THURSDAY, DUC. 17. ?»25. T i n ariUNgfuajjijM CW B Lane County Farmers Union News ___________________________________ OREGON FARMERS ARE * • FORTUNATE IN MARKETING . F arm ers of Oregon were in an ex- • ©optionol poo’tlou in regard to m ar ’ k e t i r r this ta i due to abundant crops • b e re and sho rtag es in o th er p arts j • ©f th e country. P otato grow ers a re , • * „ O F F IC IA L P U B L IC A T IO N LANK C O U N T Y U N IT n O . 1 4 --------------------------------------------------------, • • • • • • • • • • Local R eportara • C anary . • Ray Bower Mr». L. J. O etrhell C loverdale • I'tmat Fork Mr*. Geo. K«’b«*lbm’k • Crcrtwetl __ Mrs. M. A. Horn • D orena Mrs Ada J- intinga • Mr* H Hakor • lladlevvllii'l Mrs. M. Ollleaple • Ja» i"'r Mr», Grave Jon"» • Ijorane Mrs. G. M Fouler • M,-Konale H arry C Javkoon • Mi Vernon Mr» V A Reynold» Untili Smith • Silk C r-1 k E 11 T inker • T rent • Vala Mr« \V. K Post ...............................* O F F IC E R S O F L A N E C O U N T Y • f a r m e r ' s u n io n • Ralph L aird, Creswell, P re s id e n t Will W h eeler. T r e n t Vlce-Preel- dent Betty Kappsuf, Cottage Grove. sec.-Treaa N. A. Horn. Cottage Grove. Door Keeper H . C. Jackson, W a lte rv ille , Con- ductor. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • COUNTY WINS VERDICT IN OVERTIME ACTION U ni* county, a* th«' - wh'-ch attack s prune tre e s in Oregon Is controlled by spraying w l'h mis,-I Inllon* of lb«* «lato labor law, b«t bl,- oils when the tre e s a re dorm ant, th* jrrand jury failed to Indict. Albi n Jny of Portland repre«< nt I suya th e entom ologist of th e expert Ittfo r hyuliff*. und Ixtvrronco T H«r nit-nt statio n T his spray consisting of 5 gallons of oil Io 100 gag nns ef , rt* <>f Kuuvii«’ n»«l«ted D l.lrltt At w ater W* placed on the tree* u* earlv torn«’ y John H. Modlvy In defending ¡ che c ounty as possible a f t r the leaves have fnl • • • * • , • ; • , • • especially fo rtu n ate in thia stale, and • p epperm int grow ers are receiving • high prices for th eir product-» • T he potato crop h ere is approxi- j • m ately 1-2 million bushels g re a te r j • O. L. C le m e n t C h a p la in . • • • • • • • • th is y ear than the 5-y«str average i • Crop, w hen as the re s t o{ the country 1 •how s a decided sho rtag e, p artic u la r­ CRESWELL LOCAL • ly in eastern territo ry . T his has re­ • su lted in boosting potato prices far •hove the ordinary, w ith Oregon po­ Cresw ell. Ore.. Dec. 15—T he Farm ; ta t o ra ise rs reaping th e g reater prof­ era' union tuet T hursday night for its. th e ir reg u lar m eeting Mr. and M rs., P epperm int grow ers are receiving fa r higher prices for peppertnin: es­ W allace and Mr H aselton w ere eel ■ se n ce th an in previous years. It has corned into the union. The p resident I rise n in value from six or seven d o l-; appointed th e follow ltg (or executive la r s a pound to 11350. Mint grow ers com m ittee: J. B lankenship, Mrs. Ray p u t in an increased acreage th is y ear M’vkel and W. C tv en ess; chaplain. Mrs. M arquett» and Mr C. Holt, ink •n d th e yield p er a c re was norm al. who w ere la te r last a 1.4 with th e fol- T h e Industry is grow ing in th e W il­ aow’ng officers- P; •*'d»i I, Mrs. -1- la m e tte valley, especially around Co­ ■ t v:ce-pr*--bLn .■» rs. W. tl .’lis­ burg let. T he scale Is readily re- ognlM'-'l ten. secretarv-tr» a s u rer. Mrs. Vat: P rices on b u tte r fat a re approxi­ by the form ation of honteydew on the G rj.isheck. do -ki->; or. John >V ’s Plan to W idtn Ro*d. mate« y 20 p er cent h ig h er th a n l a s t ' branches which causes «muttlnv of legger. conductor. Mrs. Minnie Mlckel Pin n* fur wtii«'ill ng fh«* Ct unr / year. The cost of feed is sooi-iwhat the fruit and foliage T he fem ale In stallin g officer was past P resident r«» • road on both is do* of Jii»f»»*r lcw er. a d u lts a r " re d d ish brow n very convex, I IntrmatiuMBl Live Stock Exposition In C po « Clyde W rih t and In stalling Conductor nnd • «tincaK M «*I by ïtouth* rn Pacific P oultry shows th e sam e rag e of in ­ i held to find America** moat p--n U . . I g ir’ longer than wide, and about one- Mrs. A. R. Land. A question box Ut* count y offlrhú* who vl*lt«*d th entries, Alice B u rkhart, IS, o f A n d 'h tm , low s. a- i c re a s e in price of products and low­ ■-Itftith Ineh long T h e w in te r Is pas te ! proved quite in te restin g giving an op­ n pro|Hittf(| linproV'-rnonitt yi I of lb 14, o f SL PuuL M in a , — j » UwaL ered cost of feeding. I In th»» half grown stage. portunity to discu ss m a tte rs of im­ A general survey of farm ing condi­ portance to farm ers. Mrs. W right ap­ It is point* 1 nut th at both the tio n s is compiled and h as been b ro ad ­ pointed th e young m arried m em bers The sm all w hits mil erdike tl sects county and th*- railroad compati) will - ' ....... - casted each m onth by the extension for th e next m eetings en tertained. A | found on house plants In Oregon are be b e l i e f tied by the pr- posed |4nn to service. W hile some branches of the splendid program ftil, w ed th e in ­ COO troll« «1• I'v spur. mz. ■■<,■. - th ci rem ove a large quantity cf rock and Industry a re still below th e p re -w a r1 terestin g m eeting Solo, Miss Lucille • MT. VERNON LOCAL • c enzie local tiunologtels of the experim ent station • a rth from the hillsides along the level, conditions a re m ore fa v o ra b le ! Land acom panled by Miss Leca Land. • • • • • • • • • • This insect is know as the green right of way where th slop, ., hav„ generlly than a t any tim e since 1319 Song by the tw o M arquette sisters, hou*> w hite fly. A spray consisting been caving In nt Intervals for a Tile L adles' au xiliary met D ecem ber •n d are im proving. accom panied by Alma G rossbeck The McKenzie River local m et in of whale „it soap 11-2 ounces and wa num ber of years In order Io g . ' rid 9 at th e hall for work and business Reading by l i t l e B etty Lou Gano. Vo­ reg u a r session lust W ednesday night. te r 1 gallon Is satisfactory. This kills of the m aterial th e ra'lroad com pany m eeting which included election of The usual crowd of loyal m em bers the insects by contact so several ap­ will need to construct a sroa I rail cal d u et by Miss Leona Land arid Miss officers. All officers being re-elected C hristm as Eve. Velma Holbrook. Reading. Miss Doro­ w tre p re s e n t plications nt weekly Intervals are gee- track across th e county road, and T he C hurch school will give a pro­ thy Shaub. The union m em bers have for an o th er year. They a re a s fol­ Plans fur a service statio n were essary.