P ag F e ? THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, IMS THE 8PRINOFIBLD NEWS if CHRISTMAS SEALS AID TUBERCULOSIS FIGHT Practical InstructK’O* h> HOME SEWING By R uth Wwxth , f eur t. How as who kavt , « n .« for uneasy apprehension. and the fact that people are m indful of them w ill help them aa much, I belle»«», aa the money w ill help them 1 cordially com- mend the ealv of Christm as Seal»," V *Ar5 HON WILLIS C. HAWLKY. V 8. Representative from itregoo. Knowledge and Practice of the Rules of Health Greatest Need. In the n a i l plan at the rigT.t 1 » Ibown the proeeai of m il;: Mot »earns that at* use»i - many of the mora tullere To make thia Idnd _ _ . . you «01 need naad a aUy May str. «rip the material aa aho«n at A. T h »trip thouki ba n t a» long as tl »ear. la to ba and about an tec.- and a half wide. The edges of t l should ba turned back ai the atay »trip ao th: _______j narrow opening or ah between them. The stitching i «n at B and C is usually ma at three-eights of an inch bon n the edges. . . la always barn to press a se-. of this kind both before and aft' It is stttehe ! Ë ■B A DERS:— TH W V F T H S P E a . Bhietmad » • « : ..• * : -A L T E R IN G V • TBBNS AMD FITTING ** » f tw . £> aww«r r«er SrsHrashlB» p r i M l w i W i U r b> r * r t • ( this M »n » aa w , < b c 1 m .! rtswp ter In 1914. 69S Oregon people died w ith tuberculosis Beet estimate» In­ dicate that probably 6000 are afflicted w ith the disoae^. Careful studies »how that between the ages of 16 and 40. which may be called the best years of life, more Oregonian» die of tuber­ culosis than from any other cause of death and the same Is true through­ out the U nited States as a whole. All this la in spite of the fact tuberculosis is known to be pre rentable and cure- able. -W e know enough about tubercu­ losis to scotch It w ithin a generation. I t is not lack of knowledge, it is lack of application of knowledge that tm- 1 pedes our progress.” These were the wonts o f Dr. Allen K. Krause, leading American authority on tuberculosis, when he yialfed Oregon last summer. H e also pointed out that the knowl­ edge which makes physicians confi­ dently assert that "tuberculosis Is pre­ ventable and cureable” la not knowl- I edge regarding medicines or tre a t­ ments that can be called "specific cures." It Is knowedge regarding the fundamental rules of healthy living It Is disregard of the rules of healthy Uvtng that permits tuberculosis to con­ tinue as so great a menace to humane life. It Is knowledge of theee rules, and care In th eir application which ' « i l l eventually overcome tuberculosis. It is the tremendous progress In this direction which has made poeaible the 50% reduction In the tuberculosis death rate la the United States w ithin the last 15 years. and the IS % reduction tn Oregon's rate w ithin the last ten years. Christmas Seals finance the cam­ paign of the Oregon Tubercwloet» As­ sociation which la speclflely designed . to meet the need of teaching health. Public Health nurses are put Into the field tn Oregon. H ealth teaching Is taken Into the Oregon schools. L ite r­ ature is distributed, exhibits are pre­ pared. and every known channel of teaching health is employed. The objective of the health teach- j lng Is to overcome tuberculosis by I striking at its vulnerable spot. Oh, t fa. Is It? From New Iberia (L a . I Enterprise I W e have the same kind of boys and nuen that ^ r o w in these oti|er places, two legs, two arms and a head surrounding a good h o ly , that « all the human m aterial a eded. ••1 wish to cordially endoree the coin- I lng anti tuberculo»ts campaign In O re­ gon. through the »ale of Christm as ' Seal» I note w ith pleaaure the report of the greet decrease tn the death ra le from tuberc Uoals In our home M ate, during the past fourteen years. and he- * lleve that this la due tn a large measure to the money derived from the sale of Chrlatmaa Seal*. •The Christmas Seal campaign Is a most worthy one and ! consider It a distinct privilege to be able to add my testimony to the great num ber who hold a like opinion." H O N . N. J. S tN N O T T . U. S. Repreeentatlve from Oregon. CASTE FOR SCHOOL PLAY IS ANNOUNCED BY COACH .. , Aluminum Hot W ater $2.50 Crumb Trays 75c to $2.10 Therm os Lunch Kits $1.85 Nickel Plated Copper Tea Kettles $1.75 Small size Aluminum Hi |-> o l. lt o f s . 80c Goodell-Pratt autom atic drills With 8 p o in t s $2.00 Parlor Bellows $1.35 to $1.75 Polishing Mops 65c to $1.75 H o llie s Rehearsals for " Assisted by Sadie,' the high school play to be presented on December 18, Indicate that the presentation la to he one of the best ever given by the local school Coach­ ing is In charge of Mies Francis Hodge. I . A o n to Dow, the “m ystery," ....................................... George Moon M o h a e l Cemeron. detective ___________________ John How ard j C < ltn el Jennlver. hotel manager, _________________ C a rl M cK Innls Reginald N ull. m llltlonaire. ________________ __ H o b a rt W ilson Family Scab's $1.75 to $2.25 Aluminum Syrup Pitchers 60c Aluminum Tea Rail Tea $1.50 Oil H eaters $6.25 Good Shaves for Everybody Eli*« t re Genuine Gillette Safety Razors, price .................. 25c ELECTRIC TOASTERS No m atter who gets them every one in the family la go­ ing to be glad, price $1.73 ELECTRIC LIGHT OUTFITS FOR CHRISTMAS TREES Only a few seconds to turn out two pieces of crisp, brown toast, price ..... _............. $3.75 Electric Waffle Irons $8.75 to $15.00 Eight lights to a string. Strings can be connected and all lighted from one sock­ et. String with bulbB .... $1.25 Extra bulbs, each ..... 10c Dr Beedle. professor Frank lem b.ird Bunch. bell boy ---------- Evan Hughes Sady Brady, stenographer Fay Flshet M re C. Christopher Corley, dowager ____________ ______ Gladys Dorsey Sonora G oniales. adventuress _________ _______ T helm a I a y son WiSS SCISSORS AND SHEARS ROLLER SKATES H a rrie t Corley, stepdaughter ______________ _ Sh irley Hem enw ay V icky Vaughan, debutante Rubber ttres and ball (waring Less noise and sm oother rid­ ing. Good exercise and lots of fun for children lYlce pair................ $2.25 ________________ Esther Lynch M rs $4 00 11» a l . r | Hall R earing Roller S kates ........ . $1.75 Earthen Tea Pots 35c to $2.25 I'liislilighis 65c to $3.50 Put Waffle Irons on your list T he caste of the play eras made pub­ lic ibis week, aa follows: OREGON CONGRESSMEN ENDORSE SEAL SALE .. A EVeryot Quinch. maid ___________ K a th e rin e Hem enw ay Every pair guaranteed |»er- fect. There are none better SURE TO BE APPRECIATED made, 8-lnch shears ......... $1.65 Handsome Stag and Handles, r.-lni h scissors $1.10 Embroidery scissors 90c two and three piece carving Pocket scissors $1.10 s e t s , ............... $2.50 to $9.75 All Christmas goods delivered free in Springfield the day be fore Christmas. r Good Old Dad. QUACKENBUSH’S Young Snipper was o ff to College. "Good bye. m y boy." said his father. " W rite to me oftesi.'* " T h a t-« generous of you. dad," re- Snipper g ratefully. 16ft Ninth Ave EaHt Stanfield. Smnott. Hawley, and Crumpacker Approve Work j/®ngi” Supported by Seals. "T h e anti-tuberculosts movement has always had my unqualified »up- port. I believe that conducting How Long the Weeks are Getting. the Sale of Christm as Seal» to (From h? W o rthin g <3. D ., E n ter­ raise funds for combating this disease (tuberculosisI is a mest valuable pub­ prise» "S lim ’’ Crane informed us Monday lic service and should by all means be encouraged. Rest assured that 1 shall he ran a rusty na 1 »n his foot last be more than glad to do anything 1 w eek and was la i i up for 90 day». can to further the valuable work " H O N M. E C R U M P A C K E R . U S. Representative from Oregon. A Man of M oderation. Eugene, Oregon With G New Gas Rate For House Heating Only $1.00 per Thousand Cubic Feet "I am glad to most h eartily Join in wishing the utmost success In the H ark n . "is drin k in ’ sc .x etlrn aw ­ work of these et tg.d in the anti- tuberculosis campaign ' ful. ’ H O N KOBT N S T A N F IE L D , ‘■Don’t you w erry none about h:m. U. S. Senator from Oregon. dearie." r< : sited Mrs H arkins. "H e know.: w' --n to quit, he do a. Jest "In a tim e when we are thinking of the m inute he see’d he couldn't stain making a season especially Joyful to up tfce other night, he spoke right those of oSt imm- '.¡ait fam ily and friends, the contributions to the anti* out a a ’ toW the boys to carry him tuberculoat» campaign Is an instance home." ood w ill tow ard a number “ T h a t h u b a n d of yours." declared Mrs. Haw kins, to her neighbor. Mrs. W IL D TO NO TO B U IL D Antiques in the cupboard are beautiful, But not in the fireplace. Out With Wood and Coal Get A New T h e q u ic k e s t-s ta rt­ ing. full-powered gas­ oline th it ev er p ro ­ pelled a ear. O n sale at the “ R ed C row n” sign. AUTOMATIC GAS FURNACE OR RADIANTFIRE HEATER AND YOU'LL HAVE A CLEANER. BRIGHTER WARMER AND CHEERIER HOME. READY AT THE TOUCH OF A MATCH OR BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ROOMS WARM AND INVITING. SEE THIS WONDERFUL FUR­ NACE. FOR SATISFYING HEAT— USE GAS STANDARD OIL COMPANY A (CafHoraia) N EW WINTER 'RED CROWN" Í ! » Mountain States Power Co. 881 Oak Street, Eugene 6th and Main, Springfield Phone 20 Phone 58