PAGE EIVB Mrs. H esulah W right and dauglitnr front xiiKtoin Oregon a re spandlng a few iluyn with her paren ts, Mr. and Mr«. A. H Mathew* Mr ami Mr«. Ilml Mcl’tior«« d au g h ter, E’ ih rr, h h ii , front H| i lu g flcll, al»«> Mr. »ml Mr». Ito» C alvert m id : liny C all1 rt from June tlon c ity . tank T hanksgiving dlmito at John K Undine D anner from Shedd ! »1» n< th e week-end In Thurston. Edwin B ernhardt from ('u a h m a n ! and M errit Benter from Hlltc»»»* j at»«n< Friday night at John E lm leton I I'erry Price and Jay G rant, who at . tend O. A. C.. »pent Thanknglvlng j vacation jvIWi th eir parent» here j Mt»» Hasel FzlinUlon returned to Norton« Sunday a fte r «pending a few j day» with horn« folk», Mr». Je»«i Fountain arrived Wed j ne»day from Bend to be at llie bed I aid« of her father, II. M. Price, who ie aerlou«ly III at th e hom e of h l» ; »on. John l*rlce ' Fred Price from Noll ep»-nt Sun * . d»y w ith hl» fath er re lu m in g home] B o z o B u tts T h e y D rive. Wildrose Pasteurized Milk ( d r e , i re e t. i*v««joee I MOT A PAl/sJ OR A«* V A CW 8 A r u b I MAdeM*T f A U lo R tty -r lA tr k Give It to the kiddle*. It’s Pure Good Tender Meats of all kinds Phone In your order. We Deliver 1 H im N u ts INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Springfield By A.m r-Bw 8*r»fa* BsB, V 41—— a POWER COMPANIES NEED FREE HAND TO EXPAND An Illy-Informed public 1» the only danger th reaten in g th e developm ent of the electric Industry today, to the d iscerning mind of Guy E. Tripp, president of the W estinghouse Elec trie and M anufacturing company. "If ^ u r power com panies,” ho do- clnreil. "w ere Io be subjected iq. treat m ent sim ilar to W at accorded the railroads, electrical developm ent would be ham pered by restrictin g Iirlvate Initiative and drying up the sources of cap ital for new work, nnd th e chief losers In th e long run would be the people thenisk ves. "I am certain," Mr. T ripp continued, " th a t no m ethod for carrying out electrical developm ent ran he more effective than tho one we a re now em ploying, nainioly. .private en terp rise tinder public regulation. “B ut this m ethod is being th re a te n ­ ed from two d ifferen t directio n s—by We advocates of governm ent ow ner ship, and those who «eek to confine th eir pow er developm ent w ithin c er­ tain narrow lines laid down by an tici­ patory legislation. 4 asher oam EYOT.Q, YOUR« WITH CAST A LU M IN U M T U B . T A K IM O O M T O O M UCH W ilO lA T - LO O K OUT • * * * y S u h n e w y r . Y o u ’ l l b f to e b e A C i SO M K t?AV FOR MEN If ever there were a man ¡j choice In i a good practical gift for his wife—or m other—it’s the M aytag Gyrafoam W asher. On every point on which he would ask for proof,— why the Gyrafoam is the quickest,— why it is most ¿borough,—why it is the imost c a r e f u l washing principal in the world to­ day—the proof is immedi­ ately evident in a demon­ stration. TOWN AND VICINITY Suggesting Sensible Gifts Mr. and Mr». Fred Spencer and daughter», lad s and Ethel. also Mr. and Mrs OrvlUo) R ichardson from Springfield took th eir radio and m ot­ ored out to John Edm lston Friday and sp e n t th e evening. Oregon “Rube" Goldberg V itttt P arent» H era—Mr». Mahle BASKETBALL SEASON IS F roat, of Donna, la h ere a few day» OPENING AT HIGH SCHOOL In P o rtlan d—Ivan Male la In P o rt­ vlaltlng her parent«, Mr. and Mrs Monday O tto Brabham . Mr and Mra lloy B dm ilton and land thia w eek on huaine»». W ith th ree of lost y e ar» first (anil y »pent T hursday w ith Mr ano stringer» go. and much - good eager Mr« je»» Je»ah Yeager em e ent Arrive»— A carnm carload u 01 of «.«/- ce- „n villi In In HprlagfleM HprlngfteM. Mr». v Y e» g er 1 III— 11— .lira »»-a»,. c C em nt A rrives— /» o ready to ■ > » ,-------------------- --------- Mr«. M J McKlln <>m Eugene »pent t h e 1!» « » fin e d to h er home with nines» ¡ „UOP-arrived by S outhern Paclfc ye«- m aterial developing from the rank*. lx>yd Ityan from Campbell-« T h en k ro lv ln n H ero -.M rs con'“ ,!n‘'‘* u> th e # Vnl” n Coach V. D. B ain la opening the weekend at F Yank ... -Thu..b.«iui.i p ® B ridge co m p an y , co n tracto rs for th e _ . .. . . _»__ . Mb«» lleer»m a _____ »pent T hanksgiving . ! 1 G race Springfield High school basketball Mule of Portland »p» nt Thank« , Ilendilck» hr dg<- In Bugctw» the g ue.i of Mr. and M rn ln(t v W t| ng in Springfield practice thia week w ith prospects for H enry H endlkem p Mr*. M cLsgsn l l l - M r . W ayne Me Corn S hipm ent ln _ A .h lp m e n l of a successful season. Mr. and Mr». A W W eaver m otor­ Lagan 1« di i « a week with a t a r o of corn from the Middle W est de re- MclTierson. C ow art and Leads are ed to C resw ell last T hursday, Mr». oeived today by We Sprlngfild M l, ast year's «tars who are In practice H arrington, who hu» been visiting J thu mumps. uud G rain company. th is week. G riffis, who played on the them for »«me tim e, retu rn ed to her Bendon Man I» Haro—41. M. Black- team , will be eligible for play Ship Pole* South—The Carbolln- 1924-5 ___ home In O ro w ell. I bum . of Bandon, la «pending a few • urn Wood P reserving com pany ship- on the first squad a t th e opening of Mr» Marie Splrea from M yrtle I day» In bp rtn sfleld on bualneaa. ped a double carload of treated pole« the second sem ester at tne last ot P oint 1» »pending a few day» w tli Thvraton M»n In— V erne H arper to Cal fornla today. Jan u ary . C arsel and D elbert W hiten- h er parent», Mr. and Mr». C harles la c k . Ivan Beeson, and o th ers are de- I •.( 7h-.r»tiiii was iu tow n i . r j »hori Hauling» ln«p«ctor H er»—A Linde, in sp ecto r vl.|op|nK ability which prom ises to Ixiula 111**1 and Mr». W alter E d -jii^ .» . . I . c»d»y Leaving to r S o u th - T H. H urlb u rt to r 1 and ______________ gam« Of th e season sc!- ball gain« al the hall last F riday . b „ . »Ill lea v e GilsI W .ok fo r L ind , .holographs a t Tollm an uled »0 far is th a t with Monroe, to evening betw een Hie home learns and a -y C allfo rn lu M« H u rlb u rt 1« blulu- ' htisn-ia a n ____ _ _______ rL_ on,,.u „ All be played th ere on D ecem ber 19 An E llm ra team s. Both T hurston team s tr a I, moving hotw. on a truck 8W dlo. Eugene. U I I effort is being made to schedule a won ci.aaclH w ith w hich Io m a k e th e tr p ------------------ --------- ------------------------------ game with som e o th er team for De­ Mr». N orm an H anson and sons ■ 3Utll. cem ber 11. Games have been a ra rg e d from G lenada. also H ertfd A rm strong with the Un verslty High school at and sister from Eugene sp en t S un­ Eugi-ne, Monroe, and' C ottage Grove, day nt John Edmiaton. in We Incom plete schedule. Rev. Ross from Eugene filled th e pulpit here last Sunday, llev Lout» Pole Shipm ent» Out. Mick »III prech lo r e n e it Sunday. Mr«. Perry Beaman and son. Hilly, The Ca-rbolineuni Wood P reserving and Jack H arbert m otored up from com pany »bippeJ to ri carloads of SI H elen’s and sp en t th e week end p q e s for T h e S outhern Pacific com­ with th eir m other, Mrs. Beulah liar- pany out of S rr ngfteld over the bit. w«.ck-en«l. A nother load of poles, for PERFUMES Mrs. O enerlve B eam an and d au g h ­ a C alifornia poftiL was loaded out ter. Zora. front G ardiner, ul«o Leon­ TOILET SETS ard Beam an, who Is b linding school ATOMIZERS In Salem , spent th e week-end at the STATIONERY H arb ert home. F.4lt«r*e N o t» ,— THi*»a