” THURSDAY. NOV. 2«. 1026. PAGE THREB THH SPIUNGFTXD NEWS AT THE FARMERS EXCHANGE THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD Commencing Friday, Nov. 27 IVe give S & H Green Trading Stam ps An Extraordinary 8 DAYS To stimulate Business for this occasion we reduced prices in all departments. Your dollar at this store will buy more than it has ever given to you-Greater Values. Wanted seasonable merchandise for winter wear. Let Prices Speak to You! Clothing and Gents’ and Boys’ Furnishing $ 1 9 .8 5 $40.00 Men’s alt-Wool suits, serges included $ 2 4 .8 5 $22.50 youth's long pants suits ................... ’.... $ 1 3 .8 5 $7.50 Boy's Knicker Suits ........................... - ......... $ 4 .9 8 $13.50 Knicker Suits, all wool, 2 pairs pants $ 9 .8 5 $5.50——$6.00 All wool dress pants ....... $ 3 .9 8 $8.00— $10.00 All wool light flannel young man pants 20-inch bottom $ 5 .9 8 $6.00— $7.00 All wool light flannel, young men's pants 20-inch bottom ................... -$ 4 .9 8 $1.00 Uncle Sam work shirts $ 2 .5 9 ..........- ............ 7 5 c Heavy Blue Dermin Overall ..... ......._............ Children Coveralls $1.'j0— $2.00 Dress Shirts $4.00— $4.50 Men's Dress Hats $5.00— $6.00 Men's Dress Hats .............. Heavy Fall Union Suits, Cotton $4.00 Men's Sweaters $6.00— $7.00 Men's Sweaters ........... $1.50 Boys Caps 35c Men's fine dress hose, 4 pairs for $10.00— $12.00 All wool mens Mackinaw 25c Engineer- fireman sox. 3 pair for $10.00 Boys Mackinaw, all wool $10.00 Stag Shirts, guaranteed 75c All wool sox, 39c or 3 pairs ........................ Boys Corduroy long pants Guaranteed Tin pants .................. Rain-test Pants .................... Rain Hats $6.00— $7.00 Wrights, all wool heavy union suits $ 3 .4 8 Men's Fleeced Lined Union Suits Boys Heavy Union Suits $4.00 English Broad Cloth Dress Shirts $10.00 Men's Hunting Coat 4.00 Kahki nnd Moleskin lace pants $ 1 .2 9 98c 89c $ 2 .9 8 $ 3 .9 8 $ 1 .5 9 $ 2 .9 8 $ 4 .4 8 98C $ 1 .0 0 $ 7 -9 8 $Oc ^ $ ,9 8 $ 7 .4 8 $ 1 .0 0 $ 2 .8 5 $ 3 .2 9 $ 3 .9 8 49c to $ 4 ’ .4 8 5 1 .6 9 90C $ 2 .4 8 $ 5 .9 8 $ 1 ,0 8 OVERCOATS $25.00 Men's Overcoats, Virgin Wool $ 1 6 .8 5 $35.00— $40.00 Men's Overcoats, Virgin Wool $8.50 Men's 12-inch high top Shoes ................... $5.00— $6.00 Men's Dress Shoes ........................... $5.00 Men's Crepe Sole Oxford $25.00— $30.00 Men • all wool suits, serges in­ cluded, cut t o ...............- .......... $3.50 Heavy Moleskin Pants SHOES $ 2 2 .8 5 $7.50— $8.00 Men « Dress Shoes................. ..... $ 4 .9 8 $ 3 .9 8 $ 3 .4 8 $ 5 .4 8 $6.00— $7.00 Men’s Oxfords, 6 and 7 size only nar­ row last ......... .........................-...$ 2 .9 8 Men's Elkhide Work Shoes...................................... $ 2 .2 9 $’j.00 Men s Light Work Shoes, Paracord combination tion sole, guaranteed .................... $ 3 .6 9 $7.00 Ladies' Patent cut out latest style $ 4 .2 9 $7.00 Ladies' Sateen ....... ............................ - ........... $ 4 .2 9 $5.00 Ladies' Oxfords $ 3 .4 8 One lot ladies shoes sizes 3— 4 ’/ 2, narrow, $7.00 Value $ 1 .6 9 $5.50— $7.50 Ladies Suede Shoes, cut $ 1 .9 8 $8.50— $9.00 Ladies' High top Shoes .................... $ 4 .9 8 $5.50 Ladies Vici Kid sliopers ............................. $ 3 .9 8 $5.00 Old Ladies' Comfort Shoes, cushion sole $ 2 .9 8 $7.50— $8.50 O'Donnel Arch Support Shoes 5 4 .9 8 Girls and boys shoes, slippers at ridiculous low Prices. .............. $ 1 .4 8 $ 2 ,4 8 Sandals for children ..................................... 9 9 c Genuine Army Shoes .................................................. $ 3 .9 8 $6.00 Ladies Sateen Oxfords, sizes 5’4 — 7’/2 only $ 1 .9 8 $11.00 Mon’s 16-inch Hi-top shoes, special lot $ 6 .9 8 $10.00 Buck Hecht, 12-inch boot for men ... $ 6 ,4 8 12-inch Farmer Logger ............................................ $ 4 ,9 8 12-inch Dayton Logger .......................................... $ 7 ,4 8 16-inch men's guaranteed Moccasin high top boot $ 7 .9 8 $7.50 Boys high top shoes ......................................... $ 4 .9 8 $8.00— 5*3.00 Ladies high tops $ 4 .9 8 $5^98 $5.50 Girls and Boys heavy school shoes $ 2 .4 8 to $ 3 .4 8 - Big Reduction on Blankets Heavy German Army Blankets, doublo $ 2 .4 8 $4.00 Heavy Quilts ................................. $ 2 .9 8 $10.00 Men's guaranteed Raincoat $ 5 .9 8 $8.50 Ladies Raincoat ......................... $ 4 .7 9 $6.00 Boys Raincoat ............................ $ 3 .9 8 $7.50 Ball Brand Hi-top boots ........ 5 5 .6 9 $5.50 Ball Brand Knee Boots ........ 5 4 .2 9 12-inch Rubber Shoes ........................... $ 3 .4 8 Ladies Best Rubbers ....................................... 79c 75c Rubber Aprons .......................................... ..........4 8 c $2.00 Mon's and ladies Umbrellas .............. $ 1 .2 9 $5.50 Mens and Ladies sil|< Umbrellas $ 3 ,9 8 $1.25 Ladies Silk Gloves .. ................ 69c $2.00— $3.00 Ladies Perrin Cloves............. $ 1 -4 8 $3.50— $7.00 Corsets, small sizes, 18— 24 only 98C $1.00 Bloomers, crepe or sateen ................ 59c 75c— $1.00 Ladies Union Suits (light weight) 59c Ladies $1.50 Nightgowns ..................................... 98c Dry Goods, Dress Materials and Notions $1.00 Silk Plated Ladies Hose in all shades .. $1.00 grade, worsted school dress material, per yd. 48c 30c Jap Cotton Crepe in all shades......................... ..... 19C 32-inch Gingham ......... ...... _.............. ........... ............. 19C 59c 12 Mommies genuine Jap Pongee ................. ................. 69C 90c Blossom silk in alt shades — .............— ......... 5 9 c Extra Heavy genuine Jap Pongee ................................ 8 4 C All 40c Cretone in latest floral creation ......... -2 9 c 90c grade plain broadcloth __________________ ____ 95C 75c Ratinne in all shades................................. ............... 2 3 c $3.00 All wool serges, princess cloth in all shades $ 1 .2 9 75c Striped Satin finish Lingerie cloth ..................... 4 3 C SO— 60c Irish Black Sateen .......................... 39c 75c Imported French Tissue Gingham ........................ 39C 36-inch Outing Flannels .................................................. 19C 9-4 Piquot Bleached Sheeting ........................................ 57C Same Unbieached Sheeting ...... 55C 9-4 Wearwell Bleached Sheeting ................................... 43C E xtra large Turkish Towels 75c g ra d e ........................ 3 9 C Feather Proof Ticking ................................................ 39C Hope Muslin ................................................................. 16C Ready Sheets for large beds ..................................... $ 1 ,2 9 $3.00 Bedspreads ......................... 5 1 .9 8 $5.00 Bedspreads .......................................................... $ 3 .2 9 Dorcas Novelty Bedspreads .......... $ 3 -4 3 $1.00 Bathrobe material ........................................ ........ $1.00 Dress Flannels ......................................... 4«c $5.00 Silk Shirtwaist .................................................... $ 2 ,9 8 $2.00 Wash Waist ♦........................................................ $ 1 .2 9 Bargains in Ladies Coats ............ S 1 6 .9 S 5 2 9 8 $ House Dresses ..... .............................. ............- ................. 9 8 c Heavy Wool materials for ladies coats and suits at greatly reduced prices. Big reduction in Silks of all kinds GUARANTEE EVERY ITEM IS GUARANTEED TO BE FIRST QUALITY — WE ASSUME TILE RESPONSIBILITY AND REPLACE ANY MERCHANDISE THAT FAILS FOR ANY REASON TO SATISFY T IIE CUSTOMER. J. FULOP, Prop. THE FARMERS EXCHANGE THE STORE OF SPRINGFIELD 49c Ladies Heavy Union Suit- 98c to .............................. $ 2 .4 8