Special E d itien PAGE SEVEM T11K Kl’RJNtiFTELD NEJWS THURSDAY, NOV. 2«, 1925. sv — =r-r ■1 "J - Eugene, Ore., Business Review Eugene Concrete Pipe Co., Inc. E V E R L A S T IN G C O N C R E T E PRODUCTS By D. A. Randall Pacific Feed and Supply Co. H A Y , G R A IN , F E E D a ‘•G reater Home Com m unity." Located In Eugene In the Oregon er» will be found In th eir stock, and no other m anner. Th.» I» a local concern, tnunufac- Thousand» of dollars are brought in­ E lectric HI d., n ear the depot are ex I th<»y a re co nstantly in touch with turlng tlie b,-»t pipe and concrete to this section each year through t i e th eir custom er» who have given It a tenulve dealer» In hay, grain, feed, prodw tts. It ha» th e beat equipm ent trad e channel* by th is house, and a trial. x und exp' r t workmen. W hat w o wlah poultry and dairy feed. num ber of people a re also given em ­ wN I tile, gyp-tun ' in all kind» of equipm ent they have t() (.n |] our reader»' atten tio n to, how druln Ille, hallt They make a special effo rt to cerve ploym ent by th is concern. T he fact To successfully conduct a buxines» pnrlltlon wall Ilk*, brick, block», und h » n Inim cdlattdy adopted b y thle je v ir, th a t 1» th e duty to demand th eir of (his n atu re re q u ire , special study the farm ers and a re glad to give him th a t th e ir trade extends over ull ad­ »I ho fi««tur» rumo,,» »hope w aterproof com pany, and thia, coupled wAh t h e ] product» - n e t only because It 1» »u- j aud care in selecting the atock. | any advice or inform ation he dc-.lres joining counties, th e ir special field, IWlt-nt feio brick, re in fo rc 'd culvert m ain ten an ce bet« of on« of the most perlor, but it is a local concern and - Farm er» a re no ong maicrlitf«. lu buying concreto ■iatriit booster for It. I cause of th eir up-to-date bus neza me- j erated, and th eir progressiveness and N or huv (he m anagem ent and as- th, grow th and expansion of th e coni i They handle a full line of feed, thods and the high quality of prod- ¡public-spirited policies. W e w i s h 't o product* you ar« a»auer,'........ ... " f ‘h e ‘ in the lum ber buxine»». 1 he trem en ­ dous p r.s tlg e of th e ir Im mense vol­ m odern mill. For they a re the larg est um e of business, th e experience of m anufacturers of lu n ile r In Lane years as th e prom inent firm In this county aud th eir payroll Is expended , |h(> p. a c t|t a | know ledge th a t has a t home. I W(M1 {or th em p h . recognition of the T heir p rtc -s a re right and quality country at lurge and th > patronage und service the b«et T h is 1» a firm of tho,.»«nJ», all adds to th e progress whose high grade lu m b er ha» won and p rosperity of the com m unity In wide popu a rlty and patro n ag e for 1 I a h h h th eir large and m odern estab- th e com pany nt ull HOM* Il 1» a well-1 islunent 1» located. known fact (hat th e re 1» i»o lastltu-1 reaso , n re of ab I ,e h eir m odern faclll- «ton in the « m m u n lty th a t h a . »*» L By (hey fUm l.h excel with g reater favor ’With th e public 1 lent service w ith prom ptness and dis th a n thia well known eata b lk h m en t j patch. By reason of the fact th at th e man­ They are at all limo» pi,-used to agem ent ha» had wide ««perienee In .,f th is bualne»« knowl be of p racl cal assistan ce to the home- every feature to talk edge of every branch of th e tra d e b u ild e r« . Th y Invite you McMarran & Washburne C entrally looted in Eugene at Wil- first. T heir connection wilfe the th e ir effort to provide for you the lnm ette and 8th is a leading D epart- t forem ost apparel and m illinery houses very *>est L^la t cal* for the m ent S to re th at Is bu It upon se rv ic e ,-in A m erica enables them to give you nl®“ e j - . r j If you do your shopping in some |< « e r h ig p rom pt and courteous at- .th e la te st styles as soon as they are d ia,a n t oity your con»munity B E T S Y ROSS B R E A D 1 tentlon and full values for your won- released. suffers accordingly. In trad in g h ere through th e rolls of th e moulding m o­ Whoa« most m odern and u p -to d a te kind of flour from s< ru ra l« bins In chine which shapes th e loaves ready . I The service of price has brought ty you have the advantage of dealing , . , . nt the ,'X'H t proporllona d.-sirisl and ele- link uc i n m «nt . u a flour . for th e p at» . ! A com plete and well-selected stock them steadily each y ear many n e w ; with neighbors in terested In you and iMiKiua in 1» located In Eugene a t v>tw| n upw #rd, through 400 H tb E ast is from w hen, th e fum , ^ « * f)nur gca,e hl)ppt,r Thl!1 L astly they are to m ake tb elr own ° t dry goods, a r t goods, in fan t's w ear. patrons. It is a satisfaction to know your w elfare, w o th e r at th e Betsy Boss bakery a t Ladles' ready-to-wear, m illinery and th a t they a re able to show th eir pa- j T hus you are offered th e depend- oua "B etsy Bo«» B read'' la dlstrlb u t- | , a,,t Bt n desired weight and tro n s Kiat they a re not asked to pay | ability o( trading with t e e peo- ,«l to th e people of Eugene and sur- »-hen the scale balances th e elevator 14th aqd M*1 streets. An au tom atic men's furnishings and m en's and boys' m ore for th e ir m erchandise because pie whom you know and who have hum idifier will fill th e dry heated clothing is carried. ! Is auto m atical y »hut off. rounding territory. they purchased it in th is large, fine your choice from a m etropolitan stock To keep puce w th E u g en e', grow th A nother In terestin g m achine being a ir of th e work room s with the r 'g h t ; In th e selection of m erchandise sto re, and also to sell m erchandise and a re served in the m ost efficient am ount of m oisture so th a t live a ir i which is offered, they never lose sight J1I.S.H S2 w orth of to w bakery equip j Installed Is a four pocket di».dor fact th a t th e ir custom ers come of a b e tte r quality a t a com petitive and m odern m anner. n ut Is being Installed at th e K o rn ! wb'< h m easu res off four p i c e s of 1» a t th e b est tem p eratu re and de , of T his comm unity is m ore prosperous. 8re,, of relativ e hum idity to tu rn out j to look upon the label the fullest price. ach Baking Co.. |* a n t so th a t B,w) »tore, for th e stock not only Includec IwnHeH down. It w as w ith tihe , , , . „„. T heir buying power enab es tb tu n 'M ju r home com plete and th e ir stock.1 The m anagem ent is In th e han d s My meets confMenee, and Is a ' largo edge H mi I only by offering th e people d , ry goods, ready-to-w ear, shO'W and I K t r in Chain S tore O rgan zatlon w ith stores q u ality ' mttrc'handfw" a t reasonable m en's furn tailings b u t a c o m p l e te ''1’ en ter the larg est m a rk e ts and ae- includes the m oderate o r th e m o st.ex - of pfoprossive business people, th e e n tire cure gmsls a t m arket prices, pensive designs. If you a re content- m aking thia review of th e progress stock of furnishings for prices could they hope for a huge throughout Oregon, W ashington and therefore they nre a b le to offer th e ir plating the furnishing of a room com- of the com m unity we arq pleased to California, and 1« offering the people volume of bwelnes«, th at tills firm op­ family. T aken all in all. th is »tore Is custom ers the low est possible prices plete o r It it only one o r tw o pieces com plim ent them and re fe r th e es- considered head q u arter» for fam ily tho rig h t kind of tnerdhandlae at ened Its doors. a t all tim es for standard, nationally th a t you w ant, you will he able to taM Isbm ent to our redder#. If you prices th a t a ttra c ts tru d e from E u­ Tho sto re 1» so arran g ed th a t the needs In 4 lttte su rrounding te rrito ry known m erchandise. \ a re bothered by the p resen t season find th e rig h t thing here. and th o rep u tatio n it h a s won is well gene and all th e su rro u n d in g te r ri­ goods n re displayed Io th e b est ad­ H ere is the place to furnish your of hogh prices w e « lg g e s t th a t you It Is an up-to-date and well-known v antage to th e custom er, which e n ­ m erited . to ry . furniture store, which Is prepared to hom e at a rea! saving. T heir stock will find a v isit to th is sto re a re vela- ables them to locate w hat they desire T he P ilcher sto res a re bu ilt up on furnish you w ith any sty le —one of con tain s everything th a t the m odern tlon in possible economy. At thia »tore with a One P rice To Everbody and a square deal to all. ■without needloM delay. T h e many th e foundation of ho n est dealing with in te re ste d in you and your trade. you aro twwurod of the low est posaihle dep artm en t» a re re p le te w ith th e la t­ th e ir p atrons and In th is edition we N ext, they leave nothing undone in niark o t price every day. As n o sales e st aty)e# and to tihe ladies of this are m ore than pleased to com plim ent th e ir effort to provide for you the aro held. tibiTofore ) W do llar has the section this sto re has proven very at- them upon th e m odern and up-to-date very b est th a t can be had for the sum» valuo today as It wil tom orrow. traotlve, for (he stock In th eir d e p a rt­ eatabllrthanent they have opened h ere T H E B A R G A IN C E N T E R money. m ent# Includes all tihe n ew est crea­ for th e b enefit of th e people of th is lo­ In thia now day of prosperity and C entral y located in Eugene a t 841 ered. w ith m a rk e t conditions m ore settled , tions Hint h av e been approved by the cality. H ear R ailroad Discussion. Individuality and distinctiveness W illam ette Srt., Is truly a m etropoli­ hand In hand." He urged th a t shippers E X P R E S S R A T E S R E D U C E D ¡»"tison. of design is noted in specialties and tan store th u t Is cnjoy:ng an ever In­ A dozen business m en w ere In a t D E C E M B E R 5, A N N O U N C E D T hese com m odities will be shlpprel be carefg of th e ad d resses on ex- creasing patronage from Eugene and ready-to-w ear from th is estab lish ­ tendance a t a mieeting held a t the ______ ] u n d er th is schedule a t th e following p ress pnekages, and th a t fragile pack­ m ent and this is In a larg e degree surrounding territo ry and offer excep­ E ugene C ham ber of Commerce Friday Reduced express ra te s on green a n d , ra te s: to Missouri riv er points. *4.28 ages be so m arked. tional values In Clothing, Dry Goods, responsible for the extensive trade night, a t w hich G reat N orthern R ail­ drbsl fruit«, vegetables, and nuts, ef- p er 100 lbs.; to Chicago and St. Louis Ladles’ Ready-to-W ear and Men's of th is storo. feettvw D ecem ber 6, w ere announced $4.96. and points e a st of Chicago, F irst they in sist th a t th e ir services way officials discussed the '«North- Furnishings. The e n tire establlsh- h ere today by the A m erican R a i way *6.64. An m inim um chargo of 48 cen ts On Vacation— F. M. Gaeden, retail be d ependabla You know th a t you w est R ailway S ituation.” F e a r of a n n n t is u n d er the direction of a m an­ E xpress com pany through A gent C arl will be charged. m an at th e local p lan t of th e Booth- are going to get value received and possible collapse o f Jthe ^AmWrican Olson. T he new schedule w as m a d e ' A gent Olson m ade an ap p eal for Kelly Lum ber com pany, Is aw ay this agem ent of excellent taste, feautriag courteous tre a tm e n t when you trade railw ay system w as voiced by th e of­ effective a t t h * tim e for th e bone- prom pt sh ip m en t o f pnekages, declar- wteek on a vacation. E. E. H artung, high g rad e goods a t reasonaW e there, because pa#t experience h as ficials in th e ir discussion of the sit­ th a t a re ^ „ R y fit of C hristm as shippers, b u t will Ing th n t "early shopping and early of th e com pany's E ugene offices, Is prices; one of th e really uation. , . become perm anent a fte r the holiday I shipping of C h ristm as packages go trad» c en te rs w here quality is consal- -r relieving Gaeden, (P aid Auv#rtta#fiM«ii-) I ' >*• Korn Baking Company Willamette Furniture Co. R. A. Pilcher Co., Inc. Hampton’s