The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 10, 1925, Page 10, Image 10

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    TUB HPRlfc'i gj - t eld NEWS
De. Id. Bprl&gfhi<i vs Coburg, here.
By Mr». Bell* D eG rat D irector. not to use too hot an oven for these
Dec. 1». Sprlnxfteld vs Munroe,
Home Service Bureau. Sperry Flour ro l s.
They can also be baked in a muffin
Jan. $. SnrtBKttcl.l vs Coburg, «hero
tutus and tre a te d In the sam e way.
Jan. 13. Spriugflehl vs Uttlverai y
This M aster recipe m akes a very Will m ake about eighteen rolls.
iligti, there
su p erio r sw eet yeast mixture. Wh '
S. Sprtnxft. Id vs Cot tux»
P l i n Sw eet Rolla.
th e rectp . ♦ s tor t o ».pressed \ -ast.
P repare M aster recipe When light
hom em ade yeast or dry y east cakes
Feb. 1». Springt «'Id vs Monro«'.
fo rm in to ang- desire«! shape, brush
can be substituted.
1 would advise m aking this coff< •<■ over with yolk of tg g diluted With
S. Springfield vs Cott IK«'
tn ilk . A llo w to
cake in the daytim e ra th e r th an let­
th ere
become light and bake. If perfect
tin g It rem ain over night.
1 rolls are desired, do not p u t close to-
The first part or "sponge." should
c ith e r in pan As soon as baked.
H e re i* the
ten tative basketball
be very light b> tore the m aterials in
bru-h over with egg yolk m ixture or 'b>’du!«' of the Springfield high
th e second part are added, otherw ise
the unbeaten w hite of egg to 4 a te ’ l ,lool. a - arran g ed by Coach V I)
th e cake will be very slow In rising This should be done as soon as rolls ¡ “ “ 'a nn‘l announced today. In addt-
and will not be as light as it shout i
a re removed from the oven so th e * 1’0 *1 w ' be foregoing dates, gam es are
be. A fter th e first and second parts m ixture will d ry at once from h eat j
*** arran g ed with the U niversity
have been combined, tre a t the m ix­
nigh school of Eugene to be played in
tu re just a s you would a bread dough,
I S prlugfteld. and it is the Intention to
allowing It to more th an double in or one cake and tw elve rolls.
I schedule two gam es with Eugene
If you a re Interested In th ese Mas­
te r recipes. Mrs. D eGraf will be glad high school, to be played both here
M aster Recipe.
! and (here.
N ote: .*11 m easurem ents a re level to send you h er free booklet "SO Food
B asketball practice
and f o u r is sifted once before tneas- ftellghts from S M aster R e c ip e s" A
uring. One-half pint uieaasuring cup req u est to Mrs Belle De-Graf. Direc- swiftly on the high school (o o ^ each
| tor. Home Service Bureau. Sperry afternoon, and considerable good m a­
is used.
¡ F o u r Co.. San Francisco. Calif., will terial Is developing. Among men who
a re show ing first strtn g calibre are
i bring it to you.
1 cup scalded milk.
Cowart. Lewis. M cPherson. Beeson.
1 com pressed yeast cake, dissolv­
C. W h'tenack. D. W hltenack. H ast­
ed in 1-4 cup lukew arm w ater
ings. Griffis. E stes and Pollard.
11-2 cups flour
M embers of the Sprlugfl-kl post of
the American will elect offi­
cers at a m eeting to be held at th«
C ham ber of Utmtsnerre this evening
G fictra of the organisation were nom­
inated at a recent »«'-»ton, ami nomi-
n a tio n s have been held open uutil
T hose who have been nom inated
are: W P. Tyson, com m ander; John
Will, first vice com m ander;
K e w tv , -i cond vice coiuitiunder;
jutant, W alter G ossler; f i ance util
ver. J. M. L arson; executive commit
te>- ( ’ . A. Swart». William V asty mid
W alter Scott; m em ber of flnath»
com m ittee, T rubort H enderson
I'lo g r-ss In the plans for the or- !
ganlsatien of a N ational guard tro -p
here will be retained.
R efreshm ents are In charge of M.
B ilu n lly
be furnished on application.
T sa e b sr's exam ination.
N otice la hereby given th a t the
aeml-aiiuual exam ination for teach­
Co. School Hupt.
er's certificates will lie held In ths
U 1 10.
County Court room in Eugene, com­
mencing a t !• a. m . December 14. and
continuing four d ay . A schedule of
C h ristin a. Photographs a t Tollman
the tune subjects are to be given will Studio. Eugene.
D 24.
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
Eugene Business College
It's A Good School
A E. Roberti*. President
Phone tiSti
Eugene, Oregon
992 Willamette St.
Enroll Today
M a rc ó la
W o m an H e re M rs Carl
W illiams of Marcóla was in Spring-
field on business Monday.
U nd ergo»»
O p e ra tio n — M rs
Sm ith underw ent an operation nt the
l*aclfic C hristian hospital Monday.
Gift Things >•
Our Store
Coach Bain plans to do aw ay with
1-4 cup m elted butter.
C hristm as m ails are already m oving' ttie election of a cap tain of the htg«
1-4 cup sugar.
a t the local postofftce. From earlv school team this year, and will ap- I want to work for YOU:
1 egg. well beaten
indications, a ru sh in g time Is to be point a floor cap tain for each game
I can double the am ount of
1 teaspoon alm ond flavoring
experienced by th e postoffice force ju st before he playing starts. T his I work YOU BOW produce!
1-2 teaspoon salt.
during the next tw o weeks, and It is lia n , h e says, has been tried with
And thereby Increase YOUR
3 (about) cups flour.
predicted th at postal receips for De- success.
The most beautiful and most nutating collec­
Cool milk to lukew arm , then add cenjber will b reak records.
I can cut ,n half YOUR
dissolved y east cake and one and one
tion of Christm as Gift» In town Is now reudy for
P o stm aster F B. H am lin Is m aking g irls team s of the U niversity high dally worries!
h alf cups flour. Beat until sm ooth
arran g em en ts for handling th e e x tr a , school are being «ranged for the lo-
your Inspection.
and put in warm place u n tl light.
work. An additional clerk Is to be add cm g irls team , and will be announced enjoyment of LIFE!
T his will tak e about one hour. Sponge
I can. In short, make LIFE
ed to th e force today. A tab le Is to be soon.
is light when full of bubbles Then
Come and see the magnificent displays of our
Itself a pleasure!
installled In th e postofftce lobby for
add o th er ingredients, tu rn on board
th e use of holiday m ailers.
Work on House P ro g resses—-P las­
Christm as m en liandlse — all fresh, d e a n and
and knead until sm ooth and elastic
Early December saw the m ailing of terin g of the P . W. McKinnon house Is open!
and does not stick to hands o r board.
I will cost you less than I
sparkling for the holidays. If It Is the approprt-
P lace in well greased bowl, brushing several packages from Springfield to in W illam ette H eights was completed
over top of dough with m elted short- foreign points, indicating th a t in this week by Lind ey G ardner
ate, the sensible, the distinctive, or the unusu­
For I am a FRIEND
ening. Allow to rise to tw o and one- ' rv e ry P *« ®f
» » rid holiday gifts fireplace in th e building also ’has
ally useful gift you are seeking, come to us. we
half tim es Its original sixe. T his will ' will be received from th is city. Among been com pleted,
ta k e tw o hours o r more. Then the packages w hich already have g o n i
have It and at the price you can afford to pay.
dough Is ready for th e various coffee nu« w»s from Mr. and M rs F. P | Simple Mixture Makes
. Hamlin to th eir son. John, secretary ,
Stomach Feel Fine Is the Safe, Sane, and Sure.
If a rich er dough Is desired. double
«he A m erican L egation a t T iran a.;
Science of Restoring Health
the q uantitv of shorten in g and eggs. A lbania; an o th er from Mr. and Mrs.:
Sim ple buckthorn bark. glycerine, i through the Nerves.
using only one-half cup of milk T his F- N. Morefleld to th etr son. H arlan
I’hone 355.1
am ount will make two medium sU e l who is in H aw aii; and an o th er from etc ' M mlxed ln Adlerlka. often helps IJcense No. 300
his parents here to E a r N yster-on. ! *tom ai h troub>* in TEN minutila by
P r o / Jlftv»
coffee cakes.
rem oving GAS. B rings out a surpris-
who !s in the Philippines.
Plain Coffee Cake.
| ing am ount of old w aste m atter you ! Over Penney Store. Eugene
P rep are th e M a sttr recipe W h?n '
I never th ought was tn your system
Here from P ortland— D arrell Sat Stops th a t full, bloated feeling anil {
light, roll out to about two Inches
thick , place in w ell-greased shallow ton. of P ortland. w as la Springfield j
. '¡ ¡ d ^ h e e r t r t E x Z l
baking pan, aw l brush over top with over th J week-end v isiting a t the lent for chronic constipation Adler
yolk of egg diluted w ith two table- home of his father, E. G. Sutton.
ika w orks QUICK and delightfully
spoons of milk and then sprinkle top
easy. Flanc ry 's Drug Store
w ith the following m ixture:
B u tter wrapper« printed according,
1-2 cup of soft bread crum bs.
to regulations w ith nam e.
wwight ! Buy Your C hristm as C ards from
and address. SI. 25 a hundred a t the the News W hile th ere is a large stock.
2 tablespooes sugar.
2 tablespoons u n ite d butter.
L et coffee cake stand until Iwht
and bake 'n a m oderate oven. Thi*
am ount will make 'n r
-lze 1
cake and tw elve rod«.
Tea Ring.
’ jr«r*W)»(W
P repare V a ste r R et:p ‘ W hen light,
roll out to about on eh., If inch thick­
ness. B n i-h over w ith melted shorten­
Ju st one o f m any suggestions for Sunday dinner from the
ing. sprin k le with su ru r. ctnnaam n
store of ii'inSiy m ea t/ and pleasing service. Phone in your
No gli l no m att f In w exquisite < an quite equal
and seedle-s ra'sin s, nr raisin s and
order or <cme in. as you find most convient.
t h e gift of
chopp’ d w alnuts. Ro.i u ? like a J-Uy
roll, join the ends, form ing a ring
A dependable tim ekeep­
jS ace on iv Il-cr-axed p in a n ! with
er in an Elgin Jeweled
•elsvcrs c u t three-fourth through th e
Watch is one of the
It enlinnee : the beauty o f all womnnhood its
inch« s ap art. A fter cutting, tu rn .each
505 Main St;
presents that “ He” will
subtile charm lids won the adoration of t h e
p ie o over, brush over w ith yolk of
world for countless ag-'s.
appreciate. You h u y
I luti<l with two tablespoons of
Tnilk L<t rise again and bak» in a
from us with an abso­
'¡hose who love to give beautiful things will
rrrd i ¡m oven about tw enty-five min
find a wonderful array io select from In our store.
utes W hen baked, brush over top
We Have the Exclusive Agency for
w " unbeaten white of egg. This
g iv r«
r” a a ix h gloss. Have oven at mod-
erat» heat.
W reath Cake.
P rep are M aater recipe. W hen dough
These tricycles are new and
is light roll to on' -half inch thick-, e g
different—the best m anufac­
and spread with the following m ix­
tured yet; they are low in
1 cup chopped seedless raisins.
price. Royal tricycles are th.!
1 lemon (juice and g rated rind)
only ones with a bail-bearing
1 soda era, k -r rolled into crum bs.
head—a new feature whicn
1 beaten egg
m akes them easy to operate.
Roll up dough as for a Jelly roll
and Join the ends firm ly together.
After you have seen a Royal
Place in a w ellgreased pan with a
Tricycle you will not buy any
»enter tube, b ru sh over th e top with
o ther kind.
th e yolk of a n egg dilu ted -with an
equal q u an tity of milk. L et rise until
-ruble in size and bake in a m oderate 1
n about, th irty m inutes. Glaze with
Adjustable to any foot—ex­
What, n great deal more Christinas m eans when gifts are of the sort
-g j oik m ixture when baked.
th e e.
I hat are constant rem inders for years to come. You can never go wrong
Cinnamon Rolls.
tends from C% inches to 11%
buying Diamonds for a Christm as present. We have diamond values
M aster recipe. W hen light,
inches. The shortest, longest,
w orth looking at. The very latest m ountings and a wide assorm ent
P repare
uto a she« t one-half inch
- strongest, fastest roller skate
roll dough ».
Every lin g is selected for quality big white flawless gem s—valu< s you
y er with m elted bu tter,
see elsewhere at money saving prid-s.
thick. Brush t
ugar and cinnam on,
sprinkle with t
only roller skate with chan-
adless raistn s. Rol'
and. If d esired, St
’■oil, and w ith a
<, nel edge and extension bar
up as for a jelly
'ces about o n ”
will be a bap|ly Gift thought for “ Her”
• > / which eliminates every possi­
sh arp knife nut In si.
Place th ese
stocking-- We have litem In every shape
bility of breaking down.
inch and a h a lf thick,
eased pan
and priced right too. Also we can interest
These are Sensible Christm as Gifts the Youngsters will
slices u p rig h t In a wrH-tf
to rise,
yon wilh a siring of Lalnst a Pearls. We have
enjoy for years.
and stand In „ w nraj
a wide sttlecllon of elegant si rands.
Allow (o b^cotne very light .
b a k in g The«« can he varied by sp
Wanted—A Job
Geo. A. Simon
Rolled Roast and Browned
Only 12 More Shopping Days
Before Christmas
Royal Tricycles
Speed King Roller Skates
A Beautiful Wrist Watch
Hng brown sugar ln the pnn aft
•tmaslng and placing the slices on
bf,,ted' ,urn
' c a n d id / hS ’’rnWD RURar
a CBn<I,e<I ‘op. Care should be taken '
Harry Garrett
"Eugene’s Leading Wheel Goods S tore”
120 West Eighth
790 Willamette S treet
Eugene, Oregon