THURSDAY, DUC. 3, 1»2K. THR «PRINOFIWLD NEWS gr a m i? « . . . " « ■. ■ White Sauce By Mrs. Belle DeOraL (Director, Home Service Bureau. Sperry l* our Co. careful p recau tio n s to spread of the genu. p rev ent - the Seal«« Height« W hat Indication leads one to su­ spect tu b e rc tto sls la c h ild ren ! C ontinued fatigue, loss of weight. Irritab ility and a dally afternoon tem ­ p eratu re «bove 98 g d«gree». 1-2 green pepper, shredded. 1-2 pim ento, shredded. 1 cup mushroom caps. 1 teaspoon lemon Juice. How Is tuberculoeta in children Double the M aster recipe; using I h ealed ! injp , hln crea!u alrf j of _h k k By the sam e program of rest, fresh (Q broth In place of milk. S et dish g |r. and good food th a t accom plishes over hot w ater, add chicken » iced resu lts in a d u lta o(. ,n gnJ p ,m„n , 0: ,e. Should one go to a sa n itariu m ! h o t , h#n ael, and Jlm la Pr« uTl. B ugene; John Van C urler, atpl Hilda May Hockley, both of Elm ir«; Alton llatup ton. Eugauts. and Edith Potter, link wrafleld C alifornia; i| Ifford Boggs, and NMa T itos, both of Mareoln we m ero m arried you said you had plenty of money! H ubby; “I did Ih r« .'1 « Boss "I'm expecting a collector In siain; nel like Iktt out of tow n!" C lerk: -I don't know w hether I can do that or not." B oss; " M u re you can. Just alt th ere The Im portance of all sauces can Dress Making C lasses a t W llllksnila d o in g iio lh lt ig ' hardly be over-eatlm ated. S au ce, are Miss kiethiv Coolay, extension used as aocom panU ienta for Jilsh. ' eloth'ng specialist at 1». A. Is eon Reunion In Portland. m e a t, poultry and vegetables, and : ducting three-day classes title week Iteixirder It W Sm ith retu rn ed a re foundations for soups, purees, w here he spent In Ihe W llllkenile comm unity. Class­ front Portland. bisques and gravies. The difference es are being held T uesday, W ednesday Thanksgiving visiting relatives A re ­ occurs in the thickness of the sauce, and Friday tndivldud dress design union of She Am uh family, with the which varies according to the use. Is being taught w ith th e women m ak­ exception of Byron, who lives in De- Many dishes have th e ir flavor Im­ ing dresses In Ihe classes. irolt, Michigan, wan held Among Mr. proved by the addition of a sauce and H m llh 'a daughters p resen t w ere Mrs a t o th er tim es we use a sauce to ad-1 Ask Dad H s Knows. W. A Emery. Mrs. Laverenoa K aiser, flavor to an otherw ise taste le ss dish. Disillusioned Wife: "It seem s Mrs Doris McElroy, ami Miss Lucille Som e vegetables of bland flavor and you're m way» twoke now. hut before M in lth All are well known here m eat th a t has been cooked lor.g a n l slowly need a suitably seasoned sauce to go with them. A well-made sauce must firs t of all, be sm ooth and free from lumps. It George H. Jones adds his name thould be w -1-blended and net too TUBERCULOSIS DISCUSSED FARMERS SELL PRODUCTS to the long list of self-made m»n highly seasoned, and the thickenln.7 BY BOARD OF HEALTH BESTOWED UPON THEM BY in American industry. 36 > t m ust be thoroughly cooked to do NATURE IN THIS SECTION ago he was a stenographer. Tuw.J Is tuberculosis cu rab le! aw ay with any raw -taste. Sauces must hs heads Standard OIL Yes, If good m edical advice Is ob- | N atu re's w llfingnoa. to contribute be made of good m aterials to have a For Her For Him trained early and followed closely. fine flavor. to th e farm er's p rosperity In the M arriage L ic tn tts Issued, Is it p rev en tab le! Meat stock may be used in place Perfumes Razors Springfield d istrict, provided the Yes. by following the rules of hy­ rig h t resources are tapped. Is proven of milk. A v ariety of flavorings mav M arriage licenses w ere Issuel dur Candy S trops be obtained by using catsup, chili giene and correct living in the case of L E. Bentley of Spring *nk lbe P**1 week by the county Stationery Cameras At w hat age is tuberculosis m ost field Junction, and J. W B ertsch, o f / 1« * ,o ,b e A llow ing: Frank Low,. sauce. W orcestershire sauce. k ‘tchen Combs S tatio n ery ikely to occur? bouquet, w hole cloves, or onions. To T h u rsto n I S y b i l W akefield, both of Blue Toilet Sets Brushes keep any white sauce warm for anv It may develop at any age when Bentley is m aking thousands of r ' v,'t . " t Ham t ralg. C ottage Grove, Brushes Flashlights length of tim e, put a few pieces of the physical resistan ce Is low enough b rick s from clay found In th e bottom »nd M argaret P lants. S eattle; Bert b u tte r on top and cover with a lid to allow infection. It Is most likely land on h is ranch B ertsch Is th is Snook. S pringfield, and M uriel Clots, Cameras Fountain Pens and set In a pan of hot w ater. The to occur In late youth and early ad u lt week selling fo r a good p rice th. I " 'e ls e r. Idaho; E C Hedln. Port- Novelties Silver and (¡old I’enclls b u tte r and cover prevent a scum life, th at is below the ages of fifteen burls on th e m aple trees in a large land, and M argaret B ettis. E ugene; Water Hotties, Etc. C igars, Etc. W It A sh w o rth ., and N ela Compton, forming. In case the sauce has not and twenty-five. The prevention of grove on ills T hurston property. Both been blended w«l and Is lumpy, beat the disease am ong children has only a re m aking « to n e r out of things th at botJ> of E ugene; O rville S pringsteen For the Children well with an A ,u Kelley, both of E ugene, beat the lum ps out and give the | How may physical resistan ce be ,-rxt'ons. I ‘ See our Wonderful Line of sauce a glossy appearance. built up? , T h irty y ears ago Bentley cam e ln- Dolls. M aster Rec-pe fo r W h ite Sauce of Keep the body in the best possible to th is territo ry , and noticed th* Children’s Toilet Seta Medium Thickness. condition by good, nourishing food, stre a k s of brick clay In the W lllam- I want to work for YOU: 2 tablespoons bu tter or b u tter sub­ plenty of fresh a ir day and night, e tte river bottom land in th e vicinity Baby Water Bottles I can double the amount of stitu te. and abundance of sunshine. of w hat Is now S pringfM d Junction. Children's Brushes W hat causes tu berculosis? 1 He settled on th e land. but. before work YOU now produce! 2 tablespoons flour. Stationery And thereby increase YOUR 1 cup cold milk. The tubercule bacilli discovered by developing his brick m aking Industry Children's Combs income. 1-2 teaspoon s a l t R obert Kock in 1888. here, he worked for several y ears in I can cut in half YOUR Famly Candles Pepper to taste. W hat parts of th e body do the bac- th e b rick business a t Corvallis. dally worries! School Supplies Melt shortening, rem ove from fire, ill! a tta c k ? | R eturning, he began m aking bricks And double or treble YOUR add flour and mix until sm ooth; re ­ The organism m ay attack any part from th e clay soli on hls farm , and Photo Alliums tu rn to stove, cook untV frothy, then o f the body. Tuberculosis of the lungs today has 70.000 bricks stacked up enjoyment of LIFE? , . . . ___ , I I can, in short, make LIFE add cold milk and cook stirrin g c o n - p s th e most comon type. th tr e ready tor saV\ and disposes o f , _______________ ... The „..»¡itself a pleasure! (tan tlv , until cream y; add seasonings ' How is human tuberculosis sp read ? thousands of them yearly. clay j And I come where the door} V ariations. By th e Infected person who Is cn-- is ground by a one-horse mill on the (a) Sauces suitable for to a st: less, by dust and by food products, B entley property, and th e bricks arc is open! Th» *t?gxcitX D r»g M o n I will cost you less than I 1. Cream Sause— Follow th e M aster the m ost im portant of which Is nrilk. moulded and dried there. Due to th" earn! recipe, using th in cream o r half W hat a re some of th e sym ptom s of conditions u n d er which he works, j For I am a FRIEND. cream o r half cream and h alf milk. To tuberculosis? | Bentley can only m ake bricks in sum I AM HEALTH be used when a rich er sauce Is d e -! Loss of weight and app etite, a tner. He does all th e work him self sired. daily afternoon rise of tem p eratu re, J T he burls being obtained from the 2. Cheese Sauce— P rep are the Mas- continued cough and general fe e lin g ' aiip ip trees on th e Bertsch ranch are Helpful, Intelligent, Courteous Service te r recipe. For each cup of sauce of fatigue. to be shipped e a st for an exp.-riment Is the Safe, Sane and Sure, add 1-2 cup of grated cheese Season . W hat should one do fi he has the in m aking veneer from m aple wood. 3 c je n c e ()f R estoring Health ■with paprika and s a l t To be served slig h test reason to suspect tubercu- Toes«, huge, overgrow n, gnarled knots ip v e s I • k- _ . . . l a 1» l a R a I I a V. i t > * over vegetables. losis infection? on th e m aple trees. It Is bellevul, j Phone 356J 3. "Eggs a la K ing"— Go to a physician a t once for a com- have g reat possibilities for use In I License No. 300 I 6 hard cooked eggs. piete exam ination. ■ m axing of veneer. The corapunv 1-2 cup finely m inced chicken or Is the infected person a m enace to that |g conducting th e experlm et.t a ’ ham . | hls fam ily? go )g obtaining b t Is from -napi-t Over Penney Store. Eugene 2 tablespoons shredded green pep­ 1 «-s. unless he observe th e m ost grov -s in various p arts of C allfo rn a per. 2 tablespoons shredded pimento. Double the M aster recipe; to this add the pim ento and green pepper, cut eggs in halves lengthw ise, remove yolk; m ash, season and add the m inced chicken: ref 11 th e halv ed , egg w hites pilling the m ixture h ’g h .! T he m ixture can be easily forced } a ' through a ;« s try bag. Place stuffed j TODAY— FRI eggs o s a p latter and pour hot sauce [ AND SAT. over them. Serve a once. 4. Onion Sauce— P rep are the Mas­ te r recipe. Slice 1 sm all onion and NEVER FUNNIER cook in boiling w ater until tender. Never More Laughable P ress through a sieve and add to th«- i w hite sauce, o r g rate th e raw onion i Never More Loveable and add to the sauce. 6. Shrim p or O yster Sauce— 1-2 cup of shrim ps or sm all oysters. 1 teaspoon lemon Juice. P rep are the M aster recipe and Just before serving add the lem on Juice and shrim ps. To serve over boiled fish such as h alibut or pour over to a st for a luncheon dish. 6. W elsh R arebit— 1 cup of chee«e. grated. IT WILL GET —A piece or two of well selected furniture will 1-2 teaspoon salt. every laugh give years and years of joy and pleasure to every 1 teaspoon prepared m ustard. YOU GOT! member of the family. 1 teaspoon W orcestershire sauce P aprika. —Our stock was never so large nor so varied— P rep are the M aster recipe, add It’s just brimming wjth wonderful serviceable cheese and seasonings and s tir until gifts. m elted Do not allow th is m ixture to boll a fte r cheese Is added. Serve on slices of bread to a s te r on one side Come and gee them—we don’t urge people to only, pouring the m ixture over the buy—and we’re glad to show you. u ntoasted side. Sprinkle generously with paprika and serv e a t once. , 7. L obster W iggle— 1 cup lobster. 1 cup peas. 1 teaspoon lem on juice. Two years in the making— 1-2 teaspoon salt. the most expensive picture 1-2 teaspoon chopped parsley. ever brought to Eugene. D ash of red pepper. Double th e M aster recip e add the j lobster and cooked peas and cook 1 m inute. RervA hot on b u ttered toast. 8. Scot ch W oodcock—Pre p are th e j M aster recipe, to th is add 2 tab le­ Heilig Theatre Bldg., spoons of essence o f anchovies o r : Eugene Popular Prices— anchovy p aste, and 4 h ard coolted T U I ? A eggs cut into q u arters. P our over Matinee............35c M atii toast. Evening .........50c HOME OF THE BEST Chîld 9. Chicken a la K ing— Children...... 20c 3 cups cooked chicken. 4 egg yolks o r 2 whole eggs. CHRISTMAS GIFTS ► SUGGESTIONS A W anted—A Job I Flanery’s Chiropractic 1 Geo. A. Simon Charlie Chaplin Playing Give Furniture This Christmas The Greatest Comedy Ever Made! M c D onald t d i ? IHEATRE - ssss ?'- P opular P rices “ Standard Furniture COMPANY 4 I