FAG TH E TWO THURSDAY, NOV. 3«. 192G. FIELD NEWS WATER SPORTS SAFER FOR REO GROSS WORK There were three fatalities In Ora- I gon due in Industrial aiaddenta In the woek ending November Hi. aA 'nUng to a report prepared by the atate In iluslrlul aceblent eoiumlsalou The vlellnia were Waller C. Weber, TUI* monk, foreiean; Axel Lind. Kerry, wint, fall hinker, and If'igti Jaekeon, Bridge, logger. A total of <<2 ae«p denis was reported The Ib>uglas county agricultural economic confetence waa held at Itoae burg wtlh a good atteniiance The eon feien ie arranged by the Oregon Agricultural college will have a thorough survey of all ot the various agricultural activities in the county, market conditions In the eounty. state anil nation, and from the material so obtained will formulate a program for future agricultural development. Three men were Injured In prema­ ture dynamite explosions In Klamath county. George Lapowt, employed on a road construction craw near Bon- ansa, lost th e sight of both of bis eyes when a charge of dynamite ex plixled unexpectedly and It. W estfall and Itohori Malian, employes of the j Cnlltortila Oregon Power ooinpmy, : were badly cut about the face with flying rocks when another charge ex ' plixled. Expert Life-Savers and Many Thousand Swimmers Reduce Annual Water Toll. Water «ports In the United States have never been so safe as they are today, a survey of the work done by Life Saving experts of the American Bed Cross In the past year indicates Thousands of adults and young peo­ ple were taught to swim proficiently by these experts (luring this period In addition. S.MI men. 4.137 women, and 13.024 Juniors successfully passed «he rigid tests of the Life Saving Ser­ vice of the Red Cross The total thus trained daring the y e a r 22.392 —is t.0< 1 more than last year’s results The total membership of the Life Sav­ ing Corps of the Red Cross on June til was 72.810 persons. Meeting the demand for qualified Instructors and councillors In these gamps, are the college men and women •1 the country, many devoting whole «r part of their annual vacation peri­ ods to thia field. Meeting the need of standardised Instruction In Life- Saving. First-Aid. and kindred sub­ jects, the American Red Cross con­ ducted nine First Aid and Life-Saving Camp Institutes this year with a total attendance of more than <00. In Maine, Massachusetts. New York. North Car­ j 'M U c ii t h e couver*«u ou i m a u u u .) m olina. Indiana. Wisconsin. Oregon, and V « d « ia $ e Ot MA« LAAMA «a K u iU fc O u «u California. Representatives of Red u e b .fc w o r m MaXMAUd u a . Cross Chapters, summer camps, life guards at municipal pools and beach­ v i course, yua cat. meat with ea es, directors of physical education In ct'puoua yt.OxMt uuy'aux.c, «u,. you echools. and others of this calibre cau liuu g in s wuo a ,p » ..u u y »x».c made up the student body. hot an liina tu tuvir m ars, out woo A number of city or regional lastP i Lear Miss H o :—t have betu mar tntlons were conducted alto during I riec. tuny six mxuuis, uut i aai appeal to clever uieu. th e wilcueiy the winter at indoor pools to develop ,.uo.u m , uu.bauu » o n m o » . o . u . ot pay aua beauty can swee>p a t u .u trout U-» J .« t tor a tfu e. hut it local experts. The aquatic school con- L rwi ,,r , . , . . . ducted by the New York Chapter was I ‘ « 0 uouy often happona iuat sucn a gwi, uu­ •specially success fa t It Is stated. In- so—t am a avua vuuA, a |v u u tu- ttaa pue auppielUci^s (her phyaitai Rpired by this lywtem. many cam pa, ! Lcl Ladner—lair y u» <««. U isO L uU U Wt&o D U lU k to . sincere, inle ilgent interest in otuers • f expert life-savers. Is developing a J l O v a e r Cttrti LUC iC att A MAAO M MUVUt and a ready sympathy both are attri­ vast body of Americans who are at butes which go tar toward insunug home In the water. All contributes ¿MJiAlACM U * c b e t t e r u i l A W o u l d b e , b u t tuts likiug. Uut interest annve M oveaber 11-26. . ot the H home— r»»*—.— •»»«» tuat mey preter g iru I sod women ui whom uiey are in ter-, Large Volunteer W ork of Red Croee. feeted should he sw eetly iguoroat ou ‘ Volunteers ander the Red Cross all over the United States are doing con­ uuy subjects except the im .uamenlals ' stantly for others, among thalr prod­ of domesticity is a past age. You see , ucts being more than »0 per oent of proof ot this around you every day. 1 the Braille reading matter for the 'the girls men like to la. a Lo, UKe blind, and a vast production of cloth around and intronuce lo tnelr trieuui, ing and surgical dressings. and the wives who carry into matri j , mony that surest guarantee o t suc- ..... ........ cess are the girls and women wao I Portland Man Here—dJe-orge Down- h a v e-a t least a generous smattering | ey, of Portland, coast representative of up to date Information, who can t Ot the Simons Steel and Saw cem- listen Intellig.-ntly to a man's ideas j pauy. was a Springfield visitor S a t-1 and hobbies, who can come back with nrday. ' something more than a blank look --------------- Contidence By Flo S A V E with kFET el. Strive to make your conversation inteliigont. Inten-eting Read the dully paper, a few of the better olass current magasines, some ot the talk i-d about books, and you will have su f­ ficient Information to know wbat the average man Is ta k ng about—and you'll find your husband not only Interested in his h'wmellfe— but more interested in you. Isn’t that what you want? Leaves for Chicago— Ben Conway left Saturday for the East, expecting to return In about six months. After a visit in lies Motnes, Iowa, he .wit go to Chicago, where he plans to take a courso in interior decorating atifour. He will return io Sprlngflebl to practice that profession. Laavaa for Ssattle— Mrs. Iris Junes, who has been spending some time here visiting nt the ihon«, of her I grandmother, Mrs. C. F. th'ott, rv- ; turned Monday to her home In Heat One at Night Next Day Bright been j lie S ta r t M s m b s rs b lp DRUG STORI C a m p a ig n — A membership campaign has started by the Bethany class of the ' First Baptist church. The class also { has started a campaign to raise funds i for the payment of aupply bl Is for | the coming year. ORDERLIES a n 1 ure an eusy re lie f fo r consl- patlou. TURKEY DAY A never fa llin g laxative, gen­ tle in action and absolutely Hure T em pting, tender birds In all w eights, dressed o r u n ­ dressed. We have Just the fo w l to grace yo u r T hanksgiving dinner table. Turkeys- ducks, chickens and choice roast In o th e r meats as well. O rder y o u r Fow l Now. Never necessary to Increase the dose. SANITARY MARKET Flanery’s They w ork fo rm no liu b lt. naturally and 21 doses 25c HOLVEHSON BEOS. 505 M ain St. Phone 80 JAMES CRUZE’S heroic romance of TJto 5 ^ 2 ¡o 2 t A w f J f o f the lightning riders of the old frontier It’s HERE! NOW PLAYING T IL SATURDAY Special Sale of M ID N IG H T You’ll cheer out East Light Used Cars stand and this Blow­ drama of and West. Fords, Chevrolets Overlands 35o 50c 20c Marvelous Muilo FRANK D. C. ALEXANDER In solo nnd 1924 Ford Coupe, extras— a snap ............................. $380.00 1924 Overland Roadster, a bargain »' I ting on tha $300.00 1924 Overland Touring .......................................... $390.00 1923 Chevrolet Touring ...................................... $265-03 1923 Chevrolet Touring, completely overhauled, new Paint ..................................... $290.00 W U R L IT2E R ,4 We have several other exceptional values in used cars HE PONY EXPRESS The THANKSGIVING SPECIAL at extremely low prices and on easy terms. FELIX Gannett Motor Co. Chevrolet Dealer— 9th and Olive Open Thanksgiving fit Tha CAT COMEDY M cD o n a ld T h e a tr e N. B. Night Prices Prevail Thanks­ giving Matinee Continuous 1 to 1130