M archan t* not advertis­ ing now w ill have an emp­ ty sox after X m n . THE SPRINGFIELD N E Ä k J BPIUNGP1ELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, TWKNTY-SBCOND YEAR NEWTHEATREPLANS DEVELOPING III CITY "T h e People's Paper" H. J. Cox N am ed H ead o f Chamber I L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N NUMBER 40 THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1925. ONE OF U. S. GIANTS OF THE AIR Pinna Are Formed For Aiding In Agitntion For New Springfield Bridge. C. W. McKee. Oenernl Mnnager of Heilig Chain, and Other Of­ Election of officers, and form ation Discuss Play- I ficials ic ia is 1 Z IB V U B » r Proposed iu p u o o u r m j- _ _ of illune for cooperation with a Lions house On Visit to City; Coun- f l u i i r t i l l u n i I * n ■ tl tMM » il I r iff it l lf ’ Vp- d u b com m ittee I In supporting a I move­ cil Hears Plan. Local Young Men Are Signing Up for Service In Proposed Springfield Company; Would Make Possible Formation of Lane County Battalion. m ent for the construction of a elate- Plans for the organization of an Ereotlon of a »25,000 th eatre h ern highway bridge across th e W illam ette Oregon N ational Guard com pany In for opertlon by th e Helllg th eu lre river on the pier» at th e fool of Mala Springfield, should an o rd er to r three com pany looms aa a practical certain - s tre e t, w ere u rau n t Im portant n u t ­ new com panies In the state be issued ty a» a result of a vlett paid Hpring- t e n accom plished a t a m eeting of the as expected, are being m ade by local field thia week by C W. M» Kee. gen- Springfield C ham ber of Comm erce! men Interested. Success ha» atten d ed oral m anager of the Heilig chain, and held Friday night. the efforts to sign up young m en in other official« of th « co m p a n y I II. J. Cox, chief accouutant a t the I the com unity as m em bers, and i t is W h ile no d e f in it e a g r e e m e n t we» Booth - Kelly Lum ber c o m p a n y 's unofficially reported th a t 40 of the entered into w ith J A S e a rs ? and Springfield plant w as chosen a» pres-1 necessary 45 have been signed and L K Cage, on whose land It 1» pro- Went of the cham ber, succeeding W .j posed to build the Wieutre. It la tin- F W alker, who was voted Ihauk* to r. prom ises have been obtained from deratood that the Helllg rep resen ts- hl» five year« of service In th at capa-1 the o th er five. five» looked with favor on the R a n ,c ity . F. II Hamlin wa» nam ed vlco-i W ith th e Springfield company This Barling Bomber it the world's biggest airplane. Required two and or.e-half years to build, cost­ and th at plan» for the project are president, and M J Mi Kiln, IreaS-j ing »400,000 As soon as Lieut. John A. MocReady finishes experimental flight testa it will be stored at I signed up. It is hoped by those Inter- McCook Field, Dayton, Ohio. going ahead. New developm ents In u re r D irectors chosen w ere W F. ! ested th a t the organization of a unit \ here will be authorized if th e ¡war de- th e proposed program nr« * specie i W alker. Ju liu s Fulop, it tl. Hughes, t •oon, H F. Clarke, and W. O. W right. j partm en t o rd er is issued. Local con­ CHEVROLET AGENCY TO INDUSTRIAL BOARD IS During th e ir visit In the city, th e The com m ittee named for the pur- tractors, It is understood are consld- OPEN IN SPRINGFIELD H elllg rep resen tativ es m et with th e pose of cooperating In th e commun- ORGANIZED FOR WORK ertng plans for an arm ory, w ith the city council at the city h alt Tuesday Ity's effo rts to bring uhout the bridge ' 1 expectation of subm itting them. Gannett M otor Company Leasee Will W ork W ith Eugene Industrial „hould the company be authorized. night to discuss th e grunting of a con stru ctio n was com posed of E. E. L— ■ — ....... Stevens Building Artec Ford C om m ittee In Locating P lants on Form ation of a N ational Guard com- building perm 't to them In the event M orriston, H. K. Maxey and 11 F. Garage ia Moved. Form er S. P. Lsnd. pany in Springfield woufif m ake pos- they go ahead with the plans. They Clarke. Mrs. Dawaoe. Entertains. ______ ! slble th e organization of a battalion expressed their belief Chat a th e a tre It Is understood th a t th e state high- Mrs. William Dawson entertained A now C hevrolet c ar agency will be w ith a covered dish »upper a t her such us they plan will lie succtwoful way comm ission Is witling to stand F irst steps to place Industries on of four com panies in L ane county In Springfield, and told of i I mj plans half the expense of th e construction opened In Springfield In th e S tevens home Tuesday evening. G uests w ere the old S outhern Pacific shep site u n d er M ajor W. G. W hite of Eugene, for a ftr»t clans building F irst class of th e propsrd Springfield span, pro htgldlng as soon as the D unner Motor Mr. and Mrs. Ferrol Perkins, Mrs. Le- he-e recently leased by the city w ere ! T here are new two com panies a t Eu- j.;ubank , Mr. and Mrs. Paul laxen Tuesday evening w hen the gene, and one a t C ottage show s will he given h ere, if th plans vlded th at latne county will m atch com pany occupies the new K urai‘ j Grove, building u u t t H F ifth und _ A ---------- streets. ------- The Scalete. Paul Scaiefe, Jr., and Mr. board appointed by th e council m et I while another a t Springfield would in. -th e s la te appropriation for th e yg. building fth i— g<, through, it was said F W hite, P o rtlan d archl- m alnder of the cost. W orking on this budding has heeu eased to th e Gan- and M rs. W. H. Adrian. and organized. O fficers of the board ! make the fourth. F Manson .Munson Whit urw t he bridge. The Eugene C ham ber ( build up a larg e business here. A Ttila m eeting will take the form ot Eugene c h am b e r of Comm erce t < gon is to be asked shops, Is Included In the specifics- co m m erce is com ltted to s u p p o rt; garage will be conducted along with a Chrlatma» party. Each m em ber Is : bring about location of Industries ------------------------ 'th is plan. Active cam paign la plan- the agency, It Is announced. to bring a useful gift not exceeding here. Several types of Industry have LEGION DANCE FLOOR IS Uotia. oration for title proposed m„| by (j,c local com m ittees during 15 cents i s c o st and a n exchange of been considered for the land Lere. --------- ------------------— • The SOLD; WRECKING — STARTS building ll«W betw een the Sneed de- lh(> ,-omlng six m onths. BOY SCOUT TROOP HERE p resen t» will add to th e sp irit of j L iteratu re settin g fo rth the Spring- prtm ent store and th e Com m ercial T h e cham ber bus endorsed th e I the affair. I ; - » field ------ ■ of - . --- ------- ■-— — - for - - lndus- •— j S i a i e O I t u r u a u t r p u x u w i u x proposal free sites iv iu --------------------- Sale of the dance platform a t a^w-w Sec- TO BE ORGANIZED SOON S tate bank budding. ' stre e t lighting proposal now being .trie s will be printed and distributed ond and Main s t r e e u to C h a je s 9. M anager McDonald of the H elllg considered. Kill K lara Klub at Eugene. | according to decision of th e commit- of E ugenei WM com pleted thia | Movement Revived by Lions Club R»*rk en tertain ed the j tee ___ . . , _ th e a tre of E ugene sccom panlert th e ! Mrs. W itfred Beck week by the local p est of the Amert- Member»; Tyaon and Barber Vol­ Kill K lare club at h er home in Eu-1 jj^eguge of its location on th e rail- caQ m rnl m anager mid other» to S pring BANK BUILDING IS unteer Services. gene Monday evening. Those present j road maln Une and adjacen t to the I W ork of rem oving th e platform field. OCCUPIED BY DOCTORS: ____ ------- - ------ ■■ ro a u m am u u c <,u„ -- ------ C n v i n ir f i U -O V -M rw W H I IT esident Cox today tiivm.-d the ______ _ ... , ,, o«_„. ,rt,,n Springfield were Mrs. W. H. | --------------------------- Mountain s ta te __ s » w Pow I er . company . . elec from th e corner Is being sta rte d im- Handaome rgan a oy "w u ith ” the ; i A A drian. M aude Bryan. <■ « tv-inv stan d in g com m ittees for Uie cham ­ ,me new new- office« offices In In the the sec- s e c -; . ' ’^ " " ” xa ion 7 o "„.«nied ,lrlan' Mrs. MrS MaU,1<“ Br>'an’ M rs tr,c ’lant M weU bein8 th “ m m ediately ediately Dy by n Leap, will use the» in .« a » l 5 pia».. " . . . as — ----« - on th« a p , who - h - j »»»»» oml etory of th e n n v F ir st N a tio n a l ! Clark W heaton. A special guest from mill . . . ------ , — « - ij ber. a» follow»; ra c e the Springfield property ]U(nber ¡p the construction of build- l a ik building were occupied Mondav ; « r e e tn e n t of W P. Tyson to accepL , wag Joiln K etelg. T rade, Com m erce and Industrie»— becomes valuable for industrial sites. jngg on b[s Eugene property. n a n s in iiiu in g e R alph - r,,|’P<>ni' lbllltles of ,h * PoaBlon of ___ A J Perkins, W elby Stevens, Dnn W. „y Few cities have such an ideal land | __________ _ Dr. W C. Rebhan and Dr. » a .« ™ u WI1Jt alln(iunc(d to. Attend Eugene Party. on which to place industries. »•rice. DtpiM l. d e n tis t » . W R-rnf. local Jew | day. C. F. B arber has offered his serv BAPTISTS WILL PRESENT The benefit card party held by the Leg I »hi I Ion-. T axation. H ighw ays. eler, has removed his sto re to th e bus­ Five a cres of th e 247 in the tra c t Ices as a ss ista n t sco u tm aster CANTATA AT CHRISTMAS F ish und (lam e— M. M. Percy. E. E. iness room on the low er floor. i Spanish-A m erican W ar V eterans aux- will be se t aside for a park soon by The m a tte r will tie placed before ! 1)lary |n Eugene iast F riday evening M orrison. W. I’. Tyson. An attra c tiv e and well-lighted- re­ the board. P resentation of a c a n ta ta on De­ - - by - Mr. and . . Mrs. . . M. . . B. . Publicity. C onventions, Civic, E du­ ception room Is provldwl In the new the Lkm« club In m eeting tom orrow • I waa attim ded cem ber 22. and a program by the Sun­ noon, T he Lions d u b . through P resi­ cational and Social—F. B. Ham lin. suite of offices In th e second story. H untly. Mrs. C. F. Eggim ann. and FIRE DESTROYS REWEY S day school on C hristm as eve, are to d en t H. E. Maxey and H erb ert Cox. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Richmond of Eu­ D r W. H Pollard. II. E M axey. j 'A Amp,e ,o r convenient arran g e- m ple room for a rra n g e ­ BATTERY STATION HERE be features of the F irst B aptist llousw — W F. W a lk e r, C. F. Eggl- m ent of „„ulm nent the e of- equipm ent Is Is given given In In th of- h as sponsored th e move to organise gene. Mrs. G. N. F raser won first church observance of C hristm as, ac­ the boy'» work. The local troop will prize a t bridge, and Mrs. Sam uels „ ¡flees of the physician and the den- tnann. F ire a t 8 o’clock yesterday m orn­ cording to announcem ent m ade this be organized u n d er the L ane County F inance— W. O Hughes, H F ‘ t l s t P riv ate offices, in addition to carried off h ighest honors ait Five ing gutted the building w hich housed week. Already practice fo r the can ta­ C larke, G. O. B ushm an. ' , h4J pubRc reception room, also are Boy Scout council. H undred. the b attery service statio n belonging ta and the program Is under »way. T he new cham b er p resid en t m ade A year ago th e Lions club voted to to Marion Rewey, on Main betw een T he c an ta ta to be given is “The th e f<» lowing sta te m e n t as to h is I ________________ conduct a Boy Scout troop in Spring- Enjoy Duck Dinner. Second and T hird streets. Damage to­ i P rince of Peace." N orton P engra is field hut a t th a t tim e w ere unab le to Wild duck, shot on a hunting trip plans ns for the y ear: BAKERY TO MOVE taling over »1000 resulted. In charge of the p resentation, and Prevention of a»-ctlonol Jealousies. R I I I L D I N G ! f1»*1 a scoutm aster, to K 'am atb county by Riley Snod­ T he blaze. It w as believed, re e u lte i a large chorus is practicing. will be one of th e chief o bjectives j IN TO NfcW BUILU.mu grass and N orm an H oward, w as the from an overheated etove. Rewey had Mrs. L. E. Blom is in charge of the of my adm inistratio n of (Tmmher o f , 8 p rln ffleld bakery will be NOVEMBER POSTOFFICE principal dish a t a d in n er given by kindled a fire In the stove, but was general p reparations for th e C hrist­ Com m erce affine 1 will use my p resen t location to RECEIPTS MAKE GAIN Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass a t th e ir home not in the building w hen th e fire m as eve »program by th e children. last F riday evening. P resen t w ere ............... . . . broke o u t Going inside a few m inutes She is assisted by te a c h e rs of th e m unlty In every way. « ' „ .„ „ „ n g now being erected a t Fifth An 11 p er cen t gain in postal re ­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Olson and fam ily a fte r th e fire w as built in the stove, , In te re st of men w ith good h „treets, according to announce- ceipt» over the correstponding period and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 9haw and he discovered the en tire Interior of various church school classes. and Industrial proposltlos. prom ot ng proprt, to r. The of a y ear ago Is shown in the Novem­ family. the building in flam es. H e rushed to th e general civic Interests, and a I g r , p rlt wh|ch wm be occupied ber rep o rt of P o stm aster F. B Ham- SPRINGFIELD LOSES TO a nearby house, w here th e alarm was tlin stand th a t only throughi coop, ra I p ,fth Miss W ooley Entertains. COTTAGE GROVE OUTFIT Un. turned in. tlo n am ong ourselv es and with o th ers . « A sm all group of friends enjoyed A lthough it w as im possible to save N ovember receip ts totaled »645.74, a delightful evening as the guest of th e equipm ent in the interior of the can we prosper. Superior ¡weight and speed gave against »581.43 for Novem ber, 1924. ••I take the position w ith the under- | prM ente(J 'th u s showing a gain of »64 31. or a p M is. Chlole Wooley la st T hursday C ottage Grove H 'gh school football «... i-i ........... - i ,, ... . but.dlng, tan k s and o th er equipm ent standing thut I will be suppor «■ , m yrtlewood ballot box waa. pre proxim ate»- 11 p er r cent. T hut h at the the re-1 re- ¡evening. evening. G G uests uests w w re re Mrs. Mrs. E E lsie lsie Pol- Pol- outside w ere saved from the flam es squad a 37 to 0 victory over th e th e se oblectlvM .'' * ___ _ t t « M d th e C ascade ch u p ler of th t eelp ts for th e year a re praetlenllv 1 lard. Miss Francto ravis, . - The building is the property of Springfield grid aggregation in a one­ sided gam e on the local field T hanks­ I I D D 4 O V PATRONAGE ON |O rd er of the E a ste rn S tar by A lberta ce rta in to exceed t hP »8000 m arked I'au trell. Mr. Jackson, Oswald O son. F ran k B erger of Eugene. and m em bers of the W ooley family. LIBRARY PATRONAUt VIM a McM„ r phy. p ast grand m atron giving day. At no tim e did Spring- tip last y ear w as th e sta te m e n t of field th reaten the v isito rs’ victory. INCREASE. REPORT SHOWS i Oregon, »luring th e m eetl CHURCH NIGHT PLANNED P o stm aster Hamlin. Moshlers E ntertain A ¡wet field m ade passing p recar­ Tuesday night. W ith prospect» for a lively holiday BY CHRISTIAN CHURCH ious, and both team s re so rted to line Evidence p> ople G uests a t the R. E. M oshler home " ’ ‘“ '"iï n / " th , n a ô t r » Springfield ‘ ïs'"Rhow „ In the M '- '^ e r s of the o rd er unafB llated 1>cem ber postal reeeplts are recep its are In the wlth the local ch ap te r w er« special season, D ecem ber postal nro rending reading 'tnoro nor. Is ' ; shown hl reco rlg nt ,he on T hanksgiving day w ere Mr. and plunges and end ru n s for th e ir yard- T of a a s sé e rié of “Church T he he firs first t of n e s s or w as easl,y outclassed port R oberts II- g u ests a t th e m eeting. A p n igram and Mrs. W. E. K nott and son, W illiam, ,n,,n h,y L T ; of Mary " v w h.ch P b rarlan of the local library, which . featu res of tho event, of E ugene; Mrs. G. E. G riffis, and night program s, will be given a t the by the C ottage Grove team , which ha¡j has reco rd s an In c rm w of 53 during No- (n (hp , Q o P , family, of Springfield, and Mr. anJ C hristian church tom orrow evening had a season of alm ost unbroken grid­ T he firs t program is In charge of the GIRLS CLUB WORK UNDER veintier lib rary - pa- Mrs. S. G. Mosihier. Vt-IIIIIIT In in tho uin num H U bqr . of - ......... - ball w om en's class of th e church school, iron successes. /òci&ty I a sxsv rs tron«. This number, It was reported a t the llhrnry board m eeting held T uesday evening, m arks a record. T he Increase In O ctober wa» only 30. Election of officer» for 1926 was postponed until th e m eeting to be held Jan u ary 5. WAY AT BRATTAIN SCHOOL Rebekah» Elect Officers. Encampment To Meet. W ith plans for an exhibition of the W. B. P» ngra encam pm ent, No. 67, Mrs. W anda B arnes wa» named noble grnn»l of the loeal Rebekah resu lta of the work n ext spring, and I. O. O. F. will m eet Friday evening. lislge in m eeting T uesday night, probably com petition w ith o th er clubs Five candidates will ba given work (»«her officers elected w ere Mrs. a t the county fair, a sew ing club has in tbo golden rule degree. G rand O fficer Visits. Daniels, vice g ran d ; Mrs. Leo Clark, been organlbd n t th e B rattaln school Mrs. C ora H etner, grand guardian recording se cretary ; Mr«. Mildre» am ong sixth grade girls. Mrs. Ora Plan Opening Fl»h M arket. Anthony, m u o ld an ; Mrs. A. H adley, Rend Hemeniway and Mrs. Etila M ont­ of th is Jurisdiction of N eighbors of Gate» and Bird, form erly of R»« ds- tre a su re r, and Mrs. F red H inson, fi­ gomery a re In stru ctin g th e club m em ­ W’oodcrnft, visited the local lodge at Ils m eeting held last, night. Degree bers. r» rt, , plan to opon a fish m ark et in nancial secretary. The new Springfield club is one of work w as exemplified. the room adjo in in g . ih e Spring«» Id cteam ery , betw een now nnd Decem ­ N eedlecraft to Meet. 100 such org an izatio n s In th e Lane Mrs. Adrian E n tertain s b er 10. E veryth in g In the wav ot The N eadlecreft club m eets this county school«. The w ork Is carried Mr«, W. vv. H. n . Adrian a u n a u »-u»'■ —- Mr«. en tertained the eea food will be c a rrltd in th e m a r­ afternoon a t the hom e of Mrs. E '.v in ¡o u t undpr tb e auspicies o t t»he Oregon A gricultural college. A fter the spring chr'-santhem um club a t her home ( k et, according to «lie owner». May. ------------- ’ exhibition, m uch 0» th e Springfield |a st evening. Gravel T rain W orking—A gravel c)ub.H handiw ork will be ta k fn to the I --------- Steve Owen T hom as and Eloanorn is ----- week betw een Lan< county ....... fa | r .......... , and. - if ------- prise« nre v is its P arent»—C. of the S quires w ere m arrie d by Rev. L. E. train lrH1B I» working th ..... ------- ------------ L. Chase, ...I the Ik« rirxta^ . . . . h(, entered . > in com ____ sU l.n ... Blom a t the B ap tist parsonage Wed- , „ alr ynrd, |n Eugene, and Bots- wnn w,„ petition w . r. R. Cate M otor zwwnrwintf oompany of PfkTt. 1 ort- nertlny aflernoon. ford gravel pits n ear Oakridge. ftl , ho s tato fair a t 8 a lf n . laud, Is h ere visltln« his parents. and succeeding church nights, to be held once each m onth, will be a r­ ranged by other classe« of the school. E ach of th e ev en ts is to be som ew hat in th e n a tu re of a su rp rise for th e church m em bers and friends, all of whom a re Invited by th o se In charge. Rev. S. E arl C hilders n st Sunday com pleted an In terestin g series of serm ons on the Second coming of Christ. Bazaar Proves Success A — to — tal of »145 was cleared a t the _____ and food sale held by th e bazaar C atholic W om en's guild la s t S a tu r­ day. Mr«. N orbert Aye held the lucky num ber for 'the dishes, a fte r a draw ­ ing by W. C. W right of W right's hardw are store. To O verhaul T urbine. P rep aratio s a re being m ade at the local p lan t of the M ountain S tates Pow er company to overhaul tho 2000 kilow att turbine and g en erato r In use thera. W ork on re p airin g the p lant boilers Is progressing, according to W ayne M cLagan, engineer. Offices Remodelled. W ork on rem odelling th e office« of Dr, W. H. Pollard and Dr. N. W. F.mery h as been com pleted with suc­ cessful results. New paint and wall d ressin g adds m aterially to the ap­ pearance of the offices, while the q u a rters of Dr. Pollard a re m ade m ore convenient to patrons by the construc­ tion of a dressing room.