The •tory of the Nativity was acted out to considerable extent, and appropri­ ate music sung to fit the tableau Most organisation« are leaving Christmas Eve open so that children may spend tho evening at home with their parents, perhaps so that they may tin- more eagerly anticipate the ho Iday Joys that wll follow! All Springfield schools were rinsed for the vacation period Wednesday afternoon. At the llrattaln school, the Junior high, and the high schools, programs were given uarly In the afternoon, and Christmas tr»-es with the presentation of girt« followed School was dismissed early In the afternoon. At the high school, the program took the nature of a "kid" party, and those who were not appropriately dreseed or costumed, partook loss of the general excitement and Joy of the occasion. In all the schools. nnmes, or num­ bers were assigned each student, ami prnsents wtere purchased after the drawings. In no case did the cost ex­ ceed 25 cents. Wednesday afternoon the Boys' and Girls' Glee clubs from Hprlngfleld high school went around to the different achools mid sang Christmas carols. The Booth-Kid y mill closed down this afternoon for a period of ten days to two wteiks. according to nn announcement posted on the bulletin board by Superintendent Jarrett. General repairs will bo made during the shut-down, although not all of the men will be out of work. Some departments will run with nt least a percentage of the norntnl crews. Business houses In general will be c osed down for Christmas day. New Sion 8hop. 'Ilff Murray has rented tho bulltl- t on Main street between Sixth anil vtnth fo-merly occupied ly a tmblng s.top, Mr. Murray has cou­ rted the building Into a h'ailqjnr- •v for his sign painting business Is well-known among Springfield i, Eugene residents, whore he nas en engaged In, his vocatl >n .’or a mber of years. Illnolt Visitor Hers—Danville, li­ nts Is on the list of towns repro­ ved by local business visitors hero a week. L. Wakefield 1« here from i Illinois city. Marcóla Merchant Calls—J. W. nery, of the Marcóla Meat market ild a short business visit In Sprlng- lld Wednesday. a Emery Lssvss—Mrs. N. W. y left today to spend a few with her sisters In Portland, the ,s Emma nnd Abhy Massee. Iter conditions will determine, or less, the date of Mrs. Era- return. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON. 'CITY CALLS FOR SALE OF $13,481 IN BONDS lllils will lie called for on 113.481 worth of Hpr'ngfleld Improvement bonds on January 25. according to the authorization for sale made at the meeting of the city council Mon­ day night. TI»e bonds will coyer oyer a title of nldvwnlk built In the city dur ng the past year, the Tenth street, Seventeenth street, Kelly houlevarl and Third strait south Improvement» The motley raised will* take care of the payments for property holders tuktlig the Bancroft act allowing le t years for payment. Many property holders, «sperlally on (he sidewalk, paid cash for the work. The council anticipate many more Improvements for the city during the routing year The pavement of the ul- ley between Main mid A street as well as the pavement of aeveral streets Is being considered by property owners and the city Without the new bridge across the WIMuniette river can be built this year councUmen declare pavement will have to In- forced In on either Second or .Mill street this summer. The city Is spending hundreds of dol­ lars «soli year for the maintenance of Second street and It is seldom In good condition nt thut Pavement on till heavily used macadam streets Is an worn,my In the long run council- men say. "T h e People’* Pape«* ar> k J L IV E NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 4» THURSDAY, DEC. 24. 1925. Santa Clans is Coming Tonight A o ciety ANDERSON MFG.CO, TO EXPAND PLANT WALLACE-CHASE WEDDING EVENT AT BAPTIST CHURCH Two New Buildings, Sidetrack and Modern Machinery Will A beautiful wedding was that which Be Installed and Wholesale occurred Wednesday evailng when Window and Door Frames •Miss Grace Wallace was united In Will Be Manufactured. marralge with Homer Chase at the Baptist church. The bride was attired In a gown of white georgette crepe trimmed with beads. Two little pages. Dorothy and Jean Chase, followed the bride, supporting the veil. Attendants were M:se Maude Wal­ lace and Mr. Chester Chase. Ushers were the Misses Carol and Maude Chase and Eugene and Merle Chase. The church was decorated with white chrysanthemums, white paper whites, palms, ferns and slmlax, Rev­ erend Blom performed the ceremony. A reception is anounced to be given December 31. The erection of two large building« and the installation of more wood working machinery 1« the plans of the Anderson Manufacturing company In the near future, according to O. F. Anderson, the manager. Recapitaliza­ tion of the firm is now underway and once the improvements are made, wholesale business in knocked down doors and window frames and other interior house furnishing will be gone into on a large scale. The new plant will be erected at the corner of Third and F streets. Plans of the firm call for the erec­ De Pue’s Entertain 500 Club. , tion of one building, 40x80 feet and one 60x100 feet, the installation 't Mr. and Mrs. Frank DePue, enter­ several pieces of modern machinery, tained the Five Hundred club in their a complete exhaust system, a coma home last Friday evening. T w enty! piete and modern fire protection sys­ guests were present. Mrs. I. D. Lari­ tem and a new sidetrack, according mer won high score for the ladies, to Mr. Anderson. ) and Mr. Washburne took high scores Experimenting and cost finding ill for the men. the products, the enlarged firm ex» Those present were Mr. and Mrs. pects to manufacture has been done Jess Seavey, Mr. and Mrs. Ike Lari­ by Mr. Anderson for the last two FOOTBALL MEN RECEIVE mer, W iliam Dawson, Ronald Rob-; years. Recently a committee from the LETTERS AT ASSEMBLY DRAMA CLUB PRESENTS i erts- Mr and Mrs Wnk Perry' Mr Lions clnb visited the plant and. ap­ PUBLIC MARKET PREPARES | and Mrs. W. H. Adrian, Mrs. Maude • proved Mr. Anderson's pians tor ex­ At the regular assembly of the high TO ADVERTISE WARES PLAY AT HICH SCHOOL Bryan and daughter, Crystal, Mrs. pansion. "When completed this new suhoo' student body lust Friday after­ Grace Roberts, Welby Stevens,, Eliza According to plans now under con­ Before a fairly rarge audience last Sutton, Byron Washburne, and Mr. plant will be a modern and up-to-date noon, I# boys were presented with factory and anyone Interested Is In­ large purple "8" letters. In cimttli'in- sideration, the new public market, at Friday evening, the Dramatic club and Mrs. Frank De Pue. vited to Inspect the plans at tho nratlon of the work they have accom­ the foot of Sixth street, will be ad- of the Springfield high school pres- Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan were present plan,” says Mr. Anderson. plished for Hprlngfleld during the! vortlsed and (he attention of the | ented the play ‘‘Assisted by Sadie honor guests. The acounoement of Mr. Anderson Toe plot was laid In a hotel at 3 past football season. The tuam won ; townspeople called to the fact that such a market Is being conducted fo summer resort, with a series of mys- Mra, Lar|fn#r EnterUin Pricilta Club. that his company -wil expand adds to one game, tied one, and lost four. the industrial activity in the vicinity terlous Jewel robberies as the motive Since only three of this year's squad the benefit of Springfield people. Mrs. I. D. Larimer entertained the j of his plant. The Carbolineum Wood will graduate In June, Coach Bain ex­ New arrangements ore being made, ^or action Although the entire cast is to be Pricilla club at her home last Friday , Products company is building a new pect« nn excellent team next year, un­ by the Market committee to add to afternoon. The affair was in the na­ plant and the Springfield Lumber less some of those who would be eli­ the attractiveness of the place, and complimented, special mention is ture of a Christmas party. Table deco­ company is installing new docks and gible Io piny, failed to return next it Is thought this, together with the due Faye Fishel as Sadie Brady; rations, place cards, and refreshments equipment at its mill. year. The men who »t I graduate this contemplated* advertising campaign. Shirley Hemenway as Harriet Carley, followed out the Christmas spirit year are George Moon, Frank Lom­ will draw sufficient trade to Justify *nd Evan Hughes as Bunch, the bell Guests of honor were Mrs. Jess DANNER MOTOR CO. bard. and Charlo« Thompson tho rental of more stalls to those; *’°P- Shirley Hemenway In her part eas­ Seavey and Mrs. Fred Rosenberry. MOVES INTO NEW BUILDING The hoys who received letters were, who now take their proluce to the ily led the cast unt| well along in Members of the <4 ub who -were pres­ McPherson, captain; Cowart. Frank Eugene Public market. the second a ct when Sadie, who had ent were Mrs. Leland Eubanks, Mrs. The E. R. Danner Motor company la