PAQgapc ---------------------- ---------------.----------1 ... ............................... n xir'll/Ct ADVERTISING REDUCES EXPENSE. , H o , , . . , R .t . » .M d u i. Owv THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “U bentl use Of advertising has contributed to UoWsy rate, over Souther,, , .0,3*., Men T h „ r« u z «t make the tow rates possible and has sh o rte n e d , iVe.ftc were »„„ouuce.t ,,..i»y by hy P’- a a ; ? d o b t o t l e e 8 id e n t bUt * ith O U t y ° Ur 8UPP° n he, K Of th e n - w i « ¿ a n i l r S with radios. ” she t b rk of S. bool nlatrti t 1» • Sprtegtield. Orrgi'n. DM ‘ rem arked. _ IN THE COl'NT».COURT OF THE STATE OF OR»OON FOR LANE SPRINGFIELD OFFER UNIQE. One nice thing about having g g ro u ih ) bus- T he offer of the use of 250 acres in Springfield - - - - - - ----- , lllin,7 —* whi n ■* be - 1 has » to - matter of toe Eatnte of .Mat fo r industrial sites is unique and should serve to a ‘ ¡He J ft,man. Drceaaeu. a ttra c t here people with capital to invest in en- work late. . • • Notice la hereby given that th«- un- terprises. Being situated as she sne is. surrounded surrounueu hurrior to live ‘’»raignci ha* nt.-d with ,he County b by A both .„ h .t tim o b ber u r ana and agricultural u B n c u li.^ lre s p u n - « . Spring- .. W i X * ? . , ? ! , * ‘ S t ' . i ’ uS'.S .................. “» resource». cpmiK,-!- - - - - - - - - - _.v_ yluv„ ... final account tn tha abort- calata atid field offers a field for development in these b a s i c w i v e s than bv order of ,«,» Court Saturday th» industries. Besides these raw products there is S aturday to get their mot y. ten "• • ! Mh day of January, m a . at County Court abundant electrical power. There is little to be a woman he adm ires her '’ cl“cÌ, * M ‘ .When a man tells . room In Lane County, •regn a. I» rt»«t offered to prospective industry th at Springfield she isn t m uch ro r B11 time and place for hearing any h a s not. We m ay confidentially expect to add wonderful mind, he m eans * > objection» that tuny be ftted tu aald looks. the prosperous industries we now have. n to • a f nal account and to fin a l acltlenicat As a rule there is lots of parking space around « ofcJrctloo, to MONEY TO BURN. a public library »aid (Inal aceouM are notified In (lie A man m ight light his cigar with a 110 bill to 1 the same on or before Ten o'clock A show his suprem e disregard for its value and be A w om an’s declining years comes before 30; M on the »tn day o( January, H»'.’« excused for a bit of asininity that h u rts only him ­ A W INMAN. a fter th at she is glad to ad ept. Executor. self. If he burned a bushel basket full of $10 bills • • • L. E RKAN. Attorney for the Satate every morning of the year, an insanity commis­ Never mind father will be home evenings next *8« AVllIumett.. St., Eugene. Oregon sion would look into his m ental condition. Som e­ m onth—playing with baby’s toys. U to-l7 S«:tl J 7 body would call for the help of the army, navy Growing old is just a slow process of shedding and »police force of the nation. Yet. says Col- lier's, that is exactly w hat the United States is enthusiasm , perm itting w-ith its forest reserves where fires impose a loss equivalent to $100,000 daily. Of; E d ito r ia l C o m m e n t th e 92.000 forest fires last year, “the perfect fools coopération to be TAUttHT. am ong us,” to use Colliers phrase, started -4,00 i,| c ratlve mBrketlng wU| ftnd u» way into the cirri«»- all Of which were preventable. ( of atudlea at the Oregon Agricultural College. It la fe- , Jail B.Mm.i Populär. Will, the «dvent of frnnly w«»lh«r. Ib» Sprltntflvl.l ett) )*U l«k»a un » A g.n i t art Ol«oo w here the ran- i» li.» pupularlty, »nd kplduiu n alght >»» <>r t«~«. the round trip rate I. tu t..» , Hie«,• il ny» bul the hunl hootv «,-rvo» n» u liavrn „( r»»t for « Ururvd on the bans of on. and «W' third tim e. th« first c l . . . rate On 1 vrmtry drn »i-r. IXill«« Chief li e r it the, forth,n,t and Seattle ; Vnifler I» u«utilh «ppeurel In liy Ih r,«d Aatortn dlvi.ion. ineltiai*.-. it u j Mrt»nw* r h *'-' kili* ii wurm heti for the tUnir-d on 'hr b»»,» of in« s..„, „-m i n »lit. Thtt', fe low . i i . um I I * oiiue in I’aviru fair to Port an l. «ml on- an I hv fi'«',«ltt , ralli « the Ile», und letive «un third «h« one-way rat-, from to »he d o n a t i o n . i . k. t »»I*’ >"> th i. •eh.-t.itle start Dece-n b»r U. The ticket lim it Is January by one-half the tim e necessary to attain the pres- ent stage of electrical development In the United S ta te s " savs W il. ¿lodge. m anager of advert!*- i„u departm ent of the Bvllesby Engineering and M anagem ent w rp o ratio n of Chicago, who oper- f a t e red a . a«cond claaa matter. February !■». ,»03 al the ate the Mountain S lates Power company. Bostatilce S^nngfioW. Oragvu_____________ -Collectively the third largest Industry In the country the" utilities should he large ad- MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE It is estim ated that they tire apendlu« One Year tn Advance. — >1.75 Three M.'ntha ..... 75« vertisers 6100 Single Copy ..... - . - 5« todav an am ount equal to about-one-half of I r cent of their gross revenue in this way .F ro m T H l RSl»AY.,U>A EMBER 10. i»»k tiô to 75 per cent of their total advertising ex- iienditures are In the uewspapers. ; * • ________________ About one-third or the utility’s advertising ( — Editorial Program Notice of Change of Name. dollar is spent for selling appliances and is Notice I« hereby given that the «I» charged to sale pricj of merchandise. One-third L Maks SpHngf.eld the Industrial Canter o* Wae- plication of Richard Qarvln Frederick- goes for sale of securities on custtnner-owned tem Oregon. IL Develop a Strong Tradin g Point: BuOd a c ity plan and is an Investment expense. One-third Is .on to change hla nntne to Hit-hard a t Contented Homes. used to build up service output aud explain the Garvin M'tler 'till he h ea rd .» ! 10 IIL im prove Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro­ business and its affairs and is chargeable to op- A M Januar' 10. l»î» bv the County mote the Rmamg of Purebred Livestock end perating expenses. This last third is equivalent ; Court. In the court house. Eugene. Oregon the Growing of F ru it: W o rk tor B etter M arkets alKHit 4 n mills bill ele<- to about ttu s on o il average » tr ia g e m u k onthly w . h . j . . . . . for .« • — - or » at which time any » » p ir.on , may „ trie service and is so small It cannot ponaibly add »how cause why »ueh change of name IV. Toil the W orld About Oregon's Scenic Wonder- land. to rates. ,lh”ul'1 m,‘ b* c. I- IIAU.NAIUt. P a e a a . . . . . . . . . . _____________ Advertising keeps down and reduces rates by County Judge THE CHAMBER Oh' COMMERCE creating m arket value which in j j 1.* M »« n s to T he Springfield Cham ber of-Commerce will be economies ot utass production and lower dlstri reorganized under Its new*president. Herbert J. button expense. , , . Call for School Warranta. Cox. His com m ittee announced for the year in-; the ivostoffice i Springfield. Oregon. Dee 10, t»2V elude men interested in all phases of communitv’ ' ”wtodow. "1 would like to look Notice 1» hereby given that •rtBtO, IMutrtrt No. 1» Lain1 County. Oregon. WOi we are to have a larger and more prosperous a t yonr red tw *“ id — -------- - h - r t - .- h , rt„ , a s h e e t o f 1 0 0 o r »01 fav »1 the office of the School city here we will have to work for it. And there clerk ol g g ot stam ps In CLrk. City H«n. Springfield. Oregon. Is no work so effective as team work. It is up nn>re stam p . , g dlscriinluating custo- School Warrant . No 7»7 to *7» .net« everybody in in m ,be e comm eo m n .u n ii, to back « « « - « « J l “ “ “ .............. . . . . . . . ..n - e . — « to everybody unity uam up up U e • » • ----- . Cham ber of Commerce both with their member- m er sweetly said, 11 tato . 15, 19Ï5. It W. SMITH, ship fees and moral s u p e r i , ft Is the only or- taking the Springfield, Lane C oub W . O ix o u , THE WILLAMETTE PRESS H. E MAXEY. Editor THURSDAY, PBCKAfBKR 10, 1925 __ uftor til» night tu over without ■<» much a* a word of thank» for the hoMpitollty of the city , Chrtetmaa PrluUn* of all x'nda la done at the New* Office CALL ANU H \E Ur N. W Emery mt pH. on plate «nd of he.- work •< “7 A — dBWá^^. PARTNERS Banks Farmi The successful farm is as ftoBely allied wit It a bunk a* with the slock or ..... I it prop«Med to ImnNtse to a prof«. As an example, take sheep. It has been ’" ‘‘n Y >’ "J* »Ince the British learned from the Roman» the art of »pin­ ning wool. It was In 1608 that the first sltei-p Into the I S. were landed at Jam es,ow n. Vu.. and almost two centuries later. 1792. that the first carding machine was invented. i’rogess has been fas, since then. Today one of the big­ g e s t woolen m iuiufucturers produces 70,000.600 yards of fabric each year, and it* assets are $130.000.000. WHien thut much ttauiey is Involved^ banking Is a part of It. In our humble way. this bank Is vital In the Industrial and agricultural progn ss of (he world and you Mr. Sto.kiiiatt or Farm er have a hand, no m atter what com ­ modity you cultivate or produce. To keep wheels turning, we should work together, w heth­ er it be savings. ehecMng. loans or investments. Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon rtsbd Instruction in this subject will be given in short cooperative M sociatlooa and Oakridge is too far away to worry about her r Thia service by tbe agricultural college 1« in keeping Sewerage. with the purpose» of both Its organization and malntenani •• The meek may inherit' thZ earth but there will »Ince its object I. to improve condition, (or the tortw r be little fun in 'a world inhabited by henpecked through the farm e r hlmaeK. T n e moat ea»« Dttal help tor UC- n i n e l u l l i n a. -W J r __ h ia ln f for or h l« n r n i act- a fair por- Dor- the farmer today Is to n obtain hla prodsce a fair husbands. t on of the price paid by the consumer. And the only way • • • Christopher Columbus was about the only to obtain thla fair portion Is through cooperative market­ prom inent foreigner who did not come over to ing. The moat of the cooperative failures in Oregon have this country to lecture. resulted from lack of knowledge ol cooperative marketing in charge. And. of course, every failure la so em- that confidence is shaken and it becomes moro .,nd more difficult to establish anti maintain such organl- za-ion».’ With trained directors in charge there .h o .Id T he value Of a kiss depends Upon the supply bv those acd demand 1 pha» zed • • • , R ^ k le s s drivers have no r e s e c t for person, Even President Coolidge had a narrow escape the ac, rue ^1O,* other dav. - 3 a l e ® Statesman. r*BUlt" *" « » * '• « ’’’ marketing, When Husband and Wife Shop Together 1 iu go to the store to buy, but you can shop in com fort in the home. The best place to m ake your real decision about “ what we ta n afford” and “what we need m ost,” and “which we will buy” 1» at your own fireside -—under yonr reading lamp. There the feet do not grow tired. The rushing crowds do not destract. Decisions are unhurried. The husband is not Im patient to get away. It is to help the fireside shopper th at new spaper advertisem ents are written. Fireside shopping from advertisem ents is the most enjoyable- the most intelligent and the m ost pracical form of consum er buying. TKhn you visit the m erchant you know w hat you w ant and why. You buy, pay and depart,. Both you and the m erchant saves time. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS in A Stock Certificate in M ountain States Power Company Makes a Splendid Present The habit of giving substantial holiday gif,* Is growing t ach year. Many reasons dictate choice or a sound, Income-paying investm ent security for this purpose. A Preferred Stock Certificate In this Company Is registered on the Company's books, and the ow ner is protected against lose or theft. Dividend checks are mailed every 9d days to (he holder and there Is no delay or inconvenience in collection. The assignm ent of a cer­ tificate Is an easy m atter. The safety of the investm ent, Us ready m arketability, good rate of return, and its simplicity —all recommend It for ownership. PLACE ORDERS NOW FOR GIFT CERTIFICATES In order to m ake sure of delivery of preferred stock certificate» in time for ChrlstmaB o r­ ders should be placed as early as possible. Make a gift whose benefits continue steadily through the years to come. « Mountain States Securities Co. Office Mountain States Power Co. The Springfield News They are prepared for your consideration. Ask for Illustrated Booklet. • Albany Cottage Grove Dallas Eugene Independence Junction City Lebanon Btayton Springfield