Ilfb.iW LBBlakf i «■ ' « T 11 UH SI >AY, DECEMBER TH E SPIUXGFIKLD FA HE TW O Lane County Farmers Union News o f f ic ia i , p u b l ic a t io n ............................................ .......... • C F d C E R S o r la n e c o u n ty < farm er s u n io n FARM CENSUS RETURNS FOR OREGON ANNOUNCED T i e tro rty to r » * '* g©'‘ r g i y . a r - n r to > • «b:»y Bjpfcie. a m i the BOV? strong lane C O U N T * U N IT f O. L. Ciem eet. CKap'rtK. cd t m XTL85« to 7JS-57A T he n i » . h w , w r . * « > o i « . - Be’id w g fci» earn. *» A ’ ■ it; l i eSl muSts n o « * • againi MT. VERNON LOCAL tc i« i8 . a c c o r f.'g to the re; rt. T ie- «nstie la ih« State m ISIS i t» T M i S l ; the 182® total « * » BSl. •piw M l Veroca local met t® rf< 4 - I f * T t e decreaae. howvver, h a * b -ca la r sew*»a Wednesday De- coaftced to i » * t cattle, tor there are w8w.e J fc? of btt$iB• sow h ill pesiere U U •««.«•. «• e g a ln .t ( A - » ton. iou while « w » the average _______ ra te ___ oa _ al »ays the • xpertment etailo o Legwaics , the b e ll um»« • 8 7 » « for I» !« m a n u fa rtu ro l p r-d ^ c t* ts a ¡title o * r route s n o r* linzr than other O re- »erd. l i g i o » « especially I» tn Ja» i 12 a ton TT» b rie f C’.tee thai although g n plants. The most expensive s»r« uÇw n the ground freer» • sharp Btaley Cha tman. only aboat h a lf the total o f farm prod food for the bone »trsctsre of young ljr asd thasrs the followdn« day. It VBlverotty of Oregoa. Eugene, Ile- I» best tc have the seed os hand an»l Beta are moved by tra in *, agrlcultur - »lock U legwxes r r m t e i 1« — (S p e c ia li— Allhougb no teeied two week* h»fore planting, tk - pays elx per cent of Its e n tire la- • • e i'Vtalde guests w ill be invited to the come fo r fre ig h t charge«, wfcil- oa j a prosing eat cry peach, prune a A C. E p rrlm e e t ataBon aay»-. _ _________ caipaa. plan» ar» already under the o th er side. M per cent of the apricot or almond a ll dead tw ica a a l w e e k 's k o r , H < L M im a a < * * ’ J- # k * w~ k w product» o t . lndsatry a re move, by smmmted fn u ta a r * removed from M a r r U g . H « a a i . were l i n e d at S ,« '» ’r' f ' » ’ “ ««’ , k .s been app oin te! raR. yet bat a little more than two -.b» tree» aad destroyed T his (V a ** “ * ’ W *’ reennm eoded by th coanly « I . week per cent of ita Inco ia* la par* lor »anltary tneasare which S ill be beM M ay ? asd I station to get the faU ow irg fre lg tt The gran«»* coaleed» th ai thè o » Oregon Eaepri to b a re a creases, both ia acreage and prodsc- Bight when we expect farm ere are paylag llto g e lh e r ' t • i rtd of infecttoa eoarcee ¡or brown Jcbn A Fhelpa O akridge and L il­ tlo a . in corn. oat*. « N e a t b arter, rye. special pr-ogratn. l à ! M Jaxjoet of SaIrtB Bay IaM . e f thè nsttoa » fre lg h t b ill S " i rat. asd b in a to i hBgb: fungi Thta TNimbM C l»b M e e t* Bay. potatoes. Pear» and p t o * t « . t rote» afcoold be ad)asted os ax d«ee to t lek» thè place of aprln« or S s rilh o m e and Vera Carsoo S e l.» ..T h e * r t Vernon T him b le rtu b are t(j j«,» y r « ! T yro a and M i» : Canada ia aa much Interepted la t m lM m oeak. rugose moaal*. leaf roll Laura Tyros a rriv ed hom e last W ed freeing its grains from weed seeds‘ w lte b s i broom, and occaaioaalty vee- nesday from a trip to C alifornia. aa M the U nited States T he A lberta tlcflllum w ilt M r and M rs John Cooley r o l M r , D epartm ent of A g riculture baa per- In order to keep from c a rry l-g Cor ey's mother a re racwtloolng ln ife c le d a machine w h ic h grain men de- these diseases from one M**<>n to the southern California. d a r e la the greateet step forw ard yet next it Is e e m t l a l that the grower M r G arvin and tw o daughfer» l e f t ' taken la the control of weed» on know from what kind of h i lt the last F riday for a v is it in C alifornia fa r m , and the redact ion at dockage seed potatoes r o n e T be seed k James Sbaub of Creswell a fte r The machine ia attached to the top «pend-ng a week a t the Reynolds of the separator and cleans the grain home returned to h l* home Sunday of weed seed« aad sstal] grain be- W. A. Mabuy Farm. 2Vj Miles of Creswell. RBCORD-S5c or 2 for $1 Ti*e»dny. December 15. 10 A. M. MARSHALL’S Free bunch a t Noon. STANLEY BLDO.. 66 9th AVE WEST EX'C.ENE A Cleanup Invited. Sale Everybody W» aftersooa ____________ - - ttuw f* re 11 , o * * to the bin or wagon la J 1 a recent dem onstration tbe machine In fa n t Dies. -educed the wheat dockage to lees Ehl on D ug-ne T ucker, m o n o i d * • » »»» cent from the usual run , An electric lighted b a le tin board baby of M H r. and M rs Tucker * from O re to eight per c e n t T hia , fo r the Method »t chsrch B assured of Goshen, d k d Sunday The funeral " * * “ • '* ♦ » * » « * > « * < *! a * a reeult of the snecee» of an ‘oM was h e « at the home on Monday, i n b o r n six to fourteen cents per ba-hel. , Cashianed" »orlai held in the church chant» of the W F W alker undertak 1 according to grade In addition to this la s t night. T t e Young People-« dSBS ng establisbment h e r e Rev W a rn e r *• Wg aartng on freight charges, had charge of the s ta ir. M ore than ‘ on the dockage, th * r i s e o f weed <18 s i » realised seeds as feed on the farm and the prevention of weed «preading. The agricultural departm ent w ill d rect i the m arketing of th - machine and , m ake it easy for threshers 1» pur ' chase. Asking for an Even B 'eac. A t an agricultural conference re- Bulletin Board Assured. Christmas Specials A t th e S p rin g fie ld B a k e ry TIME AND PLACE OF LOCAL MEETINGS Don’t w orry about th at Fruit Cake for Chris’- maB. Just Tome in and let us -»Tap you one that will please the m ost particular. Also mince pies for the Christm as dinner, from the home of the . Eggs and Poultry F Sher Khan 662 Oak Street Eugene, Oregon rd • * • ‘ • • * * * --n a — S e e l le *- day». D o r'-ra C h ard*. H a d le y tille — F ir» t « rd T h ird 1 Thursdays. H n d le y v l'le School. ' Keeeta— F irs t Bunday of each ' m onth. H * O 't * School H o u 'e . ' Jar per— Second and Fourth Wed- ’ W , ')■ W H a ll, Ja-p er. ' 1 * ‘ " ' ' 1 F. G. Frese, Prop. W anted : iNUurdu*. F irm e r» Un?,n H I . Cloverda'«— Second ood t irth Friday». < loverdale School H o m . Creew ell— First aad T h ird Tuee- day*. Croewetl. M. W . of A. H a ll. Couet F ork—8 « ond and Fourth Thursdays. Farm Union H a ll. D»r.. -«day, Da .«bo Perfection bread. Spimgfield Bakery . • > Wednesdays. I. O. O. F. H a ll. 1 • M cK en zie Irx a l. »-< ond and ’ • ’ • O. 1 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ • • • • • • • • • • M t. V e m o o — F rst end T hird ' Wednesday. L n iifle ld Store. S ilk Creek Meets F irs t and T h ird ' Thursday at Cedar School House Spencer C reek— T h ird Friday. Pine Grove School House. T re n t— Second and Fourth Wed- nesday» ITeasant H ill H ig h ' School Bldg. V id s— Second and Fourth Satur- days at M inn«y H a ll Secretaries srtll please send In tim e and place ot meeting and changes of date a» they may oc- cur. Christmas is Coming T " o o sbarpdn u1> the cHrv.tuf knife and* «»nlcr th<- cranbcrriA . the appks. the nuts, raisins, orange«, the «ider, Oakes ami cheese. And th e dozen oth«r deUtacies. Don't wait till the last m inute for your groceries. The (h o liest holi­ day food are now waiting lor you at the White Front Groc-ry. And, as usual our ¡ rices are consistently low er- the lowest ever established for quality so high. We have a full complete line of candles, oranges, nuts, raisins, dates, figs, cranberries, candied fruits, candied cherries and ¡mines, 2 lb. boxes, f> pound boxes, 8 pound boxes, 26 pound lioxes ready to mail to your friends. . * Phone Phone 9 WHITE FRONT GROCERY 9 SPRINGHELD, OREGON