P .v ìr ¡ ex TUB ;S PIlIX G FIRt.n NEWS "TME- LLw IC N a u x il ia r y has Opens Sport A f ^ T ~ l NEW L IS T OF OFFICERS Election of officer» and final pr. p a ­ ra ro n » for th e organisation'« vk>t- etau '» benefit C hristm as w ork w ere im portant featu res of a m eeeting of the A m erican Legion auxiliary, halo N nday e rtn in g . Mr». M B H untly was re-elected president. O ther officers chosen a e r e Mrs. C. A. Sw art*, vice-president; Mrs. H. E. Maxey, se c re ta ry ; Mrs. llern ice an Valaah. h isto rian ; Miss P earl Snook, tre a su re r; Mrs. 1. N K n d co tt, chaplain. The executive com m ittee is composed of Mrs Van Va rah, chairm an, and .Mrs. P. R. H am lin. Mrs. Endicott, and Mrs. Jack L arson. T hese officers will be installed at th e m eeting to be held Jan u a ry 4 Mrs. H untly rep o rted on th e sue-J cess of th e prep aratio n by the a u x ii-, la ry of a "C hristm as ch eer box” to j be sent to the V eterans hosp tal ai ' Portland. Local m erchants donated m aterial for th e box and also gave , m aterial to be made into hot w ater - bottle covers. Rugs, cig arettes, to b ar ; co. raxors. tobacco pouches, slippers w aste paper b askets, and home mad- eandv a re a few of th e things to be een; to P ortland from h ere by the auxiliary. Success was also mot w ith solicit- Í In funds to be used for the support ; of the local auxiliary's o rphan g ir l.' The mam moth '• w Madison S quare D orothy Bailey, of Portland. Mrs. J. W. M rlnturff. secretary of '-■arden o re a s is doors to sport «he grate departm ent. .< t g in bern im « if 1» as much a p art uf the ( hri-tniui ip t r l t as holly and old B anta hitti- self Wo » a re an e a ;e clally fin. «election of goodie* for young and old th at a re del giitlullv whnl< -.nine and deli­ cious. C ream y chocolates, bonbona. e tc . in «|a*cl* Holiday bolt's. T he Spong re sta u ra n t was moved Monday to hew q u a r te r s in th e Sp -ng hotel build'n r. T he cen tral rocm fu the hotel bn 1 din g was rem odelled and renovated to m ake an a ttr a c tiv e gr'U . and additional ligSt ng fcilitles were arranged. The re s ta u ra n t o pen-d for serv ice In the q u arters 3 • lav And for the kuldics, pure hard candles, in n . a ¡mil fancy baskets. E G G IM A N N ’S C cach F ra c tu re s F in g e r. V T». Bain, Springfield high school football and b asketball coach, frac­ tu r e ! the little fngv-r on his left h.-n; last Thursday afternoon while practic­ ing with m em bers of the bask that! team hi the gym nasium . The Injury Is improving. House and Lot Sold. Purchase by G. O. W hiteley. re­ cently of Oakland. Oregon, of a bouse and lot at Ninth and J s tre e ts from W R. Boeson was completed throng'i a local real estate agency th:» week Mr W hxeley and hi» fam ily already have moved into th s place. A tte n d Eugene C on clave. Mre. M J France and Oswald O1- aon, clerks a t the local S outhern Pa­ cific offices, attended th e division board m eeting of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, held in Eugene last Bunday. The m eeting was held a t th e O sburn hotel, a n ! th e business ses­ sion was followed by dinner. T o B uild H ouse. Thomas A . Yost, who recently p u r­ chased a half acre of land on Fifth street, im m ediately will s ta rt the con­ struction of a four-room m odern bun­ galow. The property, which lies be­ tw een I and J streets, was purchased from A . J Cowart. visited at Itoj Baugh s Mrs lleultth H anson front Kugelte .■pont aat Friday « th her m other, P uckett and sou. also Mrs Benulah llnrblt. G ray from K lam ath A W. W eaver look aertoua III Fri lust tbinday for an ex­ day evening with gall stones hut Is with relative« here Im proved now Mr, and Mr». L aw rence G ossler John W i l l i, i ,’ r o n t C n f li . g » Gr >vo Rosa C alvert from and son and Mrs Beulah Harbl*. spent last Sunday with Mrs U m A r n a s In T hurston Tuesday evening n ear Springfield Mr Je s se F ountain m otored in Mrs, A. \V. W eaver «pent part of I Mat week in E ugene visiting r»»la- from R ent a fte r his wife, who has been at the bedside of her fath er, ! lives. 1 otoncl IL M. P rior, who passed aw ay Mies Man lo E duilstou. who t.w ching a t W a te rv ille th is year, last w tek. i'll y started ou th e 'r r e ­ •w as sick the ls -lc r p art of laa: week turn trip aat Mouday. Come In and Talk Turkey GOOSE. Wa,U n C ,1,ICKEN “ DUCK- o r “ -voung fat O ur poultry is co rn and fatten ed which produces th at delicate flavor thin ; so necessary In t roast fowl But. no m atter what u are going to have for the big Holiday f e a s ts — you know you'll get the choicest and te n d e re r when you o»der them at Christ m&s Suggestions for Children INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. MEATS PR O M IT DELIVERIES 4th & Main KIDDIES KAR TOT DIKES WAGONS SCOOTERS TRICYCLES HAND CARS TOY AUTOMOBILES BICYCLES Phone 63 Bicycle Tires, Lamps, Ped­ als, Saddles, Etc. Special Holiday Deserts Hendershott’s Gun Store ‘‘The Wheel Goads Store o f Eugene” C hristm as Photographs a t Tollman Studio, Eugene. D 21. Everybody looks forw ard to the dessert. They expect It to be the tastiest, most delicious delight of the entire feast. But m any a good meal has been spoiled by a poor dessert. To m ake sure th a t your dinner will have a fitting climax—ord er your dessert here. Everything th a t’s good! PIES PLUM PUDDING CAKES COOKIES ROLLS BREAD Salads and other good things for C hristm as Dinner 770 W illam ette Phone 151 GOOD NEWS H U m ’S BAKERY ANO DELICATESSEN f : I .. ____ ' ... T -, . ... Electrical Gifts The Lasting Kind Why not an Iron this year? Many women prefer to do their own fine pieceS of ap- uure;L an,<1 the b<:Bt nianr>er of Ironing them is with an hJectric Iron. One can be purchased here tor $3.95. A Coffee Percolator Is cheap and efficient. I GOOD NEWS for every m em ber of the family If brews the delicious beverage right on the table and is -au, W,H last for ,nanY years- We are selling them this Christm as for $7.50. Electric Toasters ................................................ Electric Waffle Irons ............ from now until next Christinas! Give your family c u r tto f ir o n . o r give yourself a year’s subscription to Vacuum Cleaners Electric Grill The Springfield News NEWS—STORIE»— PICTURES INSTRUCTIVE INTERESTING UP-TO-THE-MINUTE Only $1.75 a Year o5 un $14 50 un Reduced Fares For exampki ...........$ L 0 0 im m $12 50 Complete line of Everyready Flash LlghtH. Why not a carton of W cstinghouse Mazda Lamps? Electrical Gifts are sensible, worthwhile and lasting. See ELECTRIC SUPPLY 1th and Main St. Springfield, Oregon Also for Salem and R eturn $3.65 Roseburg and R eturn $3.55 N ew Years A ik «lient for sale d arn , limits. S.ile dntes December 18-25; lim it January 4. Proportionate reductions to many other points. A»k Agent Southern PdcificLutes CARL OLSON, Agent