PAOE NINB TI1K BPiUÀiiîFlKU > « W H TlitJRtfIJAY, DBC «M BEH 10, 1»26 F. B, Ingels, secretary of the Wasco l.N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ¡STATE OF OREUON FOB LANE County S'.ocknien's association, haa I COUNTY. , written Governor Pierce urging that Blanche M Hurley, 1'lulntlff, vs. ; be send Dr. W H. Lytle, state veterin­ John D. Brown, R. D. Brown, Franc a ! arian. to The Dallea to Investigate a Brown, William Brown, Barilla Jack malady that is killing a large number Min. Mary M. Buckuell, Maud Whit | of horse» In that section of the state. ¡lock, Mrs. C. A. Berkley, Mrs. ('. J. In -ugi tt, It C- Beale, Herb« rt L. Van Brief Resume of Happenings o‘ Members of the oV- gon state game Duyn, Belle Stafford, Rachael Coch commission arrived 4u Klamath Falls 1 ran, and the unknown heirs ot John the Week Collected for I Monday to make a thorough Inspection | F. ( h i ids, deceased, Defendants. of the lands of the lower Klamath lake Our Readers. SUMMONH before they make ar.y recommenda- 1 To Mary M. Bucknall, Mr*. C. A i tlon as to whether or not It should bo Berk ey, It. C, Beale, Rachael Coch­ GOOD ’H > body f ir or Ki Lnnghbot A gain of 11.79 per cent wag m ad e’ ing the charge of firs' i?.-’ rae murder lout, of Al»«a. Orp. filed application and terma on balani-». W. F Reed HTATE OF L i OOUON, F o il IANK relief prayed for in the complaint In receipts at the Eugene poatoffice1 against John Schwlndt, 15-year-old COUNTY. No 018272 under the Act of Mart’ll filed herein, to-wit: A Eon. Eugene, Ore , Box 693 Zoin Bowers, Plaintiff, va. William 30, 1032, (82 Hint , 46b) to axtliung«- For a decree establishing the deed 1 In November this year over those ot 1 Jordan school boy, as the result of his " i I. luuket suri'', i fui Woodard Bowers, Defendant. father's death from a gun wound H ip Ht» K W ',. 8KL*. Sec’loti 22. I from John Brown to Jaim e H. Coch , the same month last year. SUMMONS. ChrleOua» gifts. Cull ut CM D Ht. Albany’s new saddle factory, m oved , which he suffered In a family A n and that the sam e be made a ami HEU MC*6, aeetlvn »9. Tp 16 8 , To William Woodard Bowers, the matter of record and the title of sa ‘ l from Dallas. Tex., by Its purchaser. | quarrel November 4, returned a not Range 9 Weal, W. M wltnlti the Hlua D 3-10-17. property described as Lota One and law National Forest, lor the timber on WANTED- -Oarage mun u n i ntééfiam above named defendant. IN TDK NAME OF THE 8T 4T E Four of Block Th-ree of Mulligan's A. Sternberg of Albany, Is now In true bill on the charge. the NKH, Section 3.1, Tp 20 Prospective losses to the state re­ OF OllHUUi.: lo u are her« by re- It- - a pa hie of running a shop. Good Addition on the W est to Eugene, operation with about 25 men employ­ 8 . Itangp 3 East W. M within Urn sulting from loans to farmers In the position In llv» town, Call phone lulred to appear and answer the com Lotte CounLy, Oregon, except the ed. ( a«ritdn National Fort-al. (taint filed ugainst you in the above South 60 feet of said Lot Four be Of the total of 1398.431.39 loaned to frost-devastated areas cf eastern Ore- The purpose ot thia notice la to a l­ 837 Eugene tf. eutltled court and cause, on nr before made perfect and complete as against farmers in the frost-devastated areas gon under a law enacted at the last low all persona claiming the land sel­ I IANii FOB ' sa le near sprin g the expiration of the I me prescribed the heirs of »aid John Brown; that of eastern Oregon under an act of the session of the legislature probably will ected, or having but a fhle objection» In the Order of Publichtlon. to-w it; a deed from John F. Childs anil Mary to such application, an opiMirtun y FIELD. last legislature, all but 249,368.20 haa not exceed 22000 or 23000. according to fib- their protest» with the lt<-gts- BEAUTIFUL high grade piano mtiat ; Thia summons upon you 1 . is .u served tw a » i..k « i~ m ittee to present to the next legis­ Court of the Htate of Oregon. In ana Rang.- 4 West. Wiliam, tie Meridian «•"“»«r 5. 1925. and the first public»- by publication in the The Sprlngfu-d, the termination of a series of nervous lature ways and msctis of rescuing for la n e County, appointed adminis­ has filed not'ce of Intention to make hereof • made the loth day o f 4New» for six successive and consecj-' disorders and a long Illness. present reclamation projects from dis­ trator of the estate ot Ixxtls Ander­ three year proof, to .«tabllsh claim “ *< -mber. 1926. and the luat tire weeks, pursuant to an order du y Reports received from Crater lake son, deceased. to the land shove dmcrlbed. b efo re' ,lon thereof Is on the ¿1st day ot made and entered by the Honorable national park are that there are 30 aster. putting the w tr’. on a business All persona having claims against - - Judge - G F. Skipworth, of the above basis and Me vote to amalgamate the O. kmmel. U. 9- Commissioner, nt January 1936. said estate are Hereby notified to pre­ E. entitled Court, on the 27M day of No­ inches of snow at the lake rlm, 20 Oregon drainage association with the Eugene. Oregon, on the 9th day o f| BROWNELL« BROOKE, sent the same, duly atat<-d and veri­ inches at Anna 9pring camp and 1 0 1 vember, 1925. Attorney« for ilatntlfL Oregon reclamation congress featured fied, at the law office of A K W heel’I January. 1926 Date of first publication December inches at the Klamath entrance. Residence: ^Eugene, Oregon. Claimant names as wttnesuies; the 11th annual session of the Oregon er. In Eugene, Oregon, within alx Fred O. Knox. Guy I, Knox. Claude f> ill 17 24 31 J 7-16-21 3. 1925 Ezra Meeker, 95. Oregon trail pio­ drainage association at Salem. Forma­ months from 28th day of November, Date of last publication January I.. Sutherland, Earl Burgess, all of neer, is in Washington, D. C., to ask tion of the Oregon reclamation con­ 1926. DEPARTMENT GF THE IN TER -!U - ,#M Motor Route “C,” Eugene. Oregon. LEONARD ANDERSON. congress to authorize 50-cent pieces gress" probably will be completed at IOH. UNITED STA'IES LAND DF-t L. E. Bean, attorney for plaintiff, ROBERT K. CRAWFORD. Admlnstrator. commemorating the 75th anniversary the next annual session. t-lt'E. Hi vie burg, Oregon, Novemb-r 860 W illam ette 91reet. Eugen?, Ore Acting Ri-al/t-r A. E. Wheeler, Attorney, i gon. D 3-10-17-24-31 J 7-16 of the march of pioneers over thia D-3-HF17-24 29 28. 1P25. N 28 D $ 10 17 24 non ooel In a bill of exceptions filed with NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION route. a r n r « -------------— County Clerk Boyer at Salem. Will R. FOREST KXCHANCK8. ------------------------ Improvements, costing about $400,- King, Portland attorney, contends that Notice Is hereby given that on Sep-1 ’ ’' "th-r 2. 1925 W H Malone, of Cor IN' THE CIRCUIT (H UR T OF THE 000, will be made in the plant of the the state of Oregon has no right to i vnllla. Oregon, filed applk-at on N o.-STA TE OF OREGON FOR THE Beaver Portland Cement company at hang Tom Murray until he has com­ . , (118197 under the Ael of March 2U. I COUNTY OF LANK Gold Hill within the next few months, pleted serving a prior sentence of 20 1922, (42 Htat., 485> to exchange (he ttAYMOND MARLA1T and L. M. ¡ doubling the capacity of the present years for bank robbery. Murray is HOUSE PAINTING Telephones: Office 611 Rea. 2075 Nt» SEI». « N t, SW 1», Section 28,; WATSON. Co-partners. P aln tiffs, va. . plant. Kalaoodnlng In all Its Branches. under sentence to bang December 18 ? .’,T m h,,-,e, \ o , ' 1,t! n^ t We: , v V M ‘«“ e- Or«>- »«a Kltxabeth Gray, City or Country Work. Lowest With the leaders of more than 25,000 for the murder of John Sweeney, for he Tto her nn ,h W',t' ° f "'»«C Ur»> ' J r ' t*araÖ C Hol‘ 1 Prices. Every Job Guaranteed. V. », o Nl* '" c « « n b ; Dr. Wii: -.m Wallace oray and high school students throughout Me prison guard, who was killed in Me Onteopalhy ntimdn for khe Give me a trial. k4?i vv 3- m ,,h 0 P.hZ° /? ' K"nRt , “ M'-na Gray, wife of Dr Wtsltam Wal- state in attendance. Me University ot prison break August 12, 1925. Murray tm th w h e re w It I« Mlentí- nón'.'i WUh “ ,h * Caac,u*‘ Na jlace Gray; Richard A. Gray; John S .' Oregon's sixfh annual high school con­ was serving a sentence of 20 years ROV KOCH, Springfield, Oregon. rtcally proven. i-h ' > .,1 .1 . oray and Mayme Gray, wife of John ference held a twb-day session at for robbing a bank in Linn county. Phone 126 J OeteepafhSe PHyWMeo and B»e ...Z “ f 1'h,l" . notlt;e • *° K..Óray; Ei.xabeth Taylor; also M e ' Eugene. "» <>w a" persons lng the lands u rtn o w ¿ hp(rs of lsaac Oray. Oregon pensions have been granted geon •elecDvt, o rJ ta v ln g bona fide objec ¡e d . aleo a || otner ns tles Gold Hill, which recently voted an as follows: Albert E. French, Port­ Office 466 ■ « . W BMg. BUY FURNITURE HERE on» to such application, an oppor-iunk claiming any right, title, e . additional bond issue ot $15,000 to land. $18 per month; John A. Gwynn, Eugen a. O e» o » htnlty to f i e their protests wttn the ,, or ,n, OTeet the Raeker», Btds, Mattreaaea. Stoves, K e s t e r gnd Receiver of the U nfed ta, p del,cr,bea ln tne compla nt here. reconstruct Its water system, will have Portland. $24 per month; William E. Osteopathy otsrads far (he truth Tuba. Stove Boards, Cloths» States Land Office at Roseburg. O re-!, Defendants I its water rates increased from 15 to Stull, Portland. $12 per month; George whsrevet R I» HobwitSarally gon Any such proteals or objeitlons; " ’ leniianu. Boskets. 100 per cent, the city council has an­ Laflour, Portland, $10 per month; proven. must be filed In Mis office within SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION nounced. Thomas L. Garland. Portland. $12 per W m . D O NALD8O .V NEW ANO thirty days from the nate of Prat, To Ur William Wallace Gray and SE C O N D H A N D STO RE publication of this notice, which first Mlna Gray, wife of Dr William Wal-i One hundred and four mills report­ month; Anna M. Pratt, Portland, $30 publication Is December 10. 1925 I lace Gray; John S. Gray and Mayme ing* to West Coast Lumbermen's asso­ per month; Nannie Pugh, Portland, ROBERT E CRAWFORD ! Gray' w,fe ot John S ' bray: an<1 EliIa ciation for the week ending November $30 per month; John A. Godfrey, Mil­ Acting R«-gi«»er ,’cth T ay or, widow; the unknown Contracting and Building waukie. $30 per month; William H. Call D 10-17-24-31 J 7 1 n*>'rs of Isaac Gray, deceased; also; 28, manufactured 93.041.098 of feet GEO. W. PERKINS non-coal * - ‘ uil other persons or part es urknownj lumber: sold 114,726,079 feet and ship- ’ Danforth. Bend, SIS per month; Alice SUTTON TRANSFER Corner 5th and D Streets A- Bain. Bend. $30 per month; Pearl ___________ _ ! claiming any rtgD', title, est-tke lien ped 87.261.685 feet. or Interest In M e real estate d es-- Moving pictures are being put on A' ^ °nney> Central Point $12 per Springfield, Oregon Estate of Frederick Wm SauberL 1 crlheri In Me complaint hi rein, De- Phone 57 Plans and Estim ates Furnished every week at the Sandy Union high ! month. Deceased. 1 icnrtants: Free. Will Help You Finance NOTICE TO CREDITORS I IN THE NAME GE THE STATE I school, receipts from which are be- . Hood River county pays the highest Your Building. N- tire Is hereby g'ver that G H OF OREGON. You and each of you lng used to buy library books, make salaries to men teachers of any coun­ Säubert ’has been hv the County are hereby required to appear and ty in the state, according to u report Court of the Stute of Or-gon. In for’ answer the complaint iileu aga ns( payments on a new piano and main­ GEO.. N. MeLEAN | prepared by J. A. Churchill, slate su­ tain the hand and orchestra. Lane County, «-■pointed atlmln'stra-, v u In the above entitled Court and LADIES! Try thni expert Automobile. Fire and Life tor of the e- tat» of Frederick Win cause on or before six weeks from There were 22.312 traffic accidents perintendent of schools. Men teach­ hair cutter nt Anderson's IN S U R A N C E Snuhert, deceased. Me date of the first publica lien of this in Portland during the fiscal year end­ ers in Hood River county are paid an Barber shop, All persons having claiNi« against Surety Bond»,. Pilone 617 average salary of $206.24 a month. said estate are hereby notified to Summon», a n i if you fail so to ap­ ing November 30, and a total of 35 Washington county pays the lowest My bud nera Is IVo project your pear and answer for w-ant thereof, A. A. ANDERSON deaths from automobile accidents, ac­ present the same, du v staled a”d business verified, nt the law office of A E. the plaintiff will apply to the Court cording to figures compiled. Of the salaries to men teachers, the average MO Wlllamrttg S6. Eugene »Qrrporj, BARBER SHOP Wheeler, in Eugene, Or gon. within for the rel'ef demanded In the com­ 35 deaths 11 were due to drunken being $112.77. For women teachers six nwnths from this 3rd day of De­ plaint, to-wit: For a decree of the Klamath county ranks highest, the Court adjudging and decreeing Mat drivers. cember. 1925. average monthly salary being $146.30. Me plnintlffs are Me owners in fee More than 100 Forest Grove high VASBY BROS. GEO. H. 9AUBERT, simple of the premises described In school students were reinstated In Women teachers in Union county re­ DR. N. W. EMERY Administrator. ceive an average of $100.65, which Is the complaint herein, and described Palming & ■ Decorating A. E WHEELER. their classes after a spectacular strike DENTIST the lowest. Attorney. D 3-10-17-24-29 ns follows, to-wit: ln all Its hmnrhee beginning at the Northeast corner ln protest against a three-day suspen­ Button Bldg- Phone « 0 4 The action of the state highway NOTICE-TO CREDITORS. of Lot Two (2). fractional Block sion of a small group for "cutting” Residence Phone 1»* M commission In completing and open­ 312 Main Street classes to attend a recent football Twenty (2(1). In that part of the city Notice Is hereby given by the un ing the trans-Willamette river bridge Rprtngfleld, Oregon tlerslgned that he has been duly ap­ of Eugene which was originally do­ game at Independence. at Albany while an injunction was still pointed ns administrator of tne es­ nated to Lane County by Charnel Purchase of the plant and line of the in force against the completion of the tate of W. H. Andrews, deceased, by Mulligan: ntnniP-g thence South 100 'th e order of the Judge of Mo County let'll thence W t»t 80 feet; thence Tillamook County Mutual Telephone approach on Ellsworth street Is con­ DR. 8. RALPH OIPPEL ¡Court of Lane County. Oregon All N ona 100 feet to the South line ot company by the Pacific Telephone & strued as contempt by attorneys for II DENTIST |i( rsons having claims ..gainst said ^Hh Avenue East; thence East Telegraph company was formally ap­ iwtate are nerehy notified to present «long said South line 80 feet to the proved by the Interstate commerce W. A. Barrett and J. J. Barett, Albany Phone 43 the same unto said administrator, at Plane of beginning, being situated In commission, which found the merger business men, whose suit against the Your Home When In Union Bridge company, an agent uf Me office of Ere.l E Smith. Attorney, Ihn <'»7 <* Eugene, tou n ty of Lane, FI ret Nat'l Bank Bldg., Springfield to be in the public Interest. Springfield at Laiw. 446-6 Miner Building. Eugene, s , ate of Oregou. the state highway commission, result­ As »gainst the said defendants and Another large water-filled crater ed ln the Injunction. Members of the Oregon, within six months from thej earn of them, and tha« the said de- dafe hereof. I fendante have not, nor have either has made Its appearance in the Tu­ state highway commission have been Dated November 19. 1925. malo reservoir basin, the result of a FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ad­ of them, any right, tile or Interest cave-ln of part of the reservoir floor. served with formal notices that a WM. G. HUGHES whatsoever In and to the said prem­ Charge of contempt of court will be ministrator. ises or any part thereof, and that This new hole Is 38 feet In depth and pressed against them. FIRB AND AUTO INSURANCE JK W E L E R . ALLEN ANDREWS, N O T A R Y P U B L IC Administrator. the p lain tiffs title In and to the said Is the largest of a series ot holes A pretest/ against the request of Repairing a Specialty N. 19-26 O 3-10-17 pren tees he forever quieted an«« set at above a subterranean cavern. , Office at H. B. Evans of Portland for a survey Springfield, Oregon ! , ,, , "XL . 7 rest ns against the claims of the said The state supreme court has held of Grassy island ln the Columbia river , Estate ot Julia A. Godman, Deceased. ,|pfPn j„ nta and either or any of them, FIRST NATIONAL BANK as legal an assessm ent of 5 cents an as the property of the United States Springfield, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT, i 8Ud for general relief. 1 Notlee Is hereby given that Saille • hl» mnunons is publlshei. once acre levied against all lands ln the was filed with the commissioner of R. W. SMITH (I. Sikes, Administratrix of the estate «arh week for six sncceeslve weeks Ochoco Irrigation district in Crook the general land office at Washington. i of Julia A. Qodraan, deceased, has 'n the Springfield N«’ws, a newspa- county. The assessm ent was levied D. C., by Attorney-General Van Winkle. Jufltlco of the peace and f led In the County Court of the sta te 1 per of general clrcd a Ion printed and 3 of Oregon, In and for Lane county. I published in IMne ( ounty, I regon, by the board ot directors ot the dis­ The protest on the part ot the state notary public. Insurance trict to take care of delinquencies. contends that the island sought by All kinds of gravol for con­ her final report as such administrai- by order of the Hon. G. F. Skipworth, The state game commission aims Evans Is the property of the state and rlx and that, ten o’clock In the fore ! judge of Me above entitled Court crete or road work. We City Hall Springfield, Oregon noon of Saturday, the 12th day of De- order bears date the 23 day of to build up a stock of wild turkeys not under the Jurisdiction of the fed­ make a specialty of Crushed celnber, 1926, àt the Court room In the woods ot Oregon, tt was in­ eral governm ent It is understood that rock and rock sand. Blink­ thereof, have been, by said Court. November, 1925, and the date of the dicated ln the monthly report of E. the request on the part ot Evans for ers at foot of Main 6n Mill flx-'«l and appointed as Me ««me and first publication of this Summons Is F. Averill, state game warden. The a surrey of the Island is preliminary FRANK A. DEPUE place for hearing objections to said November 26th, 1926. street. report shows that 16 wild turkey«. Ova to the filing of a formal request for attornsy at law rgport and for the final settlem ent ot POTTER & FOSTER, HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. from Maryland and ten from AHkona> its purchase. The Island Is, said to the estate of deceased. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence were received by the commission dui> represent valuable fishing rights. NOTARY PUBLIO SALL1E O. SIKES, Administratrix. and Postoffice Address, Eugene. Ore­ lng November. Button BprlnflRelti _ v , See our line of vtirittng card», A. E. WHEE l ER, Attorney. Oregc/n. gon. N26 D 3 10 17 24 31 J 7 Buldltng N 12-19-26 D 3-10 j ^gNtneled. or plain, at the News office. Classified Ads [B U S IN E S S d ir e c t o Dr.John Simons The Loop” D. W . Roof SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. J OREGON NEWS ITEM S OF SPECIAL INTEREST