THURSDAY, DKUKMHKR 10, 1826 • m ir R p n ixn P iF T n x n v s ?AGE FOCR Laralvay Makes It Easy to Give Gifts That Last Gift Special Elgin $15 •T h at will be our aim and purpose this Christmas! We want to help you give the gifts you havo hoped you'd be able to give— without the worry of how to pay for them. We want you to feel Tea Sets 3 Beautiful Pieces $17.50 that you can come to this fine store and select anything from our beautiful displays of Christ­ mas gifts. A , little as $1 Down is all you need pay now! Pay the balance next year on terms to suit your own convenience. A low price«! w atch th a t wl 1 look well and k ep excellent time. Every movem ent g u aran teed —O th er w atch­ es in m ore elab o rate cases. $20—$25 —$30 and up Umbrella Specials $3.95 - $4.95 Gift Diamonds $50 A C hristm as diam ond—th ere Is no finer gift! Blue w hite g-m s mounted in delightfully engraved white-gold] .-eatings Gift special! $25—$35—$60 This Christmas— give Gifts That Last— pay next year at Laraways Blue-White Gems $100 Diamonds of g reat hr' ancy a n i styles or beauty. Choice of •* rwn-m- b«*rp3.50—-> IO—> l f>— $25—>35 and up. Pay A fter C hristm as " .«*». .4- G uaranteed silverw are with tho fam ous L ifetim e guarantee. Made to m atch all patterns. Packed In gift boxes. Complete display of all e x ­ tra pieces, oBhers a t $1.50 and up. Pay A fte r Christm as Gift Pearls Special $12.50 G uaranteed pearl» of opalescent sheen In holiday gift boxen. Je w e ­ ed clasp, others $1.50—$2.50—$5.00 —$15 00 and up. Pay A fter C hristm as MAKE THIS A DIAMOND XMAS -••C Complete Display < // Pay A fter C hristm as OK Ivory Sets th Laraway DIAMOND MERCHANT and JE WELER Eugene, Oregon TUE DIAMOND »TO R E OP EUGENE " TW . ■ Lifetime Plate 26-Plece 8et, $32.10 $32.10 The dainty Loulslnnn p attern of Life­ tim e P late Is one of the most nttrac- tlce. Twenty-six piece« In a velvet lined case. G uaranteed, o th er sets ut $25.00—$30.00 and up. Pay A fter C hristm as W orld'» Finest Diam ond», Watches, Jew elry an d Silver w are on C re d it a t L a r w a y ’s Lnraw uy’s lurge buying power and g reat volume of husines enables him Io offer hlgtfi grade and dependable m erchandise on credit term s a t cash prleea. E very n rtlr e sold guaranteed exactly ns represented. Bring Your List to LARA W AY’S I'ourleoua Hales people who will glad­ ly »how you and a ss ist you In finding «om ethlng for every onr on your list.