F TjiK s n u M u n c i j ) m ou TH U R SD A Y, DBC. 3. 1826. PAGE SEVEN IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 1 STATE OF OREGON FOR LANE 1 COUNTY. Blanche M. Hurley, Plaintiff, vs. John U. iirowu, H. U. Brown, Franca brown, William brown, barilla Jack- j »on, Mary M Bucknell, Maud Whit- ' tock, Mr». C. A. Berkley, Mm. C- J- Brief Resume of Happenings of I Bennett, It. C. Beale, Herbert L. Van Duyn, Belle Stafford, Rachael Co< b- the Week Collected for ran, and the unknown heirs of John i F. Childs, deceased, Defendant». Our Readers. SUMMONS To Mary M. Bucknell. Mr». C. A. Berkey, It C. Beale, Itaohae) Coch- Portland water rates will be raised Cbrlstniaa l’botographs at Tollman «A NC Y w o r k ■nukes wonderful HELP wunted—A capable salesludy. ran, and the unknown heirs of John 20 per cent December 1. Rtinllo, Eugene. 0 34. CiiirtMiiiaa gifts. Call at «58 D St. Cure N ew s. I) 3-10-17 jr Child», deceased, defendants. Two new grade school building are D 310-17 PttK RACE—Laba 1924 "rtVwffnai IN THE NAME OF THE STATE Butter wrapper» printed aooordlng co u p ., rubber «nd mechanical con OK OREGON: You and each of you planned for next yelr at Eugene. W A N TED ffaruge ui'un'iinl no ( tian'- to r*«ulalhaia with natna, wi«ght > are hereby required to appear and au­ Nearly 300 school teachers of Coos Ic capable of running a shop, Good dition Al. Priced right. Call 627; ewer wie . complaint _ . . filed ... . again»! . amt addreea. Il 36 a hundred a« the you position In live town. Call phone Eugene. t f , ¡n above entitled auk on or be county assembled at Marshfield to at­ IlKPAR i MKNT OF THE INTER 827 Eugene. If. FOR R EN T ^flS.irm 7M |eni “ hou»e!'«r“ / b- d“tr , of the ‘aBl d,My "f ‘’ub- tend the annual Institute. IOR. UNITED STATES LAND OF . . . . „ ,, , o .. | Hcatlon of this summons, to-wit. A poor season was experienced by FICK. Roseburg. Oregon, . ovetuher PIANO FOR SALK NEAR SPRING furnished. ( all Mrs. ( . L. Scott. ()n or |JHfor(, 14th day of Jan- salmon fishermen on the Sluslaw lO. l»2f. FIWI-D East Main street, phone 126 J 'uary, 1B26, and If you fall to appjnr river, according to reports. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION D 3-10 i and plead to said complaint within BEAUTIFUL high grade piano must Forest Exchanges -------- ------ | „aid time, for want thereof the plain­ The 20th conference of the Inde­ be so|d at once A bargain and Notice I* hereby given that on No­ tiff will apply to the Court for the pendent College Presidents* associa­ U 8 E D CAR BARG AINS. terms |10 ui on thy to reliable purty. vember 9, 1926 Donaid IJ. Ixtngnbot- relief prayed for In the complaint tion of Oregon was held at Albany. tom, of Alsea, Ore . filed application For particulars write Cline Music 1B23 Chevrolet touring. New paint. filed herein, to-wlt: No. 016273 under the Act of March A vein nine feet wide and rich In Co.. 86 Front 8t„ Portland, Ore. For a decree establishing the deed Motor Ovethauled. A real snap at 20. 1922, (42 Slat , 4fll>) to «change from John Brown to Jarnee H. Coch­ copper ore was struck at the Mother N 26 D 17 the S t t B W U . 8 W t4 BE\». Section >1. 3260.00 ran and that the same be made a Lode mine, 25 miles northeast of and 8BU BE1«. section 2B, Tp. 15 H. matter of record and vhe title of au’l Baker. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION I 1222 Ford coupe. In fine condition. Range 9 West. W M within the Slug- DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER­ Best buy In Ford coupes In Eugene. property described as Lots One and law National Forest, for the timber on A new shingle mill to cost In excess Four of Block Three of Mulligans the NWW N F’«, Section 3J, Tp 20 IOR. v. 8 LAND OFFICE AT Rose- 3226.00. Addition on the West to Eugene, of 315,000 «-ill be added to the plant 8 . Range 3 East W. M within the burg. Oregon. Novem ber 28, 1825 Lane County, Oregon, except the ot the Spalding Logging company at N otice la hereby given that J-« net . . . . ... , . t ( nscaae National Forest. Bell Brown, form erly Janet Brtf. of l9M “ “ ■ "«•'« LtllR y Tru** 5x5 South «0 feet of said Lot Four be Salem. The purpose ot thia notice Is to al­ Eugot«, O regoo, t l i x all around Body and cab. A made perfect and conipwlta*a»e«: And that the title of plaintiff as non coal Corner 9th and Olive S u .. Fred 0 Knox. Guy B Knox. Claude against all of the defendants and as cial clubs In western Oregon met in HAMII4, A. CANADAY. Eugene, Oregon. to each thereof be forever quieted In Salem Saturday. Problems of special R egister. L Sutherland. Karl Burgess, all of ----------------------- the plan«Iff and as to each and all Interest to western Oregon were dis­ N Ik- 28 D 3-1017 Motor Route "C,” Eugene. Oregon. | ROBERT E CRAWFORD. q m c p eoD |- I of said defendant» plaintiff be de- cussed. A cting R egister i uas Makes People ! creed to be the absolute owner of the Eutate of Louis AotfortM, Deceased. non-coal D 3-10 17 24 291 Nervous and Restless | premises dcsctlbed In fee simple and The contract was awarded by the NOTICE TO CREDITORS I for such other relief as to the court Eugene water board for construction Notice Is hereby given that I^xinard Gas pressure In the abdomen eau»-1 may seem equitable and Just. Notice of Change of Name. ot a 3.000,000-gallon reservoir on Skin­ This summons is served upon you ner’s butte to B. C. Seydel company e» a restless, nervous fee Ing and Andersen has been by the County Notice Is hereby given that the ap­ Court of the State of Oregon. In atiq prevents sloep Ad Ieri k a removes by publication in the The Sprlngfit-d of Portland for 361.802.83. Ntiws for six successive aud consecu­ for I-ane County, appointed admlnls- plication of Richard Oarvln Frederick- trator of the estate ot Lóala Antler-' „„„ ,o thlulgt, his name to Richard * . E' ™ n"'‘'s »»<> brings out tive weeks, pursuant to an order duly Merging of the Oregon State Drain­ surprising amounts of old waste made and entered by the Honorable age association and the Oregon Irri­ son. deceased. Ourvln Miller will hr heard at 10 All persons having rlslms against matter you never thought was In Q F. Skipworth, Judge of the above •aid estate are Hereby notified to pre­ A M January 10. 1926 by the County your system. This excellent Intesti­ entitled Court, on the 2"6h day of No­ gation congress probably will be con­ sidered at a meeting of the drainage sent the same, duly stated anti veri­ Court. In the court house, Eugene, I vember. 1925. fied, at the law office of A E. Wheel Oregon at which time any person may nal evacuanl Is wonderful for constl- Date of first publication December association In Salem December 15. er. In Eugene. Oregon, within six show cause why such change of name | ration or allied stomach trouble 3. 1926 J. Lyman Steed, assistant superin­ months from 26th day of November. , Don't waste time w th pills or tab­ t»ate of last publication January should not be granted tendent of the Pennsylvania state 1925. le’s but get REAL Adlerlka action I 14. 1926. C. P BARNARD. LEONARD ANDERSON, L E. Bean, attorney for pUintof. school for the deaf, has been elected Flanery'a Drug Store. Ad minai ra tor, County Judge. K6b Willamette Street. Eugena, Ore superintendent ot the Oregon deaf in­ A E. W heeler, Attorney N 26 D 3 10 gon. D 3-10-17-24-31 J 7-14 stitution to succeed O. L. McIntire. N 26 I) 3 10 17 24 Estate of Frederick Win Sanbert Dancing In the Salem high school Deceased NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in lieu of secret organizations, «-hich N otice Is h'-reby g'ven that Oeo II IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE were abolished recently by the school I ' Sanbert ihas been by the County bl'ATE OF OREGON FOR THE authorities, ts advocated by Max O. Court of th«- State of O n gn n . In f o r i 1 OUNTY ttF LANE, l.an e County, appointed adnilnlstra k AYM CND MARLA IT aDd L. M.. Buren, ex-member of the school board. Telephones: Office 813 Res. 2075 I tor Of I I I - e s ta te of F re d e rie k Wm pVATSON. Co-partn.rs, P alntlffs. vs. - Luzern Gray, an aged bachelor, was B U Y F U R N IT U R E H E R E ‘ Sanbert, deceased. ; Isaac, Gray, Jr., and E lizabeth Gray, burned to death when he attempted to Rochere, Bsds, Mattresses, Stoves, All persons having claims against i wife of Isaac Gray. Jr.. Sarah C. Hoi-1 start a fire with the aid of kerosene Tubs, Stove Board». Clothe» said estate are hereby notified to (comb; Dr. William Wallace uray and present the same. same, du y v stated and andtM nu Gray, wife of Or. William Wal­ in his lonely one-story frame cottage Baskets. Osteopathy frtandn for the verified, at the law office of A. E. lace Gray; Richard A. Gray; John S. located In a remote suburb of Port­ Wm. D O NALDSO .v NEW AND truth wherever It is aelentl- Wheeler. In Eugene, Oregon, within Gray and Mayme Gray, wife of John land. SECO ND H A N D 8 T O R E flcally proren. six months from thia 3rd day of De- a. Gray; Elizabeth Taylor; also tnei Ostéopathie Phyetelan and Sur­ comber. 1925. unknown heirs of Isaac Gray, Deceas-! According to reports from the Peli­ GEO H SAVBERT. ed; also all other persons or parties can bay timber sale area of the Crater geon Administrator. unknown claiming any right, title, es-j national forest. 45.000.000 board feet Contracting and Building Office 404 M » . W Bldg , A. E WHEEI-ER. tate lien, or interest in the real es­ of timber «ere sold In tbat area thia Eugene, Or-prwi GEO. W. PERKINS Attorney D 3-10-17-24-29 tate described In the compla nt here-1 year, an increase of 10.000,0001 over Corner 5th and D Street» Osteopathy stand» for the truth In Defendants. 1924. Springiield, Oregon wberev^ It fs seton« tftenlly NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Plana and Eattmatea Fumlafted A fire starting In the kitchen of proven. To Dr. William Wallace Gray and ! Notice Is hereby given that Mary Free. W ill Help You Finance A. Hunphrey has filed her final ac­ Mina Gray, wife of Dr. William Wal­ (he hotel at Siletz destroyed the hotel Your Building. count as the executrix of the last lace Gray; John S. Gray and Mayme and butcher shop owned by Grant will and testament of David Hum­ Gray, wife ot John 8. Grav; and Eliza­ King, and the store belonging to phrey, deceased, anil that Saturday, beth Tayor. widow; the unknown Walter Hall, the total loss aggregating tho 6th day of December. 1926, at the neirs of Isaac Gray, deceased; also! 325.000. Call CLOVER S MARCELLING hour of tea oclock in the forenooon all other persons or nart:es unknown SHOP of said day. at the County Court claiming any rlgtc, title, estate lien | Governor Pierce signed papers SUTTON TRANSFER - ___ _____ ___ _____ or Interest In the real estate des-j authorizing the extradition of Roy C. ; Roqjp In the Court House at ___ Eugene Work Guaranteed i lame County. Oregon, has been fixed crlbed In the complaint herein, De­ Walters, alias Fred Cramer, who is Phone 57 Upstairs— 336 Main Street i by the County Judge as the time and rendante: IN THE NAME OF THE »TATE I wanted in Los Angeles on a charge of 1 place for hearing objections to said Phone 73W ! final account and for final settlement OF OREGON, You and each of you forgery. Walters was under arrest at ! of said estate. All persons having ob- are hereby required to appear and, Albany. Jectlons to said final account, are no­ answer the complaint flleu aga'.nst > The general merchandise store own­ GEO,. N, M oLEA N tified to file the same. In writing, you In the above entitled Court and ed by C. F. Wade at Olex was destroy­ LADIES! Try thnt expert with the County Clerk for Lane Coun­ cause on or before six weeks from Automobile, Flee and Lit« the date of the first publication of title ed by fire, which also took other build­ hair cutter at Anderson's I N S U R A M « I tv, Oregon, on or before said date. Summons, and If you fail so to ap­ ings housing the telephone exchange Barber shop. M a RY A. HUMPHREY. Rhone 6,7 Surety Bond», pear and answer for want thereof. ¡ and postoffice. Loss was estimated Executrix of the estate of David My buatnesa le'yo A. A. ANDERSON the plaintiff will apply to the Court1 at 340.000. Humphrey, deceased. bu-S'nei DONALD YOUNG. Eugene, Oregon for the relief demanded In the com -, One hundred and four mills report­ BARBER SHOP SSO W t l t e m ^ M B u t y . g ^ r « ^ plaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the! Attorney for estate. N. 6-12-19-26 D 3 Court adjudging and decreeing that! ing to West Coast Lumbermen’s asso­ the plaintiffs are the owners In fee | ciation for the «-eek ending November simple of the premises described in 21, manufactured 104.847.909 feet of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. VA8BY BROS. DR. N. W. EMERY Notice Is hereby given by the un­ the complaint herein, and described lumber; sold 108.594,417 feet and ship­ FNUntlng A Decorating dersigned thnt he has been duly ap­ as follows, to-wlt: D E N T IS T ped 98,248,042 feet. Beginning at the Northeast corner pointed as administrator of tne es­ In all tts bran ch « Sutton Bldg. Phone K W Fritz Drebert, 50, operator of a shoe tate of W. H. Andrews, deceased, by of Lot Two (2), fractional Block Reeldenee Phon» ISS M the order of the Judge of tne County Twenty (20). In that part of the city repair shop in Portland, was killed 312 Male Street Court of latne County. Oregon. AU of Eugene which was originally do­ when the motorcycle sidecar in which Springfield, Oregen persons hav'ng clulnts ..gainst said nated to Lane County by Charnel he «*as riding was hit by an auto­ •■•state are nereby notified to present Mulligan; running thence South 100 mobile on the highway between Mll- the same unto said administrator, at feet; thence West 80 feet; thence ¡ DR. S. RALPH D1PPEL the office of Fred E. Smith, Attorney Norm 100 feet to the South line ot «-aukie and Oregon City. at Laiw, 445 6 Miner Building, Eugene, 11th Avenue East; thence East | Ducks recently found dead at Ocean DENTWT I Oregon within six months from the ¡along said South tine 80 feet to the beach, near Astoria, died from eating plnce of beglnn ng. being situated In dnte hereof. Phone 43 the City of Eugene. County of Lane, | fermented, or spoiled, wheat, accord­ Your Home When In Dated November 19. 1926. ing to a report from the state food and State of Oregon. F irst N at'l Bank Bldg., Springfield FRED E. SMITH, Attorney for Ad­ Springfield As against the said defendants and ' dairy commission chemist received at ministrator. earn of them, and that the said tie 1 the game commission offices. ALLEN ANDREWS. Administrator. fondant» have not, nor have either The state board of control, over N. 19-26 D 3-10-17 of them , any right, tile or Interest | whatsoever In and to the said prem-j the protest of Sant A. Kozer. secretary WM. G. HUGHES Estate of Julia A. Goilinan, Deceased. Ises or any part thereof, and that of state, has approved a policy of JEW ELER F IR E A N D A U T O IN S U R A N C E NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. tho plaintiff's title In and to the said ’ refusing to return to the state train­ N O T A R Y P U B L IC Impairing a Specialty Notice Is hereby- given that Saille premises be forever quieted anu set at ■ ing school boys «'ho escaped and get Springfield, Oregon ' G. Sikes, Administratrix of the estate rest ns against the claim« of the sold outside of the state of Oregon. , O ffice et of Julia A. Godman, deceased, has defendants and eltner or any ot thrtn, i The Cope Film corporation will lo­ FIRST NATIONAL BANK ' filed In the County Court of the State nnd for general relief. Springfield, Oregon .his summons ’s published once | cate the northwest studio of Its mo­ — .of Oregon. In and for Lane county, •¡her final report as such administrât- each week for six successive weeks tion picture Industry in Eugene, ac­ R. W. SMITH i rlx and that ten o'clock In the fore­ In the Springfield News, a newspa­ cording to W. S. Cope, head of the noon of Saturday, the 12th day of De­ per of general elrctlatlon. printed and concern. The construction program Justice of the peace and cember. 1925, at the Court room published In 1-nne County, Oregon, notary public, insurance thereof, have been, by said Court. by order of the Hon. G. F. Skipworth. calls for an expenditure of 3500,000. All kinds of gravel for con­ ! fixed and appointed as the „me and Judge of the above entitled Court Attempt to prevent arrest of his City Hall Springfield, Oregon crete or road work. We ] place for hearing objections to said which order henrs date the 23 day of father for shooting ducks from a mo­ November. 1925, nnd the date of the report nnd for the final settlement ot make a specialty of crushed first publication of this Summons Is torboat caused Owen Smith of Lang­ the estate of deceased. rock and rock sand. Bunk­ lois to be bound over io the grand November 26th. 1925. SALLIE G SIKEs. ers at foot.of Main on Mill Jury of Curry county under ball of 3500 POTTER & FOSTER. Administratrix. FRANK A. DE PUE street. (or Interfering with and assaulting H. A E. WHEEi-ER. Attorney. Attorney for Plaintiffs, Residence A T TO R N E Y A T LAW N 12-19-26 Ü 3 10 and Postoffice Address. Eugene. Ore­ M. Averill, deputy game warden. Aver­ HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. gon. N26 O 3 10 17 24 31 J 7 ill, It Is charged, was clubbed over N O T A R Y P U B L IC — I'm driving my husband to drink, the head by Smith. Sutton Sprlngflotd See our line of ylsttlng cards, said the wife as she motored over FOR SALE—Carbon paper In large Buldltng Oregon. sheets, 26x39 Inches, suitable for paneled, or plain, at the News ofllce. Into Canada. making tractogs. The News CIRce. OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST GET RESULTS BUYING «SELLOT I 1 ¡B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y ^ Or.John Simons “The Loop' D. W . R oof 1 SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL GO. i ? « Voters of the city of Prineville ap­ proved a 20-raIll tax to pay for the lo­ comotive purchased during the sum­ mer and to care for Indebtedness in­ curred In the operation and malct -n- snee of the City of Prineville railway. John Beall of Portland, pipe manu­ facturer and owner of the Diamond B ranch near Lowell. Lane county, has sold to William R. HearsL newspaper publisher, his Hereford cattle for an average of 3211 a head. There are 175 animals in the herd. The partly completed roof of a big tabernacle which la being built at Bend for E. Arthur Lewis and Edmund T. Campbell, evangelists, crashed down while 32 people were working on the main floor, but one sprained wrist was the only Injury. M. N. Ford, secretary of the Ohio state board of pharmacy and presi­ dent of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, bat announced the appointment of Frank S. Ward of Portland, at a member of the assoctw- tlon s committee on publications. F. M. Brown of Portland, chief de­ puty state game warden is In Klam­ ath Falls In an effort to collect delin­ quent fines assessed In local court» for game violations over a period of several years. The delinquent pay­ ments are said to total nearly 31500. A deciston to invite the officers o* the national organization of the hu­ mane society to attend the 17th au- nual Pendleton Round-up September 15-18, 1926, was made by unanimous consent at the annuaj meeting of stockholders of the association at Pendleton. Klamath Falls is to have a mounted policeman. This is the decision of Che city council, which has authorized the purchase of a horse and saddle. The mounted “cop” will devote most yf his time to driving stray horses and cattle off cemetery lots aud the lawn» yf private homes. The Southern Pacific company ha» placed itself on record against the in­ crease in butter, eggs and cheese freight rates ordered by the interstate commerce commission between Port- ,and and California points, and has ob- alned a postponement of the effective late of the increase. Shorter average hours per week and higher average earnings per hour »•ere found to prevail in Oregon saw­ mills than those of 20 other states visited last summer by special repre­ sentatives of the bureau of labor sta- :1stics department, a report from the lepartment of labor has disclosed. The state board of control has ac­ cepted formally the new state train­ ing school for boys erected recently near Woodburn. The plant Includes eight buildings and was erected at a cost of approximately 3145.000. The site cost an additional 335.000, while 325.000 »as appropriated for furnish­ ings. Boardman farmers are raising tur­ keys in greater numbers. This year they received good prices for the birds and are reaping a fair profit. Walter Knauff was offered 47 cents a pound (or his prime birds and shipped 117 of them, «-hich weighed 1450 pounds, and Mrs. John Pruter received 3187 for 47 birds. Cochran. In Washington county, haa been quarantined and no one may leave the place without a certificate of health. A carrier of epidemic cere- bro-spinal meningitis has been isolat­ ed at the county hospital at Hillsboro following the death recently of three loggers employed by the C. H. Wheel­ er Logging company on Gales Creek. Law enforcement as handled under existing conditions, is the greatest hypocrisy on earth, »-as the charge made by L. H. McMahan, judge of the Marion county circuit court, in an address before the Salem Rotary club. To hold a man merely for investiga­ tion is a violation of the constitutional rights guaranteed to the citizens of the United States, he said. Tire mountain and Mount June, In the Cascade national forest, probably will be designated as forest fire look­ out points, according to Nelson F. Mac­ duff, supervisor of the forest, who, with H. E. Haefner. ranger located at Westfir, ascended these peaks a few days ago. Both these mountains are higher than some of the others that have been used for some time past. A larger appropriation of federal funds for channel operations in the Willamette river between Salem and Portland will be urged by Senator Mc­ Nary. according to letters received at Salem. This year's appropriation for dredging the Willamette river chan­ nel was 320.000. but this was not suf­ ficient to meet the demands of the navigators. An attempt will be made to double this appropriation for the year 1925. Public service corporations operat­ ing in the state of Oregon will pay taxes In 1926 on apportioned corpora­ tion property valuations aggregating 3155,053,507.71. based on a total as­ sessment of 3258.531,606.02, according to figures made public by the state tax commissioner. The Increase In apportioned corporation valuations for the year 1925, on which taxes will be paid In 1926, when compared with the valuations upon which the 1925 tax was based is >6,598,661.42.