I Only 12,More Days to Shop THE SPRINGFIELD NEJWó “Tha Paopla'a Papa»" A LIVE NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN NUMBER 47 SPRINOFHLD. I-A NE COUNT Y, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1926 ITWKNTY-8ECOND YEAR SCOUI PUNS PHI i [/d c ie ty ] OLDEFIWTE BASIS BIO S. P. CONTRACT IS NEW SERVICE STATION PROPERTY SUBDIVISIONS HELD BY LOCAL COMPANY , AT SEVENTH AND MAIN INDICATE CITY GROWTH SPRINGFIELD LBR. CO. WILL EXPAND Treatme n t of poles to be handled ! E rection of a new service station, j under contract» w ith the Southern a t S eventh and Ma n » tre e « , waa j Pacific com pany calling for 11.17«» i started thia week by George W. Car- poles, la being sta rte d tM» week by [ »on, of Sprlgfleld. T he station Is to 0. A. R. Ladles to Meat. the C urbollneum Wood P reserving rise on property leased by Mr. Car- Additional Property and Equip- Election of officer» will be one t)i company of Bprtogfk-bl. Hundred» of »on from Sl»ven» and Perkin» ment Pu/chased; New Dock« Lions Club Committee Orngn- the chief feature» of a m eeting of poles will be leaving the local plant : A m odern station, equipped with Built; Will Do Retail the Ladtea* of the G rand Army of tho izes For Sponsoring Boy«’ each week during the next few j the la te st service devices. Is planned, Business With Mill-in-Transrt Work In Meeting With Ex­ Ill-public. to bo held In K gglinann’a month« in connection with the fillin g ' by Mr. Carso« Both Mam and S e v -! hall tom orrow afturnoon at 2 o'clock, Five now house» are eith er under of this co n tract, according to Manti ) enth sre e t entree«» are being built, i Expansion of th e Springfield Lum­ ecutive; Mtixey, Hnmiln, Reb- according to announcem ent by Mr». con stru ctio n or aro p rojected on the gar C. O. Wilson. The station building will be construe-1 ber com pany’s business 1» to fri low hnn, Cox and Hughe» to Have C F Eggliuuiin, th e preaidant. Halley tract». Tho moat recen t »ale The com pany shipped a double car ted of lumber. ______ J_ -------------- ______ i the purchase this week of additional Charge. waa to W. 8. Gate», one of the pro­ of poles T uesday and a single car _ _ « „ r - Z a - r c - T D 4 IM C r iM property adjoining th e p lant a t T hird I • Butin»»« Meet Planned. prietor» <|f Springfield» new fl»h Monday, to Illinois points. T O O P E R A T E T R A IN S 0 and o streets, according to plana Boy Seoul work In Bprltigflehl w m The c h rle lla n Endeavor» of the l>ul <>■> u definit« busi» laut tilahl I C hristian church will bold a buetnea» m arket, who plun» a m odern house PART OF CUT-OFF L '^ ’ ~ i made public today by R. H. Parson», w hen th e Lion» club uuujuUltee sup- inortlng a t tho church S aturday eve­ for hl» property. Frml Sm ock pur- BANK WILL OCCUPY ITS m anager. A dditional equipm ent, new A nnouncem ent th at the portion of and othOT to p ro y em en t» a re to p i > r i l uK th« tuoviuu« ut m et with ning at 7 o'c ock, It wae announced chaaed an o th er of th e 2-acre plat, ha» NEW QUARTERS MONDAY the N airn cut off line betw een Paun- lmmedlRU,r he 8U t«d. C ounty Scout Kxccullvo t ‘ It Ciurli, today. Nuinerouu m atter» of Im port built u h«>y»e on th e place, and 1» now Ina and I'lantin bad been t a • n u v r adjoining as pur- und outlined organisation plans. O r­ util Internal ore to he dl»fUB»'-d al s e ttlrg out w alnut tre e * Ira Collier, The adjoining property property w was T he F irst N at'onal bank of Spring i Hoy Si » y and W. Moore are other» by the operating dep artm en t was g anisation of u troop with th e purpo««- the «étalon, Il wae »luted. chased from the S tew art Fuel who have bought tract» end are field wilt open fo r business In i t s ! made this week by the Southerni I a opportunity fo r ni iruhilng pnlrol leader» lo r Vhe _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ new Main und F ifth s tre e t biulding cflc company, through C arl Olson, to- i add)tlonfl to lhe „ U n t needed to bulkling In thin district. largi r unit »oon to be formed, I« to -y0 Mo)d Dane*, Monday morn hi g a t 10 o'clock, ac­ Surveying In connection with the , go ahead im m ediately, q-j,„ recently organised dancing , take care of a grow ing business, Man- cording to announcem ent by P resi­ cal agent. F reig h t of an kinds to th e * > £ < ; P a rto o , sta te d . plana fi r Kho «ubillvl«lon of the Eu­ II. E Maxey waa chosen chairm an ; eJub w)J1 ho|,j» ila next dune« ul dent W illiam G Hughes. o f the Hoy Scout couiKiUltee, und Ini- OraBg,, httl| Thur»toti, on the night bank property la being com pleted - Ing stations now e ' A nother new m otor, a resaw , a n l W ork of m oving Into the new quar- S tation L, Ton in, o n , o th er m achinery and equipm ent are nuxU ate'y api»4’*“ 1*’*! IurQ lo d lr e c l, ¡of D ecem ber 17 17. At a «lane«- held by th e week. T he property He» Juxt | outside the tbu vurloua pbaava of tho actlvUlva * the * uh ut the »uine place laet T h u r» -1 outside the city lim its on D stre e t, ! » • " has been und«•€ la I fe atu re WÄÄ * It Is planned to grade tw o streets, Puut week, w hile tem porary q u a rters program . T he p lan t la now em pk running north and south, ufld ' were kept in the old building at Sec Wfcdne8dBi- „nd Fridays publicity dlrocxor, and will j vocal solo by C arl G tts, of Eugene, ac ing 15 m en, but a fte r Ja n u a ry 1, It is The new bank . , ch ar« « of prom oting com m unity in- _„i,..i by Mrs. (Mia. Several an o th er lying _ . paralle" to I) stre e t, f o r , ont* a °d . M“ * . n »tretXs. . the Intentions to add to th is force to te re st In Scout activities. Hr. W. C. Sl,rlu „ (ln|,| couples are m em bers of im provem ent of the tract. The »mall building 1» m odern in every way, and pQOTBALL LETTERS TO j keep pace w ith the an ticipated grow ta • - I . . . . . . .. . - J ,.n.luul ^ . all ,»f f.r*lvanif.nrp 1 em bodies all features of cim venlence ¡ I tra c ts will be on sale in th e n ear fu- Itebbun was tntfueu advancem ent > tjM, club, BE GIVEN 16 PLAYERS( in the com pany’s business. i and attra c tiv e n e ss to be seen in the ■ I lu re. ch airm an , and In th is capacity will i A re ta il business is to be added to best stru c tu re s of th e kind. have chars« of first aid train in g and Church Social Night. i Sixteen Springfield Higti school j the com pany’s activities a fte r Jan u a ry sim ilar activities. E quipm ent and fl A varied program , ’ game». and re CITY PROPERTY BOUCHT youths are to be honored by receiving , R wag announced, BIRTHS ARE EXCEEDING nance will be In ch arg e of W. Ü. fre sh m e n « com bined to m ake th e le tte rs for service on th e football i Springfield L um ber company BY STEWART COMPANY H ughes. Out of door activ ities «uch f r»t church nllfht held by the C h ris-| DEATHS, REPORT SHOWS gridiron during th e 1925 season, ac- began buslnss here on Jan u ary 1, 1925, as li Itles and guard; Louk, guard; C. W hiten-j cro,,wi,,d condition brought about by I Clark and W ashhurn «ulidlvfslon of N a e d ltc rs lt M e e t« « «ucees». Attend Eugene Meeting. of p atro l leaders, lh e troop will be J a c k , tack le; H arper, K. Geiger, and the grow th of the business, and as a ' th e Springfield In v estm en t and Pow­ T h e - N e i l l « r a f t club wa» d e lig h t-, en larged luto several patrol», accord­ w ere W illiams, guards. result the purchase of the property e r company tracts, and- covers t’ e T hree Spr JifBjt-ld women ing io the plan» outlined A ch arter fully enlortulnad at the home of Mrs & from the S tew art Fuel com pany wa» h alf of block No. 99 of th a t'n u m e d o f f i c e r s ^ the Eugene unit of then w II be obtained, anil Sprlngfli Id f K May la»t T hursday afternoon the ,--,iuni»li W ar veterans, at a meet- POWER COMPANY CREW IS made Hoy Scout activities Will be curried with Mrs. Mrs. May and Mr». R L. The city recently took over various Ing held at the county seat Tuesday i WORK ON LINE HERE on ninlvr the supervision of th e Laue P rtiry a« hoatea»«». 1 o th er properties on tax liens T hese eveniag. Mrs. M. B. H untly was elect-1 • ----------- - ... j COLONEL H. M. PRICE OF Tli O »e pre»eiit were Mrs D. " ilnclnrieit th» John K eitly lntere-t< hi C ounty Hoy Scout Council. ed historian, and Mrs. Sam Richmond A crew of Mountain S tates P ow er, THURSTON PASSES AWAY E n o u llv e Clark outlined to the 1» t rite». Mr» N W Long. Mrs W .1 Sunnyside addition, being all of the and Mrs. C. F. Eggim anti were chosen com pany employes a re w orking th is j cal nuJi lh e ' m ethod qf proceeding P oJurd. M r r .-O. H. J a rre tt. Mrs Wil­ ui developed portions Following a lingering illn e s s Cot- th at dlvl- as guards. A dinner, followed by a week on rebuilding th e portion of th e with lhe organiaC on of th e troop. liam Hawscq. M’s R P M ortem d, »’on. A corner lot at F ourth an-k H ( i ristm as tree, festival, were o th er com puny’s transm ission line w*lCh onel H. M. P rice died a t the home of Once the troop 1» organised, he said, Mis. C arl Olson. Mr«. W alter J S o t t , 1 v triets. belonging to William O ctt, ¡vaturví of the m eeting. is w ithin the S prlrgflcld city lim its. I his son. John Price, ot T hurston, la s t financing will be lurg dy in the hands Mrs. Shaw. Mrs. S. Jtulph Olpp»l end alao was taken over. New poles are being installed, and Monday m orning, leaving to m ourn of the boys. HheJi liwl will earn the Mrs Hobbs. Invite I guest» were Mrs i heavier wire Is being used in the re- his oss a host of relatives and frh n d a M sson ary to Return. money for tils uniform and personal E 0 . I'erkm « arid Mrs. L. L May. A Colonel P rice w as bern M arch 7, Royal Neighbors Met. Word has been received from Mie construction program . U nder the dew eqnlpm eitt, and various troop pro- oulnty two-eoiits«’ ' lunch wn« aerv'-d The R ya! N ylghbor*l county D ecember 15 hi i: M o’cltx k. raade this week by th e company. ices a t th e grave, following th e fnn- 'I a n s for th e observance of Christ- , Mr - and Mrs. Mullen ure form er | T hree curs of hops were shipped yes- road to Mohawk, tin»» providing u n o ________________ eral held a t Veach««* chapel in Eu- n.as, probably with a program a n d . tht-r , n tm nce from this road into resid en ts of Sprlugfluld Mr. M ulfb«Jlyrday o v e r phe S ou th ern Pacific to To Vlxlt M other—Miss W inona de T uesday, conducted by Dev.' E. other affairs, will be made a t a meet- , v a i Hprinvftcld, Is to lie sought in poll- was nn attorney nt law h em for sev-’ New York The liopis ore from the An- ipg of the Sunday school board of F reece «11 be hom e over th e week-1 V. S tivers. « tlo n s to tho city council soon to he eral yxars. m oving to PortlaitJ about uer.-on B rothers crop. About t w o c a r , the M ethodist church, to be held at e»d from Eugene, visiting h e r m other, five y ears ago. T h « « Idre»», of th e o f S p rin g field hops rem ain to be Baking Ovens A rriv e . circulated. th e church tonight. Mrs. L. A n d erso n .■ at w h e b the « n u l- ! »hipped th is Reason. It Is uhderjlooil th at plans also are For# und «tonte A large baking oven for institution ■ being mail« for pavlr-tg Seventh v etsury Is to he held I» loll« East in th e new q u arters of th e Spring- field bakery in the D anner garage S treet, should It lie opened to the Twelfth livella«. North. i-ounly tliorniihgfare. Th» street , building arrived here from C alifornia Autoa Collide. would th- n run rn iallel to Elfih street ! Tuesday. W ork of Installing th e oven was sta rte d yesterday by tw o ex- for the en tire distance, and would be j Automobile» ilr tv Ä by Mrs. Ivan I a factor in inverting truffle over th e I Malo of S prlngfli Id und W. Blakley ¡ i perts. It :« th a plan of M anager F red county highway info and through of W« qilllug, crashed on Fifth s tr e u | F rese of th e bakery to open for bus­ i..a r the Lincoln acuool y e sterln v Springfield. iness In the F ifth s tre e t q u a rte r« In addition, tile action would open ui, m ln g . Considerable dam age l . i , about Ja n u a ry 1. both curs restii c-i! from the col'.'ul «r. | up a pew d istrict for setttvm aoL which occurred as th e nanchine» m t > C. Bloom, of W endling, was fined $2 in police court here yesterday a fte r -,t nn Intvraect on LOCAL STORES DECORATE lie plead guilty to a charge of cu ttin g IN CHRISTMAS COLORS Change Red C ross Office. the corner at F ifth and A streets. The fine w as imposed by R ecorder R. W. Colorful decoration» give Spring. Cliangp of the location of the office Smith. field's Multi s tre e t a festive ap p ear­ of the secretary o thfe bane county ance »■» th e C hristm as holiday »ca­ < hnptep of the A enirlcan Red Cross io School Board Meets— R outine m at­ non approaches. the county courthouse on Jan u ary L is te rs w ere tak en care of by the Spring- Toys, ami gifts of all k'nda, form plunned. Miss Alin« Lupo will work field d is tric t school board' In m eeting n ltrnctlve displays In th e store win­ u n d er tho direction of Ju d g e C. P. T uesday evening. dow s. while cnlnrfu. decoration» adds B arnard, a fter Jan u ary 1, In assistin g iliu m to the general app earan ce of juveniles, handling widows- pensions, S. P. Man Here—R. C. B arclay, th e huslnesa houses. A ru shing holi­ and supervising th e social w ork In traveling auditor of the Southern Pa­ day business Is expected by all oier- the county. cific com pany, was a visitor a t the i-hnnts, and preparatio n s for handling local railw ay office W ednesday. Baptist Churoh. th e Increased business a re being mnde. At th e «amc tim e, Ihey are Bible Chool, 10 o'clock. H ere on B usiness—R obert Mullany, m aking a plea th at Springfield tx-ople M orning service. 11 o’clock. of th e T ranscontinental W eighing shop early and th u s nvnh^ congestion Young people’» m eeting. 6:30 P. M. bureau, w as in Springfield yesterday d u rin g tho Inst few days prevlons to m on's m eeting a t th e sam e tlnio. on business. C hristinas. Gospel service, 7:30. Topic, “ The Five Judgm ents.” One Is past, one Is Eugene V isitors H ere—Among E r Masons Have M eeting. presen t, und one Is future. gene resid en ts who w ere visitors in Bible »tuily and pruyer service. Third degree w as confered on two Springfield yesterday w ere Mrs. Shy can d id a tes a t a m eeting of tho Mn- T h u rsd ay at 7 ¡30 P. M. Evaqgellstlc H untington. Mrs. W allace A nderson, «onlc lodge, held Tuesdny afternoon m eetings begin Jan u ary 31, with Rev. and Mrs. Em piei Barsonetde. and evening. Meeting a t 4 o’clock, G. E. Laughlin slate evangelist, th e M asons continued th e ir m eeting preaching. The choir w'.tl present Have Baby Boy— Mr. and Mis. Fred through the evening. D inner wns A shford's “The P rin ce of Pence,'* a M attison are the proud p aren ts of served by C ascade chapter, O rd ef of can ta ta, Sunday mid Tui »day nights, a 12-pound baby boy, born a t th eir th o E astern Star, December 2o and 22. hom e W ednesday morning. Indication of a »teady growth of the Springfield comm unity 1» »een In the recen t disposal of five 2-acre tract» In th e Chano Oarde«» d istrict by C. K. Hulley. and In th e p rep ara­ tion» n'»w being in s'le for the aubdl- vlalon of the 60-acru W. It. Eubank place, on D atroet, Into a c re u » - ' nt °t the Chrysanthem um Club Meats. Man In—C. E. Bailey, ci C heshire, I- In town for n few days The C hryaantham um club spent busy nfternoon of «owing yesterday ¡ visiting ait th e herne of hl« granii- n t tho home of Mrs. F ran k Del’uo, daughter, Dorothy Bolley 4 Cheshire Visiting Dawson Georgia Hughes, and May, a re visiting a t Mrs. W ilPam Dawson Home — Mr3, daughter, Evn the hom e of th is week.