You Can t Go W rong If You Make the Advertisements in This Only 6 More Days to Shop Newspaper Your Christmas TH SPRINGFIELD NL SPHINCIFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, A IMPORTANT MEETING OF CHAMBER FRIDAY NIGHT Hprlngf eld Chamber of C<»twuoree ¡members when they m eet (or tho first statute Adopted By Council On ’ ... morrow night Confirm ation of the up M o n d a y Bnna M.nor. Ft®'« llng Hulls When Unaooompanied ina,!a ,,y i>rMklent II. J Co*. and out- By Parents; License Fooa lin in g n program of actfvttlea tor find Pttmits Are Provided ih< >'j committee», ara among the moat For in New Ruling ¡kuportan» actions to b<> taken, accord _____ In» to Mr. Cox. 1,U easing and f-cu latln * public Tho industrial committee appointed dance b all, in Springfield the city by lkealdent Co* I* to ooopamt» wM* .ouuc.ll paaaed an ordinance last Mon |(h * «'"»'• comm « • « appointed to hare ,1.0 night T . measure carries a charge of the large tract of land ro- I., .u se fee of IIS a quarter or »«0 ce«*ly I““*«”1 from ,hn c , t * * Ku' a year and pcoh bile minora und-r “"<1 offer.«! aa free sites to de­ l s years of age going to public dunce »Irable l.alustrlal concerns for davel- SPRINGFIELD 1H LEVY III BE HIGH A meeting h a. bgen arranged to or­ ganize Springfield’» flr.t Boy Scout troop. Monday evening, according to ______ »tnouncemtn by W. P. Tyson, acoet-j . w aster Efforts are being made also T e n ta tiv e T o ta l R a te F o r Li^ y to have .Mr c It Clark, »cout eaeem ! ‘ Is 77 "" * " * 69.6 Mills, As Against , Many Important bu.lh«»« m atter* ‘ arc »cb»> lulvd for consideration of ihe - ------ SCOUTS WILL ORGANIZE AT MEETING MONDAY New Home o f The Springfield News ■ LIVI NKW 8PAPIR IN A LIVK TOWN DECEMBER 48 THURSDAY. DEC. 17, 1925. --------1------------------ --- List "Tha People's Paper* =S3C: T W E N T Y -S E C O N D Y E A H Shopping KLAN DENIES LETTER live for Eugene, present. Mills For 1925; Increase Due So far, the following »lx boy. have' to School Finances, Raised been selected a . member» of the fir s t , By Brattain School Erection troop: Evan H ughe., Arthur Potter. L oyd Madison, Gerald Morrlaon, Springfield’s total tax rate for Thayer McMurray, and Vern Griffith. 1P26 will be 77 m ills, an Increase of Other candidates will be selected lat­ 7.4 mills over last year, according to er Clayton Barber Is first assistant tentative ca culatlons made today. Moutmaster. and Otto Brucham prln-I Adoption by the taxpayers of the clpal of the Junior high school Is ■ county budget figures, making th s second assistant scout master. Thai coualy tax 2S.S mills, «rill make this place of the m eeting wilt be announ rati < 'tlclal. ced later. A table showing comparative rates follows: 192« lftf THIEVES STRIP CAR; MiUs Mills OWNER INVITES ’EM BACK C i c y _____________________ 23.5 24.X J. C. Parker extends a cordial in . S c h o o l ___________________ 28.0 24.1 _______________ 25.5 27.0 vltation to the thief or thieves who [ County l atla without being accompanied by , opment. TO POLICE MATRON tnelr parents or kea) guardians. Thia committee. A so la to be In The council also Instructed lh . Charge of the ln re.tlg .tlo n and pro The disparaging letter written to c..y attorney to draw an amendment ¡«notion ®f P*»"» “ nd • d*- the police matron, Mrs. Paul Bratta'n to the curfew u»w raising the a g e ! quale hotel accomodetlone In Spring- was not authorized nor is such letters limit of minora on the street» from f e M - P.-T.-A. To Meet. condoned by the Ku Klux Kian, ac­ I t to IS y e a r , after 9-30 o c o lc * a« The publicity committee probably A Christina, program by children cording to Mike Thompson, the secre­ removed a new tire and rim from the T o t a l __________________77 69.0 , igiil T h l. amedment will be .ntro *1» Immediately make plana for pre- ot the Lincoln acbod. will be a spe­ tary of the Eugene Kian, who called wheel olf Ibis car, to come back and As the table shows, th e Increase «•uc.d at the m il meeting of rt>» eoun Perh.g data to be submitted to the cial feature of the meeting of the at the News this week. “We want It get the remaining articles—a valve Oregon State chamber of Commerce. In the total Springfield rate is due Parent T eacher, assoc atlon, to be understood that the Kian Is back of cap and bub cap. M atron not Reelgned. ,* * > » « « ” th Ule S«’ rln « f l,ld The tire was taken sometime be- the schoa tax, which has been held at that school tomorrow after­ cbe work of the po ice matron so far The police matron, reported haring -U «* T h l. material will be given pub- tween 7 and 7:30 Tuesday e v e n in g !hoisted to provide for the payment as she Is for the enforcement of law noon. resigned, h a. not realgned and I. »«Uy by the .U te chamber, and It I. The Methodist Ladles' aid h a . fur­ and order,” said Mr. Thiaopeon. “If while the family were at dinner. ,t i s ! <* »‘«OO on the Brattain school, and .till on duty Bhe will be backed up In thia way expected to 'g e t In the Increased running expenses The nished a rest room at the Lincoln we can fled out who wrote .this any- bellelvfed. Two llglht coupes, sc- 1 in her work councllmcn »aid. While hands of men becking Industrial own ____ _ _ _______ ...t e r . a gning a n.u svtua cording to Mr. Parker, were parked '“crease in the schoo str c * ”» naruous letter, a gning It *Ku Klux the preaent matron. Mrs Paul Brat- p e r n . eeektag a location In western school. The ways and means committee of Kian- we will deal with him summar- in front of the residence at Fifth and is 9 5 m ills. Actsgra ng ngure the I’.-T.-A. has postponed Its actlv- ,iy_ whether he Is a klansmen or not,” , c streets, when a Hupmohlle ton rin g! ma<1^ public b> County sessor tain. »«» not a seeker after the po-i Oregon. . .„ o n in the beginning .h e w t . c cr v .,| !’>•»» U h te g n p . t h e . p r e . . « U- F. ". Kenney, Kenney, t the school district assess- Itles until after the first of the year, the secretary. car was H»t»»n driven m up «nd and narked parked on "he: the E „ .u lla b le woman I. found («, debtednea. of the chamber and a fu valuation Is 31,488,212, and the opposite side of the street Shortly t .k her place councilman mid 1 b\ fUne’ budget to be raised Is 341,555.50. Plan Christmas Party. after, the two Parker boys left the UNIVERSITY GIRL HAS ¡„ o n . of the finance comcnlltee. Pre.l The city tax rate has been lowered Start Collection of Back Ulan. The high school Christmas party house, got Into one of the conpee, CHARGE OF GYM WORK and left for Eugene. It Is thought six tenths of a mill, by virtue of an The city to Il' o'win,’ toaU e Importance of the mat- will be held Wednesday aftern6on increase in the assessed valuation and council that he had . . . r e d acUonj chaB b. r of next week, as the flna school af­ Gymnasium work as sponsored by that the tire was, taken between the a decrease in the estim ated budget Hcnlnit »low i«>p’Tty holder® who „„iKia. fair before the holidays. K1 , the Christian church Sunday school ’»« left and about twenty have 1 m p r o v e m e n , . . . e . . » e n t . | bead urged that a . many a . possible expenditures for the year. The as­ students will assem ble In t the T he Student, he, ng underwBy The Live w i r e ; ’ hen Mr- and “ rs against them A number have paid '* «-bamber member. Han to be p r e - auditorium at the high school. w h e r s ( ^ _ nf hleh ! Parker and their daughter started tc sessed valuation for Springfield In­ but any not taking the proper attl- • ” * Bt 1 " ***»» ° a Christmas tree will be decorated. A ! school age, has obtained Miss Dorothy leave for Eugene to attend a movie. cluding public service property, la 31,099,226, as compared w*th 31,086,* tu.le in the matter he declare I that » „ -r ./v a i i c o c c i l l T program of Christmas music, and Evans of the University of Oregon as The theft was not discovered until 793 for last year. The budget total* suit In court would be Instituted CITY ACTION IS RESULT the car had been backed into the other features. Is planned. director of class athletics, and meets are 1926, 325.924; 1925, 326.087. against OF FLOODING OF ALLEY street from the driveway. In the gymnasium every Wednesday The tentative county levy, aa set The Eugene Ku Ktux Kian len t | ---- — Cnrse-Wallace Nuptials Planned ball. — — --------- by the assessor for the approval of word to the council that the tetter: Flooding of the alley In the rear Invitations are out for the we W ag The Pioneer club, also Is doing gym B U L L E T S T R I K E S C H A I N ; In annua annua' meeting, the taxpayers in m reu m , la •• ...„ I to the Millce matron signed with of Main of Omar Chase, of Chase Gardens, work It Is planned to organize ■ DOUBLE INJURY RESULTS 255 mills. This Is a decrease from their name was a forgery and that w w k resulted In the notification of all a n i Miss Grace W allace, of Jasper, class for women, to meet on Wednes last year’s rate. they were trying to apprehend the property irwnera by the city to con­ to be solemnized at the 8p rligfl-l-’. Before entering the right leg o t C. day evenings. nect the eaves of their building» with For the purpose of comparison of Baptist church on the evening of De­ guilty person. A. Sworden, of Portland, a bullet, ac­ Springfield’s valuation with those of the »ewer». Announcement of the In­ Dlacusa New C ity H all. cember 23. Rev. L. E. Blom f t ' e Election Is Held. cidently discharged from a fellow other county communities, the follow­ A proposal to buy the old First Na tention to notify the property holder» Baptist church w ill officiate a: be Lad'es' of the G. A. R., In -loetln g huntsman's rifle, struck a dog chain ing table Is given: tlonal bank building for a city hall, w a. m ad. by Recorder R ceremony. last Friday, reelected Mrs. C U K»,si- and sere bits of the chain into the un­ Coburg—370,913; last year, 364,544. wan dt.cua.ed a. the meeting It w as' Only < ^ b u ‘ ™ Miss W allace Is the teach».- at he Cottage Grove— 31.062,255; last pointed out that the present hall tween Third and . ,,„ ,^ r(, PT Chase Gardens school. She Is the mJt'n as president for another v*ar fortunate man's left leg. The accident Other officers named were Mrs. Mary occurred In the Alma district Sunday. year, 3937,978. was too .m all amt that ther* w a . draining Into a aewer. Recorder da ighter of Marion W allses, of Jas­ Msgitl. senior vice-president; Mrs. With Sworden leading, the party Smith said, and the condition of the Creswell— 3198310; last year, 322tz no room for a city Jail while the bank per, and Is popular and well known Carry Humphery, Junior vice-presi­ was making Its way through a thick­ I,ley was growing serious 010. building had a large vault and w »i In this district. dent; Mrs Jane Mt. Joy. patriot!; in­ et, on a Sunday afternoon cougar hunt. Plana for the paving of th l. alley Florence—3121.263; last year, 315fc* a substantial structure with plenty Mr Chase Is the son of h*r- a» <1 structor; Mrs. N ettie Metcalf, t-« as- The rifle of one of the men behind are bring discussed among business 029. o f room. If the property w as pur Mrs. F. B. Chase of Chkse Gardens. vrer. and Mrs Sam Richmond secre­ Sworden, caugfot in a vine majiie, men. and It Is likely that a petition Junction City—3429,838; last year, chaeed for r a » flM dc chased there m ere U is r room o o m .o Works of th<> , , tary. The president will fill ot u r of- discharged. partment hat. either on | ^ X l U b presented to the 3437.283. Club Party H eld. , The bu let broke a chain on a dog f l .- s at the next meeting to be helJ Springfield—31.099,22«; last yeaT, street or the Second street side It being held in eash and thus inflicted 31,085,793. cWy council by pro;erty holder» at an Children-» dresses, children's games, on the second Friday In January wne said. It w a. pointed out that the the double wound to Sworden's le«s. early date. It 1» presumed that the and childrens refreshments, adden Port of Siuslaw—34,118,701; last library could be moved Into the His companions carried him to a year.' 34.077.261. Appoints Officers. work. If R 1» authorized, will start much to the charm of a Christmas present building owned by the city party eum reu by members ----------------- P Tyson, commander of Spring- stream, and rowed the wounded man enjoyed of the and used aa the city ha 1 and thus early next spring. _u crunm HONOR R O LL Kensington club at the home of Mrs. field Post No. 40. of the American In a boat to the road. Several hours later he was brought into Spr.ngfield H IG H S C H O O L H O N O R R O L L eave rent. The entire building remod W C Rebhan last Friday afternoon. Legion has announced the following TYSON CHOSEN HEAD OF eled would make a »parlous library and a local physician iliw io for ava the » —» year; ...... Chaplain. » , — r — ---- w as called from A N N O U N C E D B Y P R I N C IP A L new v officers AMERICAN LEGION POSY Assisting Mrs. Rebhan as hostess was xxcw councllmcn aa‘d. A committee Was ap­ sargeant-at-arms, his bed to treat the severe Injuries Mrs Carl Ba»ford. ! Oswald Olson, and sargeant-at-arms. pointed to Investigate the matter _ cut _____________________ Dale GrlffUh “ d Esther McPherson ..................... ... * — ---------- the tendon on the The members found the Rebhan ; — The plain of activities for the corn- The bullet had W P. Tyson was chosen commander further. right leg. The physician cut se v e r a l: top the list in the high school honor home decorated In holiday colors, and j ess Meats The council adjourned to meet next of the Springfield post of the Ameri­ pieces of steel chain from the left leg. , roll for the second six week» of the affair took on the form of a chll Ing year witl be announced later, ac- Monday In special session when Ihe can Log’on at a meeting last Thurs­ Another acldent occurred In the Jas-1 school, according to announcement aordlng to Mr. Tyson. dren's party. passage of an ordinance authorlxln» day night. per district Monday morning. Alden j yesterday by Principal V. D. Bain. Those present were Mrs. L. E Ba»- Other officers s.lected were John about 113.000 in Bancroft bonds to ____ _________ McCumber, a farmer, sustained a deep The two leaders have 95 per cent av­ Returns _ from Portland. ford. Mrs L. H. Nert. Mrs. Herbert cover sidewalks built and .the Im­ H. Will, first vice-commander; Mar­ Mrs. A. J. Lynch returned from 1 gash in his left foot whe an ax with erages. Clarke, Mrs. Harry Wh'.tnty. Mrs. R. provement of Kelly boulevard. Tenth lon U Rewey, c-'-eond vice-command­ Fo’iowlng with 93.8 per cent aver­ mi»» Portland Wednesday where she at- which he was cutting Imbs from H Parsons Mrs. C. A. Swarts, Miss er; W. N. Gossler, adjutant; J. M. «treat and Seventeenth street this age» are Agatha Beals, Alma Green­ !-il»«'Swarta, Mrs. Alfred Morgan and ,,.nded the funeral of her brother-in- trees slipped. MdCumber was treated lutrwon. finance officer. C. A. Swart». past summer. wood. and Gertude Mustoe. si'll Joe. Mrs. Annie Knox. Mrs. L. Iaw, Ed Countlss. Mrs. Countlss. who i,y a local physician. William Vasby. Walter J Scott and Thoee who have averages of 90 or May Mr®. Mrs. F. L. Moore, Mrs. J. - v C. . Me- j . reiurneu returned w with Mrs. Lynch, expects I ______ May F. L. Moore, m t » , j - « v nu mr». F. O. Hamlin were named members more are Theodore Barth' lnm«w, FREE METHODIST MEET Murray. Mrs. Samuel M'rlg'ht. and Mr». ;40 spend some time with relatives SPRINGFIELD BEATS of the executive committee and Vick C OBURG BASKETEERS N “ “' 1 C" " “ ' E" ° ' -------- TO BE HELD TH IS WEEK Foglo and Verne D. Bain were chosen William Wright. Guests were Mrs here and at Junction City. Hughes. Evelyn Jacobson Dorene Lar- embers of the flnnnce committee. Hobson and Mrs. Dallas Murphy . .■ T, u, v u . I imer, Marjorie Lindsey, Pauline Lyon, The Free Methodist district quarter-( as nt Other Important business matter» The Springfield high schoo' d*- McO,„ n|s . Grace Morse, Violet ly meetIng will be held at fhe church were dismissed by the loglonnnlres, E n tertaln at Dinner. I Nv(?t Mt„,g refreshments of chill con had sounded stood 22-14 In favor of their home. Dinner guests were Mr. Knouf»rass. cven'ng at 7:30 o'clock Rev. W. E cam e anil cottea -Tore served M. B. the local quintet. The score at the and Mrs. Milts a Cyr ami sons, Joe. Ooode, district elder, and minister of lluntly ha«l charge of the refresh- end of the first half was 12-7 in fav­ Clayton and Virgil, of Springfield, and SEWING CLUB FORMED the district, will be present. Meetings or of Springfied. Henrietta Jacoby and b estef roents. will he held Friday and Saturday at AT WALTERVILLE SCHOOL Earl "Spike” Leslie from the Uni­ Jacoby of Jasper. 3:30 p. m., according to announce­ versity of Oregon refereed. BAPTIST CANTATA WILL Afternoon guests were Mr. and Mrs. ment by Ihe pastor, Rev. H A. Ham­ A sewing o ub w as recently organ­ The line-up fellow s: BE PRESENTED TWICE w B Glaspie of Fall Creek. Mr. and mer. On Sunday church stdtool w'll be ized at the W alterville school, accord­ Springfield; H. Cowart, forward; Mrs. Jack Palmer of Fall Creek, and The dtolr of Ihe Baptist riturch held at 9:45 o'clock, with preaching Beeseon, forward; C. Whitenaok, cen­ ing to an anouncement from the of­ will present a cantata. "The Prince of Mrs and Mrs. Guy Schonkwu lor of at ll* a . m„ 2;30 and 7:30. ter; McPherson, guard; L iw is, gaurd. fice of Arnold D. Collier, county club the Eugene Fruit Growers' associa­ Pence," Sunday evening at the church. Coburg: Cole, forward; F’ etcher, for­ leader. Following are the officer® and Rehearsals for Ihe program have been tion. MISSIONARY RETURNS ward; Winn, center; Harrington, members of the clob: under way for several w eeks, and In­ Mrs. Lulu M. Burt, leader; V ed a guard; Johns, guard. DePBhttul Party Held. FROM CONGO REGION dication are that It will be a rom- Easton, president; Ruth Wilburn, An unusual elem ent w as the fact pleto success. The direction of tho A nunuber o f friends were entertain­ that neither side used a single sub­ vice-president; Eva Mae Wilburn, After spending throe years a mls- choir Is in charge of Norton Pengra. ed by Miss Freda Fandrem and Mrs. stitute. Coach V. D. Bain announced secretary; and other members: Au­ alotinry In tho Congo region of Africa. The program will be presented on Henry Fandretu nt Mrs. Fandiretn s that the above line-up would prob­ gust* Hanson. Margaret Tipton, Gail Miss Hattie P. Mitchell arrived in Thursday evening, December 22, for rtouth Second street home last Friday ably enter the game with Monroe at Easton, Zulu Klckbuadi, Lucille MtlM- Hl.rlngfleld Tuesday to visit friends the benefit of those not able to at­ evening. can, Elizabeth iDoudy, Mary Smeed, that place Saturday evening. and relatives here. Miss MltChelll 1» tend Sunday. Games, contests, and other enter- Evelyn Klckbuseh and Paarlle Web­ a mlrs onnry for the Disciples of The Sunday school classes wi!V give ( talnment combined to make the eve­ Gladys Baker, popular southuru ster. Gets Dance Permit. Christ church, and kn» had varied a program on Christmas eve. ning a delightful one. Dainty refresh­ author, has scored again with a se­ Mr». Emma L. Beck, who operate» quel to “ B a lW s Temptatioas” a and Interesting experiences during ments were served by tho hostess o. B«ptlst*Chureh. Staal ButcM r.d Hogs. Story which thrilled many of Ujft the dance hail in the Stevens bu’ld- tier service In Africa. Guosts were Mrs. Sidney Ward, bible chool nt 10:00 A M Soma p®rson, as yet u n id en tifea, res.iers of nrw sn«*T serial*. ■» ing. was the first to apply for a per­ Her re'atlvea In Springfield .»ro A Christmas mei-enge by the pastor Mr». Harry blch'.y, Mrs. John Tom- and Mr«. Hall»«* to ths naw mit under the new (lance hall ordi­ sometime lost night removed two hub W, and Mrs. H. D. Mitchell, her par- sethi. Mist Abby Cooley. Mils» Bde»sa ni we are pleased to ann< st the It o'clock eervlea. nance adopted by the city council chered hog» from the delllvery car a rts her sister, Mrs Dallas Mttrphv, elusive rights to thia feature I The choir will preaent the aantata. Drlckwm, Mias Alice Tomset.h, Mrs. Moncay evening. She made her ap- of the Springfield Creamery which and two brothers. Jamas Mltohell. territory. IPs the confession I^-ri NeeL Miss .Tvssiphlne Cooley, new w»Te—-and we warn you * tlcation t the office of Recorder R. hod been left standing before tha o f Springfield ami D. K. Mitchell of “The Prince of Peace,'' at tka avea- Miss Abby Tomseta, Mrs. Thorvald in£ ®ervlc4‘ nt 7:20. that you don't want to mis* • aPV W Smith Tuesday. 11 will be acted house of M. T. Cyr. Officers are wojfc* WMt Fit. gle in®tfcUlment. Starting this WtUiB The Sunday school will have an on Nysteln. ------- . Mra. Pdte Tprasr Uh, Mr* tag o« oaaa M ss MltohaR will return to Africa In tsrtalnm snt and tra» Thursday n 'gk t., Walter I-arwood and Mrs. Grace May upon by the aounoiL — read St «»«ry w « * . * shout (dgk* months.