«T hursday . dec . UPPER WILLAMETTE T h » « tart»nt tx x ly at th x U n io n h ig h se llout No. 1 nt l*l«a»M«t H ill toad« KM on tli« baakat M etel f t r e a n t th u h ig h Nctiool H u tu n ln y n ig h t, t »•»•«tpIm r 12 M r. lin y » rlv«d thn PTlM lo r p a yin g III« la rgo n t Mim (or a ba a kat and llu a e l K o ll to o k th e p rlae (o r lb « p re ttlv a t b a ske t. T h e mutiny ral«»d guua to w a rd b u yin g a n ilin v o g ra tih w h ich the a lu d e n t body re c e n tly purchuaod. T h u t 'lir la t b in E n d e a vo r aix le ty o t I ’leaaant l l l l t w ill g iv e a p ro g ra m and « h u rt |» n y |. I E rlila y nllO it, H e co n jlie r is at th e c h u rc h T h e re w ill ba no c h a rg e fo r the p ro g ra m but the wom ­ en o f th e c h u rc h w ill aorv« n c a fe te r­ ia «Upper III th e buHolnent a fte r the p ro g ra m T he proceed« w ill go to w a rd p u rrh n a liig new carpela fb r the ro» Irglm and alnlea T h - fr o g m i l l w ill con»l«t of a »ong by the W h e e le r quartette, aolo by I'ln tre m e Moitwon. eelo, by A lle n W h e e le r, old tim e song« hy th e wom en o f the ch u rch , p la y e|, Ilu rg ln ra hy Jed W h i -I i t , lu it lle R cnahadler, V io le t In m a n and C la re n ce M n n .o tt M onday n ig h t the c h ild re n <>( t ’ lir l tia n c h u rc h w ill g ive a C-hrlatmaa p ro g ra m Off« rin g » (o r the < h lb lrc ti H hom e In C o rv a llla w ill le r< > veil S unday and M onday n ig h t h y th e c o m m itte e nt th e ch u ri-h Clothe«, toy». C hrb-tm na p re xo n ta to 1» made, f r u it , hooka, tool» etc , are acceptable V y d e tt C u rtla , th e fiv e year-old d a u g h te r o f M r and M r« Cha» C u rl« o f Pleasant l i t I. hna been a o ffe r ltir of lata w ith tn fla m m n to ry rheum « tb.ni She 1« onte w it Im pro ve d the pa»t fe w day« T h e b a rn o f T It llo b in e tt was I 4 i -l to th g r tin 1 'I hut -lay n ig h t N o «lock waa lo«t hut nhout to ton« o f hay burned. Page Three TU E 6PHiNGKlKJ,L>.N W 'J n . 1*25. Should Ba. *, “One ewallow doe« not make a sum- Hraaa rehaaaaa1 ofl the high Mhool W alter L. Koons waa In from Mar- He: "There'» no use talking, wotn m er.' cola yeaterduy (or medical treatment platy. “Aaalaki by Sadia” was bald Wed n ««day olgbt ThanSay after­ 1 en aren’t game.'* II« had received a apra!m il back “ No, but |t aure put eprtng Into She: "W ell, they're certainly hunt­ noon at 2 : SO a matinee waa glv«o fo r while working In tha mill of i h . It la a com m on fa lla c y th a t green, ed enough." T ° “r * • » ' the lieaaflt of the school latudents, la vernier, o r alm a o th e r co lo r la leaa Ptaber Lumber com pany. and Friday evenhig at g;00 p. m. the fu s t th a n b lu e o r p in k Pastonas de- regular j J m - w wIB be given tor towns- Eleanor: "Your brother Is awful E d it RALE— Carbon paper In targe 1 pend a on th e c h e m ic a l co m p o sitio n careless. Last time he came to my «beeta. Mx3k teehee, suitable for *Jlhn—In to w n fro m b o a t F r e r k poeple. making tracI «g« The News Ottica. house he left bis rubbers. He'd leave of th e dye. on bualne»» to d a y, re p o rt» a c llv t lt y A whole nhlpwwBt of ChrtHtma» dec­ bis head If it were Tooae.” U ye a tu ffa a re grouped In to varluun Io roa d tin p ro v ir n i- iila In th a t aea- Katharine: "Yes, 1 know. I heard tb m . He also sta te s th a t th e dtetrlct oration h a v e Juat been opened. Come C o rre c t, B it down. cluaau« a cco rd in g to th u lr c o m p o s itio n him say he'd have to go to Denver for la e n jo y in g m m It w a rm e r w e a th e r In and m ake your selectio n early u n it th e dyea In »onte i-laaaua are tuere bta lung».’* T e a c h e r: "W h e n Is th e beat tim e than he fn u ud here. from our large atoek. FASTNESS OF DYE NOT QUESTION OF COLOR ta a t tlia g those In other«. T h u s a blue, o r any o th e r fa b ric m ay have rece ive d Its c o lo r fro m uuy one o f a n u m b e r o f d iffe re n t d y e s tu ff» v a ry in g w id e ly In p u ra u u u u c y . W ith o u t k n o w n ln g Just w h a t k in d o f a dy>- wit» used and It la p ra c tic a lly unpoHHlble fo r th e consumer to t e l I tile Ute file t It'« « o f c o lo r 111 tw o fa b ric » can hot tie p re d icte d . A dye th a t la one o t t h " p o o re st o f It» d a«» m ay have been u«t«l on one o f th " fa b ric s , w h ile th e o th e r m a y have been dyed w ith one o f lit« la-et. »Irven, lavender, o r u tty one c o lo r Is Just u« fa s t um a n o th e r I f s im ila r ( dyes a n used to p ic k appio» ?" gr<' n, Buy Your Christmas Cards from Boy: "When there the News W hile there Is a large stock, lookin’”. ain’t nobody BOND We u se it when PRINTING w GOOD JOBS Give Ils A s Xmas Draws Near 5 k Y o u rs^ LtOEBWM nusuam we are still wondering just what we will get for Father, Mother, Sister or Brother for a nice Xmas present, Coin« in and let us help you select som ething that will be suit­ able from our stock of Merchandise of wh?.h we have a large assortm ent. Here are A Few Suggest ic~is: Serve Big Pieces 4 » You Go Home Happy When You Do Your Christmas Shopping Here When serving our Pies, be sure to serve big pieces. They are so good that a small piece does not satisfy. We have them fresh, every day. SPRINGFIELD BAKERY PRICES ARE RIGHT MOTHER FATHER Purses Purses Handkerchiefs Ties Garters Handkerchiefs Rubber Aprons Suspenders Silk Hose Supporters HouBe Slippers Sleeve Holders Perfume Belts Silk Umbrellas House Slippers Boudoir Caps Hose SISTER BROTHER Un.brellals Ties B arettes Caps Handkerchiefs House Slippers Barters Supporters House Slippers Knife Silk Hose Handkerchiefs Belts Purse Perfum e Belts Boudoir Caps Sleeve Holders We have a large assortm ent of Art Work and Embroidery Thread. A.«R. Sneed Dept. Store __________WE DELIVER IN SPRINGFIELD_________ _ FRED FRESE, Prop. ««■M QUALITY IS RIGHT SERVICE IS RIGHT ■jMUKüUMnsa Conte here and load your arm s full of Christm as delicacies. You will have food for the Holid-ays- th a t the entire family will enjoy to the utm ost. PHONE FREE to YOU! The World’s Best PHONE 8 - WHITE FRONT GR0CERÏ - 8 M U S IC Buy Home Gifts Here Something useful for everybody—gifts of service th at you don’t need to apologize for. g A Smoke Signal is a business like and good looking smoke stand of m ahog­ any trimmed with n k k e l and chaiese glass, now $ 11.50 Pedestal smokers from ............ $ 2 .0 0 up An Uplifting Chair Not only because it is so extremely com fortable but Cverv line and the supremely fine fabric, used for its cover, lend dignity to its environm ent, now .......... ....................... $45 Exquisite Table Silver Complete service sets or separate pieces. Engraved or plain. O f finest quality sparkling silver—bearing tho trade-m arks of the best known m anu­ facturers — and at rem arkably 1 o w prices. Chests of Silver, price from $12.50 to $30.00 Elgin Bracelet W atches, from $15.00 to $27.50 , Eversharp Fountain Pens and Pencil Sets, from $6.50 to $8.50 D. W. ROOF, Jeweler DIAMONDS JEWELRY SILVERWARE Springfield Oregon I All ¡Things For All Rooms Sm art tables—gateleg, tip-top, spool, pedestal and end types. We give them a whole-hearted recom mendation ns gifts, n o w .............. $ 6 .7 5 to $ 4 9 .5 0 Fine Mirrors Mantel Mirrors of heavy plate glass with beautiful 2-color frames, now .......... $ 7 .2 5 to $ 1 6 .7 5 Just tune in and let's go! COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW RADIOS AND ACCESSORIES W. H. ADRIAN SPRINGFIELD GARGAE ATWATER, KENT and KENNEDY Choose A» You Will from the hundreds of gifts in our huge gift sto re,.y o u simply can 't choose wrongly—a better collection of high quality gifts of service simply can’t be found. Glad to show you. (Term s in Reason) Standard Furniture COMPANY Eugene On Willamette S treet between 6th and 7th Streets