PAGE TUE flPlUNGHMIJ > NYIWH THURSDAY. DHC KM H ER 10. 1»2K STORY Of CHRISTMAS SEAL INTERESTING Buys Car — J. It Holveraon pur- At Coburg—Nellie Htewart ap«ni lb* week-itiid with friend» at Coburg. ohnaed a Dori car this week. Idea At West Fir— Mrs W. Hull and Lowell Resident Visits— Mrs Angus- tit K IG lwr of Low .ll was a visitor ViMltlrett Speut the week end ul West Fir. here Friday. Originated In Oenmark Years Ago Accomplishes Won­ ders in United States. In from W sltsrvllls—Charles Jes- Camp Creek Man In— N. Myera, of More full of dramatic Inton-.’it than Camp Croak, wna it Hprliigfhld bunt »«•n*of W allervllle was In for a short tho chapters of a novel, Is the history of the little Christinas Soul now on time Saturday, imaa vlallor Friday. sale throughout the state of Oregon. Bags Ducks— FI ft»' n ducks ware Conceived by a Danish postal clerk, Maroola Raaldant Hara— I* M (Io»* lor. Maroola ri'i«l«iit, was III Spring bagged by Carl Olson ha-al Southern to raise money that would save the Faciflr agent, on a hunt n;t trip ut lives of children suffering from tuber­ field on bualnoaa Friday. culosis; wandering across tho Atlantic, Hittcoo» Bunday. fulllug lnto.tho hands of a gr^ut Amer­ Waiter-villa Resident Hara—Mr. nnd Dexter Merchant Hsrs—Wflllnm ican writer; being recreated on Amer­ Mr» loin Camay worn In Hprlngfli-ld Williams, merchant of Dexter, was ican soil, and sold to maintain unother from W allervllle for a abort Ulna Hut tuberculosis hospital; he« oinlng the here on business Monday ilr d n y . solo financial support of a great or­ Thurston Man Hsrs—C'harHs Hun­ ganisation dedicated to a Health cam- Feed Car Out—A car of food wua tings of Thurston was heru on busl- plagu steadily and surely overcoming Hutl«»l out. for M.ihl« by tbo taprlng the "white plague," are leading events riess Monday. In the life history of the Christinas Heal. flold Mil nod Grain oniupnny Fri­ ing. »ui., and it has been largely through the Interest focused on the problem by the annual sale of Christ­ man Seals The tuberouloala death rate In the United 8tat«ja, has been considerably more than In half In these eighteen years. The disease It being oonquered. The winning slogan Is Health! Health! H ealth!—such fine radiant health that It repels sickness, and Christmas Heals are In the field In Oregon, and In every state In the Union, to continue the fight to a win­ ning flnlah. Private Phone Lina In—The Spring-1 field Mill and Grain company has complete«! the Installation of a prlv- j ate tslcptoona line connecting lie of- , flee with the red wuri-house on the , tracks. Money to Echo Residents H ers— M r and Mrs T. M. Johnson of Echo, Oregon. nr« visiting nt tin1 home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. McBee of. Springfield, tip« John sons m otord here front their Rant'-ru. Oregon home. I» •eauonabk« always. It may he fa ste r , 4th of July or Christ» in».», but a dl«h of our Ice ream taut«-« Just a» goral at one time aa nnothrr. Duo «if tho reason« for till.- la the purity nnd flavors of vor Ingredient». Accident Commission Man Here— H. 11. George, representative of tins stale Inrlii trial neeWent commission, waa In Springfield Tuesday In hust­ le s In connection with the work of that btsly. . * EG G IM A N N ’S Let Us Help You Solve Your Christmas Problems Chrlstm » S ale, selling for one cent each an- expected- to raise 880,000 In Oregon between Thank «giving and Christmas. In the 18th annual Heal Hale. Ninety-five per cent of the money will be kept In Oregon, where It la the sole source of income for the Oregon Tuberculosis Association, am! provides must of the funds used by th» County Public Health Associa­ tions. Every city, village and community In the state will have a chairman or group of workers actively Interested in selling the seals. Women’s clubs and organizations are giving It en­ thusiastic support, and a large number of Parent-Teacher Associations are lending aid to the "Give Health. Fight Tuberculosis" campaign which the •eals finance. PERFUMES TOILET SETS ATOMIZERS STATIONERY DESK SETS FOUNTAIN PENS LEATHER GOODS IVORY GOODS CHINA. CUTLERY CAMERAS. BRUSHES MANICURE COODS SHAVING SUPPLIES BOOKS, BIBLES SPECTACLES VACUUM BOTTLES Of course- there are other things that c o n v e y the Christmas spirit w h ic h come under the head of es­ sentials. Christmas would not be complete without them. We are Showing Many New Goods That Make Nice Christmas Gifts I Candies, Cigars, Nuts, Pop Corn, Etc. The selection of sensible gifts from out stock means a happy and economical Christmas for all. Shop Early See Our Window Display this W eek For Suggestions D. W. ROOF, Jeweler First National Bank Bldg.,* 5th and Main St. I .«ItWIHItlHIIIII .. . Springfield, Ore. ] 7rux«rp