PAGE NINE THE BPIUNGFIEbl) MBWR TIIUKHDAY, NOV. 28, 1925. Green-Kilborn Co. Chet Hemenway EXCLUSIVE RADIO DEALER ONE OF EUGENE’S BEST STORES Central y locaied In Eiigen» hi 823 thru* lln .a In anui. distant city, the W lllin .lt. Bt., I* Hi« boni» of ili. hoin. ioniin unity stiffen sceordlogly. In thia part of Ib» «lal» th» iic d a , T ali roti »1 Fashfiti l'ari» (Tothrs desires uuil ili'inunila of th» male pop­ nini vutfl’.ltr« tur ili» u n reprusent- ulation u r. morn than sntlslied at log » progr«-«slve ami iip to d a tn clvlliln* si i. , *n «Il ■ Strie« ut «Il thia w ill known «torn. Thia progres llnii'ii a i « iiip le l» ali I w»ll »»lecteil •lv» »aluhllahiiii'nt la strictly modern •li« « of ilothlng; In lavi, evarylhlng u p to ila l» mill la stocked with a In ili. I ilriilahlii( a U n . »lana of gooila Ihut 'would be a credit Ttwr» 1« notti In* no Imporluul l» to a much larger city. It features Ih» cotiuiterclal devoloptnetit of Ih» nationally famous lines of »loth»» •m alli r city «■ nn up-to-date estab for turn and young men. which. In lishnient wher« ih» ni»n of ih . rom- Itself, la proof of lh » lr wladoin. for multy enti sallsfy thelr iletnanda for Ihoa« Un», arn found only In III» clothlng alni huberda»liery Thla la leading ealabl idimenta, Just at pr»a ih» day alni ago wlwtt tueu, bolli «a«I »nt they are wall prepared to a»rve ami young. munì li» neally attlrml In men of all agin and ideaa wllh an rlothea u( illailnilion ami quallty. f Immense «lock of all the newest unn lh»y bave lo ilo Ih.Ir abopplng alone moat attractive designs. ' Whose location la 891 W illamette Th« clothing department la one of the very popular feature» of the ea- Bt., In H agen., la one of the foremost tabUatimi nt. H»re you will find that Had Io concerns In tbla section of the Hi» excellent material and the expert state They have a complete l*ne of worknanahip Inculcated Into their the foremost acts and repair, for all c ln lh e a, * | l render your apparel that other« They invite you to bring your degree of distinction and quality. Radio troll Me« to them. Radio. Is perhaps the greatest In­ 'IDuit Individuality Which la ao d«- «'ruble »nil an hard to obtain haa won vention that has been made In the for their garnienta a fame that la last dreade. While It Is only in Its Infancy, Its usefulness la proven to ever Increasing the putromige. n full line of haberdashery. Includ­ us every day. From a standpoint of ing s h ir ts . colira, band kerchieft, hoae. entertainment, It Is unexcelled. The hat« In now style« and beautiful ties biggest concert., addreaae«, operas, music of all kinds .baseball and foot­ are carried In atock. The management In charge are , ball games, all contests of interna­ some of the well known bu»lncaa) tional Importance are reported aa men of the city who Imvo merited the they happen, to the radio fans. There leading position attained and the' la not a night but that the radio fan can get any anil all kinds of enter­ large patronage received. tainment that he desires. In the way of usefulness It has proven a big Impulse to aeronautics, shipping, etc. It lets the farmer have the latest market reports, the weather condition and It Is to him that It has proven the most useful, ai H brings th» city amusements Into hla home. The best thing about It Is that It Is Inexpensive and sets can be had and are within the reach o* everybody, This firm |s one of the foremost In this sect on and they have secured the best class of merchandise to offer the public. They can supply you wllh sets from the very cheapest to the most expensive kind on the market. No matter what priced set you buy you get value received for your money They have also a most comp ete stock of parts and supplies for alt sets and anything there Is to be had in radio lin . they can supply you vEtb. They make a specialty of shooting your troubles and tbit Is made possible be­ cause they understand radio from the ground up. The men In charge are export Rad lo men and you can depend on the advice and Information they give you You are Invited to tell your troubles to them and they are glad to advise you and help In any way. We assure you that no obligation Is Incurred merely because you ask quest! ins. They ar» genial and and would like for you to call around and look over their stock and get tbelr prices. The wonders of rad’o are so many and the cost so small that no one, no matter what situation In life, can afford to be without one. ■ Chase & Lesley Peter Pan Confectionery PLUMBING AND HEATING FINE CONFECTIONS AND CAFE ers of plumbing fixtures. They carry Whose most modern Confectionery delicacies are offered that are Invit-1 Ished and dishes sterilized. Whoa« modern Plumbing and Heat­ u stock at all ttms-s of everything and Cafe is located In Eugene at 998 Ing and tempting to the taate of the It Is a pleasure to have such a clean ing wstabl abluent Is located In Eugene needed In the line and you can go and modern cafe as this to refer the at 932 Dak Bt., are ihu ag-nts for the Willamette 8 t , Is one of the beauty most fastidious. Phere and pick out what you want stranger and local people to, as good Arcola Heater and Automatic Dll spot» of Eugene. Their high grade The local and traveling pub Ic has eating places are not common, and and aye It before buying Burner, and feature the Htandard and quality candies have won commenda- learned that this Is a place where the at this place the food is prepared In Courteous and efficient to a marked Kahler Plumbing Fixtures. And they degree, the manager has surrounded i t'on from people In Eugene and sur­ demand is more than satisfied In ob­ a very satisfactory manner. do an extensive business In Plumbing. The proprietor has had years of ex­ him self wlph em ployees thoroughly - rounding territory as has their lunch taining food. Courtesy is another out­ Hteani and Hot Water Hunting and eon service for It a common saying standing feature of th is place, as It Is perience in the cafe business, striving conversant with every feature of the ! R e p airin g business and as a result work moves to hear people say Til meet you at a pleasure for them to serve the pub­ to keep the service courteous and l*u your guv«« Ilk« your bathroom? lic. along at a most rapid and stlsfuctory ! Peter Pan." prompt at all times. The Interior la From jsour own experience. you This well-known cafe has gained a The cafe business is a business attractively decorated, pleasing to the manner. know how nice It Is. after s train Readers of this Issue will find a i name that has spread far and wide wltin Itself, and does not end with eye and arranged for the general com. Journey or u long motor rhl«, to be ■ all at this »hop both Interesting and : as a place where the local and travel­ the serving of food on the tables, but forts of their patrons. shown Into s spot wily clean, white We wish to compliment them on the profitable, and you ran depend upon ' ing public can more than satisfy their extends to the cleanliness of the kit­ bathroom. How nice the white tub. the advice. Infornmtlon and service! demands for good wholesome foods. chen and other places that are only standard of their cafe and do not hes­ whit» bowl look, the small fresiily they offer. No matter what lnforma- i The menu consists not only of the frequented by the manager and as­ itate to refer It to our readers as a laumlrl'sl guests' tow els awaiting lion you may desire or under what j prime necessities of life, but many sistants, where all silverware Is pol good place to eat. yoru convenience. Even before you c'rcumstancea you wish to consult have seen any other room, you be them In the matter of plumbing or gin lo Ilk. that house and feel at heating, you will find when you have home. come to this firm you have placed I . your bathroom like that? Are the matter In able and competent you proud to have gu est, go into It? ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS & DEALERS hands. Or do you think perhaps taat they Central y located In Eugene at 648 prosperity In the country, the future that It has always been em inently Willamette St., one of the most mod­ will see this firm one of the busiest fair and honest as well as progressive ern and up-to-date electrical supply bee-hives of industry In this section, and upto-date. They have won for houses in this section of Oregon. as prosperity gives Impetus to other them selves the reputation of having They are Electrical Engineers and desires of efficiency. There is not an the leading concern engaged In their SAW MILL AND LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES Contractors and also have on hand establishment In tWs community- special field, and we point out the ad­ lug to town. The very best of atten­ an extensive stock of electrical eq u ip which Is of greater commercial value vantage ot transacting business with Whose modern and up-to-date store Ity that has met with greater favor tion Is given to the people from the nient and appliances that would make than thia company. them. Is ocated In Eugene at 718 Wiliam- with the public than thia well known surrounding counties. They have a a choice selection as Christmas gifts. S t , renders such satisfactory servirà eatab Ikhment. By reason of the fact The name stands for quality, rel a- The business Is under the dTectton - reputation far and wide aa reliable They feature the famous Universal blllty and progress in the Electrical of a progressiva business man who ot the retail trade that It Is recog­ that the management bus had wide ' men In the hardware business, and In Ranges. General Electric Co. Electric Appliances business of this section of appreciates the value of good service nised as one of the leading hard­ experience In every feature of this making this review of the d evelop Motors, Vacuum Cleaners, and Mazda the state. The manager w 11 be ar a trade winner and he and his ware firms of thia section of ttie business anil because tbelr compre­ I nient ami progress of the comunlty Lamps, and specta Ize In Electrical pleased to show you the th ’ngs you alale and Is under the direction of hensive knowledge of every branch ot associates are always willing and anx­ It Is qultp proper that wo comp Iment Construction and Lighting Fixtures. are interested in, w hether you are Î ious to accommodate their patrons. men widely known In hardware cir­ the trade, this estbllshment has con­ then* upon their effilficlent establish­ Meeting with instant and almost un­ ready to contract Just at this time or He has always taken an acGve inter­ cle*. They carry at all times a com­ tinued te w itness an Increase In the ment. You can depend upon them at iversal approval, the work of this not. It Is a pleasure for us to point number of patrons. est In the development of the county plete line of Hlandard and National­ This company Is known throughout all lim es for expert services, adequate company Is now going to all parts of to this concern as one of the leading * and is known as one of our foremost ly advertised lines of Hardware, In­ Information, courtesy and a stock of the county and with the dawn of new enterprises of this section and to say citizens. cluding sawmill and loggers' supplies, Ibis section as one of the leaders In | the highest quality merchandise ob­ black-tutPh atri pfttroUng supplies business. The Immense volume ol ! tainable. The management Is of the They are also the agents for Ih» business, their experience of years as well known and prominent business a prominent firm In this line, their Lincoln Paints and Automobile Ena w en of tthe community and among practical knowledge that haa won for mrl and carry at all time« a stock of the foremost boosters for all propoal Located In Eugene at 31 7th East, are ern In all respects and of I arge capac­ as If you were doing It yourself. You Sportiti« Goods. Hunting Goods. Am­ them the recognition of the county lions promoting public betterment. at large and tho patronage of thous­ ity. By the proper packing of your need hare no hesitation in turning munition and Cutlery, and carry 3 Their desire to please makes this Bonded Carriers and Is an upto-date bfurnlture. they are able to haul very your moving over to this f‘rm in its select'd stock of Builders Hardware, ands. all add to the progress and hardware store most worthy of men­ and well managed transfer company, large loads and also to pack In such entirety. In fa d everything lit lb«- Hardware prosperity of the comunlty in which tion and we wish to compliment them splendidly equipped to take care o? their establishm ent Is located. a manner that you will not need to The men employed by this firm are line Thia la farmers' hindquarters and ' In this edition on their success in their muny patrons in the city and fear any of furniture will be marred experts in this line, and careful in It is a well known fact that there tnelr special field of endeavor. adjoining territory. the handling of your furniture. They or damaged. la no one Institution In the commun- Is a center for the people when drlv-1 The modern moving service has know how to pack and save every They make a specialty of Freight, Teaming. Shipping, Receiving, Ware­ proven a great convenience to the inch of space, and they know now to householder of today. No more need drive and avoid damage to yonr goods housing and Storage. One of the greatest convenience? of to worry about hiring carpenters to in transit. It is such conveniences as are pro­ modern life Is the efficient and care, build crates then hunt draymen to ESTABLISHED 1881 ful transfer company. It has been haul the goods to the depot. Now all vided by this modern firm that add to ly conversant with Its every detail demonstrated that the truck is the that Is needed is to call the transfer the attractiveness of any community, With nn up-to-date mill located at | mous service, but the best In quality and are consider!d authorities In all best way for handling moving prob­ firm and they will look after all the and we wish to direct the attention 4th and lUgh S t , In Eugene, are ex­ at a ream w-’r*» - *~x. T V w oB ghly Ihut pertains to the operation of a lems. and this firm Is one that spe­ details and will deliver your goods of our readers to this firm when any­ n o n v rsa n t w1‘ k the wonufiacturlng tensive manufacturers of Hash and modern planing mill. cializes In giving the best service in to a city two hundred miles distant thing in the moving, line is contem­ Doors and Framiw. and Inside Finish conditions of the country, anil with In muklng this review of the pro­ to the many patrons it serves in this in twenty-four hours This firm makes plated. The manager is a progressive a wide experience In their particular Moulding They also curry a com- gress of thia section of the country capacity. a specialty' of long-distance moving business man, interested in the ad­ 1« ete stock of G ia « and the Peerless field of endeavor, the management of we wish to compliment this firm and and the handling of pianos and other vancement ot the community, and is Realizing the necessity of this type this popular Institution has been able Cabinet, anil are the ag'nta for the management upon the admirable of service, and knowing that the pub­ heavy articles You can rest assured ready and glad to give you any Infor­ Btormlte Roofing and Upson Wall- to render a service to the people In manner in which the business of this lic Is entitled to the t e s t there Is that when you turn your moving prob­ mation that you may resire regarding their line that la distinctively satis, board that Is better thun plaster for valued Institution la operated; upon to be had, large motor trucks have lems over to this firmi, everything any phase of th’s Important side of factory. Iteit value at the most reas­ Walls and Ceilings In new anil old onable p re« possible has been the their progressive and pub ic. spirited been provided. The»? trucks are mod­ will be looked after Just as carefully te modern life of today. buildings. guiding Influence of their policies and policios. We wish to refer this estab­ B e, a booster nntl buy at home. lishment to all of our readers as one This firm la under able and effi It has brought them trade from nil of the distin ctive features of, Ihe the surrounding terllory. d en t management anil cun offer the The manager anil assistant» are commerlcnl efficiency of this part of Utmost In service. t,ho stale and as hoadqunrters for This Is the day nnil age when the men of long and practical experience AUTOMOBILE ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS big’ll grade mill work of all k nds. In this business. They are thorough- public demands not only magnanl- Whose Super Service Station is lo­ up-to-date lighting system it requires t work as any other establishment In cated In Eugene at 9th and Olive are the work of men who are w ell versed the city. We would sugggest that you take your work to them-. the most prominent Automotive Elec­ In this feature of repair work to keep We are pleased in th is review to trical Engineers in this section, aud your battery in running order. give the manager and is associates I FOOD DEPARTMENT STORE The manager of this well-known the prominent place they deserve In are the Manufacturer's Service Repré­ "Service." Here Ihe shopper enn sentatives for many nationally known house realized this when he sta rted 1 the business life of this section ana Located In Eugene with an up-to- from tho farmers today. Today, prog select anything he w ish es from their Unes of eletrrlcnl auto accessories In­ in business 5 years’ ago and as a re - 1 we wish to compliment them on the date storo at 9th and Dak at., Is one ress along tills line |s particularly no­ shelves of freshly stock 'd pure foods cluding tihe Delco, lteniy. Klaxon. Do suit equipped his plant with all th e' high quality of work performed. of the largest food stores of Its kind ticeable In this community wher" and groceries. In their lino will he Jon. Dyneto. Robert Bosch, Auto-I.ite. latest machinery so that he could turn j They have a department where they In this section, doing an extensive re­ the producer knows that ho will re found standard nnd famous brands. Westinghouse. Strömberg. Atwater out work thnt would pass the closest specialize on all kinds c f e ectrlc tail business In Fancy Groceries, celve the highest price for his poul­ There Is no more public spirited Kent, Connecticut. Splitdorf, anil A. inspection. He searched the market ' work on all electrical units. For try and eggs. Moats and Homo Cooked Foods. In thoroughly for a battery that woti d ! Starter, Generator and all Ignition By reason of the fact that the man­ citizen In the community Ihnn the C. Speedometers. their meat department. Government management of this well known es- give the people com plete satisfaction ! and lighting troubles go to them and agem ent (has had wide t xperlence They also feature the famous Exide Inspected meats are handled, while tali Ishment, nnd In making this re­ and decided on the Exide Battery. you are assured of the best work by Batteries and maintain a modern bat­ froitis their «unitary kitchen the fatu­ In every feature of this business and view of this section, we are pleased because of their comprehnslve knowl­ In the repair department they have men who know what they are doing. tery station in every respect as they ous "Home Brad" Is distributed. to commend them nnd give them In The new Super-Service Station re­ do work on all makes of Batteries and provided machinery for the repairing This Is one of the relluble Insti­ edge of every branch of the trade, this review the prominent position have a’ motlern e ectrlcal repair shop rebuilding or recharging of batteries. cently completed Is truly one of the tutions of this section of tho state this establishm ent has continued to that their progress and reliable poll- This service is a great accommoda finest onthe Pacific Coast, containing doing nn extensive busloss through­ witness the Increase In the number in connection. elea have merited. We assure our of their patron«. tlon for motorists, for they have learn­ a Battery and Electrical department. out this territory. They pay the top With steady Improvement In auto­ renders thnt nt this store they will ed that their batteries will be correct­ Tire and Vulcanizing department, of the market for farm products aud It Is Important n tho return to nor­ mobiles, the auto electrical engineer receive Ihe best treatment and the have grown to be popular dealers malcy ilhat wo have coMCtontlous has become a necessity rnther than a ly repaired and that the firm gives washing and Polishing department, highest, price. firms like thia one, who wl' aid. In in this particular lino. convenience. With practically every guarantee on their work. They are Greasing department and Gasoline One of Ihe recognized prlnclplos of the reduction of tho price of living ear equipped with, a self-starter nnd probably as well equipped to do this and Oil department. farming along scientific lines today for the people. Their policy along (Paid Advertisement) Christmas Printing of all ginds Is Is tho raising of poultry and livestock. this line will be Interesting rending done at the News Office. It Is because of the excellent service for many business men, nR through and desirable mnrket , afforded by thia policy they have built up their this well known company, that this larg nnd growing business. CALL AND BEE Dr. N. W. Emery They hnndle the highest grade of on pW.-.ui on plate and other work, tr feature Is receiving more attention ch ltlclie It because of old-fashioned fixtures? At this up-lodate and thoroughly complete establishm ent you will find equipment and fix tu re the most Hcleiiilflially correct and a stock (hat la full and complete In the upbuild ng of the modern American city of the 20th century, the service of the modern sanitary engineers are of the utmost value. For by th« modern standards of living the length of the average human Ilf. haa been greatly Increased This Is partly due to the work of the sani­ tary engineer Thia condition com­ pels die modern sanitary engineer lo be a man of advanced Ideas. 'With a thorough knowledge of the law of sanitation. The establishm ent and work »hop are comfortably housed and the dis­ play room» are filled with the la test Inventions of the modern manufactur­ Baily Electrical Company Griffin-Babb Hardware Co. Applewhite Transfer Co. Midgley Planing Mill Co. Brakel- White Table Supply Co. i Exclusive Christmas Card Line at the Nefos (P aid : srtlsem ent)