Page Three THURSDAY. THE HPR1NOFUCLV M tW E D ecember W a lk e r • I — W e n d l i n g — W . H. Adrl- P. L. Moore ul the Methodist church Refreahtnrnta followed the business'»ft made a bualntea trip to Wendllng, Interment »111 be In the B y Spasisi Myrtle Creek tomorrow. meeting. a Corrsspond-" ta The service« are being held In the Prl«tnla of Mr» Mahala Ann Meat W. F. Walker chapel. , leii.'n«1 with r, gret of her death at the I’ncltle ChrlaMan boaplul »rater-. THURSTON NOTES UPPER WILLAMETTE .la i T. KINTZLEY HONORED «lay noon Min. Noet bad I BY LOCAL ODD FELLOWS Omr to Pr •e 'fru n Ouklsml. ('»Il­ Bprlncftott Hl.. *;i. ut her entire Ili In Oregon. the high, ach'd gywaaaliHM, ou.rt.-r of a c-ntury ha» bfl»n a o»em Sii» I h Hurlv.d by h-r hu«b«nd. C O. Mr Mi». C F Hyde and Mlfnni inrniug. t»cr of the Springfield lodge. *a» the Tin- IdidleW »Id met with Mr», N. 11 of 322 C atrget, Springfield; her daughter, H< tty J of F.ugsne, * re chief feature of a me. tin t of the o- hnrlea Taylor laa» Thursday after- mother. Mra. M J. Milla of Sprlng- u. PI. aaunt Hill HUUday vlalt ia! Odd FHlow» lid ge held at the hall I.n, till, next meeting w'll be with ( .-Id: i. sl»,*r. Mr* (Tura M .T iu n , friend» Hecrauu In two week« It waa of Myrtle f’r.i-k, ani a brother» Wil­ Wcdit. »day night." •■Haani Hill Ml At a nuuetlng of he Th»- ev nt came aa a p le o a n t aur 1 acid Hl d to iure the -vantata that 1« liam I'l.w. I of H. alii public a.-hool board It was prlr.e to th‘ recipient of the honor. The (unjritl I» bo'ng held ibis after­ to build a well kftifkr c er the pump h. log put on b] ih- » I l a p t c h u r c h Th»- pre'* ntatlon vra» rftado by W. F. g iv e y o u bed M lvÌM i her« ut a •nt dciú bv ro in by the noon, wirtli.R »t 2:3b o'eolck. Be». In h, See what we have before buying, w to In. uwol gjrmgpaluen Thureton fe s m won Ml»» Oladya Price from Eugene waa packed The proceeda sr% Io he divided betwcoti the two , public vlalt .«I laat week at the home of h r uncle. John Price. schools. The First National Bank will open its doors for Business Mra. William llemmle »pent la»t Mre. Anno W alter, who waa at Monday morning In new quarters just completed, at Flft i Pleasant H* I recently, haa gone to week at the fiah hatchery. and Muin Sts. Bring that Christmas chedk to the Savings Anda Calvert and Ivan Rltfhard vtalt her aon »1 Medford, Department and watch it grow. Mlaa Bertha Manning of Spring- from Wend.lng »pent the week-end • Ray Baugh, field, formerly of I’leaaant Hill. 1» Mr and Mr». Thom»» WIBlasns and working at tho Pluff Itug Co., at Eu­ sob, John, from Cottage Orove »pent gene. 6th and Main, Springfield, Ore. The Sunday echnol of tho Ohrlatlan laat Sunday at Fred Gray'». Hubert Gray, who la working In church la preparing a Chrlatmaa eamp 34 at Wendllng. »pent the week­ program Work ta being rughed on the house end at hl« home here. Cecil HarbH, who la working at of C. B Jordan In the hope» they W ending la »pending a few daya at ran get rhe shingles on while the home. proaent good weather laata. Rev. Oarengera from Eugene filled Mra Eugene ll Tinker and daugh­ ter. Bonnie Jeanne, returned Sunday the pulpit here laat Sunday. Mr. King, who haa been looking December « from a two weeks trip to Beach. California. Mr. and after hla property hare for scene Mre. O. H. Wkngelln. pare a (a of Mra. lima, left for hla home at Newport Tinker accompanied Mra. Tinker and Tuesday. Mr Haiale started on a trip to will rxnaln In Oregon Indeflntloty. The atudhnta of Onton high nnhool Washington Tuesday morning, ex­ No. 1 will give a baaket social Sat­ pects to return tha flrwt of next urday night at the high achoo". The month. Mr and Mrs. Slmma from Engene proceeda will go Into the atudent visited Mrs. SUnnia parents, Mr. and fund. The new furnace haa been Inatailed Mra. Ira Gray laat Wednesday. Frank lltunwle spent the first of Is the ( "hr let Ian churc-h at Pleasant HUI and the Inside woodwork hat the week wltti Ilia p u ree*, Me and Mrs. William Remmle. been reflmshed. MRS. MAKALA NEET DIES la In charge. AT PACIFIC HOSPITAL cemetery «t Community News Just A Carload of Oranges they are dandies ANNOUNCEMENT BR AYS C A 5H SE A R R X FIRST NATIONAL BANK Hall’s Cash Store Main and 4th Streets, Springfield TOOT! MOUNTAIN CAMP SITE IS 4 3 Out for Basketball. University of Oregon. Eugene, De­ cember 10 — (Special)—Forly-tbrae freshmen b ars turn.-d out for the ftonfl basketball team. Coach "Spike ' L eslie has announced. A l»rr»r num- ber are exp-wtrd td register at the beginning of next term. The squad 1» being drilled In fundamental«, and. with (be addition of new Inatmctora next term, each man will be given Individual Attention. OBTAINED FOR SCOUT USE I TO O T/ The Toy Store is Mstnhera of tha newly organised Springfield Boy Scout troop will have | Third k^ore Comptate Couruas. Vnlveralty of Oregon. Eugene. De­ cember 10.— (Special.)— Interest In extension division couree«, Indicated by th« 33 per rent Increase In