The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, November 26, 1925, Page 8, Image 8

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T! UHiaOAY. NOV. »«, 1926.
» •
Lane County Farmers Union News
Local Reporters
ADVERTISING IS PAYING • C a n a ry ___________ J. L. Northup •
Oregon Agricultural College. Nov.
3«—That the use of newspaper ad­
vertising for the sale of agricultural
products la rapidly Increas'ng because
I t la one remedy for the wasteful and
unsatisfactory methods of the present
distributing system, is the opinion of
C. J- McIntosh, agricultural press
agent of the college
“Benefits from advertising accrue
larely from shortening the road to
market and reducing the cost of mar­
keting such as transportation, com­
missions. and loss from damage in
transportation." said Mr. McIntosh
“ Farm commodities are handled as
often as 16 times when water trans­
portation Is used. The result ts a
loss through damage and handling
• Central
Ray Bower •
Mrs I. J Grtchell •
• Coast Fork Mrs. Geo. Kebelbeck •
C O U N T Y U N IT n O . M
M arrlage
Local Poultry man Creates Sensation
at Pacific International Show
• O F F IC E R S O F L A N g C O U N T Y •
F A R M E R 'S U N Ip N
Mrs M V Horn •
An Indication of what poultry ex­ exhibitors an awful surprise l«v win •
• Dorena .... ...... Mrs, Ada Jennings •
perts thought of the sensation caused ning first cock, first hen, first old •
V io l erdaie
M rs B. Baker •
Hadleyvtllel __ Mrs. M. Gillespie •
J a s p e r _______ Mrs. Grace Jones •
L o r a n e ..... ......... Mrs. C. M Foster •
McKemie .........Harry C. Jackson •
Mt. Vernon Mrs. V. A. Reynold« •
Silk Creek ............... Bulah Smith •
• T rent
E. B. Tinker •
• V id a __________ Mrs. W. E. Post •
Ralph Laird, Creewell, President.
W ill W heeler, Trent, Vlce-Preal
Betty Ksppeuf, Cottage Grove.
Durlng the paat « c e k m urrlage II
(•ensi a havu heru iasUed by the coun-
tv olerk
A m lion y Krajne nmt Mae
K eken both of Roaeburg; Joe Erue«t
Jäinen and Holvia Turner, boi h of
! Roaeburg; W estey II M r N u tt E ugene,
and Ruth E llen H arris.
C ottage
tiro»» and John <1 t'arwon and Lucy
(C h ase, both of Eugene
peu, first young pen. second cock 1 • sac.-Treat.
erel, second young pen. second cock­ • N. A. Horn, Cottaga Grove, Door •
erel, second pullet, best shape and • Keeper
color male, and best shape pullet. • H. C. Jackson, W alterv llla , Con- * E.itale of Louis Anderson, Dsreaaed.
Two of his R. I. hens tied Iti the , • duotor.
• O. L. Clem ent. Chaplain.
Western Washington egg laying con
N otlre Is hcreliy glvrn Ulat Leonard
lest with 296 eggs each to their
' Anderson haa b eco by the County
| Court of (he S ta te o f.tir e g o n . In ano
credit being high he-na In the heavy
for laine County. nppoinD-d adnunla-
class. He also won high pen In this
i tru ter of Ole e sta te et lam ia Ander-
class. Mr. Notter was tendered $60
t___ I ___ I ___ X___ ! ___ I ___ !------ 1----- X----- f A T IN T E R N A T IO N A L
i soti, decesseli.
The sensation of the recent Pacific for first cock at this show which he
the advertisement is placed in a gen­
All p erso n a '.a v iti* r ia lm a a g n ln st
eral farm paper so that the farmer International Livestock poultry show. accepted from an eastern poultry man
The basket social given by
Mt I »aid e sim e are hereby notlfied lo pro-
Some Big Entries.
may be able to sell direct to a more Portland. Oregon, waa a comparative
Vernon local la d Friday even in g w io «etit Ib« nume, duly alatvd and veri-
fleti, ai the law e tn e e or A E W heel
new breeder. Bob Nelson of Spring-
distant consumer.
Then1 was hot competition In «»II attended and a splendid program or. In E ugene. Oregon, w iih in six
fled . Oregon, -with hts first entry at White and Barred Rocks nnl also enjoyed by all.
m onths from 2«tti day of N ovem ber,
a poultry show, comprising five in Black Minorca, as w< t as Anconns
Funeral Held Yesterday.
T he proceeds from the sale id ba» IBS*,
"Sometimes growers supply their
neighbors with their own surplus pro- ’ Funeral services for Wilbur Walk­ White Leghorn cockerels and one There waa a large waterfowl and kets « a s a little over $60 and go to
Adm lnsirator.
action through lang. deTlous. and ex­ er were held at the Pleasant Hill pullet, being a wanted first, second, turkey entry, and two pair of Pea­ help pay for a state organizer of
A K W hceler. Altorney
N 26 V 3 IU 17 24
pensive channels. There are legiti­
The L illie s a u x ilia ry » i f rot m e .t
mate charges for freight» storage, who was born at Pleasant Hill In first pullet, in a class In which were of poultry added Increased Interest
Nollc< of Change of Nam«.
this m onth but « II m eet December
and commissions which are borne by 1894. died In a hosptta* at Sal««» first and grand champions of other to the show
Never has this
The Bantam meet brought out a 9 instead ot the last W ednesday In
Notice I» hereby given that the ap­
both producer and consumer. The November 20. He is survived by his Northwest shows
p lica tio n of Richard Garvin Frederick
producer gets less than the terminal mother, Mrs. Anna Walker, and one feat been duplicated by an amateur fine entry of this class and the the month.
Mrs Clara Henderson of Eugene son to change hla nam e to Richard
price by the cost of haul and storage, brother. A. W. Walker, both of in a northwest show and some of the pigeon exhibit was up to Its usual
in old exhibitors could hardly believe high quality.
spent th e week end with Mr and Mrs Garvin M iller w ill be heard at 10
while the consumer pays the terminal Springfield The services were
their own eyes when they viewed the
Tire pen egg laying contest did not Reynolds.
A M January 10. 1926 by the County
price plus storage and rehaul. The charge of the Walker chapel here
Nelson exhibit and winnings.
Mr show up as large as usual nor was
Th" next m eeting of the Mt Vernon Court, in the court bou se, E ugene,
newspaper is the ideal medium for
cutt'-ng across lots from grower to PIANO FOR SALE NEAR SPRING- Nelson was tendered 150 for his interest as keen in this feature for local will be Decem ber 2. which 1« Oregon at which tim e any p erson m ay
fourth prixe cockerel which he accept­ some unknown reason
• lection night All m em bers should try show cau se why such change of nam e
The writeup and awards in this to he t her«.
“By putting a want ad in a local BEAUTIFUL high grade piano must ed from a Washington poultrytnan
should not be granted
big Pacific International show will
Surprise in Red W innings.
be sold at once. A bargain and
The regular auxiliary dance will
paper, the farmer may se 1 In the
C. I* B A R N A R D .
Notter's i“oultry farm. Tacoma. appear tn the December number of be at Thurston hall. Saiurday night
terms 110 monthy to reliable party.
C ou n ty J u d g e
local market to consumer In town or
For particulars write Cline Music Washington, m so gave the R I. Red this Journal."
Good music, and a good time la prom
N 26 D 3 10
farmer in vicinity who may be in
Co.. 66 Front St.. Portland. Ore.
Ised to those who dance
need of such produce. If there is not
N 26 D 17.
FOR S A Ijy -Cartxm roper In largo
«■fflcient demand In the community.
Huy Your Christman Cards from
ah erta, 34x3» Inches, suitable for
the News While there ts a large stock
making tracings Th» ifewe Office.
By Mrs. Belle DeUraf. Director. ( Delights from 8 Master R ecipes" A
Home Service Bureau, Sperry Flour I request to Mrs. Belle DeUraf, Dlrec-
tor. Home Service Bureau. Sperry
Flour Co.. Sun Francisco, t'alif. will
Admirably located In Eugene at 820 most fastidious.
Cream tilling can be varied in bring it to you.
W illamette St., is one of the most
many ways and is the sim plest, least j
Ixicated In Eugene ot 4th Avenue depend on It that thia well known
artistic Confectionery and Cafes In that to the unltlated. the thought at
expensive type of cooked cake filling.
at Pearl, operates one of the leading firm will see that you get It.
this section. They manufacture high-
It ts not too sw eet as are many of •
The tremendoUa prestige of their
TIME AND PLACE OF • Planing Mills In Eugene. They fen
grade candies and offer unexcelled such a good place to eat. Poor res­
the icing fillings and as It keeps •
volume of business, the ex­
cafe service. This popular cafe Is the
moist it |s very good to use between • Canary—First Sunday and Third • Including th« manufacture of Sash i perience ot years as the prominent
meeting place of many people when means It Is a pleasure to see such
baking powder sponbe rake layers ot • Sntunlajg Farmers Union Hall.
* and Doors and Frames and tnald« firm In this line, the practical knowl-
driving to town and after theatre a modern and up-to-date place as this
the Inexpensive cake mixtures such • C-loverdaie—Second and Fourth • Finish Moulding and Geneva! Mill <-dge that has won for them tho re­
sappers and Is truly an oasis for to which to refer the stranger, as well
as was given In the first Master re­ • Friday». (JoverdaJe School House. • Work. The management of thlapopu cognition of the rountry at large and
pure wholesome food after a long as the local people.
cipe Milk is used as a base for the • Creewell— First and Third Tuna- • Hr Institution has been able to ren­ the patronage of thousands, all adds
. ue proprietors are people whom
motor Journey, which is proof enough
Master recipe; by changing the liq­ • daps, Creswell, M. W. of A. Hall. • der a service to tho people In the r to the progress and prosperity of the
, have made a study of the restaurant
that this is a good place to eat.
uid to orange Juice, crushed pineap­ • Coast Fork—-Second and Fourth • line that la distinctively satisfactory. community in which their headquar­
T his wtell-knovg cafe hits gained business, and consequently are striv­
ple, lemon Juice or coffee, you will • Thursdays. Farm Union Hail.
* Reni value In the most reaaitnable ters la located.
a name that has spread far and wide ing to give the people something Just
be able to make a variety of «kings • Danebo—First Tuesday. Danebe • price poeslb « has been the guiding
"Through the commendnhle nieltiods
• s a p ace where the local and travel­ a little better all the time. They have
The filling Is made by heating the • School House.
• Influence of their policies and It has that hnvn marked their business car­
ing public can more than satisfy their arranged and insist that the service
liquid to scalding and adding the sug­
Dorena—Second and Fouth Tuna- • brought them trade from all the sur­ eer and the excellent quality of their
demands for good wholesome foods. be kept prompt and courteous.
ar and flour combined This prevents • days, Ilorena Churotl.
* rounding lerltory.
materials and expert workmanship,
We take great pleasure in compil
T he menu consists not only of the
This section Is Indeed fortunate to they have built up a reputation that
prime necessities of life, but many mentlng them on the high order of
Is nourishing as we add beaten egg • Thursdays. Hadloyville School
* have such a prognoulve firm to serve extends throughout this section and
delicacies are offered that are Invit­ their establishm ent, and re/er our
and one teaspoon butter to the mix­ • Heceta— First Sunday of each •
us in thn line of tanks for It adds tn which adds to tho volume of their
ing and tempting to the taste of the
ture as soon as It thickens slightly. • month, H eceta ihhool House.
no little way to the progress nnd business each season.
After It has cooked In a double boil­ • Jasper—Second and Fourth Wed- •
In making thia review of our on­
prosperity of the comunlty. If you
er until stiff enough to hold Its shape, • nesdays. W O. W. Hull. Jasper. •
want anything In this line, telephone ward progress «•■ are pleased to com­
remove from the fire, transfer to an­ • Lorane—Second
Fourth •
pliment the most efficient manager
Located in Eugene at 837 Olive St , stock all fixtures and appliances other dish and whip it as It cools.
Wednesdays. I. O. O. F. Hall.
• them, call at their establishment,
a man of the prnsent day, who has
are specialists in Plumbing and Heat­
After cooling, add f avorlng. This fll- • MoKonxIe local, second and • write to them, and then wh<-n you
ing and are equipped to do a large and you can go there and make your ling has many flavors and each can • fourth Wednesday, 8 p. m. 1. O. O. • have decided what you need you can k-pt his establishment thoroughly
nbrea t of the times.
volume of business. In recent years selection before you buy
• F. hall. W altervllle.
be used In many ways.
(P a'd Advertisem ent)
more thought has been given to sanl- ; The time Is past when those living
French Cream Filling.
• Mt. Vernon—First and Third •
ta tlon than ever before. It has been In the country and rural communities
• Wednesday. Brasfleld Store.
1 cup milk.
learned that modern plumbing, cor­ canot have the advantages that are
• 811k Creek Meets First and Third •
1-3 cup flour.
rectly lnsta«led will lessen the chances offered to city dwellers. Modern and
• Thursday at Cedar School House •
1-2 cup sugar.
for sickness and this compels the sanitary homes are becoming very
• Spencer Creek—Third Friday. •
1 egg.
sanitary engineer to be a man of ad­ coiranon. It is possible to have a
• Pine Grove School House.
1 teaspoon butter.
vanced Ideas and a thorough knowl­ country home as modern as any city
• Trent—Second and Fourth Wed- •
1-2 teaspoon vanilla.
edge of the li. * of sanitation.
• nesdays
High •
dwelling and this firm specializes on
1-2 teaspoon lemon.
This concern has given this busl- ' th's work. Have an ear*y consulta­
School Bldg.
Bess the most careful study and by tion with them and let them explain
W aln u t Cream.
Vida—Second and Fourth
Satur- •
constant application and years of ex­ their system s to you and get th' Ir
Master recipe and 1-3 cup finely • days at Minnuy Hall.
Enroll Today
n .g A (}ood HchooJ
perience has become known as most prices. They can give as references chopped walnuts added to milk while • Secretaries will please send tn •
practical and competent In every many places where this work has scalding.
• time and place of meeting and •
A. E. Robert«, Prenldent
• changes of date as they may oc- •
Chocolate French Cream.
been done satisfactorily.
«»2 Willamette fit.
Phone «««
Eugmw, Oregon
Master recipe and two tablespoons • cur.
During their period of business
We wish to compliment them
th ey have been called to do many dif­ and to assure our readers that 1* they ground chocolate mixed w ith sugar
— X__ •___ x _ _ _
ficu lt Jobs and have installed hot are m need of service of the highest and fou r, or melt one square of nn-
w ater, steam and other heating sys­ character that this firm does work rweetened chocolate and add after
tem s in many buildings and homes. that is reliable and that their p ri-is filling Is removed from fire,
Cocoanut Cream
T hey have complete equipment to do are rlgTit and they need have no hesi­
Master recipe and 1-2 cup shred-
th is work as it should be done and tancy In calling on them for any­
di-d cocoanut added to mdk while
p ass over nothing. They carry
thing In their line
by the exhibition at the International
Livestock expoaitlon of the prise win
ning White Leghorn chickens by
Robert Nelson of Springfield is given
in the follow-Tig article priuted in the
last Issue of tho Northwest Poultry
The Rainbow
Terrell-Voigt Planing Mill Co.
Seivers & Brown
Secretarial, Stenographic or Book­
keeping Course
Eugene Business College
Seven Days of Specials on
Eugene Planing Mill
W hose mill is located In Eugene at
311 Lawrence St., Is one of the most
valuaWe firms In this section and
are doing an ever Increasing business
In Eugene and surrounding territory
tn |Lhe manufacture o f Doors and
Fram es and Inside Finish Moulding
and general Planing Mill work.
The management and employees of
th is firm are such that you can place
your problem in their hands with the
utm ost confidence and asurance that
you will receive the best obtainable,
both In workmanship and material.
T hey are extensive manufacturers of
fixtures, and all kinds of high grade
cabinet work, also every kind of mill
With the
Master recipe using one cup pine­
apple Juice for liquid, or one cup pine­
surpassing even their largest expec- apple juice and shredded fruit, com­
talions. This ilrm wpecla Izes in ren bined for liquid.
Cream F illin g Royal.
during Individual service to every ,
patron. Courteous and efficient to a j French m a m filling, plus one cup
marked degree, the manager has sur- whipped cream folded In after U, Ing
rounded himself with employees thor­ Is cold Many prefer this filling to
oughly conversant with every feature whipped cream.
Raspberry Cream.
of the business. Just drop In or call |
After spreading French cream fill­
them on the phone and you will get
the most painstaking and accommo-| ing over one layer of cake cover fil­
dating service that has won them such , ling with fresh raspberries sllghjly
an enviable reputation as a metro-j mashpd and sweetened or use rasp­
politan and progressive establish­ berry preserves. Put layers together,
sprinkle top with, powdered sugar.
Mocha Cream.
Those of our readers who desire
Master recipe using for the liquid
work of this nature executed, should
avail them selves of the services of j 3-4 cup strong coffee and 1-4 cup |
this firm, and at all times we can ( cream.
Orange Cream.
assure them of reliable work, while)
the charges are aw ay« right. W e, Master recipe using for the liquid
compliment them upon the well mer­ 1 cup orange Juice and grated rind I
ited progress and the Increasing pat­ of one orange.
foresight which has won such popul­
arity and patronage for the company,
the management has anticipated the ronage accorded tffiem, ppon their
If you are lnterented In these Mas­
needs and demands of the people of progressive and public spirited poli­
te r recipes, Mrs. DeOraf will be glad
this section of the state and ts far cies.
(Paid Advertisement)
Women’s and Children’s
Coats and Dresses
Pineapple Cream.
to send you her free book et ‘'80 Food
Beginning Tomorrow, Nov. 20
Ttre Repair Service
Htatkm, Expert Balloon
Tire Repairing
9C7 Oak St,
Our entire line of women’s and children’» coat» and dresses
are ordlnarly about 30f/t lower in price Ilian elsewhere.
On top of that extraordinary saving we are adding another
for seven days. All women's and children’» coats and dress­
es are reduced to a new low price, (’oats are fur-trimmed
and plain tailored In a beautiful assortment of styles pal-
terns, and colors. At the prices offered you can’t afford
to miss this Helling event.
New Styles-TNew Colors
Oresses of silk, crepe silk, georgette, flannel- and »erge that
Include the very latest style has to offer. Their uiialltv
Is not. exceeded anywhere for the price asked. See them'