r AG» gre THURSDAY, NOV. 2«. 102fi. T H E SPRING F IE IJI NEWS THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ——------- - 1 - too early l„ sta rt planning t'h rlslm a ■ d a y s '• »Olit, D ecem ber IS. Hint inunt A C O U N TY -W ID E NEW SPAPER, The S pringfield News is a fast g ro w in g news­ paper. D u rin g «(he last year o r tw o It has en- ' joyed real expansion in to the c o u n try d istricts u n til now there is not a com m only in Lane coun­ ty that does not receive its copies every week. W hile the News slid preserves iis local service, Itater ed ss second class m atter. F eb ru ary *♦, I9e:i a t th e a newspaper fo r S pringfield, it has grow n in to a 1 posteffice. Springfield. O regon , county-w ide publication. MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATE People read tic News because it follow s the O ne Y ear in A dvance___ $1.75 T h ree Men hs . i «»c standards o f real newspapers. It has no ax to Six M onths .......................... 11.00 8 r.e'e C. ,-y . ... ___ 5c grin d p o litica lly o r no special interests to sen-* «ave that o f all the people. It is careful In hand­ THURSDAY, NOV. 26, 19.0. lin g the facts and dot's not m ix them In news stories w ith ed ito ria l opinion. It leaves the read­ e r to fo rm his own opinion a fte r hearing the Editorial Program tru th . It does not put stream ing head lines on I. Make Springfield the Ind ustrial Center of Wee- w ild rum ors nor fill Its colum ns w ith scandal yet tern Oregon, it publishes more individua l .terns o f local news II. Develop a Strong Tradin g Po int: Build a City every issue in pro p o rtio n to its size than any of Contented Homes, o th e r newspa|>er in western Oregon. II I . Improve Living Conditions on the Farm . Pro­ Pardon us. b u l it has been m any moons sin e mote the Ra sing of Purebred Livestock and we last blew o u r ow n horn. ■ »bopping ami m ailta*. H u m a n A n te n n a d la la n l po.uia Onuewbee I t . Vh» «nrly mallin* nt C lir«tnia», .........................- vanl» I» Just an im portant n» i«m> » t'hrl»itn i • Prl.-.Un* of all k'inta I» P hrlatiaa» «iti» a n i card» u l d i e - I j . n(j (h Nl,w, to point» within on»» eocb.tT«i< very dawning of the day brings fresh to m ind’ Since motion pictures taken show the sun to the spirit of hum ility—th at this is the hour set he a giant reflector it is getting time for our lecis- < This youthful radio enthusiast ia aside to th an k our C reator for the mercies of the lators to regulate the lenses and insist on the Randall C athcart of O akland, Cal., year th a t has passed. Coming to us as the gift of proper use of dimmers. who w hile fixing hi» aerial touched the binding post of his set. In sta n t­ New England, his simple thought has develop>e.l • • • In the people of the land an appreciation of w id-1 The rum shins a re gathering near New York ly he heard music and discovered a t the hum an body will catch air e r significance. Well m ay we be thankful that for the Yuletide trade. A Green - R iver C hrist- th w a rn . God in His m ercy has held us in the paths of »>««. m®y »’«he a fat church yard. peace; surely we m ay rejoice in thanks th at pros-j • perity has continued to bless the people, th at wis- The Senate com m ittee hones to slash taxes dom has continued with thetfi so to conduct their $500,000,000, Really a detail. Ask the shipping NO MAIL DELIVERIES ON Internal govemmen® th at the nation has grown board. CHRISTMAS, SAYS HAMLIN • • • ___ In dignity and strength for service; but, underly-j T he Springfield pontoftfce wf I act Ing all of these m aterial advances we should be! The beating of tom -tom s in M alanesia serves thankful, every day for th at am azing natural to warn the villagers o ' the anproa-b of the as- deliver mall on C hristm as day, and order under which we live and have our being, sessor who finds deserted dw ellings. Ren Keeney no ru ral deliveries. with the exception th at unalterable law which m akes impossible has been hearing queer sounds in I.ane county of the S tar route, will operate on the holiday, according to announcenw nt perm anent evil as a result of o u r own shortcom ­ that resembles the tom-tom. by P o stm aster F 11 Hamlin. Mall ings. Therein is found the apotheosis of divine will be given out when called for at love. Let us not miss the substance in our adm ir-, E d ito r ia l C om m e specific tim es to be announced la te r ation of the shadow. The horrors of bloody s trife ! by the postm aster. n o IT NOW. m ay scourge the world in tem porary agony, but j A nother urgent uppeal to Spring the ennobling of those souls who pass toward H ave you applied for certificate o r t tie to your motor field people to do th eir mulling early west, and of those who stay to mourn- brings vehicle? to the world a wider understanding of our m an­ The S ecretary of S tate can n o t honor applications for and th u s Insure delivery and lighten hood and our womanly sacrifices that set a new 1926 licenses u nless title has been first secured from that the congestion a t the local, ns well as all, postoffices, was made by th e and higher eternal standard for our m arch into official. postm aster. As th ere will be no d e ­ th e great adventure. Out of evil cometh good. DO IT NOW! livery in any p art of th e country on T h a t is the law—th a t is the basis for ou r real H ave you applied for your 1926 m otor vehicle license.' C hristm as day, Springfield people Thanksgiving. Sometimes our poor m entalities If not. DO IT NOW and rel'ev e y ourself of w orry 1 a te r would do well to USA 9th and Oak, Eugene We Charge No Interest We Charge No Interest | will be helping th e ir husbands support th eir fam ilies, ac- We have heard of women who never eat break- cording to th e prediction of Mrs. C arrie ch ap m a n c a tt, fast Insisting th a t they have a breakfast nook made in a re cen t a.id rres a t M ilwaukie, sh e felt th a t the In their house. , Standards of expense and th e level of prices will continue • • • to rise, m aking It n ecessary for th e women to tak e hold W hat we need now is a little flivver sense to and help th e ir husbands. T h e women of 20 y ears aft) would nave groaned a t such a phospecL Not m erely were replace the old horse sense. • • • m ost of them unable to do an y th in g to help support th eir Life, liberty and a place to park are the inali- fam ilies, b u t a very g re a t num ber required help to do i th e ir housew ork. I’ro b ab y th e housew ork of the ordl- ienable right of all free born Americans. • • • An easy way to handle a traffic Cop is * female. • • to be • People rich in experience a re often gpot cash. rich LOOKS LIKE A BIG THANKSGIVING in n ary hom e is not m ore th an h alf of w hat it was 2a years ako, ow ing to new inventions and custom s. The m odern woman is full of energy, and If she can get m ore of the b en efits o f th e world by tak in g on som e activ ities out- «w« the home, she w in not h e stita te to do so.—R oseburg News Review. By A. B. CHAPIN The Three-in-One Range Kitchen Heater, Water Heater and Gas Range all built into one unit. You should see this Wedgewood closed-top, labor-saving gas range dem ­ onstrated a t the gas office. I We have a size for n large or small kitchen. A telephone call will bring a salesman to your home to explain this range to you. All Appliances Sold on Easy Terms Mountain States Power Co. 6th and Main 8t„ Springfield 881 Oak Street • ma V im t F or kitchen cleanliness easily m aintained— Telephone S3 — Eugene — Telephone 28