The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, December 03, 1925, Page 3, Image 3

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THURSDAY. DEC. 3. 1925.
J-.__ L.____ L'J___ L'~'___
PAGE T H R fflf
Ü ™ '. 1
Olson C onducts In sp e ctio n .
3» 9
i t t h is W e e k "
Mara from C rssw tll—Juino. Awbr<-y
Visite at Qoahart— MJaa Pearl Nel­
Of CroowaU was In W»wn Munday.
son ap<0t Munday at Uuaheai. vlaitlng
- ,
MHh4y u
» e*k r?u ap" kin<)' »y»P«thetle mu msal-
i i “ ’TV",
n J'ou’’
to h#1P nthcra. You are
ec... oin-
Coburg Man In—C. Gray, Coburg
i “ *d ‘^ ‘" trio u s, and gifted with a g ran t fo re .ia h t a
!.,cn in-
tuition. Yon posaeaa rnmarkable ingenuity and uhllity, which,
ntrri'hanl, waa In town Munday.
of Thuraton waa In town on bualneaa ] your oxtrema carefulness in handling details, enables you to work out
plana mentally far in advance, and to for net the prop» » a 4
Raturna from Portland— A J I'M. Tuesduy.
outenma of your projects and enterprises with remarkable uc.jurai > ■
kina baa rrlurnod from a business
You ara also distinguished by your deeixiven- * and ex- cutSfc l b l£,
8. R. Scott In Town—H II Hcott,
trip to Portland and Hulont.
directing ot
persons in eircunT
Illue river resident, /wua a Springfield | ty, especially In commanding «•
^wnoaa when everything may <’
1 upon rap. , thought and prompt
Qoaa to Portland— Max Gm ui« re­ visitor Tiueday.
turned Salurday
- . The
17>" r men
c1” become KT*“ 1 U a' “ r»< preachers and leaders o f reform
Marcola Raaldant Hara— G A Rob­
where he spent a few daya.
excellent mix. alee, m illi...« , de/.Jgnera, Uucher:. und
erta, of Marcola. waa In Springfield
Mara from Cadar Plat— Conley Tuesday.
hrotbara were in from Cedar Plat for
In from Waltarvllla— T W. Carney
Mske Trip to Newport— Mr. and
a abort limn Munday.
and wife, of WultervUIr, were In town Mrs. N. Nelson of Dprlngfhdd and Mr.
Raturna from Oregon City— Mra. W on buslneua Tuesday.
and Mrs. II. . Edmundson of Goeben
II Pollard la buck from a visit to
made a trip to Newport over tbe
Oregon city.
Thanksgiving vacation, returning Sun
Jul'ua Pearson, of Goa I wot, la ser­
Hara from W altarvllla—Harry Jack iously ||l at the fumlly home.
n un «, You Should Know
aon of W gilervllle wus In town on
Returns to Work— P. M Garden,
Undergoes Operation— Mrs. Wal­
l>ua:neaa Monday.
In charge of retail sales at the Uooth-
lace Wetxel, of Springfield, under­
Kelly plant here, returned Monday
Thureton Man Here—G.-orxe und went a major operation at th« I'aclftc
utter a short vacation
Walter Platt of Thurston were Spring . Christian hospital Monday morning,
field visitors Monduy.
Baby Girl Born— Mr and Mra. Har-
B ain s
V is it
C h e h alis— Prof
». , ,,
, I ,,
ry William«, of Motor Route 2, are
On Fishing Trip—< srl (I won, local Mrs. V. 1), Bain returned Sunday after
th« parent« of a baby girl, born Sun-
Southern Pwrlflr agent, made a fish- a Thanksgiving vacation trip to Che-
-by John Joseph Oaines, M. D
day morning.
Ing trip to the Slualaw river Sunday 1 hulls, Washington.
_ .
. . .
_ .
Gueste at McKinnon Home— Enter«
B e w a r e o f F a k e “C u r e -A Ha"
Oestar Marchant In— Wll uni W •
Baby Boy Welcomed— Mr and .Mrs.......................... ,,
. ,,
tulned at the D. W. McKinnon home
Itanw, merchant of Ih-xler, waa In Hay Rhu-uld of Vida are the purents _.. , , ,
Every normal, humane soul sym­
... . ___ . ,
, ,
. . .
. . . .
Thankaglvlng day were Mr. and Mrs.
Springfield on busln>as Monday.
•— -------
of a - «-•—
baby •—
boy. *-—
born Tueaduy
morn­ i
pathises with the Kick and afflict« I,
M B Huntly. Mrs. F. O. Scott, Walter
but it is to be regretted that many
Scott and Charles Scott.
Fall Creak Man Hara—Charles Mer­
hearts ore not up to this standard.
vin. Pall Creek merchant, was In
Trainmaster Vialta — E. Stroud.
Motor to 8alem— Mr. and Mra.
There are those who seek, by falae,
Springfield for a »hört time Monday. i trai nro» ater of Eugene, was a visitor
Georg» Ditto motored to Salem laat
misleading inducements, to exploit
at the local Southern Pacifie office
Thursday, spending the day at the
Hara from Eugene— Mrs Kath«-rlne Tuesday,
the invalid and swindle the «Vl»
j home of Mra. Ditto’s sister, Mrs. A.
Of all fraudulent schemes, tbe
Urocktuan wus a SprlngflPd visitor
Saturday. She lives In Eugene.
moat contemptible la the one which
Hara from Arkanaaa—Curt Death • • Pish.
preys on the helpleas, aide man.
Goa. to Oregon C y - W .ll la m Pol '
' " ^ 1 ^ h^' “
' „
" I j , W‘ ‘ '‘l'End i ’ m ” '*"“ n*“
Even today there are "cures”
lard spent the last week-end In Ore . ,.a(tw.r, ,ind ,
Hilda Ditto returned Monday after
flaunted In the faces of chronic
gon City visiting relatives.
the week end at the home
•uffeters, too often aide-1 and abet­
Jasper Man In— Wa ter Wallace or of her uunt, Mrs. A. H. Pish, of Sa-
ted by testim onials from clergy­
Csmp Creak Man In—S I Davie of
men! My readers will, recall only
Camp creek spent a short tim e In
Natron Woman Hara— Mrs. II. O.
a few years back • consumption
Vialt at Lebanon— Mr and Mrs.
Springfield Saturday.
■ Smith, of Natron, waa In Springfield
“cures” were advertised in big type,
Dallas Murphy spent Thanksgiving
Hara from S eittiä — I,lotici Harris f,»r a short time Tuesduy.
w e n in religious periodicals, which
day at the home of Mr. Murphy's
«>f Seattle vlaKod nt the home of bis
were in fact abettors of the crime!
Eugene People Hara—Captain and slater. Mrs. Glenn Arohart, of Deban-
coustn. Mra. E E. Morrison, last Mrs. Lawrence Jensen of Eugene on. Another sister, V«rn Murphy, of
Ignorantly, it is true, but never­
theless parties to the swindle.
"pent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Eugene, and Miss Sylvia Gilflllln, ac­
The human machine is a complex
companied th«a local people to Leban-j
Thanksgiving at Eugens—Mrs El­ Mrs M II. Huntly, of Springfield.
affair, the masterpiece of an al­
ate Pollard apen! Thanksgiving with
At Olson Home— Mr. and Mrs 11
m ighty God. If you happen to be
her sister, Mrs. Elsie Buoy, *»f Eu­
California Party Hera— Clarence,
E Landwbery were dlnn> r guests at
afflicted with some ailment that
the home of Oswald Olson Thanksglv Willard and Iral Nelson arrived In you do not understand, think twice
Springfield Tuesday from Red Bluff.
Mara on Business— Mrs 11 Wll | *•>« J»y.
before you buy a guaranteed, or
California. Clarexico and WJlard are
secret-formulated “cure-all.” Weigh
Hams was here from up tbe McKen
Returns from Eaattrn Oregon— vlaitlng their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
every statement In an advertise­
tie river Saturday. title attended to
Pony W itter has returned to S p r in g ^ Nelson, and Iral Is at the borne of
ment of the miracle-worker, the
buslneas here.
field to spend the winter, after »pend-
parent«. Mr and Mrs. Peter N el­ man who “wants no money." The
money-back artist is as uncertain.
Inspector at Mill— W b. Gray. Sou­ Ing sevnm l month« In eastern Ore­ son. They expect to return to Calif- Thousands of dollars annually are
rrnla late this week.
tham Pacific Inspector was at the gon.
w rung from poor people on glitter­
ing promises that are never fulfill­
Booth-Kelly mill here Saturday In­
Here for Winter— Mrs. S. Schlewe.
Ashland Residenta Visit— Mr. and
ed. Trust nobody in a s vital a mat­
specting tie shlpmenls.
of Mulino, Oregon, arrived hen* Sun Mrs. Wray Roblason left Sunday for
ter as your health, unless you know
Insurance Man Hera— P. T P age,'day to «penit Iho winter at the home Ashland after visiting over Thanks­ them to be honorable. If you have
money to give away, give it to the
giving with Mr. and Mrs. Milton
inelranco man of Tobtlta Oregon, of her daughter, Mrs. Fred PVese.
poor round about you, thus laving
Cyr. The Kobiaaonw were only recent­ up treasures in heaven, instead of
was In Springfield on buslnem S at­
Roof Jewelry Moved— The D. W. ly married at Kelso, Washington. in the pocket of the charlatan and
Roof Jewelry store opened for busi­ Mrs. Roblason was known here as Impostor.
Returns to Monmouth— Miss Frosh- ness In new quarters in the First N a­ Mrs. EUner Herbst.
la Em'gh, who spent tin- holloays in tional bank building at Fifth and
Springfield, returned Sunday to Mon Main streeta Friday.
Send Cookies Ncrth.
“Controlling Your W eight”
mouth where she 1» studying In the
Sixty four dozen cookies more than
E n j o y Thanksgiving Dinner — three times the quota assigned to
state normal school.
Guovta at the H. W. Whitney home Springfield, were sent 'o the Vet» r- auxiliary. The cookies are to be dis­
Sand Feed South— A carload of for Thanksgiving duy were Mr and iins hospital at Portland this week tributed among the veterans at
feed was sent Io Coquille Monday by Mrs. Curl Olaon and family, Mr. and by tbe Springfield Axi-rlcan L -gloc ' Christmas time.
the Springfield Mill ft Grain com- Mrs. J. D. Davis, Mrs. O. B. K essey
and son. Dwight.
Teacher's Examination.
Oswald Olson, major In the third
Notice ta hereby given «bat the
battalion of the second regiment in
the canton brunch of the I O. O. F. semi-annual examination for teacb-
has been designated by Colonel P. • er a certificates will be held in the
O. Snodgrass of Eugene to conduct County Court room In Eugene, com­
the annual Inspection of tbe Junction mencing at t> a. m , December 14, and
City and Harrisburg cantons. Mr. Ol- continuing four daya. A schedule ot
aon already has Inspected the Salem tbe time subjects are to be given will
be furnished on application.
Co. School Supt.
D 3 10-
Huy Your Christmas Cards from
the News While there Is a large stock.
A bou t l/oui'
McCracken Improves—T. J. Mc­
_ B ie k from Portland—W. C. Mosh-
ler returned Sunday from Portland, Cracken. Springfield man who was
where he visited his brother, O. D «erloualy Injured in an automobile
accident in Eugene a week ago, Is re­
Mushier, over Thanksgiving
ported by his physician to be consid­
Jack Meehan Hare—Jack Meehan, erably Improved. Ills breast was
ot Portland, a ¡fagmser resident of crushed in the accident. H e was
Springfield, was a visitor among his brought to his home here Monday
friends herp last Friday.
from the hospital at Eugene.
Rolled Roast and Browned
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
New shipment of Ladles’ Coats, fur trimmed! Warm, mod­
ish. Sizes tor women and Misses. These are real value,
Priced at S 14.75 to $ 2 9 .7 5
Dresses of silk in the season’s most popular styles.—
Priced at $ 9 .9 0 to $ 2 4 .7 5
Silk Umbrellas, fancy han­
dles, made of radium silk,
Priced at—
$4.49 to $5.90
Silk Hose, full fashion for
Stationery, good assort­
ment, priced the box—
19c to $4.98
Men’s shirts- in new pat­
terns, all sizes
$1.49 to $4.98
Dress Gloves for men,
grey, brown, tan at—
Ties for Gifts, new silks
and patterns
49c and 98c
Men’s Blazers, p l a i d s ,
checks and plain colors
$1.98 to $3.98
$3.98 to $4.98
“Just T h e T hing
For Christmas
Appreciated equally well by either a boy or
girl. A present that will last a lifetime.
A complete line, priced from $2.50 up at
Carl R. Baker’s Kodak Shop
7 West « 7th
Eugene Business College
Enroll Today
It’s A Good School
A. E. Roberts. President
992 Willamette St.
Phone 656
Eugene. Oregon
.hist one of many BUggestlons for Sunday dinner from the
store of <|tinlity meata and pleasing service. Phone in your
order or ctome in, as you find most convient.
li Lf’-Ì in h'i Ì i
“ This is Station
X -M -A -S Broadcasting!"
506 Main St,
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Ore
“ — for Radios, Equipment and Accessories
go to
that you take home is Just os
Important us any oth r article
of food and should be chosen as
carefully. The West Is nono too
good for our patrons, and we
stand guard over them, watch­
ing the Ingredients and the
method of making. When we
tell you that our Ice cream Is
wholesome, you may believe It.
It would be Impossible for
you to give a gift that would be
more appreciated than one of
our new radios. They are beyond
description—for real apprecia­
tion you must come In and hear
them. Mnrvelous of -tone, with
clarity and simplicity of opera­
of the
H e Carries the Best and the Newest