TH URSDAY, DEC OIK S W U N O P tlD NEWS •PAGE FOUR 3, 1U26. Lane County Farmers Union News OFFICIAL PUBLICATION LANE COUNTY UNIT wO. 14 RED GROSS FINANCES SHOW WIDE SERVICES Past Year Cost $10,321,679.80: Duty to Ex-Service Men Param ount Washington.—The national and tn- toraatkmoi service« ot the American Red Cross are portrayed graphically tn a statement ot the Red Cross gnaaces for the past fiscal roar ended June »0, 1925. Expenditures by the Rod Cross (including both the Na­ tional Organlxation and the Chapters! during this period aggregated »10.- S3L87A30 „ . The obligation ot the American Red Cross to the ex-service and service men is represented In this sum by a total expenditure of <4JS5.293.«L In the interests of disabled veterans, the Red Cross expended J3.ST7.HAtS, of which »1.S77.31A4! came from the Na tional Organisation. and »L900.-YX' from the more than 3.000 Chapters and local branches of the society. Red cross services to the men of the Regular Army and Navy the past year called for $A47.37«.19. of which the National Organisation furnished »310.- 378 19. and the Chapters. »337.000. Sharing In Importance with this re­ sponsibility was the Red Cross work of disaster relief during the year. In these operations there was absorbed * total of »L923.7SI.90 up to June 10. this year. This represented $1.«23.- T83.90 of National Organlxation funds and $300,000 from the Chapters- Re­ lief in foreign disasters amounted to BJ’S.579 S3 This sum was appropri­ ated altogether by the National Or­ ganixation- insular and foreign operations of the American Red Cross during the year tecluded relief In foreign dieasters, the lea g u e of Red Cross Societies. J union Red Cross Foreign Projects. avaigtanoe to insular Chapters and atmiiar functions. Beside« Its disas­ ter relief, the National Organlxation flnanced these other branches of for­ eign work also, including $110233.79 for assistance to Insular chapters. 31TT.460 for the League of Red Cross Societies. $34,344 43 for Junior proj­ ects abroad, and $30,057 «2 for other insular and foreign operations In addition to its paramount duty -------------------------------_ - - - to mad ■1st veterans and other service men relief, the Red Cross expended at home through Ra national and chapter funds a total of »1.029.518.05 for It» Public Health Nursing Service; »154.- 135 09 tor nutrition instruction: »314,- 432.7« for First Aid and U te Saving: <445,707.34 for Junior Red Cross; <132.759.33 for instruction in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick; and carried on similarly Important home duties Included in the latter were each valuable services as the Enrolled ‘h< tional G rm n iia ? k > n expended >4».- whfu rvhor niLtlnnAl '>•'<—v W ulle fKn<*r n A i.oiuu fTp^ra Hons at home amounted to »302.957 «4. The chapters In addition to the large part they played In all Red Cross activity, spent $578.000 of their own funds on general chapter services. The broad humanity of the Ameri­ can Red Cross can never be measured by the money it coeta. but even la bare terms of dollars and cents, the scope of its work is indicated. A ■tody of these facts also shows the necessity for the largest possible en roll me nt, since most Red Cross Is entirely service by ne maintained almost entirely by Its membe-wbip. The annual Invitation to participate In thia work through nem bersblp tn the American Red Cross, is extended from Armistice Day. November IL to Thanksgiving November 2«. •¡Hot Fight in Senate Over Local R «pert era J. I. Northnp • Canary i - nti sl Ray Bower Mrs. L. J ll. lehell Cloverdale ('oust Fork Mrs Ileo Kebelbeek Mrs M A. Horn Creswell Mrs. Ada Jennings Dorena ....... ...... Mra B Itaker I leccia Mrs. M Ulllesple Hadleyvlllel Mrs. Grave Jones Jasper ....... Mrs. I' M Foster latrane ...... . Harry C. Jackson McKonale Ml. Vernon Mrs, V. A Reynolds Bit I t It Su. Uh Silk Creek K B Tinker Trent ....... . V 7 I Mrs W F Post WOMEN BRING DIVORCE SU ITS IN EUGENE COURT • OFFICERS OF LANE COUNTY • FARMER'S UNION Alleging rrueliy and noneupport, • Mrs. Melissa Broom ha» file I sull (or • Ralph Laird, Creswell, P resid en t • * divorce frein John Broom, well-known W ill W heeler, T r e n t Vlce-Presl- • • In Ulta di »Irle l. The plaintiff elaims dent • If Y oung Editor Lands In Upper. • llial her .’iu»baiiil Rev«» her, that Betty Kappauf, Cottage Grove, * B lind Senator | » ¡h a associate« wllh law.'»» persons, H ouse He Will Likely Be Thorn aec.-Treaa • *|atld that h- has an afflr wllh another In Side of Adm inistration N, A Horn, Cottage Grove, Ooor * • r i t u a l i Sh-i an-ks »60 a moniti nil- Keeper • I " i «my and the «nituody of thelr mlnor H. C. Jackson. Waltervllle, Con- • By Edwaid Percy Howard non • ductor. • When Vtce-FYeeldent Dawes raps his Kutreille cruelty Is alleged by Mr», O. I— C lem ent Chaplain. » ¡g a v e culling the I «»Red Staten Sen­ llel.-ii M Maher In hor dlvortse suit ate to order on December 7, lunnl«« fll.-d ng»ln»t fh arh u Maher A »Imi- look for a hot Itatele quickly to de­ hospital. lar eliarge la made by Mr». Martit« volop—not between Dawes and th Patiently bts wife waited outside K. Reum In her complnlnl again«t senate, which may cause a ruffle Poultry Ideas Tested. the operating room Suddenly the bu( l : Charles F. Reatn. Mra. Ream also To determine Ih« soundness of vari, door burst open and her a d en t hubby al ) ,. x>e l(f Xor(h lMkoU wil, chnrge» non support. «ni.» Idea» held by commercial pouliry- went past. t i n t skipping sk ip p in g p ast. ¡preaent himself to take the oath of Mr». Ellin 1. Dtttgle ha» becii grant- ini. n. the Culled States Department of "Don't you know me, called bis I ed a deeree of «Ryorcn from George office Nye la 33 years old He is a • « w ife ' Walt a minute." [sewapapec editor and nephew of the R Diligle by the e.iurt mem» leading to rattier conclusive re­ I gotta hurry mama, or I II b e , Nvt. fcnown U) h ,f famous sult» From a practical »tandim'nt II late fer school" he cried, dashing on. I mute friends as Edgar W ilson Nye , highly il, ilrnh'e (or p iiltdytuen Io This it the latest photo of Sen­ JASPER LOCAI. • goes 1 to 0 l the senate appointed b. • i I He lit* ilt* SM’ llA lt n 5 | ’ 4 ’ . I l I » 11 *’ improve. If p o.ilb le, ihe hntrhahllily • ator Thomas D. Scholl from Minne­ Cop: ••Don’t ya see that sign no 0oT„rnor sorlte of North Dakota • • • • • • • • • of ergs, io dtatlngu'sll pullet» from sota, who has attains.I thia high swimming rimming’ 111 arrest you when ye , o fl„ , ht> vacaU(y caused by the th« must despite the great handicap of roosters at an early age, and to ob­ Mr and Mrs. J B Hill» of Oak come out.” death of Senator Edwin F. Ladd bUndheaa. tain other »'mllar Information com­ ridge vl»lt«d will« relativ.-« bere for Man: "Bui I'm not cow in’ out." There are two or three underlying mercially Important but buffili a a few days before motoring to th» Cop: "Then I'll wait till ya do." factors that make certain a fight the tlx « comes around, and they Ther» ha» been considerable diver­ Man: "You're in for a long wait! | over the seating of Nye. c h '.f am ong. frwnkly utLu.ll that Ills chances of gence of opinion on most of the ques­ coatta Mr. and Mra O. J Kldaoii and fam­ I'm committing suicide which is the fact that he Is a strong aucctwe at the polls would be prac- tions. ily of W-at Hprlngf'eld apen* last Hatchuhlltty, says the department, Non Partisan 'ea.ler, and If scale I tically one hundred per cent, «leap t.- I Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ario Jone». . ise cracking . ____ fac, n,a( he was defeated as a probably 1« beat Improved by leaking W sailor _ to „________ greenhorn may be counted on to »age contin- Mr. and Mr». J W. Kirby and eon. tourist. urist. "Don't fergit to tc close yer pot uous war ou anything that smack» vandldat«- for the hou»e by a fo o t breeding birds for bacillary, while of siandpatinx. Nye Is nothing Hr I 1Jg„ republican Thomas Hull when dlarrbea, and a imlnatn g tffe ted Roy. motored up fr.nn Bandon la«t 'oles the tide's r ia l« ’! “ I week <«» visit her folks, Mr. auil Mr». not radical. Another fact la that th o ! rau as a j{on Partisan candidate birls. The »lx» of eggs has no significant J 8 I »ay. Back For More. «ages of Washington do not look a t jjj,. [aat e|„etlon effect on thwlr hntchablllty. ! Mr and Mra. Jim Higgins have pur -Say Jack you're ah old friend of particular favor on the growing; -------------- There is no significant correlation! «-bused a fin.- radio an*l have decided the family, did you kiss the b r id e r t e o i e « ir “ > • « ”’ F«un< » ’’» ,h,‘ betw e.n »Ither «hape or weight of gg Io stay at the saw mill all winter "Sure, thia la my fourth time in N*e wlH »* ,he McKENZIE LOCAL and the sex of We chicken tmtrhed | ((u(. |a3-Ì Ogcember 23 a» Il »a» decided to Give Him Time Judge. ria and Blease of South Carolina mavì [lt,gl,ay nl|(h, Ru, „ (,.w of the lo y a lf P»ct Io Influence the »ex of r h le k s iIBen( ),„• (>n«-r a month during Iho I Magistrate: “Did you have a helper be expected to stand firmly back ot R efresh n .en t» , h a tc h e d by s . l e e t ’n g e g g s a cco rd in g w lntir The officer» would like Io ubvr» were ou t. on thia Job?" have t i members pre»<-nt and will the new man from South Dakota . _______ ! wer » . /• . rved and If all reporta O”« , «» either shape or slxe Burglar; "No yer honor. 1 can't af­ While reta . ; im (iaïr |m |,. aomebblng extra. ” — therw Is a fairly definite ------ ir « a n linnaa- «—»»-■» — ------- Anyone The peg upon which the opposition trUb Brother Ashly benefltted bv th- ford one yet" Itiön between the we'ght of egg« and | ,,K to com« will ba welcome a» hopes to block the seating of Nye j »mall attendance ' ' l that td k 111»’! th« chicks hatched i m i X’ t illin " » a » t» '» » w ’ *> from th<«n.j |t (a our social night as well a« busi­ I» one of «nmitltutlonallty It I» con­ The next regular meeHng cone.. n<> nes» night. tended that Governor Sorlle fin» no Wsslneaday evening. Dec««nber » . a ¡th e weight of either sex, and It I- Mr» Je»»e Wallace I» g'ttltig along CRESWELL LOCAL right of appo ntment under the con members at«- urged to be at hlrhl.v improbable that p«irebre<‘, nicely, ntnl expects I» he home frten Mltutlon. T h e seventeenth amend- meeting es the election of offner» | chicks can be separated at-cortilng to the hoapl'al soon The Fanners Union No. 183 .oo met I « - •nl‘>nt provide» that In the event of a will be t ehi sex at hnrhtng time, Mr and Mra. L It Hack and fam­ Tneaday night with . good attend- *" Union Member» at Market. Male rhleka grow faster than the t- ily of Springfield spent Thanksgiving alKe. A splendid report of the e le c -. thp « '" ’ rnyr of a M..t- "J* Nev.-ral Several union union m-mbevs in« mbevs were were o on n , ma|(., Bn(, ||M ,,(irtv „„ , W() W(.„),a ,,f day wllh Mr. and Mr», I*. S. Hill« “ on — '«tee was given by W Bui by L i X «be P»™«’ .k S p r i n g « fo r , ............ „ , .................. In Seating Nye of North Dakota *3___ ler reporting important bustnes« mat <)f , Renator ,o fill » | tera which were discussed and the; P> ,„ .-r n o r mar ap union w**ni went ou on rrxwi» record as '• n f » »«•» supporting va-an-- . . b n 1 legislature a. 8Fl « 1H 1 11 Pi» O k 0 r in I Dak- Ul K - fMr. Allen for county president « . « ! > « < ■ 4 T The of f > North — -------- , ----------- --- ctvtr.. - «_ has not A Wi»gw4 any nnv IlW nif Mr Seals for vice-president of the I ota enacted law rlv giving union also voting their approval of «h- governor the right of appolntmen the election committee conferring an,l when this fact came to t • a en with the American Federated Labor Hon of Senator Moses and Senator 1 Rutlpr thev « rai***’(l , the - question x , ttt, J x — - « of - s t:w opening day. Mt V ernon was r > . " m i n i by three »tails. Jasper and McKenxIe river locals with nn>- stall each All were pleased with tb> r w(U on th<< M>rke, reg-lar Market day« aro Thurg)j#y and g aturday , ---------- -------- . '¿ d b lays. , h.M The U » following . « . » d .n d o ffe t o e w IM O , h . lb -’ r s n wer . . L tn '»nnolr.t 'elected for the enduing year: .Mrs, rign. to V appo« _ v a wfl roraU rp s c a n t cotlflld ' s tu Î r d T a jg Farm er. Lu Ion Hall. , Cloverdale—Second a ml Fourth * death of our dear husband and father first three officers named were r e -' one of th» leading Non Fart san week .Mrs. Amanda Miller, elected. The following were appoint lies of the state. ' Fridays < lover l xl^ . Mrs. N e llie B a n e, . ed --- ------ ------- -------- . to audit th- books Mrs Min» - "T. - - ..... ’ - H - a sh ot’ . « r.-ew.-H -F »t am I - .H ,-d to audit the books. Mrs. Minnie Mrs. Fllxa Amen, Mlckel A R I-an 1 and W B-4U*. tim e ago. "has been an age of bun 1» days, flroswell. M. W. of # Mr nnd Mrs. R C Kelsa.v, A aoctal hour followed th e b u sm ^ s crime perS nlfled m e t ‘ . Mr and Mr« Kl mer Miller, '«Ince the advent of Calvin C oolidge.)» Thursdays. Farm Lnlon Hall. Mr and Mrs John Miller. meeting • Danebo—First T u «d ay. Daoebo • W. Holllatoo and Mr. Gano attended One haa ground to aaaume that » the commercial club meeting Tues- password to the Inner coun.dls of th- • Sctux>l House. Dorena—Second and Foutb Tuea- * jay night at Co’tage Grove In th - Coolidge administration Is knub, t e • day«. Dorena (3iur- LIKE word being derived by cautiously interests of the Farmers’ union OLD FRIENDS! . s p e llin g 'b u n k ' ba'kwwrd» • Hodleyvllle — First ar.d Third • But ________ of all the bunk this volunteering • Thursdays, Hadk-yvllle 8chool. • BOND Two Men K illed. ___ — they w ear w ell. D on't throw Tam men were killed last Saturday of good behavior by the grand ex- • Heceta— First Sunday of each • aw ay th ose old HhoeB w hen the • mooth, H eceta School House. • near Oakridge wMle at work for «hange crowd and the thanks ex- soles w ear through. T ak e them • Jaeper—-Second and Fourth Wed- • Henry A- McFee. contractors handling pressed by title administration is un to the Electric S h oe R epairer. • needays. W O. W. Hall. Jasper. • I part of the Natron cut-off Job for of the tenth order." When you have uh repair • Lorane—Second «od Fourth • ith Administration i the e Southern Southern Pacific Pacific The The men men were? were A