TMK KMUMGFUEUD K PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, NOV. 2«. 1MB.__ ------------------ —-------- ;----------- w then Judge for yours« If m eat ¿ « p a rta a n i ot the Portland They o perate an in stitution th a t Chaznbar of Commerc*. adds much to the efficiency of the A raaolatlon f» Tort a* th s propossd eoniinuntt as a trading c an te r and experience. , C onveniently located In Eugens p rep aratio n s extension o t th s sta te norm al course T his well-known profession has «le- Mrs Hell obtained her business In thia rev ew we are tdeased to ¡ tor public school teach ers from tw o to niaintulna tw o m sto-date Beauty I to u r y ears was unanim ously adopted «hopa, nam ely; Tne Eugene Beauty velop«««t In the past few years from a education under an able and well point w ith pride to th e g reat success Brief Resume of Happenings or by th e Polk county W. C. T. U. In Spot U xated In the fehlgens Hotel. trade to an a r t of science. T his day known beauty school T his training they age m aking. a m | insure our convention at Independence. P hone 2000 and th e M arinello shop In and age of aixviullata has found the and kliowhalge obtained by years of read ers nth tat this establishm ent the Week Collected for receive a square Only 54 votea were cast In M edford's th e McDonald T h eater B ldg. Phone a rt of beauty culture advanc ng with practical experience has built for them they will ulw«« rapid strides. the well m erited patronage received, deal Tin' pro) rlelur Is to be h ghly 647-J. ' school d istrict election on the question Our Readers. T his shi»o Is w ill »quipped with all T his l«eauty pas or h as proven to contu-nd dg a, on the valued service They practice Cosm etic T herapy In i of approving th e annual budget and l> x te r h as tnising th e school tax of the city more all its b ran ch es and ITofeseor Mar­ the la te st approved devices for expe- be a great convent« nee to the people rrtiil»r< il the i»««,pl«> The rub ltc school at than < p er cent above th at of 1934. cel's system of P erm anent Waving ditlous business. T heir work compris- o f this socltnn generally as It renders It a Ids to the country's p ro g rsst atid been closed on account o t scarlet and every ro te was favorable. espanslon to have in its m idst such T hese a re tw o of the best ««quipped o s ul the advanced m ethods such n s a m ertopolltan service fever. firm s us til S. to which we refer our m anicuring facial work, iw nnauei t The m anncgtnenl and a ss ista n ts amt and we I m anaged beauty «diol's in P ave A rthur, m em ber of a prom inent C onstruction work has been started Raker county family of mining opera- th is s««ction and is under the m anage waving, m u red waving, hair dyeing th eir desire to please m akes th ese readers on the new term inal grounds of the ; tors, was acquitted of a charge of men! of Mrs, 11. l\»per Bell, who em­ new shingle hob. ami hair work of all beauty parlors most worthy of men S outhern Pacific company at Eugene m anslaughter In connection with the ploys only eaperienced o perators. W o rk in g on F ir sp la c s Exrtt Pel descriptions. To b< accu rate at the t on ami we wish to com plim ent them in this adllon for th eir success s e ­ Her of Lugen» Is 'n S p rln sfle l I th is T he total num ber ot children of death of O. C. T ucker in a fight in They carry a com plete tin«« of hair work, y e a rs of study m ust be given school ago in Lane county a t the i the M other I-ode mine Septem ber 1. g«MXts, tran sfo rm atio n s, »witches, tint to tho construction of the skin, »up- qnlreil In th e ir special field of en- week building th«« fireplace In the I» w MiKInUolt l i n in W illam ette tim e the recen t school census was R. J. Ferguson of Portland was sen ­ u ral bobs, curia and a large line of idem nted with years of practical «leaver. Height* ta k e n is 14.309. tenced to th ree years In the state I r s p s c tjf Goa« N orth— Abe Linde, A Pickwick stage on the way from penitentiary by Judge Eakln at As­ who lias ' i I«- « c li n t I n i t i e r s t Y reka to Roseburg stru ck and killed toria when he entered a plea of the I" s ' I' 'h I elly i t ’ll for the a big buck deer in th e canyon south guilty to a charge of m anslaughter In connection with the death of R. C. T his com pany 1» known throughout w-tial you need you can d«'t»n.l on I N icolai D oor M n u u fa ilu rin g ctm iam y of Canyonville. Locat«d In Eugene at 15 E ast 7th this section as on* of the lea iers In th at ih * well known firm will s i of P ortland, left for «hat city Mat­ Mrs. Stella Magladry. wife of J S. Graham. a re extensive ro al dealers, featuring urila) M C. I '«’tersoti, Inspector (or this buslntss. The volume of busi­ you get It. Angling for trout of 10 Inches In M agladry. state senator, died at Eu­ th e fam ous Rock Springs and Utah ness, the extw-rh'tic«« of y ears a# a With t t e business acum en and lore th e T e x a s a n t New U rb a n a railroad. gene a fte r an Illness of a few weeks length or more In all stream s of the state, which has heretofore been per Coal and Gasco Briquets. Its super­ proiuinenl f tm in th is line, the prac » giti which has won such p o pulatl'y arrived Saturday from pneumonia. ■1 1 -• at the annual ®ltt««d during the regular cR-sed sea iority Is d em o n strated by being hot. tical knowbdg«« that has won for them ami patronage for the company In tho Corn sw eepstakes — — ---- Marion-Polk county corn show which from November 30 to A pril 15. w ill clean. sootless and clin k erless and the recognition of the country at i ant. the ma tingeilleni has untici paten w as held at Salem were aw arded to prohibited th is year above the ror- 1 will carry you through the w inter In larve an i I . patronage of th o iriu u l « the needs and dem ands of the people Beautiful und Rich ' tions of stream s not actually affect­ all a d d Io th " p ro g re s s and prosperile of th is section of the sta le anil Is com fort. th e city of W oodburn. ed by tides, under a new law en act­ far »urpass'nü ev«-n th«» largest ex of the com m unity In which their It Is a w ill-know n fact th a t there C. H. Dye was elected president of ed by th e lust aassicn of the leg is pert.i'lon*. Thia firm still special ! Is no one in stitu tio n n th e cotnmun ta h llsiiu ie lit I* located. th e W illam ette valley C hautauqua as­ Utuce. lz,«s In rendering Individual service T his section Is Indeed fortunate to J ity th a t has met with g re a te r favor sociation a t a m eeting of the board of to »very patron C ourteous and e fflc hav e such a progressive firm to serve S tate traffic officers operating am w ith the public than this w.«l known d irecto rs held at Oregon City. ent to a m arked degree the m anager tt In fuel and everything In th eir line; ne*pc«nder.t over financial troubles dor T. A. Raffety. chief Inspector for estab lish m en t. By reason of the fact It adds in no little way to the progress has surrounded hlm eelf with employ­ the sta te m otor vehicle division, have th at the m anagem ent has hail w '« > and continued ill-health. Howard L. ees thoroughly co n v ersan t with every W ard, who Tesides about five miles started a system atic enforcem ent o f ' experience in every featu re of lilts a rd prosperity of the com unlty. If you w ant anything In this line, tele­ feature of the business. and as a re ­ business. th is establishm ent has con­ the so-called autom obile lighting law south of Roseburg, shot him self. phone them , cull at their e sla lt l»h sult. work moves along ut a most F ifty carloads of canned fru its and enacted a t the 1915 session of the leg tinued to w itness the Increase In the m n e t. and w h en y ou hav«« d e c id e ! rap id anti sa tis fa c to r y m a n n er num ber of p att >t>s. vegetables w ere shipped by th e Eu- islature. gene Fruit G row ers' association last 1 Pupils passing into any grade above m onth, according to J. O. Holt, m an­ the fourth grade of th e public schools of Roseburg must be able to w rite ager. Five candidates seek th e office of the words of " A m erica." the first and Adm irably located in Eugene at 8th all the time. The m anagem ent tak es w ith the serving of food on the ta d istrict atto rn ey of Polk county to last stan zas of "T he S tarS p an g led hie. but extends to the kitchen and j succeed Joseph H elgerson. who has j B anner" and th e “oath of allegiance," and P earl St., is one of th e finest ho­ special pains to se e th at th e s e r v ic e o th er places th at a re only frequen- ■ of the en tire staff of helpers is as the school board has ruled. been appointed deputy United S tates le a in th is section of Oregon. They nearly perfect!! as it Is possible to ted by the m anager and hts assist Any attem p t to consolidate the Uni­ d istrict attorney. m aintain one of the most modern and m ake tt. 4 .4' an ts, w here all silverw are Is p<4 l»h versity of Oregon and Oregon Agricul­ F ran k C. C lark of Medford was re­ All the room s a re com fortahl ed and dishes sterilised. appointed by Governor P ierce as a tu ral college, as has been suggested j up-to-date dining rooms th a t is meet- It Is a pl«-asure to have sm h a ' m em ber of th e state board of arch i­ by new spapers in d ifferent parts of | n g with public approval because of furnl'he«!, with plenty of ventllat'on clean and m odern cafe as this to re . te c ts ’ exam iners. His comm ission th e state, will have th e opposition of th e gvrvic8 renderw |. ¡, grow ing In and with eith er bath or hot u n i cold fer the stra n g e r and local people to j G overnor Pierce, according to a state­ d ates from May 20. 1925. ’ ¡p o p u larity all the time. It is thorough w ater. us r««ally gi«od ra tin g places arc not i ! ly m odern and up to-date, and op«ra- T he salary of th e Tillam ook county m ent made by him a t Salem T heirs is tho most popular cafe of Most of us would be sail »fin common At this cafe the food 1» The cases of Tom M urray. Ellsw orth I a t re aso n bale rates. d airy and food com m issioner, now th is seetton. and «tile e v erg ro w in g with either, but little Pat nr prepared In su«h a m anner that the K elley and Jam es Wtllos, convicts, 9175 a month, was ordered by the T h ere Is no g re a te r n ecessity than and large patronage It receives t thought at once come« "th is Is i. i Mountbatten, shown here with her mother, Lady Mountbatten, hu • county court to be reduced to $1 a who a re under death sentence for the th e m odern hotel. W .th the ev.r- to the fact th u t it is clean and 'u n i­ go ld place to eat." m urder of John Sweeney, guard, d u r­ V lh . Reputed to he the rlche-t m onth beginning D ecember 1. increasing num ber of men. who. be­ tary throughout—serves at all tltn> s T he service Is excellent and you i baby In the world, the future heir One of th e larg est w ildcats ever ing a break at th e Oreg< n state peni­ cause of th e ir business, a re forced the most palatub o foods and receives ten tiary on August 12. will be appeal­ will lw more than pleased If you t* l.Every y that ettrned th a t this Is a place w here run on the E nrol" an plan are very .S T A T E OF ( UE<¿( .> s*«rvlc- coni w ith head .u arters in Eugene, w as in­ as proper com pensation for 11 acres can boast of su< h a h >te » ur the dem and is more than s a ts fle d In r«*aaonab»e and the pares favorably with the b« i ho­ . iiAY.M NO V • H!sA î T sud U M ju red when his m otorcycle a id an of ground condemned by the state and oi much recognition over a *ur ohtulnlng food. C ourtesy Is another tels In the country whose rules a" W A T 8 N Co •p«r:r»' ri». P a ln llffs , vs. autom obile collided on th e Pacific out standing feature of th is cafe. ns r * ’ • h i r. i 'ii n Gray, county for th e Baker-U nity sta te high­ rounding country. very much high« r. It Is In « ver) highw ay at W est Spr.ngfield. • t* ,ralt ('. Hol- W e a re glad to refer our readers It a« etna to be a pleasure for them way. h » r«sp 11 a taouera high grail* W ire entanglem ents, w hich have cernh; Dr W illiam We ' , to serv e the public. ««ray and to t i e O shurn Ilo te and point to It Mrs. Mary P. Cushing. 93. eastern i • P. W i m Wal- been under construction at th e Ore­ The cafe business Is a great busi­ an I we refer It to our reader i with as a m odern and up-to-the m inute h.e Hnv (;* ,V P. •i" « A John H gon state p en iten tiary for the past O regon's oldest woman pioneer, both ness w ithin Itself, and does not end out b««siatlon. G :,r. « .■ of jo n n .«r »nd *’ n in age and length of residence, died tel. th a t is in creasing In popularity few week3. a re completed. The w ires r ' s ’so tn«« • •. Hrn •• K l«r*w i T» a re located on top of the prison walls. at the home of a son. W illiam H. Cush­ ! link) ■' r, F t F* 1* u” «¡rev. neceas- ing. on th e Columbia highway, th ree • ; ui o • M < Ti* r j i r* ns - parties M. G. N ease of Portland has filed miles from The Dalles. Mrs. Cushing M’IV ' ;. till»«, es- u n k n o w n eia'.« su it in circuit court at Eugene against had been a resident of W asco county »nt- 11 n. or m ib«* r«»nl th e county court, seeking judgm ent 'nl In the c"Hipin nt hero- since 1853. COMPOSED OF of 324.343.51 alleged due for cruising In D efendants. K lam ath Falls now has a population 100,000 acres of tim b er In Lane coun­ HUMMf’NR FO R P t'H' VI'ION BANK OF COMMERCE of at least 10.000. according to a n , UNITED STATES NATIONAL AND EUGENE LOAN AND SAV To i>- wiiltam v h i .'," tt r a j awl ty FIRST NATIONAL BANK INCS BANK estim ate of Fred Peterson, county , Mina G ray, w lf- of Dr. Wllilum W al­ BANK T im ber valued at 3879 was destroy­ school su perintendent, following com -! T radition calls th ese bunks to con- lace G ray; John S Grav end Mnvme of tradition. In these Institutions the ed or damaged in th e C ascade na­ , pletion of the school census for the Com pletes a m odern banking InBtl- Gray, wife of John h G ray; snd E lisa­ practices, precepts and ex p erlem e of .tractiv e service to business, to the beth T a' or, « id o w th-« unknow n tional forest by fire th is year, ac-I city. The census shows an Increase tution th at Is u n d er th e able direction upbuilding and protection of the fore nelrs of Isaac Gray, d 'c e a a c « ; also cording to a rep o rt on th e fires in of 1730 over last year, with a to tal o f . of financiers who have conducted Its years from the tradition which In­ •s of production and trad e It p e rn i» «'I o th e r per»» ns or p a rt'e s unknown th e forest prepared by Nelson F. Mac­ spires the conduct of th eir staffs. afflrs In acco rd an ce w ith the great 2490 persons of school age. T here has been no crystallxatlon ates the organisation, gives vigor to -la lm in r any rish t. till-, «'state lien duff. supervisor. The firm of Lee and Son of B aker card in al law s governing banking and Ih« personality. Influences the policy or Interest In tn e real «"tnte d es­ One hundred and four m ills rep o rt­ recently made a sale of 80,000 pounds J finance and has b«-en a m ost lmrv>rtant of exeprience to ham per progress but cribed In tn e com plaint n«-rein. I)-- and (1res the sp irit—all to contribute T'.l * ra th e r th e building of a background ing to W est Coast L um berm en's a s s o ' of wool to Boston In terests, the ship­ facto r in th e upbuilding of this sec IN THE NAME GF THE BTATfc which gives guidance and freedom In to th e ex tra m easure of IsmWIng elation for the week ending Novem­ m ent going east by rail. The price tio n o t O regon servie* norm al to these Institutions OF OREGON. You an 1 each of you b er 14 m anufactured 99,989,931 feet of was not announced but the total con Tim e Is n ecessary for the creation m eeting new situations. are herebv reonlr« d to app ear and lum ber, sold 108,78«,654 feet and shiih glderatlon w„ . u u le answ er the com plaint flbxi ag ain st ped 75,495.032 feet. vr u In the sh e • sn m led t'o u rt snd less th an 940,000. Abont 150,000 can s- on o - be»cr, «-„ska from Two hundred ten d irect Inquiries pounds of wool rem ain in Baker ware the date of the first publication of this for agricultural inform ation on Ore- houses unsold, as grow ers a re expect- Bummoo- „nd >f «■"•I f n ' so to so. gon were received during th e first tw o | ng h igher prices. A HOME AWAY FROM HOME p«'sr and answ er for want thereof, w eeks of November bv the i r I settle- The stru c tu re is a m assive building w orthy Institutions of our com unlty 'll«- n laln t'ff will ap ’«lv to th e t'o u rt C onveniently located In Eugene at containing guest room s replete with we would not call a B ooster's Edit on for Ihe r e l'r f tl««randed In the com- pla'nt, tc-w lt: For n deere« of the 9th and W illam ette St., 1» one of the all m odern a c c e ^ .r i e s and provided com plete w ithout the m ention of this t'o u rt ndju>'g|ng and decreeing that m ost m erto p o lltan hotels In Eugeno with i v iry requisite for th«« m ost ex- hotel which speaks for the comunlty the plaintiff« rirc the owner» In fee co ntaining clean, m odern room s at '««»seethed in acting guests. T here Is a sp irit of In general as does any hotel speak for • 'ninl" , * *i’" reasonable prices. ria l hospitality and a l o t «dike a t - ! u «omm unlly in the «yes of a stran g er th«' com plaint her« In. and described In th is co m prehensive review of ns follow s, to -w lt; content- as he e n te rs th " elty. » -g in n in g at th„ N ortheast corner our progress we deem it quite appro­ m osphere erf com fort snd consld ■ There Is no m ore public apir ted of l.«>t Two (21. fractional B in k p riate to m ention a s the prcle of nient. U nobtrusively, quietly ererat.-ly, you a re . rved by a family citizens In the comm,unity limn Hie Tw enty (20). in ihpt p a -’ or th e < Ity th e home people ami striv es to Infuse of capable employ* s and executives m anagem ent of Ibis well-known «• - of Eugene v ltii It was orlyth ill" do. Its 6< rvlce the com fort of home and working harm oniously together, year tabllshm« nt. We a re pleased io com- n n tiil to L an e C o u n ty by r if n r n r l Mnli.c n: ritn n lt" then««. South too the com forts and th e conven < nee the In and year out with Just one ol>- mend them and glvp them In this re- fe i't; thenee W ' t 80 feet; ihenen trav elin g public m ust have. Its repu­ J-ctiv. -th e good will and satisfaction view the prom lnet position th a t Ihelr N ortn HI0 feet to tile iiotlth line of tatio n of being p artic u la r in its ap­ of the guest. thence E ast | progress and rellalf •• policies have 11th Avenue E ast; pearance, Its appointm ents and the T hus in this broad and com prehen- m erited. W e assu re our read ers th it along sai l South tin«1 80 feet to th e place of beginning, being »H unt'd In «are of Its guests and th e stra n g e r in Hive review of our progress, telling nt th is hotel they will receive th' th«, c ity of Eugene, County of mine, Eugene possesses an ad v an tag" in re ­ S late of Oregon. as It does of the o utstanding and m ost beet treatm en t. ferrin g to h 's hotel as The Hoffman. A against lhe aid defendants and enen of them , anil tha, tho said d e ­ ft n ilm '« have not, nor hsve eith e r of tli"in, any right, tile or In terest what-'oevnr In an I to th e raid prom- o r nnv (a r t tln re o f, nnd th at the plu'ntiff's title ip nnd to the said EVERYTHING IN MUSIC nr i’, "■«•» In forever qul t««d ntn, set Ht above Instrum ents can be placed In a reputation for fair and s tra ig h t­ rent ns against the claim« of (lie said C entrally located In E ugene a t 74 forw ard denting. T hey know the defendants nnd elttier or nny of them , E ast 9lh Ave., Is the p opular music your hom es on convenient term s a r ­ and for g, m-ral relief ranged In th e ir cred it departm ent. piano and music Instrum ent values house th a t Is furnishing this section . Ills rum mona is published oneo By reason of th e wide range of and custom ers know th a t when they e a r l w e ik for six succi-urtv«« w eeks of Or« gon with everything musical. T hey a re extensive d ealers In na­ quality anil price It Is very difficult mlako a price, th a t It denotes real *n the Snritigfii'l I N« ws, n n «'«pa­ tionally known Un« - of I’lnnos Includ­ for the u n in itiated th ese «lays Ito and trud value. This Insures the per of general clri’il atlon. printed and published in l.nne County. Oregon, ing the Btelnway, Duo-Art, B telnert, select a piano and g« I full value for The Cloth is a yard square and the Napkin»— custom er of getting an Instrum ent by order of I hi« lion. G, F. Hklpworth, (he r motley unless they a re dealing Hohrfier. W eber, Sleek, Kurtxm an, Judge of the above entitled Court, four of them—are twelve inches. This price in­ K rahauer, Aldrich and Bram bach and with som eone In whom they have worth while anil th eir policy of one which order hears dale th e 211 day of clude» famous ^*>¡3 Floss for working. confidence. For th is reason th ere Is pries a ndetisy paym ents guarantees 8'ovomber. 1025, end th e d ata of the also carry a stock of used Pianos th at first publication of thin Summ ons Is may be secured a t reasonable prices. a general satisfaction In doing busi­ yell full, value for your money Novombcr 2fith, 1925. ness w 'th tin well-known music W hether you wish to purchase a t this T his Is also the home of the fam POTTER Sr FOSTER, tim e or not, come In, they will b« ous Vlctrola In th e various models house. Attorney for PlaintlC s, lt««:-ldenee During the tim e th a t they have pleased to show you th eir pianos or nnd I’nstofflce A ddress. Eugene, O re­ 632 W illam ette Street and also carry a choice selection of been In business th ey have m erited players H ear them , then com pare— gon. N20 1) 3 10 17 24 31 J 7 the latest Victor Records. All the Eugene, Oregon (Paid Advertisement) OREGON NEWS ITEMS OF SPECIAL INTEREST B. Piper Bell Cosmetican R linier Coal Company Osburn Hotel Eugene Clearing House Association Hoffman Hotel Sherman & Clay Co. T h is S ta m p e d T e a - C l o t h a n d N ap k in s w ith Floss QQ i = ==’ prances c/lrt and Baby Shop