TH U R SD A Y. DEC. 17. 1925. THE SFRINOFTILD NEW’S PAGE S E V O T IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Eatate of Robert B. Ketaay, deceased STATE OF OREGON FOR L A N B 'NOT,CB o,r FINAL SETTLEMENT. MASTER BASKETBALL COUNTY. j N otice Is hereby given that William COACH W ILL T E A C H Blanche M Hurley, Plaintiff, va. F K‘,l"aJ'- Administrator of the es- John | | Drown, II. O Drown Franc's *“** Robert U. Kelagy, deceased, University of Oregon, Eugene, Dee. Drown, William Brown Barilla Jack ' hM ,,lwd *" tb” Coun’y Court of the «on, Mary 54. Bui kn>-|| Maud Whit ! "f Or««,jn- <“ and for Luno 17,—(Special.)— Marking a d istin ct g., barn und chicken house; 25 acres IMb °f January, 1926, at Ten T rum J'»hn Brown to Jam es H. Coch- A two w eeks school, consisting of Itangr 9 West. W M wlinln the Hlua- cleared, 15 acme easily closred ' °'c,ock A M St l-JO County Court ran and lhat the sam e be made a cense or a permit therefor as herein­ law National Forest. for the timber on balance iimrn.r ... i . , Intensive courses for high school and r0om 1,1 ,J‘n*r County, Oregon, la fixed matter of record and the title of sx>] after specified. the N W S N K S . Section 3.1. Tp. 30 tmlance timber and pasture. Will i M y,,. time nn„ pIllce for h(,BrlnK any property described as Lota One and Section 2. Any person, firm, co-part­ college basketball coaches w ill bn take vacant lot aa flrat payment j objections that may lie filed to said Four of Block Three of Mulligan's nership, association, or society desir­ H. Range 3 Ea»t W M. within the conducted by Meanwell. Tho basket­ Caacade National Forest. and terms on balance. W. F. Reed fuial account und to final settlem ent j Addition on the West to Eugene, ing to conduct a dance halt In the ball wizard haa been giving coaching Town of Springfield shall make ap­ The purpoae of thia notice la to a l­ of said estate. ; I^ine County, Oregon, except the * tkm. Eugene, Ore , Box 593. low all persona claiming the land sel- All p- rsone having objections to South 60 feet of said Lot Four be plication therefor to the Town Council courses with Knuto Rockne at Notrn •ctod. or having bona fide objection* PIANO FOR HALE NEAR SPRING- said final account aro notified to file made perfect and complete as against of the Town of Springfield In writing, Dame and W isconsin, in which mors to auch application. an opp<>rtun..y the sam e on or before Ten o'clock A. *»*e heirs of said John Brown; that stating the name of the person, firm, than 85o coaches have attended. FI OLD. to file their protest» with the R egis­ BEAUTIFUL high grade piano must M, on the Vth day of January, 1926. “ deed from John F. Childs and Mary corporation, co-partnership, asscola- Mr. Meanwell Is the originator o f ter and Receiver 04 the United Htat«a W. W. INMAN. I F. Childs of July 2, 185«. recorded In tlon or society desiring to conduct tie so|d at cnee. A bargain and laind Office at Roaeburg, Oregon. Executor. - Volume B page 447 of Deed Records such a dance hall, the location of the the pivot and short pass, five-man de­ terms *10 mouthy to reliable party. Any auch pro eat« or objections must L E BEAN. Attorney for the Estate of I-ane County. Oregon, be corrected proposed dance hall, and suoh other fense style of play, which In its vari­ he filed In thia office within thirty For particulars write Cline Music 860 W illamette St., Eugene, O regon.180 as to make the description In said information aa the Council may re­ ations Is the basis tor most of mod­ quire. day« from the date of flrat publication ............. II 10 17 24 31 J 7 -1----I read Lot No. One In Dlo< k Co., 66 Frout St., Portland, Ora. Section 3. The amount of license re­ ern basketball. Meanwefl methods and of thia notice, which flrat publication T N THE CIRCUIT ( • ( I I 'R T 'O F t H e * ” Mulligan's Addition on the N 26 D 17 la November 1», 1#25, STATE OF OREGON, FOR LANK Wb*‘ 10 Ule Town nt Eugeoe City, In quired for the conducting of a dance technique have been spread by tb* hall In the Town of Springfield shall several thousand coaches who have non-coal. COUNTY. | Lane County. Oregon." be and Is hereby fixed at the sum of .. . . ., HAMILL A. CANADA Y, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Zola Bowers, Plaintiff, vs. Wlll'am An,l that the title of plaintiff as Twenty (»20 00) Dol ars per annum aUen»t Jane? , ubow named f «aid defendant!« plaintiff be de- at the time of the making of the ap­ of Ohio State U niversity; Ruby o f - II llrown. formerly Janet Bel), of; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE creed to be the ubsolute owner of the plication, and each three months U niversity of Illinois; WUlimns of NOTICE TO CREDITORS Motor Rout« "C," —— Eugene, F • vncA OR 1X10,,; are nerfDy hereby rt*- re-; »'• premise» <-> described In icw fee oitupiv simple and thereafter, ---v Oregon, [O vs< jvfn, You i t»u urt? »«ijv-tg m u cira u ri, b such u ll pRjiuuui payment to be made University of Iowa; Levis, form erly Notice Is hereby given that Leonard li y ° - n ‘t t-rU,ryK- 25‘ ,922- made qulred to appear and answer the com- ,or gu< h <^ plaint filed against you In the above may seem equitable and Just. I Section 4. If the Connell deem the W isconsin; Bond, University of Mis­ Court of the State of Oregon, In ana HEt», Section 5. Township 19 H, Thia aummons Is served upon you applicant for such license worthy of for lain« County, appoint-«! adminis­ Rang! 4 West. W illamette Meildlan. entitled court und cause, on or before by publication in the The Sprlngfle>d the aame, the Council shall, upon souri; Chandler of Iowa State; TebeB trator of the estate of Louts Ander­ has flhv! notice of Intention to make the expiration of the time prescribed News for six successive and consrcu such application and the payment of of North Carolina. son. deceased. three year proof, to establish claim In the Order of Publication, to-wil; live weeks, pursuant to an order duly suCh license fee, grant a permit to “I guarantee to discuss and to dem­ All persons having claim s against to the land above described, before On or before tufe expiration of six the fir s t 1 n",dfc “n'1 entered b* tbe Honorable m i oh person to conduct a dance hall onstrate In full, the mefbods I employ aald estate are hereby notified to pre­ E. O. tauiM-l, U. 8. Commissioner, at weeks from the date at the location specified In the ap­ publication ns-reof. and If you rail to Sklpworth, Judge of the above sent the aame. duly stated and veri­ Eugene. Oregon, on the 9th -lay of plication In the Town of Springfield answer for »-ant thereof, plaintiff will' Court, on the 27t>h day of No- and any such license so granted by In my conference seasons," M ea n w e ll fied, at the law otflro of A. K Wheel­ January. 1926 telegraphed In discussing the sch apply to the court for the relief prayei.1 ,r,*nib,‘r- 1926- er, In Eugene. Oregon, within a ll claim ant names us w itnesses: Date of flrat publication December the Council of the Town of Springfield at Eugene. (nonlha from 2«th day of November, Fred O. Knox. Guy B. Knox. Claude for In the Complaint, to-wit. may be revoked by the Town of 3. 1925 1335. For a decree of the court dissolving L. Sutherland. Earl Burgess, all of Date of last publication January ■ Springfield for a violation of this or- LEONARD ANDERSON, Motor Route "C." Eugene, dregon. the marriage contract now existing 14. 1926. dinanee by the applicant T H E C H R ISTM A S SEAL; Ad m lnatralor. between plaintiff and defendant, for Section 5. The term “Dance Hall" ROBERT E CRAWFORD. L. E. Bean, attorney for pldlnt.lf, Khali mean any hall, room, pavilion, A. E Wheeler, Attorney. _„w _______ Hie right to resume her maiden name Acting Register W H A T IS IT FO R ? N 2« D 3 1U 17 34 non-coal. I) 3-10 17-26-2» J o t Zola 8m l® and for aut-n other re­ 860 Willamette Street. Eugene. Ore­ or place excepting a private residence D 3 10-17-24-31 J 7-14 in wihlch a dance is held and a charge lief aa to the court may eeem Just gon. “Christmas S ea’ time Is here again, Is made therefor. htid proper. and you are already doubtless fam­ Section 6. All dances shall be open Tbla summons I s p u b l i s h e d for inspection by any Police Officer iliar with the design of the 1925 »eaL pursuant to an O r d e r o f the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE io f the Town of Springfield or any It shows two candles set in the tra d i­ Honorable C. I’. Barnard, County -'’ ■ATE OF OREGON FOR THE^PoDce Officer of Lane County, State tional holly and m istletoe of the holi­ of Oregon, at at times. HOUSE PAINTING J u d g e , made a n d entered De- I COUNTY OF LANE. Telephones; Office «13 Res 2076 er 5 1925 )h„ »I— ... ! HAYMOND MARLA1T and L. M. I Section 7. All dances shall be dis- day season below a red double barred Kaltomining In all Its Branches. ! ( ember li. D-of m m a.l. ?h. / " ' A T S O N . P ain tlffs. vs continued and all dance halls he cross, the oficial emblem of the anti- t.on hereof City or Country Work. Lowest th* Price*. Every Job Guaranteed. Give me a trial. Osteopathy ntntidn X»r tJae pear* ROY KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. t m t h wherever It Is HolrwitJ- Vente* Phone 125 J fleally proven. ¡ar'»v°.rnd :uK1v T r<)1- A . Ur^ : J? h,n ?i Springfield may grant such person. Attorneys for Haintiff. s ra(-r^vd v n ' T e , i lr-r>' i W'^e J®?n I society or organization a permit to about a candle throwing Its beam* Osteopattilo Physfeien and B a r Residence: Eugene, Oregon - Gray; Elizabeth Taylor; also tne i continue a dance until a time specl- like a ‘good deed In a naughty world!* geon D 1017-24 31 J 7-14-21 unknown belrs of Isaac Gray. Deceas-1 fied ,n 8Uoh permit, but no t -ckets Many are the conditions that h a v * BUY FURNITURE HERE Office F t « 4. W Bldg., I W A M T M F n p k BEW. A N il SW*4. Section 28, all other persons or parties unknown be unlawful for any person to make ent. D isease then raged ln m any forum SUTTON TRANSFER rownuhlp 16, S.. Itangv 9 West, W. M claiming any right, title, estate Ren any misrepresentation or false sta te -' and decimated humanity with te r r t Springfield, O^eflfon within the Sluslaw National Forest^ or Interest In tne real eatate des­ in)'nt as to the age of him self or her-, fying epidemics. Modem medical eel- Plans and EstWnrfle» Fera Phene tf7 ftr the Timber on the Nfc'i, N E |, cribed In the complaint herein, De­ self or any other person for the pur­ Fra«. W4V H«*p Yoa Flnance ence w as unknown. Section 33. Town »nip 20 S.. Range 3 fendants: pose of obtaining the admission of T o u r BtftMInp. “Since that time more than IX E'nst. w M.. within the Cascade Na­ such persons as to whose age such IN THE NAME OF THE STATE tional Forest. OF OREGON, Yon and each of you statement or misrepresentation is years have been added to the d u n * The purpoae of thia notice Is to are hereby required to appear and made, to any dance hall or the per­ Hon o t the average man's life. T h ia* O R tX N, M eL R A N allow all persons claiming the lands answer tbe complaint flleo against misión to remain therein. In violation We cure all dlHease» of tho selected, or having bona ride objec you in the above entitled Court and of this Ordinance, and it shall be un­ of It,, twenty-one years more to «•- AatornobR le, m e an « UH tlons to such application, an oppor­ cause on or before six week9 from lawful for any person to falsely repre­ Joy the increasing m arvels of the** acolp. IN flD R A N O l tunity to file their protests w ifi the the date of the first publication of this sen t herseJf or him self to be a par­ modem days! Seven of these exten d ­ Surety Bo FRone 6(7 ent or guardian of any other peTson ed years, about one-third of th e whol* Register and Receiver of the United My buaf n««* A. A. ANDERSON States Land Office at Roseburg, Ore­ Summons, and If you fail so to ap­ in order that sudh person may obtain basAsae pear and answ er for want thereof, admission to suoh dance hall or be gain ln human existence since S h ak es­ gon. Any such protests or objections BARBER SHOP MO WIB— veegy Sfc must be filed ln this orrice within the plaintiff will apply to the Court permitted to remain therein ln viola­ peare s time, have been added sfi thirty days from the date of first for the relief demanded in the com­ tion of this Ordinance. the developm ent df th e Christ publication of this notice, which first plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the Sect'on 9. All dance halls shall be Seal only 18 years ago. Court adjudging and decreeing that brightly lighted during the progress publication Is December 10, 1925 VA9BY BROS. "The good deeds the Seal represent* OR. N. W. EMERY the plaintiffs are the owners in fee of the dance and so-caljed “Shadow- ROBERT E. CRAWFORD, have done theiir share ln lengthening simple of the premises described In Dances" and “Moonlight Dances" are Acting Register. 1‘nintJng & Decorating OBNTI8T D 10-17-24-31 J 7 the complaint herein, and described prohlbted. and any and all dances in human life by helping to subtract 100< npn-coal. as follows, to-wlt: which the room is darkened are also 000 names from th? annual death r o l In nil Its brnnchcB Sutton Bldg. Phone CO-J Beginning at the Northeast corner prohibited. Realdenco Phone 153 M Section 10. No intoxicated person of tuberculous in the United States, 312 Main Street Estate of Frederick Win. Saifbert, of Lot Two (2), fractional Block Twenty (20). in that part of the city shall be permitted in any dance hall Tor the deeth rate from that d isess* Springfield, Oregon Deceased. Is now one half what it was tw enty o f Eugene which was originally 'y. G fflce at D 3-10-17-24 2 9 1 pfaruises be forever quieted ano set nt Approved this 14th day of Decem­ found a fly in the raisin cake.” ktii ' t k ' v t o ’onutM T.m S"”'"“' refl* ag "galBst the claim* of the said ber, 1925. F IR S T NATIONAL BANK Generous Baker: “Run home an’ NOTH B r o t RED1 TORS. (> f, n||nnfR or any of th „m G. G. BUSHMAN. Sprlngflald, Oregon tt'.l her if abe'll return the fly I’ll Mayor. Notice Is hereby given by the un- and for general relief. R. W. S M ITH derslgned that hi* has bein duly ap- ,h ls summons ts published once Springfield, Ore. give her a raisin for it.” pointed ns administrator of the es- each week fnr six successive weeks December 14, 1925. T ie closer you are the farther Juslicp rtf the peaco and W hereas it is necessary to (the tale of W. II. Andrews, deceased, by In the Springfield News, a newspn- notary public,, Insurance the order of the Judge of tho County ¡per of general clrc'l arion. printed and peace, health and safety of said town away your friends are. Court of Lane County. Oregon. A ll' published in I-nno County, Dregon. ef Sprlngfiei 1 that this Ordinance go An actress said that »eal beautv Is All kinds of gravel for con­ persons having clufnis ..gainst said I hv or.t,,r 0, thp Hon. o F. sutpworth. into immediate effect, an emergency of the mind. That's good—it doest»! City Unii Springfield, Oregon crete or road work. We Is declared to exist, nnd this Ordi­ i the stiite are unto hereby to present ,' , .. , same said notified administrator. a t* J"',FP of , thP aboVe <'ntlt,ed , ,, Cour' make a specialty of crushed nance becom es of full force and e f­ cost anything to make it up. tile office ef Fred E. Smith. Attorney whlth order bears dato th? 23 day of fect upon It» adoption by the Council rock nnd rock sand.' Bunk­ nt Lniw, 445 6 Miner Building. E ugene,1 November, 1925, and th? date of the and approval by the Mayor. Too Bad. ers at foot of Main on Mill FRANK A. D E P U E Hrogon, within six months from the f r s t publlcntion of this Hummons la Passed by the Common Council this street. A T TO R N E Y A T LAW date hereof. Irate voice on wire: ‘‘Hello! Say, 14th day ot December. 1925 by the November 26th, 1925. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Dated November 19. 1925. M low ing vote: May. yes, McKlln. yes, I ordered a dozen eggs and you only POTTER & FOSTER, NOTARY FUBI.IC FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ad­ Mosier, yes. Cox, yes. Nays. none. sent one nine." ministrator. Button BprtMfleld Attorney for PlalntlRa, Residence Approved by the mayor this 14th Grocer: “Yes Mam. I know. You ALLEN ANDREWS, Buldllng Oregdrtrfy See nur U m of vteKing oravia nnd Postofflce Address, Kugene, Ore- day of December, 1925. see three of them were bad so I toM Administrator. A ttest: R. W. SMITH, Recorder. J4>a*ul(»i. or plate, at 4b« Naws odloe N26 D 3 10 17 24 31 J 7 N. 19-26 Ü 3 10-17 8 O. G. BU»HMAN, Mayor. the delivery boy to throw them aw>y.* z ÍB U S ÍÑ E S S D IR E C T O R Y Dr.John Simons The Loop” D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. 4 »• \